The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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ca en
. O Street, Rooms 212 213 214 Rich
rd Mock, Tolophono 5:5.". Residence,
KI10 O. Street, Tolophono IA84.
Louise Flnnugnn, Oftleo, 141 South
12th Street. Tolophono uTH.
11" DAVIS. I) 1). S. Dentist.
Am Hridgo and row n work Oflice
looinT. ovpi Rook Island ticket other.
Phono ID.
( khlkrn
Corner nth nnd O.
Room t , up st;tirs.
Tailoring, repairing and cleaning
promptly d( ik
All old students Know him.
New ones should ret acquainted.
Shirt Comfort
( onsistB in liavinr the shirt lit
C. P. Harper's Shirt Factory
Room .",
loi'J O St , is the place. lb-member it.
It is a Pleasure
to get a Shave at
Try it and be lonvineed
A Pound of
Good Irish Linen for. . . 25c
Ripple Bond, white 40c
Ripple Bond, blue 40c
Envelopes to Match.
Invitation and Kogret Tapers.
Something elioiee m Tally Cards.
We have a Complete Line
Wilson & Hall,
ll a 3 O STREET.
Decorate Your
Send us your name on a postal card and
we will mail to you free a r.cvv brilliantly
colored Washburn poster (size 12x18
inches). This poster is the creation of
theViking's Head Studio, and has been
pronounced exceedingly bright and
clever. It represents a pastoral scene, a
rabbit enamoied of the music of a
mandolin. Write today, this offei may
not appear again. '
LYON & HEALY, 17 Adams St., Chicago.
Makers of the World-Famous Washburn
Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos and Zithers.
Local and Personal.
Tlio Co-Op.
Hat at Hondo's, 129 N. 11th.
Square meals at Francis itro.
.Fine fins, Steele, 14.1 So. 12th.
Hteclo, the furrier, 113 So. 12th.
The Hygienic Cafe, :516 So 12th st.
$1 'J" Kid gloves !)Se at The Famous.
l-.'l oil' on tnilliiiorv at The Famous.
Dr Woodward, oeculist .' Kieh'ds blk
liny vour iinlcr ware at, The Fan 'ms
Meals 1 .V, Falcs restaurant, l.TJl O.
OysLei soup ,V today Francis Pros.
Don Uamcmn's luncli cnunlor. Ill
So 11 tb St.
The Univeinity orchestra incuts for
rehearsal in the old chapel this even
ing at T-.'Hi
The Wcsleyau Dramatic club will
Hive a program Friday night in Pal
ladian hall.
The cloakroom and check loom for
men and ladies are now open ser
vice Is free.
Sheet Music and suponcs are best
secured from the Matthews Piano
v o. , l IZU .L
Swell printing, engraving and em
bossing. Phone :itr. The New Cen
tury, 112:1 N street.
Protessor Hruner went to Peru, yes
terday to address the students of the
State Normal School.
Foi Students; those exuuislte
1 anels and ovals at Pass' Photo
graphic Studio, 102(1 O .street.
The senior girl's caps hae aimed
senior girls should see the committee
regarding them before Thursday
Have you scn Fleming'.-, line or
Univei.sity pins and novelties. He,
has a very complete line 1211 O
si leet
For heating use our Lexington
Lump at 4,"). 00 a ton. Its a winner.
Try a ton. Union Fuel O')., 101 1 ()
Minnesota's basket nail men are
netting into training for the seasen.
Several games will be scheduled with
other colleges.
Messrs Crane and Senger are buck
Horn the western part, of tlie state
where they liavo been spending a few
das on their (Maims.
The department of botany has just
received a line (opy of Humboldt's
"Kssais ur la Geographic des Plantes'
It is rare arm aluable woik.
A new regulation of Dean Reese in
regard to tardiness has made tlie
members or tHe law class ino-c
prompt in attendance
Tlie Yale News recently published
a complete rocord of the standing of
each football player for that Institu
tion and also for Princeton.
We have tnc very latest, style In
shoes tor University n 1 r is. The box
stitch the rope stitch arid termed
welt ('nil and see t Horn Wehstoi
Honors UM.'l () st,.
Cora Smlili, 'i; was a caller at, the
department or botany on Monday.
Mir spout the summer In (he east
and reports havinir a Knod visit with
Ml.,s Kdna Hyatt, former botanical
artist in the, University. Miss Hyatt
is In New York, engaged In making
drawings toi several selontllic works
which are soon to anpear.
Professor I). . Saunders. M).l, of
Hrookings. Soutli Dakota, has just
.published a fa per on the algoo collec
ted, in Alaska by the "llarnman Ev
plditinn" lin ls). The "r.iwr Is
illusl rated with nianv excelle i'
plates. It is one or the most, notable
oontri tuitions to the knowledge of
th( seaweed-, or the P.u-ilio occ.u
which has appeared in many years
Subscribers to tlie stock in the
Hesperian Publishing Co., may get
the same at the otllee at i:il Noith
Klevcnt li street.
Iowa will have h new medical
building wliicli. it is est inii.ted, will
cost at least $300,000. It will bo one!
or the most valuable additions I f '
t hat university.
"The Michigan Daily New.s in a
recent issue devoted an entire extra
, p.w. ,() Ul( (.f,k.Kl ail(Mls
Minnesota" has a Women's league
which has leeentlv closed its lists
lor membership. The (dub Is ror the
purpose of piomulgatlng friendship
and personal contact k amonu the
young lady students and the wives of
faculty members.
