The Daily Nebraskan VOL.1 NO. 47 LINCOLN, NUB., WKDNNNDAY, NOVUM BKR 20, 1U01. TURK K OKNTN h i VARSITY PLAYS FAST Snappy Practice on Gridiron Yesterday---8 ophoraores beat the Freshmen in a Close Contest. row will witness a battle royal be tween tuom on Nebraska Fiold The gamo will bo called at 3 o'clock arrl an admission or 25 cents wilt lie charged. The practice of the 'arsity was cry fast last mght and tne men ar all in tho pink of condition. 'Flic men were all out, but Kingsbury and Koehlcr were kept out of the scrim mages. Captain Wcstovor filled bis position at tacklo having recovered sufllcktly from his lameness, to allow him to play without danger of an in jury which would keep him out of tho Haskell Indian game on Thanks giving day. After a short signal practice in which tho plays were run through with, a dash and a nurry, the team took a few minutes rest, then lined up against the scrubs. McDonald kicked to Drain who returned ten yards. The 'Vaisity then worked the pig skin steadily down tho Held tor a touch down. No sensational playing was done in making this score but It was made bv steady line bucks and short end runs, Drain kicked goal. Time about I minute-.. Alter the next kick-on" the 'Varsity pushed the ball down to the Scrubs' lifteon yard line when It was lost on a fumble. Then tho Scrubs were al lowed to advance the ball if they could. Hut they could do nothing with the 'Varsitj ilne and arter six successive line bucks and attempted end runs, McDonald punted. On the exchange of punts Pillsbury bad decidedly tho best of the bargain and a few k, Unites later the second score was made. Pillsbury punted out and Drain kicked goal. The practice closed with a short run. SOPHOMORES AND FRESHMEN PLAY. Tho game played between the So phomore and Freshman class teams yesterday was a very pretty exhibition of football. The teams are very evenly matched and thev played in dead carnnest. Both teams are very hoavv for class teams andthey put up a superior article of football. Thoy'olayed only ono half and that was not enough to decide which Is the bettor of the two teams as the Sophomores could only scoro a saTetv against their opponents, although tho play wab largely in Freshman ter ritory. Tho Sophomores wee able to work tho ball t within a few yards of tho Freshman goal and there they stopped. After tho three attempts at scoring tho Freshmen would relieve them of the ball and punt it ut or danger. Bridge and Hood, right half and quarter back of tho Sophomores, de servo especial mention on account of their work in the game. Bridge is a fast and steady man and never failed to advance tho ball when called upon. Some dispute, has arisen ir Lincoln high school football circles as to who aro tho football champions of Iowa and Nebraska. Tho team that played in '90f were champions then, and then, and the team tins year being an entirely different aggregation- claim the same honor. Each team Is unwilling to share the honor with tho other, so tomor- DR. ANDREWS SPEAKS HOW KANSAS FEELS. The Kansas team seems to be In bad shape from the effects of the Saturday game. They are sore. Up sides having their feelings hurt by the big score rolled up against thorn they are a very sore jot ot men physi cally. The Kansas City Journal says or them: 'Tho Kansas Urmerslty football team arrived in this city yesterday afternoon from Lincoln, and a more bruised up crowd would be hard to lind. Every one has marks or tho grueling stnmglo with the Cornhusk ers, and while none of the injuries are serious, they are more or loss painrul and rather disfiguring. Buz 7.1, vho did such effective work at hair and made the long urn which terminated in thotoiich down, Is the worst crinnled playei of the team, nut he will be ablo to get into the game by next Saturday, when the Jayhawkcrs play Texas at Lawrence. He went into the gamo with a broken rib, which recieed some hard j)lts." The same paper commends on the re cent Improvements on the Nebraska gridiron in these words: "Nebraska hs a score board ar rangement ror keeping the SDectators posted on tho progress or tho gamo that would meet with the hearty commendation of the local football rans If adopted in this city. It Is very hard lor one in tho grand stand to follow the dons mid yards to gain, but with the system used by Nebras ka all or tnis is made plain. The scoring board, which is aoout ten reet high and fourteen feet long, is so arranged that It gives the score, who has tho ball, what down, yards to gain and touchdown and goal. Four men manipulate tho board and another man stands on the side line, and by a (system oT lettered cards untitles tho men at tho board, who have it chan .red berore the next play is off. Hy this method any spectator can tell the exact stage ol the game, and without llrst consulting his ntbbors. Tno Nebraska Held is also ai ranged so that every one can see. No crowding out onto the side lines there. A high wire tencc has uecn built lound the gridiron, about firteen foct back of the side lines. No ono Is allowed inside or the fence, unless ho has business there, and few uave. A now grandstand has also been erected, which all In all givos NebrasKa ono of tho best, Ir not the best regulated and equipped Held" In the west." MICIll CAN -PENNSYLVANIA DEBATE. The Pennsylvania Debate, Commit tee has proposed as a subject for the Fourth Annual Debate with tho Uni versity or Michigan tbo following question: Resolved, "That tbo sys tem of compulsory