The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1901, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. I, NO. 44
Neoraskan sliould woar a ennc. a
pennant, a megaphono and a bund)
of scarlet and oream.
Varsity Shows Unusual Strength in
Practice Score at Will Gov
ernor Savage to Start
The Game.
Foot-ball practice oo NcbraKsa
Field last night was short and
snappy. The scrubs woro powerless
In tho bands of the 'Varsity who
scored at will. The scrubs were
given tho ball on the twenty-five
yard line repeatedly but could never
aln five yards" with it.
Tho most notlcable featuro of Ne
braksa's playing Is the team work.
Every man gets Into things now. It
is all together, when the player with
the ball Is about to fall he doesn't
for sonio body is there to push him
along sovoral feet further. Shead and
Cdrteiyou at ends are especially
noticable at 'this trick. Drain Kicked
a goal from the Held. He does this
with telling regularity now so that
tho twenty-five yard line in a good
position means a score now-a-days.
It Is always sometbinsc to the backers
of a team to know that on the third
down and soveral yards to gain,
something can bo done when In the
shadow of the goal posts.
Bell and Plllsbury gave a creaitable
exhibition of punting on tho gridiron
last night, kicking sixty yards re
peatedly with a slight wind. Every
thing is in readiness for tho game or
the season tomorrow and it tho Jay
hawkers win they will have earned
their spurs. Koohlor will till up cen
ter. Brow and Malonoy guards, West
over and Kingsburg, tackles. Strlng
or and Cortelyou ends, Drain quarter,
(Jrandall and Cuff halves, PlllBbury
full. Subs, Eager. Sbedd, flicklo,
Voss and Bell. The men are all In
tho best of shape, everyone is feeling
Governor Savage will kick off for
Nebraska, sending the ball into the
territory 'f her sister commonwealth
thus marking the beginning of the
state struggle between Nobraska and
Kansas. Colonel Bryan and his
friends will ocoupy a section in the
grand stand alone with Governor
avage's staff. The semaphore will
o placed at the north end of the
-Id so that the newest onthusiasts
' tell how the gamo goes. The
,wo6 of tho sooro board is 8 by 15 feet.
It has two rollers five feet long and
geyeral two jfgofc long.. It will register:
tyio downs, yards to gain, wbpsp nail
and score. It will be raised six feet
from the ground where it con bo
plainly seen from any point of tho
field. The cost will be fifty dollars.
Kansas telegraphs that botweon
ono hundred and one nundred and
fifty rooters will accompany tho
team. They arrived in Lincoln to
night. A ono ana a third rate has
been secured by Manager Cowglll
from all points within fifty miles oi
Lincoln including Fair bury which is
somowbat ovor tho limit. Tickets
aro50jcents gonoral admission, and
75 cents for grand stand seats. Seats
may bo reserved at Wilson & Hall's,
Tlio UnlvelrsTty Book 6tore, Wester
raann'a office and The Library. Sec
tions will be reserved for the rooting
divisions on the bleachers. Now is
tho time for Nebraska;BpirH. E,vory-
Probably tho hardest fought battle
on a western gridiron this year will
be the Minnesota-Wisconsin same at
Madison next Saturday. Both teams
are straining themselves to the ut
most In order to out themselves In
the best posslblo shape oeforo tho
time comos. Last year Minnesota
won by a scoro of (J to 5. This year
from all accounts tho teams are as
ovonly matched as they were last
yoar. The backers or both arc con
fident of winning.
Some objection has been made to
the method Dr. Williams has pursued
recently In providing practice for his
men. The North Dakota team play
ed the Minnesota scrubs last Satur
day and in order to give tho Gophers
a variety or nraottco tney have been
retained at Minneapolis presumably
at Minnesota's expense. Dr. Williams
todkthis action on tho ground that a
strange team could give his men bet
ter practice than the scrubs who
were familiar with the first, team's
signals. Practico both at Minneapo
lis and Madison has been secret for
some time. It is reported that overy
reserved seat has been sold already.
Student Members of tho Board
Elocted. Mass Meeting in
Ohapel. Mrs. Oatt
Bpoaka to Students.
The olectlon held in cbapol yester
day morning for the purpose of
selecting four student members of
tho college settlement board resulted
in tho choice of T. A. Maxwell,
Chas. M. Braoolin, and Misses May
Powell ana Abba Bowon.
Tho election was heid at tho mass
mooting which is called annually for
that purpose Professor Candy pre
sided ana explained brlofiy the object
of the meeting. The board is com
posed of soven membors. three from
tne faculty and four students. The
former are ohoson by tho faculty for a
term of three years, one being oleotea.
each year. Tho student mombors
are ohosen oy the student body at a
mass meeting hold for tho purpose.
They hold their placos on tho board
Iqr ono yeai.. Tho election yeatorday
was accomplished without opposition.