The Sophomores ofM'oruell have
won in the annual rush of that class
with the Freshman. This decided
tire lower class championship.
Leland .Stanford University is mak
ing plans for the formation of an
nthtcMr association.
Seeral of tlie castcrn'college papers
have been recently publishing excel
lent olates of their respective foot
ball teams.
Tin rs i-AMii.t.
There is a funny old stoiy about the
pansy which many children know, but
many, again do not Tnc pansy has
five petals and five sepals. In all pan-
! sirs two of the petals are of plain color
and three uie gay with stripes and
spots of bright 10)01 The two plain
petals hnve but one Hepal between
them, while the two smallest, or the
gay, petals, have a Hepal each, and the
one largo petal has two sepals
A3 the story goes, the pansy repre
sents a family-a molliei, two daugh
ters and two stop daughters. The
mother is very cross and cruel to her
stepduughtera, obliges them both to
nit on one chair and wear homely
Jressos, while her duughters have a
huh- and very gay (bosses Indeed Hut
why doesn't the father object to uch
Ireatmeut of his daughters? The ques
tion Is, can you find the father'.' He Is
it home. Oh, yes. But you will have
'( tear the house down, taking out the
wife and children, to find him. He la
1 little bit of a man, with a white
wrapper on and a night cap Hut, poor
man, he Is sick, and, if you look elose.
y, you will find that he Bits with his
uunds on his knees, and u look of des
pah- on his face and his feet In a tub
f hot water
A noilll TO 'I UK THIN.
A gieat deal lias been written by
physicians foi the benefit of fat per
sons who dosbo to reduce tholr
weight, but the dls ontentod ut tin
other end of the Hoale, who long for
moi e 1 oei lug on their bone., are very
genoi.ul h-ft to discover fm t he 111
selin, If tho can a moans to gain
I hell end
I hluncKs like i;b,elv, m. bo dm
to Mini- ( nn.f H ul lonal defoi 1 In nu
tiitioii. often limning in the family, or
it m.n lie ,i symptom of (hionlc dls
easo ki, iihul loss of flesh, 01 cur
n.ig without any apparent cause. In
01 who ha been In pievlous good
1 oinlilioii, Is ,i suspicious sign, mnl
should l ad one to seek a cuioful mod
.il examination, so that the cause
whatewi i( may be, may bo discovered
and eoi mm (i'i w bile lhM is time
Otliei pei-ni.s liae iilways Icon toi
thin while scorning In otbei , e.speot.
to tie in fair health To such ,1 Tow
simple diici'tloii.s may bo of
I nin pi ison , ate ei apt to hr
noivousU sliuug, fietting ovo liltlos
and boiiowlng tioublo on eveiy pus
Flhle in 1 I hoy sloop poorly
dream much, and ,ue always in a htu
ol iiiiie-t in th waiting hourn Thr
n - not 11111 omnionlv rat hoi 1,11 go oal
ers, but ( ,eli food Is foi the modt jjart
moat and is bolted with ver llltli
inas' H ation
H w III be of little use t modiiv tin
diet in such unloh.s th nervnun
ins Is t:atod at the same time. Thi
poison must .ioid all things whirl
stimulate the 1101 vous sslom exclt
lug novels and theatileal pieces. th(
US' of toblli CO eoffee, (e.i, )IM( s(
foith The die: should consi-t iiirge y
of .litich's or .1 fattening natuie, sum
a.s s(;iiih vog 't.ibl-s, mmi'Ih hut r r
and fat meats Meals -Mould be m I
hut ficqueut. A .111 tain amount i
noui ishment t ikon In six port Ions wll'
mai.e moie iksii than the :wt
amount di.ldod into throe meals
lioeolale may be substituted fn
the inoinlng tea or coffno Vahj
should be drunk in large cuantitlrn .
other than meal-times, but Hnfil
should bo taken spailngly with tin
meals. Codllver oil, If It does r.ti
rmiisoatf, should tie tnkon regnla-Ij,
If it eanjiot bo tolerated, cream ion;
be substituted
I he l)l;it In Ills of sleep should U
long .mil a nip ma be taken with ad
va i(-'ne in t ii n.ddle of the day.
"' JLit J.ULOAI.
It Is lepoite.l that an Kngllah ufl,
dicate ha pun )ased fiom (he In
v uitoi a new method of muiitirclui
lug Oiiental cup. t l he appaiatiwi It
c.illtd the llellen.ili ben power Uxsa.
a id Hie i '.-din , made that If has a M--Vdi
y of thiity five srpiaie yaids yti
di . while liy JiHiid it takes half u (La
to make a square yaid It Is uM
f,latd that the material Is equal to ttH
fin st Oiiental productions A pec 1
lla My of lt.- (onhtruction is that
shuttle is dispensed with, thus permit
ting the utilization of low-grade m&
leiial hitherto considered useless. An
o hei novel featuie counected with ft
lu the ptocoos of coloring yarns, wMch.
in view of its simple character. It Us
thought 'may be adopted i - othr
brunches of textile manufacture.
n oil engine, which lias recently ut
1 1 acted considerable attention abroad,
and which was invented in Germany,
hi mi id to he the counterpart of an on
gii.e brought out in this eouiUiy sunn
I line since by Richard Dudgeon, with
(die exception that Dudgeon ue1
strain as a motlvu power, while the
pew engine uses oil vapor It coualuU
of a friction 1 oiler, working on the ln-r-ld
of u larger wheel. Its tractir
power Is reported as being very graaC
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The Daily Nebraskan.