Jrff ,ittss: -a "f y. - 57 The Daily Nebraskan LINCOLN, NKB., TUESDAY, DNCHM HKK X, 1W)1. THKIOK CHNTN I',, - "'f.'CTSH )'-.- "-rj i 7 A VOL. 1 NO. 5-1 A FOOTBALL GIANT Coach Booth's Talents Portrayed by an Omaha Nowspaper Ath lete, Literateur, Music ian and Lawyer. Oncol the Omaha papers had I lie lollowlng to sav concerning Coach Hoot h, in a recent Issue: W. II. Hooth, head coach or t lie champion football eh ven of the tinl vcrsitv of Ncnrar.Ka, is in Omaha tor lew oays, visiting former college mates or Princeton, the .school where the bin gridiron Instiuctor learned the k'niiic. J Mr Hoot says iiiat, "he can yet make no statement as to his plans lor next year, since he has decided nothing definitely so far II? Is tho recipient of several oilers of coaching positions at dilTerent universities prominent among which is that Irorn the uni verity of Wisconsin. The coach looks every inch the loitbah ulayer that he is. More than Six feet tall erect and unuFinlly broad with great girth of chest, the lamous center who played on the Tiger team so many yeais at that position, pre sents a most striking figure, one that people turn to follow their eyes. One look at the giant's race and his somewhat remarkable success as an exponent of the college sport is at once understood. Cleverness, origin ality, initiative cnift, all are plainly written tlieie. and behind them Is a look of grim determination and un daunted spirit that explains at once why he holds the an miration and re spect of Ills men so well. Hut "Hiimmy" Hooth is not only an athlete and a born fighter. He is also endowed to an unusual degree witli the gentler tastes and accomp lishments. Possessed of a pleasing voice, which slums plainly its back ing ol a fine physique, the coach's musical attainmets are considerable. Add to this the taste; of a liter ateur. widely cognizant In several languages, and a bachelor's degree in law, and the man who has br night the Cornhusker team up to its pres ent high rank can in no sense be dubbed narrow or ithleics-bound. Mr. Hooth intends to immerse him self completely in tho practico of law after one more season of coaching. v I Ie will return to Lincoln today and will shortly leave for the east, where he will determine upon his next year's whorcabouts. Eventually ho intends to practice his profession in Philadelphia. Thus tar chances are very bright for the retention of the Princeton coach by tho University ol Nebraska. Tho memners of t lie athletic board are enamored of his work and he is a unanimous favorite with the stu dets and the members of the football sauad. Any otlor made him will un doubtedly be duplicated by the Uni versity of Nebraska. Efforts were made by local lovers oi football to secure a post-season , game tor Omaha between the Wis consin team, cluunpion of the middle west, ana the Nebraska team, champion ol the Alissnuri valley states. The contest was placed lor Saturday, December 7, and theNc braskaus had agreed to come, nut a belated telegram from Manager Kll- patrick of the Wisconsin team cut short all further plans. It is said that tho Hadgers had broken train ing and could not-come. CHRISTMAS VACATION. 1 1 lias been definitely announced from the executive olllce that the Christ mas vacatioi will begin Friday evening December 20 and will contin ue until Monday morning January . This will allow students over two weeks ol release from school work. It is longer by several days than it lias been for a nuinbur of years. A special rate of one and one third fares has been made to students on all railroads running out of Lincoln. The time limit set for these rates will conlorm to the vac.it ion period. V. W. C. A. NOTIOS. Toe new I niversit y calenders which have ust been issued h the young ladies of the association are proving a decided success ir the manner in which the students are purchasing them can be taken as a criterion. Yesterday within an hour tourteen ( f them were soul by one firm. An ex amination of the calender will plain ly show tne cause of their popularity. They are souvenirs of the Diversity uud arc fitting ornaments to adorn the room of any students. COACH HOOTH IN CIIAI'KL THIS MORMNU. An address by Coach Hooth will oc cupy the convocation halt hour this morning. The coacn will speak on football. Just what nhase of the subject he will take up h run, an nouced. THE SOPHOMORE TEAM. The Sophomore lootbali team dosed a very sucessful season at Kearney Saturday by defeating the Kearney military academy team. " T I lis was the'last of'a series of "six games; three of which tuey won by decisive scores. The other three resulted in tie games with no score. The Kearney 'naino was the only "uut or town" game scheduled by ;iny class team this year, and was secured through the efforts of Cap tain Wilson, whose home is at Kearney. The game was hotly con tested at all points. The "K. M. A " boys liowe( themselves to be formidable opponents, even 11 lacking the experience ol the "Sophs " The games played and I lie icsults are as follows: Lincoln High school 2nd team, 0, Sophomores (!. Scrubs, 0, Sopho mores 0. Freshmen. 