The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 22, 1901, Image 1

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rhe Daily Nebraskan
-VOL. I NO. 1
i leli iii lessons that noli) In stiong
character and sturdy American!' in.
qiiallt ifS which Mill s((l to develop
President Crawford of the Senior in your st orients. A memorial to him
Law Class will be Tried To- would emphasize their vah.e and in
Morrow What the spue to t heir Imitation Rccause of
this, I seek your cn-operat ion out
I oi hvery. college ;ind every scli ol
Accu-ations are.
I'm sidi nt Ci.iwliird of the settlor
I ,iv clie-s will lie taken lielote the
i lass tomoi idu una chat ire i I nial
li ,ts,in in nlliee. lie will he placed
on trial unrler icgulat impeachment
proceed i tins aim the class will deter
mine fh' truth 01 falsity ol the
The spi t lie (barge anainst Mr
C taw fo:d is lit 1 1 . contrary t all
law, cn'jjai anri Ui ' constitution oi
1 he cl is lie persistent lv iclused to
call a meit i tie "f tin1 class on the
pie.senlat ion ot a pet it i m sinned li
the reunited nuiiihei ol memlieis
A not her otlense ol which h' is al
leged h his ao -user-, to lc mnlty, is
that m spite ol the tact that Itoheits
links nt'o dtr aie a pait of the legal
code nt ilte class, he lias ivluscl t i
folio.v th" I 'tellies' laid down there
in an 1 t i make de uion in ace ir.l
.itice "J Ifi ew'it h TIkscwiiI he the
1 o chain1 s Ihil will he binunht
H,'. litis' liiiu "
It is n 'I know n w Ik t lit 1 M i . Ciaw -'old
w il1 d lend Ins case or not lie
i-, 1 1 pi i ' i ! I o ha e r fused t o h e ie-
niet'i'- .i I ion looking towarct im-i
peacliini n! A kit t i i iiinot lias it
t hat he will at leuo and dele nd h s i
i ase 1 1 In does not . a plea ol not !
.riiilli will I ii I I ( f I l . I lf.fl ittrilMMtw'
um iii i n i in v,i v n iiini 4i.iiiiifj
appointed to ( (induct his side ol the
prncei ilings
The 1 1 till toinoirow will proceed
uiKiei the direction ol Piesidinn
Judge 1" R Weavei, It. Haiti
and M I Cumin haeheen anpoint
i d atti!iics lot the class and will
enduct the prosecution Twent
witnesses heen suhpneued and a
summons has heen dni seiveti on the
defendant Aconling to the consti
tution tvWi thirds of those prrsrnt
and (iimh' aie nqiincd. to con!ct.
Mi Cumin, attorney lor lite class
said yestetday ttial he had a chain ol
mdmuc that I'oiild not Mil to estah
lish the emit ol the accu.sed. lie
said that while it was a vei painful
le.sponsiljiilt lot liitn to take n,
vet he w.i-, tiiidet obligations to the
class tod i ins duty and vindicate
the constitut inn
'lhe tnal will he held in the la.v
lecture loom .it ten o'clock. It the
crowd proves to large lor the tooin.
.Judge Weaver will ad j urn court to
Ihe old chapel. The crowd will he
limitei somewhat. Admission will
he by tieket, and but IUO or these
will he ilistt United
Cicat interest in the outco'me is
manifested both Hi tin; class arid out
of it
throughout the laud should hive Its
shaie in t he building ot a noble mem
orial to Wnllam McKinley and bv
virtue of your position, you can do
much to promote the interest of
t hose under ( ur nist met inn and the
people of your ((immunity in this
m iveteen' . Ye ur active personal m
teiesl is invitid and wi I he tully ap
pte uated."
