The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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4 Dwgpapr doTntecl to llm lnterrt of the
Unlvomlly of Nnlrti ulin
rubllRhed nt 134 North lltli St , by
( Incorporator )
J V Crnlitrro, I'rpfiilont
0. L. Towno, Hoorotnrj Treniirr
J. I. Wyer, T. J. Howolt, E. W. Washburn
brsiMNO H .Me ("Aw -
Managing Editor
Ast. Manager
- Athlotlc Editor
H. C Pollard, Clifton Tarter,
Norrls Huo H. T Hill,
J. R. Farney, Cliff Crook
John A Wllon. Mmi M Huntington
' Th Miharrlption price of the Dally Nobras
Van m 12 for tho colloae year with n reRular dr
llyerT before rhapel encU day Notice, com
niiinirntlnni, nndothor matter intended for pub
llcatlon, must be handml In nt the NebrasWan
ofllce btcre 7 p. m . or mailed to the editor be
fore J p. m., of the day preiious to that day on
hlch they nro expected to appear
Htibicrlptloni may be left at Din Nobrttknn
nftlro, nt tturCrr.Op-. or with HiiaIhors Manaer
Hiiboribern will confer a faror by reporting
promptly at thli ofllce any failure to reef lve the
All change in adTertMiiK matter must bn in
the olllce by :t p. m on the day pre lows to that
on which they are to apponr.
Addrets all communication to the Daily Ke
braikau, 1.14 N lltk 8t., Lincoln, Nebraska.
Telephone 470.
t.-itoriMl ut the post nfllCi, at Lincoln. N-1
is sis'ond class mall inaltrt
Minnesot.i knows now how it fools.
Many l.ivui.ible ooiiitnonts arc
heard enneei nl ti Nebraska's now
gridiron lmpro oincnts Tho at.liletle
hoird aro Lo ho ciimrt,ul:ited on
t he onlerprise which inado I ho in
noval ions possil)lo
II is (J itlirull Lo lind Lhe
lat" numbers of maalnes in iho li
brary Students take them from the
shelves ami whet through with them
leave, them on the tables. ver likely
under a pile of books and papers.
One nniRL hunt, over Ore whole road
inn 100m to find them. Kaeh htu
dent should make it a point, to re
turn the magalnes to the alcove
where they are kepi ann thus uive
others a better chance to use them
It Is greatly to bo iei:reted that it
has been necessa-y for the University
authorities to say anything on the
Mibject of pbijransm. It Is a vtre
thatoii'ht to l)e beneath r.ny stu
dent. It Is not oniy denraditi' morally
l)iit it nefeats tho object for which
the student is spending his time and
money Action by the lniersity
authorities ounhl not to bo necessary
in order to stamp it out. The moral
ideals of tho student body should be
so fai ubove anything ol the kind
that no student would daio bo guilty
of it
When Michigan Uni verisLy decided
last year to abolish all degrees in the
literary departments except that of
A. P., there was some lear that the
classics would sutler as a result of
the change. Tnc following from the
Michigan Daily News indicated that
those fearh were not well grounded:
"Si nee tho radical change made by
the I'nhersity, giving the A. Ii. de
gree for all lines or work in the liter
ary department, many people have
wondered if the classical courses aro
not sullen ng as a result. Thev seem
to think that the 'majority of stu
dents look (Jreek and Latin because
it was required tor the A. 15. degree
anl not thev were interested
in the work. Investigation in these
departments shows that this is a
mistaken impression. It is true
there is a slight falling off in atien
dan o In the freshman classes, but
this is onip2nsated for hy increased
attndance in the higher cl assess.
