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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1901)
1 -.1 WWll "W" "" Kill I' j-t-a: dVHTV' (T.M. JMjfiTT tw "' 11 ii mm?m THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. & mmvmmtiyj&'' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN k nrwpapor doTotoit to the interests of th UniyeriUy of Nohru sWn. rubligliefl at 134 North 11th St , by THE HESPERIAN TUB. CO. - ( Incorporated.) WIRKCTORB: J. W. Crnbtrco, President. G. L.Towna, Hoeretnry-Treiiurer. .7. I. Wyor, T. J. Howntt, K. W. Wmdiburn. Jtkhmno H .McCaw OeoeobV Shidler Mnrining Editor Ast. Manager - Atliletlc Editor REPORTERS. R. C. Tollnrd, fJJ ' r4;OIV7i,lir l er' NorrU Husr. K. T Hill, J. R. Farnej, CHIT Crooks John A. Wilson. Linn M. Huntington ' Tbo subscription pries of the Daily Nobrai kon la 12 for tlio college year with n regular de llrery before clmpel enck day. Notices, com munications, and other matter Intended for pub lication, must be handed In nt the Nebraiknn office before 7-p. m..or mailod to the editor be fore .1 p. m., of the day previous to that day on hich they are oxpected to nppoar. Subicrlption may be left at the NebraaUan office, at the Co.Op., or with Business Manaaer. Hub-cribers will confer a fa tor by reporting promptly at this office- any failure to receUe the PAu"chanKes In adTertWing matter mutt lie in the office by It p. m. on tho day previous to that n which they are to appear. Address nil communication to the Dally No braaVan, 1J4 N. lltb Bt., Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone 479. Hon over their success', with bonfires, parades and other cohere manifesta tions of Joy. Missouri lias been tumbled by a $nsodc and twenty-live Sop'io nioies have been suspended. Kntort'd lit tho post ofllco nt lmoln. Net) :iw second cliiss mull nmtt-cr Professor Hills of Yale visited the I'nlversitv yesterday. (Jo to the game tomorrow. It will bo the last opportunity for almost a car. The senior laws Inning adjusted their dinioulties wih probably settle down now and study a little law. COLLEGE NOTES. Kifty-four men participated in tlie tjist football g.uuc between Vale and Princeton 111 H7:l. The football gamo evei played in the United States took place be tween Harvard and Yale in 177(. Minnesota lias challenged Wise.msln 10 a debate. WKSLKYAN DECLA I M KKS KN TERTAIN. Last Knday evening the Palladians were favored with an attraction of iiiiusul merit . After a well rendered introductory number of music, a vocal solo by Mr. Hansen, the pro gram was one nt Elocution The three yourm ladles who furnished the entertainment are representatives from the department of Elocution of the Nebraska Wcslevan University, and are certainly a credit to the in stitution. Miss Van Cott gave the first, 'a oitlicult selection. "How the Church was'built at Keyhole's Har." In res ponse to an cncoie she recited Kiley's "Seein' Things at Mht." The second was from Miss Kussell. who cxcells in pathos. Miss Russell's response to an encore was in a lighter vein. Miss England gave'" tho third number "A "Newyear's Day," which Is a descriDt inn of a illage parson, in a horse race. In response to an encore the audience was give a poem illustrative or child-sorrow. Mrs. England is the Miss Troupe wno won the first prize in the stato oratorical contest last spring. The fourth nuni ner on the program consisted of two short selections by Miss Van Cott, "Home Made Faity Tales" ana ''Bobolink." Miss Russell's second selection was "Calls" followed by "The Hear Story," a touch of child humor" by Miss A'an Cott. The Palladian will welcome another visit from these peo ple at gome time in the near tuture. vou May bo disinterested. Will interest you. iiii&M'$riJbiMiiliiriii& SPEAKING J OF & FINE CLOTHES! It's time for you to bo looking up your heavy suit or overcoat. If g; v you arc stylish dresser, Inst years overcoat or suit will not do at ". ) all. 1 lie latest tiling in overcoats is the broad shoulders, long and t full in the back. The coat u e turn out is the nobbiest thing you g; ever saw- ()fords, blacks, golden, brou n and blues While In suits 35"' ? we show the swell eastern creations in fane) ( hcvm's Vicunas, ( tc ?' 