"The men o tal is to he. in t he
h'jhest s use, the situ ere cxpicssinn
ol all tie people of the country of
their love tor I'lcsinent. McKinlev
and ot then admiration fin the qual
ities expressed so eminently in his
Ml and deeds
"It is tin- purpose to h i e t he
( lTei ings of I he pet p'c. voluntary with
a lull nppoitunity to all to contrib
ut "
'The co i per a I ion ol t he ( lover nois
and ollicers o t iie st at "s and niunici
pilttes ol the I'niled States, and all
n liennis, ( ducat ioual. civic, patri
otic trateinal. benev dent, and othei
nigani it Inns is mv il ed '
vest ei-
1 hirlne
he ex-
Throueh the elTorts ot Manager
( owe'll, a i ite ol one and ue thud
lares lias been ma ic from all noinls
i within litiv live miles ol Linciln tot
t he Thankseiv .ue game A al tempt
is heme, made to have the rate ex
tended all over the state Theie is a
promise of a record bieauuin ctovvd
for tin Haskell name. Several towns
within t he rate limit are expecting
to send delegat Ions.
Mananet ( owglli will leave the lat
ter part of the week for Iowa where
he noes to confer with Mananei Mr
('iitcheon of Hi" Iowa team icn.ud
nie a name next year. It is thought
that the old Thanksniv me n-l"u'
w it'n that institution may I
v ived
Chancellor Andiews has just re
ceived a communication from the
McKinlev National Memorial Associ
ation of Cleveland Ohio. This associ
ation is entirely destinct Horn the
one whose communication was read a
short time aeo. Its purpose Is to
erect and maintain at Canton, Ohio,
a suitable memorial to the late presi
dent. The follow inn from the cor
respondonce fully cxpalins the natuie
of the project.
Chancellor Andrews has made the
announcement that I'rolessoi llovv
;ird wfuild address the students at
tin ion hour eitliei this
mornlrie or Morulav Professor How
ard is a graduate or the I'nivetslty
arid lot a number or years was the
head of the history department here,
lie holds a very hlnh place amonn
the teachers of history of the, country.
TEEN. The second debate in the Friday
section of English 11, which will be
held In the old chape from '1 to 1
o'clock this afternoon, will be criti
cised by Mr. Fogg and Piofessor
Koss. The question to be discussed
is an interestimr, up-to-date one,
Resolved, TnaUthe canteen is pre
ferable to tho outside saloon. For
the alllrniatlve. Messrs Carter and
Buck will arnue; for the negative,
Messi.s Ilannai) and Hell
Tno life of William McKinley was December
Tho Palladians are proparinga play
which will lie presented sometime in
Chancell r An-rews Discusses Somo
of its Aspects-Pays a Trib
ute to Soth Low as a
Chancellor Andiews spoke
nay morninn In chapel on the
cipal election In New York
the course of his lemarks
pressed his views on political moral
ity and otlier vital questions brounht
lorwaid by the subiect.
He said it was his nood fortune to
bo in New Ymk City on ("lection day
and to witness the battle at short
ratine. The newspapers were .almost
as a unit in favor ol the fusion rorces
headed by Seth Low. The leaders ol
Tammanv. he said, had expected to
win and when it wa loundthat they
did n it there was nreat nriet in the
councils of that ornatiiatlou.
The Chancellor found some ainus
Inn things in the catnpainn. The
most ptonilent was the cartoons
that were run in the 2s'ev York
papers just before election. One of
these'presentcd David I!. Hill dressed
as a t loiibadour plavjng a nullai and
sinninn "O t he Hardest Davs aie
Ended Dickie Deal
The Chancellor pressed the hope
I hat the das ol Tammany are ended,
raminanv. he said, had bet n killed
a number ol within bin mem
ory and he did not know how many
times oeiore lie was horn Jle or
eaniat inn like a certain army had
been annihilated the litst time, then
utteily annihilated, and on Its reviv
al bad been utterly annihilated, dead
and huritd and the luneial had been
held, vet it came up smlliim anairi.
