The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 25, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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k newipapor doToted to tlio interests of the
Unlvortlty of Nobra skn.
Publlibed at 134 North llth St., by
J. W. Crabtreo, Fresldont.
Q. L. TownftLHocrotarr-TroBsaror.
J. I. Wjor, T. J. Howott, E. W. Washburn.
Btkhlino H .McCavt
Mannglng Editor
Astt. Manager
- Athlotlo Editor
R. C. Pollard, Clifton Carter,
Norrts Hubo, R. T. Hill,
J. R. Fnrney, Cliff Crooks.
John A. Wilson, Ltnu M. Huntington.
r The subscription prlco of the Dally Nebran
kan Is 2 for the collrgo year with a regular de
llTory before chapel each day. Notices, com
munications, and other matter Intended far pub
lication, must bo handed In at tho Nobrnskan
ofllco boforo 7 p. m., or mailed to tho odltor bo
fore 8 p. m., of the day previous to that day on
which they aro expected to nppoar.
Subicrlptlonn may bo left at tho Nebrskan
ofllco, at tho Co.Op., or with Duslnoss Manager.
8ubsorlbers will confer a favor by roportlng
promptly at this ottlco any falluro to recolvctho
paper. , , ,
All chongos In advertising mattor must bo in
tho ofllco by ') p. m. on the day provlous to that
on which thoy nro to appoar.
Address all communications to tho Dally No
braskan, M N. llth Bt., Lincoln, Nebraska.
Telephono 479.
Entered lit. the post ofllco nt Lincoln, Nub.
:ih second class iniill mutter
Tho following lottor from Professor
Kdgron to Professor Taylor and read
by tho latter In chapel a few days ago
lias boon kindly furnished by him to
tho Nebraskan for publication. All
I'rofessor Edgren's friends, and their
namo is lemon, will be glad of this
opportunity to hear from him In
these almost classic lines:
Djursholm, Sweden, Oct. ", u01.
My Dear Friend:
Wo aro now settled in a ncautlful
suburb of Stockholm, where 1 have
bought a" vlllo surrounded by oaks
(honco "Ektointa"), on tho Baltic.
Mut settled does not yet mean at
home In any other senso than at
home to our friends.
It takes time to feel at homo in
new cindltlonH. ana among new sur
roundings and peoplo, especially
where there aru so many deep routs
to bo pulled up ilrst. Tho Fall this
year Is magnificent In Sweden, hardly
inferior to that season in Nobraska.
Wo have had many clear and balmy
days all tho way up to tho present,
and have not "t begun lighting
tires. Tho foliage is yet green, red.
and yellow; roses, 'asters, etc., bloom
uaily in the gardens, and tho waters
danco and rlplo In tho sunshine
(match me that in Lincoln.) The
summor lias been so unusually warm
for Swoaen, (for six weeks mostly be
tween 90-95 per cent Faho. ) that Deo
plo hero liavo wondered whether by
Homo Cosmic freak wo aro not now to
have our sharo of southern climates.
Jiut tho reports from America show
that tho latter aro determined to
hold their owu relatively, whatever bo
our oxponence. I congratulate you
over thero to have passed safely
through "Tho burning furnaco."
Miraolos vet occur. For many reas
ons and untoward oiroumstancos 1
did not spend tho summor, as oxpoct
ed, tramping among tho Alps, but
quietly In a pretty town of Sweden
(Orobro) doing some literary work.
Our sympathies wero strongly with
America during her days of national
gtiof. and tho American flag Moated
over our new homo at half mast. It
'.was a sad thing, all tho moro as Ale
Klnloy sto'oa as a model of a manly,
unostentaious, and puro character,
the chosen loader or a rreo people:
and I thluksympathlos wore qulto
universal, even if distrusting, preju-
aristocrats, and mono-roaiilacal
anarchists, for different roasons,
stood apart. Yes, it was a pitiable
thing in any aspect. Yet, broadly
considered, tho fanatical assassina
tion of a man of his typo, and chosen
by tho peoplo, Is to my mind far loss
unfortunate to humankind than tho
over suspecting and Argus-eyed pro
tection of European or Asiatic poten
tates. A low murder is a causo for
national grief, a temporary calamity;
but a constant watching of a hundred
or thousand acents, secretly or open
ly, around one person, who should be
but tho llrst citizen, is a continued
calamity. And the fact 13 that it is
most needed in those Countries whore
that person Is most absoiuto in
power and sacred in ireneral estima
tion. This is not quite clearly ex
pressed, 1 know, but tho root of It is
that I admiro a thousand times more
the ungarded fearlessness of Roosevelt
than tho anxious self-protection of
tho Czar, and that I am so thoroughly
Imbuberl with republicanism that I
sympat hio far more with American
tnan some European systems if gov
ernment. Wo aic here, only slowly'.
