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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1901)
,A wi. v The Daily Nebraskan j VOL. J NO. 5.'i LINCOLN, NKIi., MONDAY, DKCKM HVM 'J, 1!K)1 r & .V FOOTBALL SEASON ENDS Haskell Defeated by a Score of 18 to 10 on Thanksgiving Day. Other Football News. I tik'iin i Inns Mcduoll I. II V h lie. I I'lllflbury Nebraska won from tin Indians but. what a scare. 18 to lo. And the 18 made in the last twenty minutes of play. It looked mighty cloudy for Nebraska for a while but Mender, Drain and the, team dispelled the shadows, letting in a Hood of sunshine at the right time. Three hara earned t inch downs with as many goais made the score for Nebraska while two Meld goals of tho mighty Main figured up the 10 points of the Red men. It was a whirlwind rally ou the Corr.husker's side and a cyclone " collapse of the Indians that brought about the pleasing linale to what, up to the last fifteen minutes of piay, looked like sure defeat lor Nebraska. During tho early stae of play it looked Haskell from every side. The nam ted chiefs equalled the Cornhuskers on offense as well as di -tense and punting The condition of the Nebraska team told in the long i mi and when the end of the tight approachid a shadow ot dillerence became apparent It lapiuh became ti plainer and the balance so long tilted on the Indian's sine shitted where it belonged and wheie it finally rested. The Indians could do nothing, with thn punches ana rushes of the white men. It was one sioed for fifteen minutes at least. During the first half Haskell scored her all, 10 points, one of Main's kicks being from the riiirt.v-five. vnid line. Twice during the half Nebraska cairied tho pig skin within the ten yard line and on the second occasion the ball was all but over, Deing on the 1 yard line. Ueferee McDonald got In his little ponaltv once, giving the ball to. .the Indians, while it was lost on downs the second time. Nebraska was strong on offense bill the Indians played great ball. Then came the second, the phenom inal, the sensational, the wonderful second Haskell kicked off lo Drain who returned the ball thirty yards. It was a keen well blocked urn thai pleased the crowd. Till punted far down tho Held and soon by enn runs and line plunges Nebraska had the ball on tho Indians 1 yard line. Till was sent o?er through the line. JIo .says he yelled "down" but Kefreee McDonald did not near him and as tho ball was pushed back onto the field oy the hair crazed warriors, it was theirs on downs. Nebraska de served this credit. This was one of McDonald's acts that made him ex tremely unpopular with everybody. Tho Indians kicked out of danger. Again the Cornhuskers toiled until & the ball rested within ti inches of tho Scoring line when tho Indians held for downs. They punted. Then Ne braska for tho third time began a march. This time the Red men could not check the plays and Pill waB finally sent over 15 minutes be fore the tinaj call of time. Drain kicked coal. Tho crowded bleachers, tho packed grand-stand aiose to a man and yelied and howled itself hoarse. Then tno Cornhuskers buckled In harder than ever and, mighty In every play, soon made another touch down, Hell being pushed over. Drain kicked a second goal. Score 12 to 10. Ne braska had won. Everybody sighed relief and satis- nillcIaLs - McDonald, Omaha, ref eree; Kennedy. Chicago, umpire: Tukcy, Omaha, and Klilck, Fremont, timekeepers; Fred Cornell. linesman Time of halves .lo minutes Coals from field- Maine. 2 Touchdowns -Pillsbury, Hell, Mend er There was a unification meeting at the training table at dinner time. The old guard assembled for the last time around the table Songs were sung, speeches made -ind farewells ... rm. .. i .. i . -1 .... I anion inc tension so mgn strung s,l, u was Ul0 cilmax of ., suir nad been relieved, nut there were other things that were soon to come. Drain on a delayed nass hit olT, 40 yard-; arourd the Indians right ends, fighting through tnc surprised and now defeated Indians Then came Mender's 7.") yard run for a touch down Mrew and Wcstover opened a breach in tno Indian's line large enough to drivo a load of cord wood through and Mender scampered thru the line and into the open neyond He dashed like a rac horse down the field pursued bv ten Indians and Mrew. Niguel lay between Mender and clear water Hut the stiff arm guard threw this lonesome brave to the side at the eiy time I'a Mrew destroyed the pursuing foe bv top pling the foremost and most danger- season (Quarterback Ralph Drain was voted the Tricky indmdual medal for the host all around playing of the season. Tho team attended tlie Oliver in the evening. When the men separated In t lie night outside tho playhouse and each went ills way, the foot ball team of Mini was no more The victories remain with Nebrasua as history. MANAGER COWCILL TALKS. Nebraska can feel satisfied with the showing she has made this jear Stie has entered into the ranks of the foremost colleges in the middle west and Is recoghied by the "Mig nine" as a worthy antagonist to any of them. PERSHING RIFLES HOP Lincoln Hotel, Friday Night, December 6th. Uniforms Will Be Worn. ous Indian to ground. Mender scored and Drain kicked goal. Score IS to 10. Pandemonium was it. People usu ally sane, resemblid ostriches in their awkward pranks. Each vied to beat the other In showing approval and