0. Sophomores, 2. Lincoln High School 1st team. 0, Sophomores 0. Sen lors 0, Souho mores 0. Kearney Military Acade my (), Sophomores (i. A letter lias been recently received from Schuyler Miller stating that he has at last reached London and has been joined by Harry Shedd. As he writes he sa)S that the city is envel oped in one of those dense fogs. Mr. Miller also states that he has finally succeeded in obtaining permission to enter the Hritish Museum as a reader and that he is making the nest of his time in going through the documents which ho has been desiring tov ex amine lor some time, and in examin ing the pictures in the art gallaries. John L. Kind, instructor in Ger man in the Omaha high school sperft his Thanksgiving -vacatj'.n in Lincoln visiting at the Delta Tan house. WILL AWARD N'S Athletic Board to Honor Fiftoon MemborB of tho Football Squad A Oraduato Manager a Probability. Fifteen sweaters with thcllarge N, tho olllcial Insignia of the athletic board, will be awarded to as many men at a special meeting of the Hoard to he field within a nay or two. '. The'N's'will b given to those who'; have'earned thc"right iNQvcar them by reason "ol service on the football team during the season just passed It is probable that the mat ter of a captain for nexlyear's team will also receive a share of the at tention of the hoard at t Ins special meeting. Tne choice will be made by the team some time in the future. While no decisive action will ho taken in the matter of a manager for next year until the next regular meeting of tho board, the fitness of various candidates will he discussed. There is a feeling or doubt on the part of the members as Co just what will be done when the time comes to make a choice. As it lies now the question is one between a student and a graduate manager with the chances sor. ewliat in favor of tho lormer provided a suitable one can be found. Only a few applica tions for the position have come in from the student body, and the lacK of good material is evident. The in creasing business attendant on the new position. Nebraska finds herself In makes the place-one of consider able responsmillly. It will Un doubtedly be a matter of but a year or two until Nebraska has a salaried manager. There has heen some talk of select ing II. A. Tukey, last year's manager to look alter the finances of the season next year. Tho story was started by an Omaha paper. It is not thought among football men 'that Mr. Tukey would accept the po sition if it were offered him. Last year a proposition was mr.do to him but was reiused because- of business interests in Omaha. It is not likely that he would leave his business now to devote his- attention to football. Manager Cowgill has not expressed his desire lor a reelection. If a grad uate Is selected for the position it will pronably He between these two. The annual meeting of the "North western Alumni Association" will be held in Minneapolis, Minn., next week. Professor John Hacli McMast qr, of the College and Mr. K. C. Kirk, the Dean of the Dental De partment, will represent the Univer sity at the reunion. The Associa tion is composed of seventy-six Penn sylvania Alumni of whom sixty six are in Minnesota. Tne "Colorado Alumni Association or the University or Pennsylvania" will also hold Its annual meeting in Denver, Colorado, next week. TJie foundation has been laid for tho collego settlement building and the carpenters will begin work the last of the week. Tjero Is only money enough at present to put up the outside, but the rooms will be furnished as qoon as possible. Ed Tomas supplied a pulpit in tho church at Murdock last Sunday. NEW CADET COMMANDANT. Considerable stir was manifested the latter part ol last week when an Item appeared In a city paper to the nflect that Captain Samuel Smoke, of tho United States army, graduate ol Wtst Point Irorn Missouri, had been appointed at Washington, as Com niun.1 of Cadets and Instructor in military tactics at Nebraska Univer sity. It seems that tho appiontmcnt has come about through a personal application of Captain Smoke. This brief Item has caused more than usual Interest because of the unset tled a id dhmptcd stato ol affairs that exists In the military department, and because ol the absence ol all other Information or Knowledge about tho new apnointiuent . It is according to rules and regula tions that a competent regular army oftlcer should be stationed at the sMito univcrsit'es, but since, the breaking out of the late war, when the former commandant was needed for service, no other appointrnonts were to be mane until trouble should cease and it was possible to again station an otliccr here. It has been the desire for some time on the part f the University authorities that a regular army man should receive this appointment and now tho hopes are to be realized. When Captain Smoke- will make his appearance at the University is all a matter ol conlecture as no in formation has as yet been received concerning It. The absorbing ques tion among the canets is, what effect wlli his coming have on tne standing and appointments of olllcers that have been made, or will he made some time in the future. Chrysanthemums at tho green house are almost a thing of past as they arc rapidly fading and decreasing in num- her. The supply Is not large enough in tho first placo arid tiie lack of room prohibits these (lowers remaining rar into tho season. The space they have occupied will be taken oy geranium seedlngs iina cuttings of foliage plants for use next year In campus decorations. Fredrlc V. Taylor, Professor or Horticulture, Mll-U, has presented tho green houses with a very valuable specimen of the l'onsylvanla variety of the red carina. Several plants havo already been uropagated and they will prove useful, additions to next years' decorativo work. A double nasturtium has been added to the plants on hand. It is very rare in the wat but well known in the east Tor decoratio purposes. On account of the lack of room the growing of roses and caruationp, with a few exceptions, has been discontin ued until proper space can bo provid ed. The Botany department and the United States experiment station requires more and more space contin ually Jrtul it Is gradually keeping thoso in care of the g'reonhouses from making additions or ureserving the stock already on hand. It is feared that if more room cannot In tlmo be provided, there will be no way of cultivating and preserving plants for the campus. The Domestic Science class had an excursion to Rudgo & Ouonzel's yes terday to learn the construction of cook stoves. f A t ''J I V Ai 1.1 3