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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1901)
I,trr .-. r--ny m n win n 4ZT- -T" " ' Timitimfiifiii ,.,? Ki Jr .LaMMH' Kn . 'ML i "ZTy THE DAILY NEBRASKA. B lu V j i An article on tnc Tropsof thcTJicat IMalns," will appear In the fourth volume or tho Cyclopedia or Amor 4can Horticulture. Ucan Uccko announced Mint in his classes after vacation, are not in the room neforc tho roll call Ik completed will he marked absent. Dr. (Jrccn's lecturc'to the jutnor law ciasH Friday was well attended hy a number or lawyers rrom: town. 1 1 is Huhject was Complete Paralysis. A GLAD THANKSGIVING, w K trust that all the people will, on Thursday next, find time for a clay of rest and 1 hanksgivin for the efood things ot hie. Our great I hanksgiving- Sale was prompted by desire to give substantial expression to our appreciation to our host of patrons and to give each and all an opportunity to lay in a winter's supply of Shoes and Clothing at genuine money saving, prices. Hen's Fine Suits at Thanksgiving Prices. Miss Jones took her class in Domes tic Science to a down town meat -market yesterday afternoon, in order 4.0 kivc them a prnctical lesson In the cutting or beef. Miss Heron's class In municipal ifovcrnment arc taking up inciividual Iv, tho various governments of eastern and western 31I101, preparing a report -tui some one city. Alviu A. Steel, 9 who for the past venr has been In DuranKO. Mex ico, as minimi engineer with the .Sanger nando Mining Co., expects to pcn"ci Christmas at his home Om aha. The departmental botany received n call from Teter Youngcrs of Gene va, tho llrst of this week. He came to mince inquiries in repaid to some diseases of appie roots to which his attention has been called. T. II. Snodnrass, of .Johnson coun ty called at the department of bot any this week in order to cooler witn Mr. O'Cara in regard to the diseases of fruit trcrs. Mr. O'Gara's studies show certain diseases to he much more harmful than is generally sup posed. The vacation Tor the school of Music lasts only lor Thanksgiving day, lessons going on on Friday and Saturday the same as usual. Although many students will go home for a few days tho teachers and -Instructors will be here to give Jessons to those who remain. At $9.75 About 500 Men's Suits, all this season's make, from strictly pure Worsteds, black, blue and fancy colors. Also the genuine "Auburn Melton" in black, brown, gray and fancy checks. We also, in clude the famous "Graylock Mills" pure wool cassimeres. The different line of suits in cluded have been sold by us all the season up to $15 a suit, and you can take your choice of the entire line dur ing this sale at $9.75. Re member this great sale only holds good until Thursday. Get in line quickly and your Thanksgiving will be the happier. AT $13,751 500 Men's Fine Suits -a splendid assortment of pure wool fabrics representing such mills as the 'Titchburg" and "I Iockanum"which stand at the forefront of American Worsted weavers. The line also includes the finest grades of finished and unfinished Worsteds, plain and fancy weaves, also velvet finished Cassimeres and swell styles of fancy Cheviots. In many of the styles we have full lines of sizes, in other styles odd sizes only. The entire line of Suits have been among this season's best sellers at $15.00, $16.50 and $18.00. Your choice of entire line at $13.75. First choice will be best. Come early. 1' We also have a very tlemen. Vici Kid, Patent Le all at one price, $1 98. They Thanksgiving Neckwear in the new Holi day styles. 25c up. remarkable sale of Fine Shoes for Ladies and ( ien ather, and the different kinds of Calf, in new sh.ipes, are worth up to $3.00 a pair. See our new "Varsity" and PanAmercan Hats. They are swell. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Free. Prlc Reasonable. 12380 Street, mnnecbrln' Stand Up For Nebraska Boys. ,iB j2J3l jlBiJ I B V. 15. Houun, Law, '01, is collecting for an Omaha law firm and in the meantime trying to build up a law practice of Ills own. Ipr SHERMAN GRAVEL r-iHirernliiR which so much has len hulcl. Ih a dlblDteKi-utud mica Knuilte. It has been chumh'iilly prepared hy tho roat lire of nutui In prohlorlc: cluys .ho as . Kriul- mliy wold together with all tho lloxlblllty of nsnhalt and tho durability of granite. This cravol Is quarried ut Sherman. yo , on tho Union PurMlllc, and used on that load for ballast. Travellers over -the Union Pacific therefore escape the dust and dirt which niaked a trip over the lines of Its lebb fortunate rivals so nnuoyluK NO DUST. NO IHItT. NO JAllRlNO. BMOOTH AM) EASY HIDING. Tin full Information call on or address E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. Boarding Club can sec tiro dining room, kitchen and waiting room. Cen trally located. L"w rent. Enquire at Value's Clothing Store. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE yo Traoc Marks DC8IQN8 C0PVRIQHT8 Ac. Anyone ending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Inrentton Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly oonBdentlal. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tptcial notice, without charge, In the Scientific American.' A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I-artiest cir culation of any sclentlno journal. Terms, $3 a roar ; four months, $L Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.361Bd New York Branch Office. CK F St . Washington. D. C. Are you Going to California? Oall and get Printed Matter that will giv yu full information aa to its Cliiwe, Resources amd the best way to get there. City Ticket Office, Bnrllngton Depot, Corner 10th and O Streets. 7th Street, Bet P anfl Q. Telephone 335. Telephone 25. O ey4Oea4W44ft0A9494H4 ( V. $ i ft 1 I