The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 19, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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k nawtpapor clamled to tho Intarenti of tha
Unlvrilr of Nnnra hWu.
rnbllihed at 134 North 11th fit., by
J. W. Crnbtreo. Prenident.
0. L.Townn, Herrotary.Troasarar.
stt. E.
J. I. Wror, T J. Hewnt
W. Waihburn
Htbki.ino H .McCatt
Oeokoe K Sii idler -
Mannjtlut Editor
At. Manager
- Athletic Editor
R. 0. Pollard, Clifton Carter,
Norrta Hun. K. t H"l,
J. It. Karnny.i Cliff Crooks
John A. Wilson, LlnnM HuntliHfton
' Thn Ruborrintion price of Hie Daily Nnbrai
kan is K! for tho eollojjo your with n roRiilar do
llyery baforo chapel ouch day. Notices, com
nninfcntioiiB, nndothnr mutter intruded for pub
llcatlon, must be liandml In nt the NebraHknn
ofllco before 7 p. m . or mnllnd to tho editor be
fore .1 p. m of Hie day prerioua to that day on
liirh they nro expected to appear
Hiibicrlptionn may bo left at tho Nebr"skan
ofllce, at the Co. Op., or with Mutinous MamiKor
Hubicrlbers will confer n favor by ropnrtinfl
promptly ut this oftlco any failure to receive tho
paper. .
All rhnnrn in adverting mattor must lo in
the ofllco by II p. in on tho day proTlolls to that
on which they are to appear
AHilrnKH nil rnmtnutl U'atlOl
Address all communications to the Daily No
braakan, l.U N. 11th Bt., Lincoln, Neb
Telephone 479.
Kriteieil ut the post 1 itllt" -. :it
as seennd class mall licit 1 1 r
Lincoln. Nt 1)
Ak an example of ;i crowd of stu
dents and instructors thoroughly per
meated with college spirit, cnthuis
asm ann we desire to
point to the engineering denar: ment
of the University of Neui.iiUa. since
the launching ol the engineering
annual, the most ridable innoatiou
is a pioposit ion for an engineering
camera cliin. This would undouhtcd
ly I e of great pi;:ct ical value to the
.'tudents of that de art ment. n
o t her proposed inovat ion among them
i.s a 7 ;it) clas in free hand drawing
for which no t red It is given Imag
ine a European history class meeting
at that hum in the morning to do
some special work in sou ice study or
a (Ireek sit. dent putting in an extra
half hour studying side lights on
Homer. The result of this spirit ot
entei prise miy he seen in a recent
letter trom sonic engineers in Cuha
ask Inn for a cahle message announc-
ing to them the result of the Neoras
Ua-TNorlhwesTern came, provided one I
was played. It is that kind ot spirit
that stiengt hens the 1'niversity over
the count rv.
The suggestion made In tn' .Nebnts
kan some time ago and developed
more fuliv in tin-. issue to the effect
that students send to their" local
papers communications concerning
the University, if followed out could
be made of great value to the I'm
verslty. Advertising of this kind
would he much more effective than
any other kind It is a suggestion
that students could very easily act
It i.s sincerely to be hoped that
the debating association will manage
to adopt a constitution soon that will
u stay adopted until an organization
c lii he completed at least.
Chancellor Andrew' ton vocation
addressee this week will prove of es
pecial interest. They should be
listened to by the entire student
Editor Ncbraskan :
A recent issue of the NebraKsan
mentioned the fact that students
ought to help make the University
kn .wn through the medium of their
home payors. Tlilj seems advisable
and in a comparatively easy thing to
do. A letter which would be instrue-
Livc to many who nie unacquainted
with university work could ne, writ
ten at n llttlo expense of time and
with ureal profit to the writer. If
hy this means some hoy or uirl is In
lluenced in an cducntional directum,
the wrltci of the letter Is to he com
mended. The prevailing I 'ea in certain dis
tricts and among certain classes with
repaid to university work is that.
Latin, (JrecK, (ierman, French and
Mathematics are the only branches
taught. Nothing at all is known
about the technical schools. Law,
agriculture, mechanic arts, civil en
gineering and electrical enignecrlng
are not known to be among the sub
jects which the University offers.
The institution is looked upon as
Hiving only a suuerlicial education,
something not practiral enough for
the '.young man who has to nulla
money. It Tmay be imagined that
such persons as are mentioned above
aie not intelligent, but tbis is not
the case, they simply have not, liao
any opportunity to learn of such
things. Many or them are briglr
enough and would beuin to atteni
the University at once if they sav
the advisability ot so doing.
Many boys do not- attend school
because they have a greatlv exagger
ated idea or the cost connectd witl
such a course. Perhaps they hav
read statements to the elTect lha
the cost Is small, that they can worl
their way through school, but the
say: "(), well, that looks nice li
nrmt but we don't, believe it.''
What a revelation It would be t
them to see In their wjekly naper ;
letter signed by a ti listed acquaint
ance, which explains ava all tie
difficulties Those who betoie nevei
hoped for an education would be ii
For thosewho have had a very lim
ited education, perhans only thai
attorned h a countr school, ii
would he well to lay much stress
upon tho courses in argiuulture and
mechanic arts. Many could entei
these schools who aie not dualilled
for entrance to the academic ncuart
met, since only a knowledge of the
common school branches is required.
Theso are a few ot many sugges-
tlons which might be olYereo. Let us
see what we can do in this line. It
is the dutv fo every st udent to help
his fellow and at the same time help
his alma muter.