Joy. Hundreds surged from the side lines and some carried Mender on their shoulders a thing which all would 1 i kc to hae done The band struck up hot -time, the squad counted 18, pennants waved, people yelled, hats were in mid air, every body raved. During the remaining two minutes Nebraska forced the ball down the Held at will. The hair ended with the ball in tho Haskell's count ry in Nebrasica's hands. Many of Captain Westover's men were carried from the gridiron on the shoulders of ad miring friends Afterward the band headed an enthulastlc crowd of ir00 or 2000 ptople who cakewalked and sang through tho principal streets. Thus ended the most exciting, most memorable and most successful season that Nebraska rootball has ever seen. Tho lino up: IndmiiB Position. NebrabUn. IIhumt R. E Cortiyou Tomahawk Sli inter Haitm U. T Weetover Dubois . .. R. G Mrew Car' C Koouler Nedwater L. O Malonoy Oliver L T Kingnbury Felix L. EI. Shedd Ahiquetto Q. Hv. Uram PuIIib It U.Jj Buuder LlauBer This has been the most successful year Nebrsaka has ever experienced in athletics, particularly in football. The start was made last fall when the athletic board treasury ended the season actually out of debt and even had a small nest egg on hand ror 11)01 A football season is not successful unless the results financially are en tiiely satisfactory The total am. -tint of receipts for this season amounts to $ Of this $1,000 has been ex pended leaving a net amount in the treasury ot $ above all expendi tures for the year. This amount will play no unimportant feature in next years season. Of the $1,000 expended. $1,000 was used in the erection of the new grand stano; $."IK) was used in the erection of the new board fenco around the field, ano tho improved semaphore; the remainder was expended in salar ies ror the coaches, team outfitting, medical attendance, training taule, advertising and other expenses in cluded in tho campaign. With tho present prospects, next year's season will, or ought to be more successful than the one just ended. Games have practically been sched uled with Minnesota. Wisconsin and Northwestern, with dates and place or playing as yet undertermlneo. la addition there are slight possi bilities of a game with Iowa. In case Iowa fails to make a date Nebraska will have at least throe big (Continued 6n pugfj 4,) TIimOK CUNTS THE CHANCELLOR Spoaka to tho Young Men of the Univeraity---New Oadet Oommmdant. Chancellor Andrews spoke yesterday afternoon to the oung men of the University in I ho new chapel ano was heard by a goul audience of students and University prOfessjrs. Dr Andrews in Ills opening words spoke of tho place the theories or Huxley. Darwin and auostics held and had held In public opinion. Kn larglng on their Ideas lie mentioned that even Iluvloy says that we should not atllrm that there lisno God, ano scientific men as a rule do not say that the existence of a God should lie denied "The rational attitude that man should have toward religion is the rational attitude. If a man wants ti respect his lire and the oest that is In him, lie should have a thought of God. Religion Is the true attitude and agnostici'.tn lb not good ror man. Tn ore are u lew who always romtnrt themselves with the supp sed fact that the difficulties that present themselves to man are naturally done away Can we believe thatv Can we sa that a God lias not guided some or out great men and led tlicrnv "The banishment of God from this world does not take away the pros pects or a new wot Id. This Is a sad world and full or pain, but in the hope ror a ruturo new world arter our existenco here, nothing better could bo olTered unless we oelievc there was a God. It is natural ror a man to believe that God guides uti and will guide us Into the next world. ''My the hypothesis "T Darwin, it Is Uj some extent an accepted fact that ir it be true, the religion or God is not true. This point of view may be found among those who have not giver! it deep thought or among the young. Hut tnere is no basis to that conclusion. The Darwin hypothesis is true as long as biological science is concerned but tor a general hypothe sis it cannot apply "to everything. No account can be made or the leap from Inorganic to tho organic with out the thought ol a supreme maker or God. Darwin hud only to do with how there was an evolution, out -rut what the cause )l that evolution was. It has never been determined. You need aJpd as much after the concep tion of religion as before that-conccp-tlon. "It lias been said that the HI hie is not exactly flawless, but it is impos slole to read the Miolo now as it has always been read. Eacli new investi gation or both tho new ana old testa ments gives us new thoughts. The Hible is not for the purpose or teach ing history, sclonco or literature, but to guide men's lives and develop them morally and spiritually. If the Hible is not wholly complete the lack Is made up In other sources ana for a most part they act as supple mentary works to strengthen its aoc trlues. " 'The Hiblo can be attacked here and thero, but still it ojclbts whole. The moral character or stunds out more and more beautiful the more it Is Investigated. The moral and spiritual teachings have become grander and bolder. "The attitude of toaay Is different (Continued on page 2 ) t ' J I Tl 1 A 3 4 J ft i J ( 'M :m ,1 tf ess :m j i .& m $ ja.3 ri 'i ".. y -iZJij,'