5 You huvo to see them Come right along. j: ' Suits. 57 .")() to r-'I.OO. Overcoats. $7.50 to 830 0(1 I Ewing Clothing Company t j 1115 and 1117 () St., LINCOLN, XIOH. ' ipwwp mmmmwmmwwmwwm You Ought To Have a new pair of shoes if you go to the game. If you 0 home I hey will be equally necessary. We have the shoesCome in PERKINS & SHELDON, 1129 O ST KEFI1. Wisconsin has a squalling squad or thirty men included in the military department. Minnesota held a football kicking contest for the football men in which trials lor honors wore made by nine men by live punts for distance, two kick olTs, three drop kicks rrom tho 25 vard and three from the U) yard line and three place" kicks from tho 15 and 30 yard lines. Knowlton the champion kicker succeeded in holding his place by a small score of four points ovor ids contestants. Rogers and Bidlako won second and third places respectively. Tho rooteis' clubs of Minnesota arc furnishing themselves with souvenirs of gopher's tails tied with maroon and gold ribbons. ROOTERS. Rooters of squad number four will occupy seats at tho'north end ol the cast bleachers during tin Haskcll-Ne-braska game. Do oii'- duty, bring a triend or two, some mega phones and make your last opportunity to do successful rooting a climax. Squad number two will kindly gather in the accustomed place in chapel this morning. Occupy t lie central position of the last Meachcrs at the Thanksgiving game. Our New Location. Corner nth and M Sts. flERCHANTS LAUNDRY, TRUMAN BROS., Propr's. : Shirts, .k-: Collars, 2c: Cull's, 4c. Call and see our new plant. Phone 805. Get in the Game Eastern eohego papers arc publish ing full histories of tho rootball teams, with cuts and individual foot ball biographies of tho members. THE WEATIIEK. KoTccnst for Lincoln and icinity: Wednesday partly cloudy; slight change in temperature. Weather roport.for 21 hours ending 7 pm Tuesday. Highest tempeiature 55 degrees, occurring at 1 pm Lowest temperature, .12 degrees, ocourlnt! at 7:30 am. Moan temperature, U degrees, which is .) deurees above tho normal. No Precipitation. (JEO. A LOVELANJ). Section Director. Q Since 1883 Yalo and Harvard have played fourteen games of football, of which Yale has won nine, Harvard three, and two have resulted in tie scores.- Yalo News. Missouri lias lahen into hard luck this rail being beaten in nearly all her games. The Texas game resulted in a scoro of 11 to 0 in favor of tho "Cow punchers.'' Tho students at that University had agieat celebra- ' ii it ii It's High Time You came in and picked i out your winter cloth- ing. Some day, soon, it will get cold sudden- $ ly and find you unpre- pared. Nebr. Pant and Suit Go., ; 143 North Thirteenth. I TOT in it, and oet in it riht. Your'e in school now and you Ye familiar with Lhy .mutfh and tumble of football. Your father will tell you the battle of life that you must face in a short time is much the same1 sort of thiiiir. It's a oreat 'ame this reat aine. of life It will require all your energy to play it sue cessfully. Train for it now. Dress the rihl sort of uniform is almighty important. Get into the Armstrong habit of wearing the right sort ol clothing the kind that Armstrong only sells- and your equipment will be far along to half the winning of the bat tle. Buy some of those Armstrong clothes to day and have double cause for celebrating Thanksgiving. Armstrong Clothing Co. 1221 to 1227 0 Street, Lincoln, IVIeb. r AJ d