ESS3K sMsiS5SS'wl5BHS9 'V - 4 ' -.;' t i THE DAILYttBBRASKAN. " fX ' 'Wr ra u? U v Bno'jini6nnnnnnni3ciccii3nnncinnQ fiiiaEacaBaDaoacacacaDiaQaBg 1 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1 do tan nnnnniacncacacincacnninnnnnnn ntacicacuctJcacaBacnijcacaniaciuciu t T R- HAGGARD, M. D. Odlco 1100 O Stroot, Rooms 212 213-214 Rich ards Block, Tolophono 535. Rosidonco, 1310 G Stroot, Telephono L084. DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. May Louise Flanagan; Ofllco, 141 South 12th Street. Tolophono 618. LI DAVIS. D. D. S.. DcntiHt. Hridprc and Crown work. Oflice room 7, over Ilock Island ti fleet oflice. IMione :40. Remember When in need of tailoring, repairing or eleanlnc in tho clothing line that C. EHLERSIsthc man. Kor the benefit of those new htudents who dont know, his address is north west cor 11th and O, room I. up stairs HARPER, THE SHIIlT MAKER makes dress shirts tht fit. All who ap preciate a pool fitting shirt of any kind should see him. Rooms 5 and 6. 1012 0 Street. A Close Shave A hair cut, or anythiue else you want a barber to do for you, at the M. ('. A. Bap.bkk Shop, 13TH AND P STREETS. Y. Eat AT THE Unique Restaurant 1220 () St., and you will wear a smile. Commutation tickets at a dis e Hint. A Pound of PAPER Good Irish Linen for 25c Ripple Bond, white 40c Ripple Bond, blue 40c Envelopes to Match. Invitation and Regret Papers. Something ohoioo n Tally Curdb. - We have a Complete Line of SCHOOL SUPPUHS. Wilson & Hall, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 113 3 0 STREET. Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS. Portrait and Lansdcape Photographer 139 South nth Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. OALLERY ESTABLISHED 1871. . DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Pree. 'Prices Reasonable. 238Q Street; jffgf- DRi J. Si MCNAYp So?. iJmaTo&X n !- 5,000 seta of teeth. A good set of UBntlSIl teeth, $5.oo. 22-K Gold crown 3. in 1 aft Craa Silver filllnas 50 cents and 1214 U OtrBlll up. Gold filTlnBsSi.op and liUnnill l,P' Teeth extracted without pain Local and Personal. The Co-Op. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Square meals ab Francis ilro.. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th Bt. $1.25 kid gloves 98c at The Famous. 1-:i off on millinery at The Famous. Dr Woodward. occulist.Uich'ds hllc. Buy your unclcrwaro at The Famous Meals 1.1c, Fales restaurant, 13M O. Don Cameron's lunch counter, 114 Ho. 11 th st. Tlie class in (Jcolojry 1 has complet ed the study of Glaciers. Sec Westei field Tor the latest Wni hair cut. 117 Mo. 13th st. Lindsevs for pipes, canes, cigars, tobacco and all smoker's artlclqp. Up-to-date is every way; tlioso ex quisite photos a Bass' 1020 n street. Walk over shoes for men; Soros 1 8 for women. Webster K Rogers 101U O St. First class pianos at honest prices from Matthews; Piano Co., 1120 O street. Yurv Swell. The terraced shoo for laaies, at Webster X: gers. 10 Ki O street. sole Ko- l)ean"Uecse will begin li I-h. lectures to the Juniors on the legal slclo of medical jurisprudence in a short time. Fleming has tho very latest in Jew elry, silver wear, canes umbreljas and Uni. pins. Callers always welcome, 1211 O street. Tho following new Tnenfbcrs" havo been voted In tho Delian Literary Socioty. Misses Edholm and Meeker, Messrs. Llndcrman, Unci), Hoar and Kutchel. A. E. Pannaleo formerly manager of the Nebraskan visited at the Delta Tan Delta house Saturday. Ho is connected with tlie stall' of one of the Omaha papers. A part of tho list of nev library books whicti were namea in Friday's Daily, havo been catalogued. The others will soon bo placed at the dis posal of tho students. Misses Cora and Uara Wakler will spona Sunday at their home at Plattsmouth. and will spend the Thanksgiving recess with Miss Anna Maxwell at her homo In Fremont. ;itllsreportcd that a "co-ed" has maao;itsappearanco'at homo or John D. Dasonbrock, some time since, j This explains cno peculiar unlntelllg-1 Iblo smilowhlch ho lias