The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 25, 1901, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
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VOL. I NO. 50
Indicati:ns Point to tho Largest
Crowd of tho Boason at tho
Thanksgiving Game -Tho
Indians' Record.
Tlie last, gamo of tlio season will
be played Thursday. The Haskell
Indians will oppose Nebraska. Re
served seat tickets ure on sale now at
the Co-od University Book Store,
Office, Library, Wilson & Hall's and
Hurley's Drug store at $1.25. Tickets
are going fast. The management ex
pects the largest crowd In the his
tory of University athletics.
Besides the students ana immediate
admirers of the Cornuskcrs who want
to see tho team of '01 play their hist
Kame, there arc many others who arc
anxious to sec the aggregation tricy
havo heard so iiuch about and so far
been unable to sec. A holiday always
attracts a crowd and especially
Thanksgiving draws lor football.
Knots of people are coming In from
all over the stato to swell the multi
tude. Almost every one or the thous
ands who went to Minnesota will
want to see the Scralet and (Jrcam
struggle against the Red Moiv ol the
From tho way It looks now the
Thanksgiving name will be no snap
for the Cornhuskers. Nebraska may
cjunt herself lucky if she keeps the
Indians from scoring and wins out.
The Indians have been playing fast
ball and warrant more than momen
tary consideration. By comparative
scores against Minnesota, Missouri
and Kansas. Captain Westover's men
havo slightly the best of It. Bub
Micro is nothing in scores but self
satisfaction, nothing tangable. The
Indians play a fast open game de
pending moro on the quickness of
tneir men than weight. They havo
three old Carlisle men and some ex
press tho opinion that nasknll could
worst tho eastern Indians. Bain,
the star right tackle played with
Kansas two yoars, went to Pennsyl
vania ana played on tho Carlisle In
dian team Miree soasous. It Is rum
ored he will go to Minnesota next
season. Tomahawk, Arohlquette ana
Felix arc names familiar to the west:
In their game Friday, the Indians
kept up their winning gait by defeat
ing Ottawa 17 to 0. It Is said they
could easily have doubled tho scoro
but were reserving their strength for
Thursday's came.
That Coach Bootli Is not ovor con
fident about tho outcome is shown by
tho continued secret practice which
will continue on this week. No game
was playea Saturday, only a light
practico and several runs around tho
arena being indulged In.
4 Quito a crowd was out In the cold
Aq see tho last open praotlce and
wjBh tho team success for Thursday's
.Manager Cowglll left Friday night
for Chicago where ho mot represen
tatives of Iowa, Chicago, Michi
gan and Northwestern Saturday. He
wont to schedule at least ono name
with tho bunoh if possible, and tried
tD mako It Iowa, Thanksgiving day
at Lincoln. Four big games have
already boon put down In tho books,
Wisconsin at Milwaukee. Minnesota
in Lincoln, Kansas at Lawronco,
Missouri at Columbia. In case a
gamo is not scheduled with Iowa
there Is a chance of plavlng Minne
sota on homo grounds on Thanksgiv
ing day. There is some talk that the
Wisconsin-Minnesota gamo which is
scheduled to be played In Chicago
on Thankslgvlng day, will be can
celled. In that case Minnesota would
havo the date open and it Is under
stood, Would Mko to arrangn ti. play
in Lincoln on that date.
Wisconsin Wants booth.
The report has cone from Madison
that, the Badgers are trlyng to scoure
Coach Booth to succeed Coach King
who has resigned h's position to onter
the practice or law. Coach Booth's
work with the Nebraska team has
given him-a wide reputation in foot
ball circles. Tho Wisconsin team
under King has been trained in the
Princeton stylo of play which is tho
style used bv Coach Booth. While no
definite choice has Dcen made by tho
Wisconsin board, It is understood that
they have asked him and that ar
rangements were made at the time
of tho Wisconsin-Nebraska game.
Coacli Booth is very reticent in
speaking about the matter. Ho In
sists that nothing of a definite nature
has been none and that no specific
offer has been made him. At the
same time he admits that there was
some talk about the matter at the
time Oi tho Wisconsin gamo. Tht
position that tho Coach is In makes
It probable that a good offer from
there would be accepted by him.
Speaking of his connection
tho Nebraska team ho said
have been treated well here in
I could havo aslted for nothing
: "I
ter. I am pleased with the Nebraska
football team's work. Considering
conditions, nothing better could be
expected. This is tho lirst .year tho
toam has had money to work with
and this money was not secured until
late in tho season, it takes money
aud the right kind of spirit to mako
a football team. Nebraska nas had
both of lato and tho rest has been
In criticising tho debato In Jgngjsli
II this afternoon in the old chapel
from 2 until 4 o'clock. Pror. W. G.
L. -Taylor, of tho chair of Political
Economy and Public Financ, will co
operato with tho officer in immedi
ate charge of tho course. Of seven
or eight leading members of tho fac
ulty who have Indicated their intorst
in tho aims and methods which are
governing the conduct of tho courses
in debater by offering to give time
and thought to criticising the de
bates, Prof. Taylor is the fourth to
tako part.
Tho question fpr discussion this
afternoon is: Resolved, That, for
economic reasons, the government
should own and operate tho railroads
Messrs Schuyleman and James will
support the affirmative and Messrs Pe
ters and Rymer, tho ncgatve.
Tho criticism of tho arguments
will, as usual, begin aoout 3:10
Tho Wednesday afternoon debate
will bo on tho question .whether or
not tho propagandists of anarchy
should bo treated as criminals.