voting should bo adopted In tho United States." The University or Michigan will havo the choice of sloe.1?. Tho debate will bo held in Philadelphia on Friday, March 7, 1902. Tho team which will debate with Michigan will not bo finally selected until next January. Addresses the Students on Pla-garism---Involves Lying and Stealing---Oalls it an In sult to University. "Plagarism luis the wickedness of stealing one's coat or ha;, lb also has nil the guilt of lying. A man gets something that does not belong to him and ho lies to get It." These aro the sentiments of Chan cellor Andrews, expressed in chapel yesterday. He spoko at some length or this vlco as found In tho studen body. It consisted, bo s.ud, of ap propriating matter written by some one else and passing it off as ones own. He had l.oped that It would not Invade the University and lie further hoped to be able to check It at its Inception. Palgarism Is lyln a no tno world hates lying. A literary man could lose his character no quicker than by stealing the work or anothor. He pointed out another aspect of plagarism In addition to its degrad ing effect on the character. "Why would one. who wished to devel'ipe his body deliberately eschew food and oat chalk? Why do wo come to the University If not to developc our minds? Do vonot"really want to learn to think and have real montal pover'J ir not we might as vsell stay away." The Chancellor then went on to show that this vlco deTeats tho whole pur pose for v hich students attend the University. Tho time ono passes upon the work or anothor Is not his own time. "Do your own work," he said, "let us be honest enough with ourpclves to pass in our own work howevor poor it is. Do your own part then the faculty will know your woak points and will be able to give help where it is needed." Ho urged stu dents to be strictly honest in all their work. The Chancellor explained the seri ousness of the vlco of plagarism when committed in tho University, A bank, he asid, would view olshonotsy in ono of its employees with suc more severity than It would tho pil fering of a sneak thief. The Univer sity in the same way mubt look at plugai ism as a much more flagrant offense than It committed in tbo common walks or lire. "Such an offense. "he said, "cannot be passed over. It insults tho entire teaching force and every one of the chirlnnfu ' ' Ho declared that if it becomes necessary, tbo University musi yurge itself of those who practico it. It Is tho worst crime that could be com mitted against the faculty. The Chancellor will speak this morning on the recent election in New York city. Phlladolpia last week, made an in spection of the buildings of tbo Uni versity of Pennsylvania. He bad never boforo visited an American In stitute of loarning, and was much Impressed with the University and particularly with many phase of Perm's student 1 1 fo thoro. He exhibit ed a ureat interest In the dormitory system and the Houston Club, and al so in the Wlstar Institute or Ana tomv and the new Museums. jt the Houston Cub he remarked that there wero many aspects of strident life presented to him which wero not seen In France. Mr. Salles spent con siderable time in the Museums, and while there he gave to Mr. Stewart Cuilu, tor presentation to tho Uni versity, a rare medal In bronze coined by tbo French government In 1781, in honor ol tho achlcwment or Ameri can lndcrcndenca. PROFESSOR HOWARD VISITS THE UNIVERSITY. ProfesHor George E. Howard '7(1. lsltcd ,tt the University yesterday. Professor Howaid was for ,'a number or years, connected with tho faculty of the Driverslty as head or tho his tory department. He loslgnco his position here to accept a similar ono at Lolaud Stanford Jr., University. Last winter ho resigned bis chair there and since then ho has been do ing some special work. Ho will re main in Lincoln tor a day or two. Y. M. C. A. NOTKh. State Secretary Bailey called at the Y. M. C. A. olllce Tuesday morning. C. C. North went to Fremont Sun day and hold a meeting at the Norm al school there. The Y. M. C. A. otllce has a new decoration in the shape or a picture or prominent Y. M. C. A. men. It shows tho likenesses or all tho Y. M. C. A. secretaries and physical direct ors in NeorasKa. The Association hold a mooting at tho "Farm" last Sunday, and organ zed a committee to tako charge or the work there, Six men decided to form a bible class and the prospect Is good that a room will bo obtained for use of tho Y. M. C. A. boys there. AMERICAN ;COLL,EGE LIFE DIF FERS FROM STUDENT LIFE IN FRANCE. Mr. Andrao Salles, tho Colonial In spector of the Froncli Government, who has been spending several years on an extended tour of Inspection through tlio West Indies. Duhomles, Indo-China, and other French colon ies, and who, during a brier visit to THE WEATHER. Forecast ror Lincoln and vicinity: Wednesday fair and warmer. Weather report Tor 24 hours ending 7 pn Tuesday. Highest temperature 48 degrees, oc curing at 4 pm. Lowest temperature, 27 degrees, occuring at 0:45 Dm. Mean temperature 38 degrees, which is 2 degrees above the normal. No Precipltacfon. G. A. LOVELANI), Jesse P. Cleland '10 of Omaha was in Lincoln yesterday visiting friends. SIoao graduating from the University he has taken his degree In law at a St. Louis law school and he is now employed in a law otllce In Omaha. Governor Suxago has consented to address the students uf the academy. It will be given the second Wednes day in January. i 4 . "R J i y J ii 5 51 I . r.