The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 26, 1901, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
V0I3. I NO. 51
ProBpccts for a Thanksgiving Gamo
with toam good Ooach Booth
Undecided- May Leave
tho Gridiron.
Judging from tho word received
from Manager Cowgill yestorday the
project for a Tbanksigving camo
with Jowa noxt year lias fallen
through. A telegram from him an
nounces that ire omi schedule a game
with Northwestorn for that date on
cortaln conditions. These are that
Nebraska guarantee them $1,500 with
an option of half tho gate receipts if
thoy so desire. Tho anwser of the
board to tho effect that the offer
wiuld bo acceptable if Northwestern
would promise Nebraska a game year
after next on a tlftv per cent basis.
This telegram .is taken to mean
that nono of thev other members of
the big nine would schedule for that
date. It r as tho acsiro of tho board
to closo tho season with an old timo
contest with Iowa next year. Evi
dently no Buclr arrangements rjould bo
made. If Northwestern thinks
avorablv of tho terms it is probable
that tho gamo will be scheduled.
Manager Cowgill will 'return today
from his Chicago trip.
Tho announcement that thero is a
possibility of losing-Goach Booth has
brougnt tho student body to a real
ization of what his loss would mean
to Nobraska. It is felt that the po
sition the University occupies today
in western athletics is due in no
small measure to him. Jusc now as
Nebraska, for tho first timo In her
history, is on a linn financial footing
the loss of Coach Booth would be a
serious blow
Nuthin'e dofinito oan bo announcod
yot as conditions aro such that tho
Coach will not be aolo to render a de
oision for a few weeks. IIo nas not
fully decided whether ho will coach
next year or not. IIo may decido to
leavd the" urlflTTGH"- Tlnmtinetlc
board has aono all that thoy can do
to induce him to remain ana it is
thought that in case ho decides to
contlnuo his football work Nobraska
will have a decided advantauo Coach
Booth expresses great satisfaction at
his treatmont since his connection
with the University and unles3 some
financial Inducement is offered,
which tho Nooraska board cannot
meet he will probably coach tho team
noxt year. Thoro is some talk that
if the board Is not able to meet tho
"proposition of Wisconsin, a subsorlp
' oa among tho studonts will bo
rosortcd to in order to meet the do-'
flclenoy JIhh, latter" proposition
Bcoras to meet with general" approval
with tiio students. '
Instead of secret practlco last night
as announced, tno team lined up
against tho scrubs before a good sized
crowd of football enthusiasts. The
play was fast and snappy and tho
earn showed up in excellent form.
Except for a few minor injuries tho
effects, of tho Kansas gamo have on
tlroly worn off. t
J A ElNght injury to Cortelypu's knee
' ast night may keep hint off tho grid
iron for some timo and may prevent
lilsigoipg in tho ganqo.Thursday. bomo
bf tho ligaments in his kneo were m-
v jurcd and while tho injury Is not
considered serious ho will bo unablo
to uso Ills leg for a few days at least.
A rumor to tho offect that Pillsbury
would not play Is evidently falso and
the rootors may count on seeing him
in tho game. Ho was out as usual
last night. Bonder will also bo In
die line-ap from now on.
If Nobraska plays a poor game
Thursday It will not be on account or
over confldonco. Whllo every one
looks for a victory none of tho team
aro expecting anything but a hard
game of genuine rortball. It will.
Without doubt, be a much better ex
hibition than cither the Kansas or
tho Ames game. With the exception
of Minnesota tho Indians have been
victorious over every opponent thoy
have met this year
Tickets for tho game aro sellinz
rapidly. The assuranco of shelter
afloidod by tho new grand stand is
attracting many who would not
otherwise attend.
Owing to the fact that a number of
tho mombors wish to start homo
Wednesday afternoon to spend tho
Thanksgiving vacation, the regular
mepting of tho Engineering Society
will rako place Tuesday at 7:30 pm.
Room 211 M. A.
S D. Clinton, President.
Profossor Howard Ronows His Ac
quaintance with the Univer
sitySpeaks of tho Pro
gress of Nebraska.
Profossor O. II. Iloward, graduate
and onoe profossor in the History da
oartraont of tho University and who
has stopped in Lincoln for a few days
on his way from Loland Staniord to
thff east,- Buoko to The Stullohls at
convocation hour vestorday.
In his opening words Professor
Howard stated that thofe was noth
Irg that could give him moro pleas
ure than sneaking boforo a Univer
sity audlenoo and especially in No
braua, as s many of the memories
clustered around the Institution that
appealed to him.
"I amvglad to get baok," ho further
remarked, "so I may meet tho Ne
braska students again and observo
the wonderful changes that havo
taken placo In tho last few years.
'Thirty years ago I came hero as
a country school teacher and a canal
date for member of thr Freshman
class. With ray entranco hero, camo
the. feoling or porsonal pride in the
Unlversitv and it has never left mo.
Football Mass Meetings
Chapel, Tomorrow.
Rooting, Cheering and Singing for
the Thanksgiving game.
education and offort.
ProfoESor Howard aUo added that
ho hoped Nebraska would bv all
means take her placo foroniost in
athletics and said no pains shou'd bo
spared to such an ond.