Chancellor Andrews lectured ut Pal
myra Friaay night. Hid subject was
'The Future ofGreat Britain."
Debating Board Adopts New Modo of
Solocting tho Interstate Do
haters Puts Premium
on Hard Thinking.
Tho Debating Assocltalon's recent
ly constituted board which, undor
tne new constitution, has charge of
tho arrangements Tor tho preliminary
and tho Intorstato debates with Colo
rado College, the University of Kans
as and tho Unlvorsltv of Missouri,
hold Its llrst meeting Friday evening
and expeditiously eracted a budgot of
legislation that Is of vital importance
to tho debating Interests of tho Uni
versity In that it not only radically
changes tho method of holding the
preliminary contestP. but also alters
considerably the character of tho test
to which candidates lor tho honor of
representing the University In the
Hold of intellectual combat will bo
submitted. Tills test Is In lino with
tho principles by which tho training
in debato In tho University Is being
conducted and tho application of
which Is getting set speeches out of
the class debates.
The members of tho board arc
Professors Caldwell. Reese, Fling,
Taylor, Hill, Ross and Fogg and
Messrs.- Morrow, Home, Hawthorne
and Cronin of the Debating Associ
ation. Instead of the preliminaries in the
debating societies followed by an
other preliminary tho plan In opera
tion last year the board voted to
hold one preliminary about a week
boforo tho beginning of tho semes
ter examinations. This change was
made because tho old plan was un
satisfactory, unfair to the contest
ants in general and because the new
plan will oliminato that unfairness
and also bo praotical because this
year the list of competitors will
pretty certainly bo enough smaller
than it was last year to enable ono
committee to handle it.
There are several causes which
ombincd will tend to cut down tho
number of contestants to strong stu
dents who are interested in geliiilno
oebatc and who are out for hard
work, and to keep out the talkers and
students of second-rato mental power.
In the lirst place tho student body is
gotting a pretty clear notion of what
Is passing mustor as argument and
what Is not. Tho class criticism of
debates has enabled the members to
sec wbord thoy '-are at" as debaters
and it is understood that not a few
of thorn have concluded to wait until
next vear boforo aspiring to Inter
state honors.
Fluont talk without tho power of
convincing roasoning and ready re
buttal, will not. it is evident, bo con
sidered evidence of fitness for mem
bership on a state team. ".
Second, appointment to and con
tinued membership on a stato team
this year can bo secured only by hard
work. Tho now test described bo
low, of tho candidate's power in re
buttal, discounts tho showy sot spocoh
debate, (V) ana torces him to know
tho question. If appointed on the
squad, he will have to avail himself.
ot the systematic coaohing arranged
for a month ago, Tho vote of tho
board, was, in substanco, that any
student who enters the preliminary
contest does bo on the understanding
that, if appointed on a team ho must
tako tho training sanctioned oy tho
sonato, aud that "'falluro to do this
work satisfactory to tho officer nr
officers In charge will bo considered
sufficient reason for mopping him
from tho team." A dcFcrlptlon of
this training will be set forth again,
officially, soon.
Third, tho preliminary tost, re
ferred to ahovo of tho candidates'
qualifications for actual debato
will ho more searching. Tho commit
tee will seek evidence not only Qr
mainly of his skill In making a set
speech, but also and especially of his
power In robuttnl tho crucial test of
his ability In nobatc. That is, the
candidate will show whether or not
no knows tho question thoroughly or
one-sldodly, whether or not ho2 Is
agile In parrying attacks and is like
ly to hnvo self-control in exciting cir
cumstances. Tho board authorized
tho secretary to-open correspondence
at once wlih all three Institutions In
regard to settling on dates for tho
three debates and to request Colorado
and Missouri to submit Questions at
an early date. Tho Imrd expects to
have tho questions for all three de
bates settled by the middle of De
cember. The Kansas and Colorado dobates
will take place here. For tho Mis
souri contest Nebraska goes to
Tho Impeachment proceedings
which wore preferred against Presi
dent Crawford by a faction of tho
senior law class wero brought to an
abrupt close Saturday morning by tho
arrival of Dean Recce upon tho Held
of action. The Doan told tho class
that ho came from tho Clnoollor
who desired to settle all class dis
agreements amicably. To further
this end ho asked that further pro
ceedings bo postponed for two weeks.
This would onablo tno faculty to ox
aminc into the merits of the contro
versy and tako somo action if neces
sary regarding It. This was done
without opposition.
Dean Roeco took the opportunity to
suggest to tho class tho advisability
of choosing tno commecoment orator
at once. This will be done at the
earliest opportunity.
Though somewhat marred by tho
forced absence of tho master of core
monies, tho freshman, hop was . very
successful. It was held Friday even
ing at Walsh hall. The plan of the
Sonhomores to kidnap Mr. La Feber
master of ceremonies and detain him
until a late hour was successfully
carried out. He was captured nonr
Fourteenth and Q streets and re
moved to an unknown place and
clothed in coarse clothing which
lacked both cleanliness and beauty.
Late in tho evening be was taken to
tho hall dressed In the outlandish
garb and with a plaoard on bis baok
and allowed to assume his duties.
Sltxyn-Bovon couples attonqed the.
dadce. Thoy were chape'rbtt'ed by
ProfeBor and Mrs. E. H. Barbour
and Mrs. W. J. Bryan. C
Numerous orders have come in from
outside towns for seats-fop the Has
kell Indian game,, ' ,-. ' '"' " "
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