'I hat the tiusts Mile the Republic m
party Is Kwtti"K to be well umlers'onil
h most of the people In leturn for
the ipecial piivilegeH that have been
Kianteil the trnstH the find the money
to elrr 'mKroHHincn ami thiii con
tinue to bleed the people In this
. .1 NT-.. V . . . 1. Tim f,U U .1 V ht
U OIineiMllHI I lie ivrn 1 m iv i iiucr, -c.j..
Whatevei opinion our siiwemiieii uuo
our economists may hold, it is plain
that the benefit lanes of Diugleylmn
are not prepared to dibpense with the
ble.ssinRH of a .system under which,
they have found it delihtfull easy
to get ml) ConKresHinan Dalzell in
one of the spokesmen of this class
of wide-awake mTlcans He thinks
that the granting of tin in eoncehslons
even to the products of Cuba will
laise 'smioiih questions." We should
ay so. Porto Hleo is binaller than
Cuba, yet the howl that went up
when It was propoHed to eatabllah
free trade with that island, our own
inland, was no terrifying that it
lightened the President from IiIb
plain duty.' "
I) A I I, V
Siibscritu'rs to tho stock in
Hesperian l'ubli.shini' Co., may
tho same at tho oftlco at KM
Eleventh street.
A Pound of
Good Irish Linen for 25c
Ripple Bond, white 40c
Ripple Pond, blue 40c
Envelopes to Match.
Invitation ami Kegret l'npers.
Something choice in Tally Cards.
Wc ha e a Complete Line
Wilson & Hall,
1133 O STREIiT.
In e ei i.i 1 1 ii
'on ils p.iv linn h Ii -,
l A I ' WAYS.
ii. ii. i. ill he i ;u'
. 111 IM)IOl
. a , than I lie
i.i s In Ohio
ii i,icii that
oT Cleveland
ion (o (lie n d , t I li
farmer 01 I !. hiimui - -.
liis evil li.' lifi mil'
I'olll .lollll.MHl .IS I'l.lVO
s making a light to equalize taxation
ml of (oiu-e the i.iilioads and othei
corporations ai' llg'nlmg him bitterly
1'lie Deinoi l.itic .-tllte (Olivelltion 1)119
aacked up his efforts b;, a plaiiK in
'he plat I'm m on tlii , reform, which
"The aecrptanre of free passes or
other fa vols fioin raiboad.s by public
)(Ilc(i s or employes diall be made ade
inate gioiind for vacating the offices
ield bv tlieni
ll public service (Oi potations
-hall he reqiuied by law to make
ivvoin iiiibbe leport.s, and the power
tnd duty of visitation and public ic
,)ort shall be conferred upon tho
noper state and local auditing of
iiieis to the end that the true alne of
'.he piivileges held by corpora
iloiiB hhall be made plain to tho peo
ple. "rftram nnd electric railroada and
ither coipoiutlons posnesslng public
franchises shall be assessed in the
lame pioportion to their salable value
?s are farms and city real estate
"The jiroceedingh of the Republican
majority of the state board of equal
ization aie a scandal. Property values
instead of being equalized were in
creased or diminished at the dictation
of political bosses pursuant to corrupt
combination? and eonnpiraeleH."
The Republican convention declared
In favor of a levislon of the revenue
laws of the state so that all classes of
propei ty will bear their juHt be.vdena
of taxation. s the Republicans have
lipd control of the legislative and ex
ecutive brandies of the state govern
ment for several consecutive years one
is impelled to wonder why they have
not long Mine uKomplmhed the ie
" IfV"
Arc you Going to
Call and get Printed Matter that will give you
full information as to its Climate, Resources and
the best way to get there.
Glty Ticket Office, Bnrlington Depot,
Corner ioth and O Streets. 7th Street, Bet P and Q.
Telephone 235. Telephone 35.
no nn
Ofllce 1100
O Btreet, Ktxims 21 '2 21,'l 214 Rich
rds Block, Telephono 5,'l). Residence,
l.'llO (J Street, Telephono 1,084.
1 R. HKNJ.
F. HA I LEY; Dr. May
Louise Flanagan, Oflico, 141 South
12th Street. Telephone 018.
Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital.
Spoiul nt trillion Rivrrn to dlncaROk of womna
ndnll muKirHl disra-rm ray oxnralnatloa
with no dixcomrort or injury to pBtiont &r-
rytliinft- n lionirbkn ns possible. Hara nno
room roasonublo
P. O Box SSI. Toloplionn 088
Spalding's Foot
Ball Shoes.
On all
our Knot
I Jail Shoes
we are now
)iiiLin liic
new style
cleats as
shown in
cut. After
last season
a thorough lest
by a few of the leading" pl;iy
ors, they unanimously declare
them the b st cleats ever put
on a shoe. Insist ii)on lia -inr
them for your shoesT
lOverythino- foi- football
Head harness, ankle brace,
shin o-uards. Handsome il
lustrated Cataloo-ae free.
A Q. Spalding & Bros. Incorporated
New York Chicago IVuvcr
Spalding's Otlieial Football (uiide. for
1001, (dited by Walter Camp, price lt'e
Decorate Your
Setul us your name on a postal card and
wc will iii.ii 1 to yni fiee a i.ew brilliaiith
colored Washburn poster (size I2xiS
inches). This poster is the creation of
the Viking's Head Studio, and has bet n
pronounced exceedingly bright and
clever. It repiesents a pastoral scene, a
rabbit enamored of the music of a
mandolin. Write tod.iv.llus offer mav
not appear again.
LYON & HEALY, 17 Adams St., Chicago,
Makers of the World-Famous Washburn
Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos and Zilhers.
0KKXK0OOO0 040
mt ?m i
9 &VB'
aMnnwu'm)" -
nm umafimtm