"Tno danger" ho continued, "is
that athlotlos will repla .o tho liner
Interests if purauod too ' oa'olcssly
Tho athletic ideal isboiow tho mont
al ideal ana all tho social and flnor
Instincts are thrcatonod by n com to
of too much athletics.11 - -
Professor iloward then touched on
tho subject of co-caucatiun and ex
pressed himself in vory warm terms
of his belief In tho value of such an
institution. "Thero is a lovellng
and a moulding up of tho sexes, and
tho womon In some cases aro loading
tiro men."
"It Is nooessary for a state institu
tion to oncourago all the social virtue
possiblo, and crudencss and rudoness
ln.all things should be taken out." ,
Tho sophomores and seniors will
contest for championship class honors
on the grldirjm. this jitternQQnaL
2:30. .
Thero is much rivalry between tho
two teams and an exciting contest is
expected The senior "Co-Eds" will
bo out to root for tho senior boys.
C. E. Teach will bo In charge of tho
senior rooting squad.
In order that tho contest may bo
a clean class contest, lists will be sab
raittedby each team to the Registrar
to ascertain tnat each man is en
titled to play on his olass team.
This will shut out all men who aro
not In tho respeotivo class and who
have no right to play.
Tho seniors defeated tho freshmen
-Saturday by tho decisive score of 12
to .0. The Sophomores won from them
with a score of 2 to 0. -Judging
from'comparativo scores a close and
interesting game can bo expected.
"Tho University has grown and
particularly in bifidlngs. ,4)ut there
is something moro worthy than buil
ding jwhJhtMatJlimjlclJj a.
proud, and that 1b of her students,
.Forecast for Lincoln and vicinity:
Tuesday fair; slight change in tem
perature. Weather report for 24 hours ending;
7 pm Monday
Highest temperature 52 degrees,
occurring at 4:15 pm
Lowest temperature, ,24 degrees,
ocourlng at 0:45 am. .
Mean temperature, 38 degrees,
whioh Is 2 degrees above the normal.
No Precipitation. .
Section Director.
licFTaculty and of her Chancellor
"Twenty-nine years ago thero were
one hundred students In the Univer
sity, tho majority in the preparatory
school, ana there was one building.
The growth is significant or tlfe en
thusiasm which the students feel. It
is an lmpprtant stop when the Fresh
man makes his entrancojnto college
and has Drst access Into a society in
whioh ho is an equal with others.
Collogo citizenship-is a stater of , mi
crocosm. There comes direct good
from tho student's intermingling
among his fellows in politics, college
institutions and affairs of-all dlsonp-
tions. .
"It Is a mysterious but important
thing that when men and women
come together in suoh life tbe'y get
ideals Thero aro several of these
ideals, among" them, intellectual
thoroughness "which comes when a
man putB his thinking powers tn
work, one, though, is apt to neglect
bodily exorcise for mental effojrt 'and
It and the omission threatens alt tho
advancement made, mentally .Mental
effort is only good with bodily .effort.
Baton the other hand the evil of the
thought that it is not-gobd form ' to
'dig' comes in espeoiallyto the' new
student, and that is where he makes
a greao mistake. .
, 'I am entirely in sympathy .wftii
aU.atbleticsdusfc so long as it Is'-fe
lowed to be subordinate to mental
Both of the. two contestlng JaoJihjn.-
al "annual boards" .electod by tho
sonlor Law class rcslgnd last night,
in order to offect a compromise. A
mooting is called for this afternoon
to elect a now and harmonious board.
Tho Sonlor Academics voted in
their Saturday mooting to glvo tho
Senior Laws four days in whioh to
Bubmit a list of three fourtns of tho
senior Law class who would havo
thcli cuts put In tho senior book and
actively support it.
If tho "LawyorB" cannot secure
tho required number, tho plan for a
joint publication of the olass annual
will bo abandoned and tho "Acaao
rales" will proceed on Thursday with
out the co-operation of the Law
class, to arrange for the publication
of a distinctly acadomic book.
This dcoislvo action was necessary
to prevent delay, which would injure
liho-success-of-tho-boolc. -
The factional fight In the Law
class had assumed the character of a
foua and, promised to continue all
year. So the aoadomlcs thought suoh
deoisivo action as was taken might
effect a compromlso and at the samo
time hasten the work on tho annual.
At tho opening of tho mo eting the
two factions were given sovon min
utes each to present the facts of
their case to tho class. The ''regu
lar" faotlon was represented by Hig
glns atid tho "Antis'.' by O'OOnnelir
Several other lawyers wero presenb'to
hear tho discussion .which was very
active. President Batie refused "to
llow-any- of-the -"Laws" to-debato-
the question, as-some requested, on
the grounds that all "Law olass
scraps' should, be scfitled in. tliplr
own meetings and that only members
of tho ''Academic" class wore cn-
titlcdto privileges of tU'e floor oxcopb
on general request.
Much friendly feeling is manifest
and 1f tho ''senior Laws' ' arebla
to secure harmonious action the Joint
class annual is an assured success.' JjV
In a lot of books jeceiv.etL.a" few
'days ago from Germany C'
Besspy has a lino portrait. of
tanist Cliislus, who 'lived'
1520 And 1609.f Ho ?was ono; of
famous men of his time. -v" V
-."'BetUvjEheta-PI gvve an informal, last
Saturday night. " '-,. , v
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