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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1901)
1 ' i I THE DAILY NKBRASKAN. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY gg DO , no Eac7aEucut.'acaccacaE!taDiiE!!UE!ucia Local and Personal. R. HAGGARD, M. D. Office 1100 Street, Roonm 212 2l:j 214 Rich J R. 1310 Q Street. Telephone L984. rdH Block, Tolophono 5.T). Residence, DR. BBNJ. F. HA1LEY; Dr. May Lou i so Flnnajjan: Office, Ml South 12th Streot. Tolephono G18. L.1; DAVIS. I). D. S., Dentist. Hridgi and Crown work. Office room 7, over Hock Island ticket office. Phone .ll'l. Remember When in need of tailoring, repairing or elenninir in Ihn clothing line that C. EHLERS Is the man Kor the benefit of those new .students w ho dont know, his address is north west cor 11th and (), room I, up stairs The Co-Op. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Tot Roast Day at, Francis l?rns. The Hygienic Cafe, ?.IG So. 12th at. St eile, the furt ler in So 1 ! L 1 i st . Dr Woodward, ooculist.' Ilich'ds hllc. Meals 1 .")(, Fales restaurant, i:i:i.l (). liny your Uundcrwear at the, 1 unions. HARPER, TIIKSHIKT MAKER makes dress shirts tht fit All who ap preciate a good fitting shirt of any kind should see lniflT Rooms 5 and 6. 1012 0 Street. Wohlenheru's: Cigars. Pipes, Canes and Mr. Lipp has been pledged to Delta I'psilon. A Close Shave haircut, oranj'thincr else you want a barber to do for 3'ou, at the Y. M. C. A. BakmfkShoi', 13TH AND P STREETS. Don Cameron's lunch counter, lit So. 1 1 LI) st. HAMATE ON ANARCHISM. The achate in English 11 this arter noon will bo on the question: Re solved That the propagandists of unurchy should he dealt with us criminals. The speakers will be Messrs Peterson, Ryinei, (Jiiitin and Pai nu'iiter. Professor lioss will assist In cril iri.s'ng the dehaie. .1. E. I taker. Mcrcur, Utah. "01 is teaching at. The seniors are expecting their oi)s a 'id canes hv ThanksgU ing. There is some talk 7" I' the Law school attending the Thanksgiving iiatne in a nody. Most, of tho boys of the Junior Law class are expecting to eat, Thanksgiving turkoy at honie. Mr. Gilmnro of the .ninior Law class has been serving on the county court juiy the past, week. Edwin Chapin, of Omaha, spent Sunday with tho Phi Psis. The German department, is goinu to have several sessions at the com ing state teacher's association. Professor Hodgnian led tho meet ing in chapel yesterday morning. MissPerkins ol the School of Music will izive a dinner party 'in Thanks giving flay at the School ot Mii-dc. The Pailallas will have a Thanks giving "feed" Wennesdav niirhl. The courses in convetsationai Ger man are unusually large this year, there being ovcrtr in the two classes. w , AT THE L'ul Restaurant '2?,0 () St., and you will wear a smile. Commutation tickets at a dis- STUDENTS Who iieod .suits pressed or cleaned should call on HILL & CO., 1222 o st. Kir si elm surrk h m : J: 1 1 n ( i i 1 1 t w GET A MEGAPHONE and a PENNANT And yell for Nebraska Thanksgiving Day. We sup ply everything- but the yell. Wilson & Hall, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 1 1 3 3 O STREET. Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital. Special attention firon to llieae of wom and all surgical disennes. X-ray esiminaUo with no dlboWort or injury to patieni. KT rythlnrus homelike a possible. Board and room reasonable. 1117 L ST. LINCOLN. P. O. Box 951. Teleplioaa r OR. J i Si MgNAYi lenw. Hm made over V n.MtUt 3,000 sets of teeth. A koo4 et oi ) UQilllSIl teeth, 13 oo 92-K Gold crown Js- I 5 I ih Qtrmmi Silver fillin 30 cent, aiid 214 U O1F8II1 up. Gold filTincs i.oo atjd I iiinni u up- 'rcel" tracied wii"0"1 pn ItDllAoNAi 1.114O Street The New Centurv, Printing and Engraving, VH "N St. Phone k:io. Walk ovet shoes lor men; Sorosls foi women. Wchster Rogers 10 n () St. Do .ynu want to rent a piano J (Jail on the Matthews Piano Company, 113) O st. Westerlield has a Thanksirh ing haircut waiting for, you at 117 No. 13th street. For students: Those l ovals and $1 panels at Pass' Photographic, Stu dio, 102; () St. 