On the whole tho faculty is entirely
satisfied with the showing made this
year, and has no fears for tho
future "
"Prof. I) (logo said. 'The Ircshman
lasses aro slightly smaller but there
seems to be continued interest in tho
subject, as is shown by the increased
number in the upper classes "
"Prof, llolfo said practically the
same thing with regard to the Lai in
classes, adding. 'There is an advant
age to the department to the extent
that tin; uiuicsnable element those
who take tbcstudeis from compulsion
and not from interest is eliminated
That this number is small, however,
is shown by the enrollments this
Doc. liixby ol the State Journal
gives vent to a lew thoughts on tho
Minnesota game after this lashion:
I bae heard your wail of woo, Min
nesota, since isconsin smote ynu so, Mir,
""nesota: Football players all agreed
You might possibly succeed
Now you're ery sore indeed. Minne
sota. Nute Knuteson's work was line. Min
nesota, When he but ked the badger line,
Put the brave Wisconsin crew,
Having nothing else to do.
Stood, and wouldn't lel'vou through.
Whet) tire badgers had the ball. Min
nesota, Though your men were strong and
tall, Minnesota.
It required no pains.
To go throngh yon line lor gains
I'y the use of brawn and brains.
'Twas a pity, alter all. Minnesota,
And I grieved that, von should fail,
Much it pains me mw to prate
Of tho irony or fate
O, my once beloved state. Minnesota.
State where once I used to plav, Min
nesota Home of Heatwole and of Day, Min
nesota -
All your gloi at an end.
My condnKwo, l extend
Let me weep with you, old Iriend.
Dr. Rosuoe Pound has consented lo
join the corps of critics who are as
sisting Mr Pogg in the criticism or
the work or the debating classes He
has placed bimseir at the disposal ol
the instructor in charge and will be
gin tlie work this afternoon with the
Class in Pnglish i:i. Mr. Pogg and
Dr. Pound together will give their
attention lo this afternoons' debate.
The system of faculty criticism
which lias been introduced this year
Isprtducing excellent results. Not
only do students get the benefit of
expert criticism but the new method
produces more Interest in the class
contests. The tonaencv is to cause
the debater to give more attention to
the subject matter of his speech.
The first two debates in the ad
vanced class were criticised by rro
fessors Caul well and Ross. Professos
Tayloi, Hill and Pling have also con
sented to assist in the woric and will
be on hand soon aftei the Thanks
giving vacation.
The discussion which takes place
this aftenoon will be of unusual in
terest. The speakers are among the
best in the University Two or them
were on the interstate debates last
ear and the other two hao won
places, at different times on the pre
liminaries Tho question is: " Re-
solved. That the United Slates should '
establish a nat iona! training school
ror diplomats,' is of cnslderablo i in
portaneo at the present time, be
cause of the growing inlluence ol the
United States abroad
The a fill mathe w ill bo taken by
W. P Meier and I) I). St till. The
negative by (J. A hee and .1. T.
The riilieism of the debate will oc
cupv the whole of the second hour.
Visitors are welcome to any ol the
class debate . They aie held in the
old chapel from 2 lo I o'clock
The debate in Knglish 11 Friday
will'Mie on t he .subject "Resolved,
That the canteen is preferable to the
outside saloon.". It will no criticised
b Professor Ross
On Monday the section will discuss
the question. "Resolved, That tor
economic reasons, tho government
should own and control the railroads
The critic will be Professor Taylor
Thanksgh iug Recess begins Wed
nesday No 27 at it pin and ends
Monday Doc 2 at h am.
HflVjjnWi"" Jm
Spalding's Foot
Ball Shoes.
On .ill
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we art1 now
putting th'1
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Head harness, ankle brace,
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For the eyes not the stomach, in this case.
When the eye is satisfied it often fills up
those vacant sp ts. This feast is the most
o-oro-eous array of swell neckwear creations
ever shown in Lincoln. We cordiallv invite
all the students of the I 'niversity to come in
and sec our grand array of harmonious colors
The Newest Novelties for the Fashionable
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Not Everything from a Needle to
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but SHOES we're specialists
on shoes. We have Ilanan
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Call and get Printed Matter that will give you
t full information as to its Clin'Ke, Resources and
the beet way to get there.
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Corner loth and O Street.
Telephone 235.
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7th Street, Bet P ana Q.
Telephone 35.