yv - (. P THE DAILY NKBRASKAN. , .wbl" f. , MprfrirsM!nrf'i(i' yfsf?j;',,Pf'j''""Tw9' vv-ari '- " ar'r; ' H nnoncamnctacicininpsincncnnnnaciD ocanaBacacaciiiEacatjacsaDcaccica II PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY H qq Da onHnnnnnnnnnnnnQEnnnnciEJCiEiP QaQQQQQUDQDiaDQaacaDIUDEIDElDID TR HAGGARD, M. D. Office 11(X O Street, Rooms 212 21.1-214 Rich rdfl Block, Tolophono 535. Residence 1310 G Stroot, Telephono L984. DR. BfSNJ. P. BAILEY; Dr. Maj Louise Flanagan; Office, 141 Sou Lb 12th Street. Tolophono G18. V. DAVI8. I). D. S., Dentist. nruiijc an trown worn, wince room 7, ovor Hock Island ticket office. Phone 349. Compliments of the NEW LINCOLN BOWLING ALLEY to the rnivcrsity students. Football team especially invited to call and en joy a nice clean entertainment and healthful exeieise Club rates iven. .John S. Cun, Propr.. 13 1 South Tenth Remember When in need of tailoring, repairing or cleaning in th" clothing line that C. EHLERS Is the man For the benefit of those new students who dont know, his address is north west cor 11th and O, room I, up stairs TMK SHIRT MAKER dress shirts All wlin ap preciate a good fitting shirt of any kind should sec him. HARPER, TH Rooms 5 and 6. 1012 0 Street. A Close Shave haircut, or any thine elpe you want a barber to do for you, at the Y. M. C. A. B khi.k Shop, 13TH AND P STREETS. AT THE Unique Restaurant 12.' 50 O St., and rou will wear a smile. Commutation tickets at a dis Eat count. STUDENTS Who need suits pressed or cleaned should call on hill & CO., 1222 0 St. rii M line v i ? : lv ' i i t n till a i ant French Organdies Is nly one line in our Stationery. We have other.-) you should see. Among-our BOX PAPKTU RTKS will bo found some of elegant goods as well as cheaper. Prices from 10c to $1.. "),"). A choice lino of Tally Wilson & Hall, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, II330 STREET. Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS. Portrait and Lansdcape Photographer I3Q South nth Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. OALLERY ESTABLISHED 1871. Local and Personal. The Co-Op. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Rov. F. W. iinROti of tho Holy Trinity Episcopal church will speak on "Footbah It's Placo nruJ value" on Thursday, Deo. f at tho Llnoolr A carle my. Flno fura, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Square meals at Francis Br s. The Hygienic Cnfe, 31G So. 12th st. Steele, the furrier 14.1 So. 12th st. l)r Woodward, occulist, Itleh'ds hlk. Puy yonr Uunderwoar at the 1'nni- ous. Wohlonupru's: Pipes, Canos and Cigars. Don Unnieron's lunch counter, 111 So. 11th st. The "Now Onturv, Printing and Engraving 1 1 2.1 N St. l'lione HUO. Come now for your Christmas pho tographs. Townsend's Elite Studio. The ouriK ladles of Oallala, havo Introduced basket ball into their regular Kymnasium schedule This speaks well for a little t(wn of less than half a thousand. Tho New York Air Hrako Co., have Informed Professor Richards that they have sent to the departmont of Mechanical Engineering a complete sot of their air brake appartus. Miss Jloion Field dollvorcd a parlor address on tho Roycrofters and their work Thanksgiving cvonlng at Sid ney. Iowa. She spent the reminder of her vacation at Shenandoah. Iowa. Do you want to rent a piano? Call on tho Matthews Piano Company, 1120 O st. The Eleventh Hour Uub met with Laura White and Winifred Wolg.imot last Frldaty evening. Installation of ofllcers with Laura Buchanan as installing officer was the principle business of the evening. Refresh ments consisted of cheese-straws and dates. The Orcndorfs Company or Chicago, $i:i.f)0 suits to measurc'at Clllicks i:i2 South 12th. The stork paid Prnfcwir and Mrs. Morse a isit last week leaving them a baby girl The alumnae Delta Camillas in the city, wero entertained informally Monda night. The University of Nebraska M01 thly j Magazine Tho Arrow Head is now out. This number is nn exceptionally good one, contoining aoverul cartoons on local I subjects. Bixbv'n donate, cadet ap oint ments, otc, besidoB two short storiep; I aomo funny sketches; Mr Dooley on the ' Kiinsun gnme; a football souvenir of the BOiifon 1'JOl on onn puo, ly Dollanscn, a few j en ski tehee hete and there; and editorials. s,. II. McCau returned this mo 11 Ing from Hooper Nebraska, where he pent the Thanksgiving iccess. Misses Clara and May Edholm en tertained thoir parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Edholm, of Omaha, over Sunday. For a present to a Iriend you can find nothing neater than the now horn nocUles Fleming ia showim at 1211 O street. H. C. Whitmore, 'f).". 