'ervSwell. The termed sole shoe for luaies. aL Webster - Ho gers. ion O street. KODAKS WE SELL 117 ST DyE. DePUTJQN I! X. T's "Kids' are goon ones, hut they don't like to stay jit home. Ad ler'siJl. Pemns $l..r0. Robert Graham Is siiffcrim: irom appendicitis. lie has had an opera tion pet forrneti ang Is now improving The IJnherslty 7iire-licstrji. rehersal to have been held Mondav cenlng November 2). was postponed until next Monday. The class in Physics, has taken up the study of lenses in light. This is considered the most clifllcult part. in this year's work. Owing to the resignation ol Mr. Kind several changes have been made In th? German department. Miss Clianiuerlaln has taken Ptotcssor Fos ter's class in German Lrylcs ana Hal lads and Professor Fossler has taken charge of Mr. Kind's classes. Yesterday attcnojn Professor Har oer addressed the class in Pedagogy on methods or teaching Latin. Two or three more oiubs have neen organized among the Junior Laws for" the purpose of discussing class work. ' Chas II. uYinan of Hooper, a stu dent in the Pre-medic, course last year, visited at the Delta Tan house last night. The young ladies of Delta Delta Delta held their animal banquet in honor of the founding or the nation al sororitv and of tho local chapter, Saturday night at the Lincoln. The ordinary of tho hotel was elaborately decorated In the colors ot the soror ity, silver, gold and blue. The table was in the form ot to GrceK letter Delta and was set with crystal candle sticks holding candles of the sorority colors. The lloral decorations wero roses and chrysanthemums. Tho fol lowing young ladles wore called upon by the presiding ufllcer. Miss Sophy For a present to a friend you can ' Koehler, to respond to; toasts: And noMnnu neuter than the new I Misses Maysle Ames, Clare Maekln, horn novelties Fleming is showing ' Adnello Cady, Winifred Clmdwlck. at 1211 (") street. AgnesAJascbeer and Grace Losch. Those who participated in tho ban There will be no open dull of the quet were: Mrs. W. G. Morrison ana Pershing.Ritles on December ." as Mrs. Ode Hector, patronesses; Mrs. announced some time ago. It Is os-, Manahan, Misses Mamie pecially desired that every man be Miller. (J race Losch, Nannlo Frank- present on that date, however, as matters of s eciul interest will come up Mi, Lucy Haywood. Zeda Wilson. Pertha DuTell, Grace Fails, Maysle Ames, Winifred Chad wick, Ethel Charles E. Williams was called to IMgneb, Agnes Casebeer, Lulu Wal New York last week owing to the ker, Edith Whittier, Pearl Power, sickness or Mrs. Williams. It is Hazel Murray, Sophy Koehler, Eona thought an (peration is necessarv G'ind, Josephine i'oynter, Eola Auld, and that Mr. Williams will not be 1 Florenco Roberts, a r nolle cady, back to the University for a few ' Clare Mackin and Margaret Griml weoks. ' son. Heavy Cotton Union Suits For Hen ll you want heavy, cold weather underwear and yet cannot wear wool, we have just the thing to suit you. Heavy, ad cotton, fleece lined union suits. The quantity limited. At present we have all sizes. Price $1.00 Each. Miller & Paine. You Can Buy Your Thanksgiving Candies at The CoOp. Our Bon Bons The Best. Home Made Candy Try It. The Co0p UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Demand High-ClacH AMUSEMENTS Our llilliard Parlor is up-to-date nnd absolutely free from immoral influence. Phone 586. POWELL'S, 146 N. nth i'l i I l 4 ;i Ti "i ? i .1 v i i , d '! w M tr