and with immense dlilleully ap
proaching those (loials towards which
America, thanks to more fortunate
conditlson, is advancing nioro raDldly
and easily, though not without dang
ers. That either shall ever reach
them before thoy havo played their
part in tho world's history I am far
from believing. Nor would I deny
that certain advantages pertain also
to our older civilization. Hut I would
hardly (unless in a very broad sense)
count among them that it has a
"Civillastion policeo." Whero this
is ever done, it Is apt to lead to a
system of jcaious and proud protect
ors on the ono hand, and bec-hivo
drones on tho other. When I am of
aire, I hate to feel the protecting
hand everywhere. And yet, I am
fully aware ot the universal tendonoy
towards organic centralization. Ilie
future problem will no doubt bo the
gradual reconciliation of Individuals
and centralization, a problem winch
America is only nearer solving than
Europe, and whoso final solution may
lie In the dreamland.
The ISobel-prlzes (")) will probably
be given in Dcrcmner, all live, each
amounting to very nearly ;luO,Oui)
francs. 1 i egret very much that not
a single application in liteiature
from England or America has appear
ed. When the llrst bin gun is tired, I
hope attention will bo calico moro
dollnitely to tho institution. The
French Academy Is alivo to tho op
portunity, and has made strong
recommendations which aro likely to
havo effect. In tho sciences and the
work for universal ocaco 1 don't
know what the prospects arc.
We have been somowhat homesick
for America after our return. Des
pito many things In Europo, and
above all tho childnood associations
of beautiful Sweden, it is not a
day's nvork to bo weaned awav from
proiorenco for tho great-hearted
porubllo whero 1 have spent 27
years, and from sunny Lincoln,
whore 1 had so sympathetic a Hold
of 'work and as well so many kind
Ever slncorely your,
Professor Edgren further adds that
ho Intends to soon wite a paper on
tho electlvo system in American
schools, and especially in colleges.
Who need suits pressed or
cleaned should cull on"
hill & co., 1222 o St.
trust ciats wont umracjQii Ruurnmccu.
For the eyes not the stomach, in this case. When the eye !" 55"
satisfied it often fills up the vacant spotK. This feast is tho VsB
most gorgeous array of swell neckwear creations eer shown g;
in Lincoln. Sj
Wc cordially invite all the students of the University to
come in and see our grand array of harmonious colors.
The Newest Novelties for the Fashionable -
are our Vesty. Vcstedgcs, Hcaumont Muflier, Full Dress
Protectors. IT??Ngw arrivals every week. t?
Ewing Clothing Company t
g 1115 and 1117 O St., LINCOLN, NEB. g
We have a fine line of
Walking Shoes
The particular man alway.s
gets satisfaction from us.
HANAN SHOES are-$5 a pair.
We havo others hs low as vou
like. All qualities urn! styles.
1129 0 STREET.
A c
i iff. .i
If you nro expecting to enter tho ! edical
lrofession, write for catalogue and information
regarding the above College. A four year's
course with excellent laboratory and abundant chemical facili
ties is oileieil. Graduates from literary colleges of approved
bLfindinir aro permitted to enter the Sophomore j ear. Addrfss
EWING BROWN, M. D., Secretary, 12th and l'acifie SI-,..
Omaha, Nebraska.
Arc you Going to
Call and get Printed Matter that will give you
full information as to its, Resources and
the best way to get there.
City Ticket
Corner lothand
I O Streets.
Bnrllngton Depot,
7th Street, Bet P and Q.
Telephone 35.
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