'Isemployed in tlie contracting department of the standard Hridgo Co , jyllh head (liiatters m Omaha The new university Calendar-? have l)cen pub on sale at the stores during the past week. Thev are very neat and attractive, consist ing of a large folio or four pages. Each page has a drawing representing some phase of University life and an accompanying half tone of some one of the Univer sity buildings. A fine cut of the Chancellor adorns the front page. They are sold for the benefit of tho University Y. W. ('. A. the drawings having been made by two ol its mem bers. Ml ims I h len Field and Elsie Blandin. A large nuinl cr of Alumac fhd Alu mni members of the University were visiting In the citv on -Thanksgi viig and taking in the big game. Alex Low, Fay rls'eely and Rob Gaines torined a hunting party and spent pait of their vacation on ; hunting trip near Ashlano. Cordon Clanvllle was unfortunate enough to oe conlincd to his honle at the l'l Delta house the- greater part of last week with la grippe. Miss Flossie v rohor. of Omaha, rormerly a student at tho University, visited lrit-ods hero during the past week. She returned home Saturday. Claude II in man, Ifor 'two years a student at the University, is visiting lis brother, Dr. Ilinman. He Is teaching science in the David City High School. Word tomes that Fred Cooiey. 'OP. who has been in the employ of Den ver Fire Clay company has resigned lis position in order to ace- pt a nucli botter oiip with tho Standard Firo UrloJ Company of that city and A'UOb'' A the regular meeting ot the En- Jgirieciing Society last Wednesday night E. F. Miss. '02 gave an inter esting dOMMiptlon or "Elect tic Rlock Signals" such as are used on the j Pennsylvania Railroad, east of Pitts- bmg. In l he business meeting fol lowing Mr. Bliss' talk, tho following .nen were elected to membership in tlie society: Messrs Dobson. Uies siiiRton, '. E. Ruck lev. R. E. Turn er, Itainbridge, Ferguson, Searls, jjiirson, Warren, Roard, Holmes and Soderholm, G. W. Rrooks was then elected librarian to open tho engine ering library every evening, as pei tho invitation of tho Chancellor. ' Tho editor-in-chief of the Engine ering Annual reported that Alumni from whom contrlbul ions wero re quested, wero responding in a very enthusiastic manor. Tho book will bo prolusely illustrated and it is ex pected that it will bo published about the lirst of March. Some of the contributors aro .1. A. Sargent, ox M)S and A. E. Carter, ex-'ui), of Havana: R. C. Yates, 'UUfot Lead. South Dakota.; E. C. Willyoung, E.E. '93 of isew York: T. E, Pade Isalc '90 of Newport Nows.Va. ; Pro fessor Morgan Brooks of Urbana. III. After some discussion it vaff decid ed to havo a "amokerf' in tlie near future and C. W. Eugel was appoint ed chairman of bhti committee to have this matter in charge. And now dear people, pause and think, Of all your urgent needs, But don't forget to boy, and soon, A bunch of "Tumble Weeds." $1 At All Bookstores. Autograph Edition, $1.25. : Allegretti f and I Lowney's t Chocolates ; RECTOR'S I t The Football Season Is oer, but that wil not make it lcsobligat ryupon yen to furnish "Ihm with ( hocolutes. Buy the Macll Ic nd and sin- v i I aluay-,l)c pk-ascil R. W. MAXWELL CO. Makers jf CI joJ Chocolates, uir. o Kin.pt and 2G5 South 11th Street (Jlli Ji Oi MCNAYj icncr. H111 'made ovcr flnntiot S,ooos(tof tcttli. A good hct of Uullllolf Icctli, J5 00 jj K Cold crown 101 A fl Qfrnot hier iillniKs 50 ccnt and ZI4 U OirtJUl) up. C.ol.l fillii.Ki J1.00 and I tUPni U "p '' c c extracted without paiu NEBRASKA? HtV THU rr'ACU- Every now Stndont calls on James Hearn 237 So. nth street A.nd has his moasure taken for th Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms manufactured by Zb Ffendfrji0nJJnit3 Co. .. Kalamazoo, Wl$ KODAKS 117 1.""' . E. DePUtROM WE SELL Ik A & ill 'W S ; 5 ii 4 f a m vJlil Al '4 1 , ,11 ' i A A X r 4 'I s :U ' t . t .t - "rftfj v" 'I 1 I 41 ;z rtr I