- '; fj ." M " i ( . - - V V 1 i, 4 w -" l" THE DAILY NEBRABKAN. 5VI 1 ' i v Local and Personal. The Co-Op. Ed YounR. PIPES. Dr. Case McMurbry Bl1.:. Eat at Hondry's, 129 N. 11th. All tho now books nl browns. Square meals at Francis Bros. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Wc havo tno very latest stylo In shoes lor.Unlvoraltv Rlris. Tho box stitch, tho ropo stitch ana torrnced wolt. Call and sco them. Webster & ItORers 1043 O st. Reserved scats for tho Kansas pamo mav bo had at. any of the fol lowing places: Wilson & Hall. Uni versity Book store. Library oHloo. Max Westcrmann's office. Steele, tho furrier, 143 So. 12th. Football canes at Wohlenburu's. The Hygienic Cafe, 31G So. 12th at. Pot Roast Day at Francis liros. J1.2G kid gloves 98c at The Famous. 1-3 off on millinery at The Famous. I)r Woodward, occullst, JLIch'ds blk. Professor P. B. Bunett, formerly teacher in the University Gorman department Is now professor of Mod ern Languages in Butler Collego, Irvington, Ind. John L. Kind '99 who has been In structor in German for the past year has acccptca a position as (Jerman teacher in tho Omaha high school. Ho left to begin his work thero Wednesday. FINE CHANCE FOR SOME.... Fine Overcoats. A cheap coat bIjows sifrn.s of wear tho llrst month you wear it; a good one improves, lasts and 8ooUiok tho pur1 chaser. )i course vou know GOOD CLOTH KS cost more than choap ones. Wo have always made it our aim to handle nothing but the vei'3' best. Theee stylish crea tions in THE YOKE, $1."5 50 TO $2 OO THE AUTO-MOHILE, $10.00 TO $20.00 tfte sriT-orr, $20.00 HOULEVAIU) BOX. $10. OO TC $25 OO CKAVENETTES, (Rain Coate), $i:50 TO 25 OO. NOT ALONE. Tho most complete line of Black and Blue beacr, Meltons. Prices, $7.50 to $25. OO. Sco them. EwingClothingCo It L III5-III7 0 STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Buy your undorwaro at The Famous Meals 15o, Falos restaurant, 13 3U O. Oyster soup 5c today, at FrnciB Bros. Ralph Connor's new book at Browns. Don Cameron's lunch counter, Ho. 11th st. Ill Student's groups a specialty at Bass' studio, 1020 O street.; Mieet Music anci Supplies at Matt hews Piano Co. 11120 O Street. Emma Swanson formerly in class '02 is teaching noar Iloidrege. Protessor Bessoy and .1. J. Fosler aro at work on a new desiun for a psychrometer to take tho place of the ordinary 4,slmg psychomotor." It Is for use in tho fleld wonc of students in Botany. Chas. Anderson, E.E. M)8. was visit ing friends on tho campus last Satur day. Ilo Is In the employ of the Amalgamated Copper Co. at Great Falls Montana. Instrutcor Sheldon begins his work with the students in Borany in tho School or Arglculture this week. He has a fine laboratory fitted up In the Agricultural building on tho Farm. Ilev. J. E. Gilbert or Washington, D. C, visited the University yesterday. 'Chauncy" Warner '00 intends to do some special work at the Univer sity this winter. Swell printing, engraving and cm bossing. Phono -IMm. Thuew Con tury, 1123 ?sT street. A number of University students attenciea the Joint debate between Miss Gregg and Mr. BJxby on the Suffrage question Wednesday night. All enioyed a thorough reception of wit, humor and logic. Did You Ever Wear a pair of I ranan Shoes? They're $5.00 and worth it every time. PERKINS & SHELDON, 1129 0 Street. I See the ''freak last" in our window. The Weather Bureau has )ust ro celved a oarograpi from tho central otllco at Washington. Tho instru ment was started recording before leaving Washington, as a result th? uepartmont has a very interesting record. : Try our bard wood for heatmir, $7 :i cord delivered. It's line. Union Fuel Co., 1014 0 street. Miss Gomet Sullivan, who was in school last year, is visiting ; few days with Miss Anna Maxwell. Pi Beta Pbl gave a banquet in honor of Mrs. Chapman Catt at the Lincoln hotel Wednesday evening. Messrs. Songer and Crane went out Thursday to spend a few Jays on their homestead at Western Nob. Mr. and Mr3. Follraer. of Oak will visit in Lincoln with Mr. Follraer's mothor during Thanksgiving wosk. Iowa University is planning to ask tho general assembly for an appropri ation of $200,000 for a Medical Building. About a week ago an unruly dyna mo was 'sent down from Wymoro to tho electrical department to bn ex amined. Several special ihts had al ready inspected it but without dis covering the trouble. Tho electrical department has succeeded In locating tho difficulty and aro ready to put the machine in order if It is desiroj. Bort Gordon called at the Univor- v. bity yesterday. Ho Is traveling Jor a ti6rlopticon view company "Tnlils state. Kappa Alpha Theta has plcdccd Misses Mary Bed well, Zola Dollookor, Faith riool. Juno Phelps and Fayo Towns of Omaha and Vera Lowraan 0f Hastings. The bright star which appeared in Perseus last February is still the subject of much discussion In scien tific circles. Professor Swezey has conslderbalo literature on tho subject and has himself takon somo observa tions. A few days after Its discovery tho Btar flashed out until almost as bright as Sirlus. Since then its brightness has diminished to the sixth magnitude, which Is just below tho range of visibility. Through somo violent disturbance tho star has become a neoula, and phenom enon In which the astronomers are now Interested Is the rapid motion of tho nebular nucleus. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Demand High-Class AMUSEMENTS Our Billiard Parlor is up-to-date and absolutely free from immoral iniluence. Phone 586. POWELL'S, 146 N. nth I Allegretti' i and I Lowney's I Chocolates I at... I VECTOR'S t r t Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eye5 Examined Tree. Price Reasonable. 1238 O Street, "? Portrait and Lansdcape Photographer 120 South nth Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. OALLERY ESTABLISHED 1871. Subscribe for The Daily Nebraskan WE SELL KODAKS 117 NORTH nth II I STREET. D. E. DePUTRONJ - 1 IB'' I. J "Tumble Weeds" mm Have You Heard About ) Tumble Weeis . A NEW BOOK of Poems of Nebraska by ' the author of "Corn Tassels," Will Reed Dun roy. Elegantly printed on 120 pound egg shell book paper and elegantly bound in a striking cover of Art Linen. Edition de Luxe, num bered and signed by the author, $1.25. Regu lar edition, $1.00. JPrinted at The Lakeside Press, Chicago. THE UNIVERSITY PUEISfllNC COMPANY, 1 LINCOLN, PUBLISHERS. NEBRASKA: 5l "3l ' i , 1 v - ,t . 4 JA J i 1 i Jl 1 w. l 1M T5o 1 . '"'h V