lv. Andrews thounht it would take
a lonn time to net rid of a vicious
ornanlatlon like Taiiiiu my, but he
believed tbar it Is possible to root
out Us vicious elements. The poeple
ol both patties would unite in that
lie unwed as. hiuiuJkuiii ol Lhe feel
inn anainst Tammany the (act that
nearly all tire newspapers weie anreed
on the importance ol the dTorl to
put Taiumay out of power. What has
been df ii" In New York can be dnnc
elsewhere Hmlit principles can be
made to prevail
In speaklnn o' the personal side of
the campaign Chancellor Andrews
was ol the opinion that It would
hive been Impossible to have carried
the campaign but Tor the power of
the character of seth Low He said
he had always pointed out as the
three moit powerful characters In
American politics, President, Roose
velt. Henry Cabot L dge arid Soth
Low. All three entered politics
about the same time, were well edu
cated and went into politics In spite
of Its naseousness, not from necessity
but for what good they could do. lie
thounht the character of Seth Low
the most beautiful of all. He was
beaten for mayor the last timo ho ran
and he went into this campaign with
the people expecting him to he beat
en ugaln, but lr had the courage to
make the attempt
"1 Love that sort of a man" ex
claimed the Chancellor. The men
who usually go Into politics have not
that-mjairane. Mr. Low campaigned as
ho had never campaigned before. He
did not call names nor throw mud.
He said that he believed In the in
tegrity of Sliepard, but he "Tiki not
believe that anyone c mid advam e
the interests of t he city under the
rule of Tammany. Shep.ird was the
peer or Low, hut the people din not
know and trust him as they did the
lattei Low's character and public
spirit did more t hart to
win the elect Ion.
I n conclusion Chancellor Andrews
said that the best men ol the country
ought to go into politics It ought to
be so that the ablest men could offer
themselves for otllcc. He expressed
the hope that in a lew years it, would
be so
The Sopomnie team will play Ihe
Lincoln Medics at llavelock Satur
day An Interest inn name is antici
pated The Sophomores have one of
the stronnest class trains in the Uni
versity ai.d have come out victorious
in all the names plaved this yeai
Several days ugo tne Sophomores
plavrd the Lincoln hinh school to a
standstill, the name end inn with
scores lor neither side. The latter
scholastic aggregation deleated Doane
by 12 to 0. Diane scored :i! points
anainst the Medics and succeeded In
shutting them out. This is the only
means of tlet "running tin: telative
merits ol the teams, but at any rate
it will be a hard lattle 'lhe back
field tor the Sophomores is especially
strong and jwith Rcjuolrs al tackle
they feel confident ol proving the'
eiliial of t heir opponents.
The' lollowlnn important additions
to the Library have been made since
September 1 .I'.lOl.
Modern eleieiuencc, Id Miliums.
Ruins, Complete WorkH, (i voh;ine.
Savigny, system eh'S heiitigeu Roin
ische'ii KechtK. 10 volumes.
Lawyers Repoits. Aunotaterl. (iT
Piioli, Antiqintcs ef Ileiculanaiim.
(i volumes.
- -Rtiuxr -HVreubtfHMii ft -Ptmpeii, s
volurnes. Kvvalel, Ihstorv or Israel, s vol
umes Kinn, Southern States.
De Row, Industrial resources ed the
Southern and Western States, I vol
urr. es.
Ilarriman, Alasica expedition 18W,
1! volumes.
Yale Rl-e'cntennlnl publications, lo
Charlevoix, Hlsteiry of New France.
i volumes.
ZoologisoliL-r Jahresbeilclit. 18H0-Hi.
Anaiomischer Anelger, 188U-H2.
Newton, Opera. Uornley edition,
1770-85; fi. volumes.
Annuales des sciences nat'irelles,
Zoologle, 1811-8."); 80 volumes.
The Chancellor or the Unlverlsty of
Idaho recently received a commurii
cation lrom an English barribter,
seeking to have the degree of l,L. I),
conferred -ipon one eif his clients, an
aspirant for ji seat in Parliament.
The barrister stated that his client
was willing to pav liberally for the
honor. The offer was refused witli
contempt by the University authorities.
4.; I