Mrs. Cirrlo Chapman Catt, Presi
dent of tho National Woman Suffrage
Association, addressed the student
Mrs. Catt said sho was especially
In tores ted In tho Uniovralty bcoauso
It Is wroking out tho groat problom
or co-education. Sho related soveral
Incidents to show tho suporlorty of
women over men In educational
lines. Tho number of young mon,
sho said In universities have doubled
whilo in tho same timo tho .number
of young ladles increased six fold.
Sho predicted tho timo when the
number or young ladles would oxcecd
that of young mon. For every boy
graduated from tbo public schools
last year there was an avorago of one
and a fourth girls. Sho said that sho
did not, liko sonio people, believe In
keeping the girls back. Sho favored
pushing tho boys forward so tbo gins
would not excel thorn.
MrB. Catt In olpsiug urgea young
men when they go out into the world
of polities to grant to their sisters'
tho samo privileges that they them
selves enjoy.
TTHE Kansas team is coming to Lincoln with
the avowed intention of at least scoring- on
Nebraska. This must be prevented. It is the
duty of every student to help defend Nebraska's
goal line. The only way he can do it is by attend
ing: thegame aturdayand jrKitingIox--the--team,
The law boys intend to show the
academic i how genuine rooting
should be carried on. At a mooting
of tho Junior law ciass yesterday it
was decided to attend the football
game in a body and to invito the
seniors to. do tne same. A committee
waB appointed to .consult with the
seniors. A section has been reserved
for them and they promise to do
&fme rooting that will open the eyes
of football enthusiasts.
In spite of tho discouragements
and prophesies of failure the Fresh
man class stands with tho best organ
ization that tho Freshman class has
I'ad In years. Tho officers of the class
are as follows: President. B. G.
Gewl8; Vino President, C. Lefler;
Secretary, Ruth Bryan; Treasurer,
T. It. Beers; Sorgeant-ab-arms, L.
The Freshman will give their
"Hop' at Walsh hall, Friday evon-
in, November 22, They aro making
big preparations and a good timo is
assured everyone tbfb attends. The
hop will be informal.
body yesteraay at tb? convocation
hour. he spoke in the main on the
question of the rights and privlleces
of women and touched upon co-education
in the course of her remarks.
Mrs. Catt is a speaker of great fluen
cy and has a bearing that is exceed
ingly pleasing to an audience. Sho
was listened to with tho closest at
tention. She has a subtfo vein of
humor that rqns through her dls
couiso and renders it unusually In
teresting. Mrs. Catt expressed hor apprecia
tion of the. honor of addressing the
students. She paid a high com
pliment to the University and said
that tho reason it ranked so high
was beoause of tho men bolnd it.
She also expressed pleasure at being
at the University because it has on
Its faoulty the man to whom she felt
Indebted lor the most Dt her eauea
tion. bhe referred to Dr. Bessey.
She said be bad done more for her
education than any noay else.
AI don't know whether Dr. Bessey
is a woman suffragist or nob,1' sho
sojd, "but if he Isn't, he is not
carrying out his ideas to a iusb
ana icgni conciu
The Dramatic Club of the Univer
sity Is actively at work under the
ublo directorship of Miss Alice Howell
of the elocution department, upon
the first of a series of plays which
will bo given at intervals of Ave
weeks during the yoar.
The first play. "A Duel In Love,"
translated from the French by G. B.
Coale, will bo presonted about De
cern oer 12. Tho plot is set with
humorous situations and is rich In
high class comody.
The oast f characters Is as follows:
T. J. 'Hewitt Baron de Montrioh
ard. P. A nderspn Monsieur de Grignau.
A. C. Bates Servant of Countess
do Autrevai.
II. M. Garrett Captain of Dra
goons. H. G. Strayer, J. D. Gilpin Dragoons.
- Miss Ruth Bailey Countess do
Miss Mav Edholm Leonlo oe la
D. D. Gibson Stage manager.
Tho membership of tho club at
present is about YS and is limited to
the members of the various classes in
A now oast of characters will be
arranged for each dlflerent play in
order that all of tbo mombors may
get some active practice and prac
tical experience In dramatic interpre
tation, Thcjnanagemonc oLtho playa-will
be dlreoted by-some-advancedabU'
dents, who will bo assigned from the
Later in the season a day will bo
given for tho benefit of the college
settlement work. Tbo oast for this
play will he especially selected from
tho best students In the club.
Tbo following are the officers of tho
club for the present term.
President Miss Alice Howell.
Vice Prelsdent F, K. Nielsen.
Seoretary-Treasifrer Mlis May Ed
holm. Bergoant-at-Arms D. D. Gibson.
SQUAD Np. 4.
Rooters of Squad No, 4, will occupy
reserved seats ofc the north end of
the-eaRt bleacher Saturday Nnyem
borlO; Every member, is expected to
,be there and bring any obuers who
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