been wearing for tho last fow days. I Ihe Bunscn Humors whlcli have Doon In uso In tho Domestic Solrnco Kltohen8lhavo2beeu replaced bj; near Circular burners which give a "more oven flamo and aro much more satls factorvlfor tho work in winch thoy aro used. lb may bo Interesting to so mo to loam that the Ilaskell coacli, Alfred Ellick is a "Nebraska boy and was graduated from tho Fremont High School In '05. Ho went to Ann Arbor where he recolvcd his football traln liio. A largo number of lilsFromont friends including rolatives will bo down to tho game Thursday to see 4ilni try to ueat out Nebraska. Tho difficulty of introducing Eng lish into tho schools of tho Philip pines Is not so areat as has been Imagined. Of six hundred native teachers who attended tho prelimi nary normal school of Manila, sixty could speak English and a lareo per cent of tho romalnder could under stand instruction In tho common branchos when given in English. The English language is to bo taught In every school and native teachers are to have the benefit of an hours instruction m the samo each dav. There are two things which make the introduction or the lnnguago es pecially easy, first, the eagerness of tho people to learn, and Rerond. the capability which the Filipino child has lor acquiring languages. ENGLISH 11. Hrlcfsfor debates will ue duo at 2 pm. on the following dates: Dec. aebato, Dec. 2. Dej. 11 debate, Dec. 2. Dec. i:i debate, Dec. .). Dec. 10 debate, Dee. 0. Dec. 18 debate, Dec. l. Dec. 20 debate, Dec. 10. Jan. i debate Dec. 10. Jan. H debate Dec. 17. Jan. 10 debato, Dec. 18. M. M. FOG;. ENGLISH 11 A. In the eulogv, the class will road at once George William Curtls's "Wen dell Phillips" (See Curtls's "Ora tions and Addresses" on reserve shelf at the right of the aelivcry desk. ) M. M. FOGG. THE WEATHER. Weather report for 21 hours en iin' 7 pin. Sunday. Highest tempciaturo 4 degrees, occurring atUO'jpm. Lowest temperature, 111 degrees, occurlng at 5:30 am. Moan temperature, 41 degrees, which is ." deurecs jibovc the normal. No Precipitation. GEO. A. LOV ELAND. Seetloji Director. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Demand fligh-Clafs AMUSEMENTS Our Milliard Parlor is up-to-date-and absolutely free from immoral influence. Phone 586. POWELL'S, 146 N. 1 itli SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Our New Location. Corner nth and M Sts. flERCHANTS LAUNDRY, TRUMAN BROS., Pfopr's. irWShii-ts, 5e; Collara, 2q; Cuffs, 4c. Call and see our new plant" Phone 85. ttttttftttttttttfre- Particular Men I Will find our stock of flj patterns quite up-to-date $ sind high class. We cater to $ to those who appreciate to Or first class work. B Prices consistent with be6t work. to Nebr. Pant and Suit Co., 3 143 North Thirteenth. 8 -b -ft 4- -94-9 44-9 -94 If You Appreciate First class candy and aro willing to give our products a trial, we are satisfied that you will be pleased. Wo aim to put up such a class of goods as Khali bring our customers back again. R. W. MAXWELL CO. Makers :K1 do J CiiJolntss. um O Rlroot nnd 200 South 11th Streot Tntereollegeate Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 472-4 78 Uronilivny Albany, New York Makers of the Caps,Gowns and Hoods To tho American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated Manual, sample prices, etc., on request. Gowns for the pulpit and bench. Spalding's Foot Ball Shoes. On all our Foot. Ball Shoos we are now putting tlie now style cleats as shown in cut. After jI TlrorongiT tet last Beasorr by a i'ew of tho leading play ors, they unanimously declare them the best cleats ever put on a shoe. Insist upon hav ing them for your shoos. Everything for football Head harness.' ankle brace, shin guards. Handsome il lustrated Catalogae free. A Q. Spalding & Bros. Incorporated; New York Chicago Denver Spalding's Offlcial Football tluide for lOOl, oditcd by Walter Camp, price lCe WE SELL KODAKS II7 S.'"" D- E- DePUTRQNl Rf i& H r ail 'r " -fi a rs J'm.rf,..;, - 4 - JSJ, v.v I -ux1 &&&,& 1&ttsiki '