I' 1. V- J 'W 4r LuA w- '. .Aw V ,.'ar , " v THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. r 'f ft H i '?. ' " hrf ,n- L "' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN k newspaper cleYotecl to the Interests of the University of Nebraska. Published nt 131 North IHh St., by THE HKSPEHIAN TUB. CO. (Inc-orpornted.) DIRKCTORB: J. W. Crabtree, President. Q. L. Towne.Hecrotnrr-Trenijaror. J. I. Wjor, T. J. Hewott, Ifi. W. Washburn. Btbemno I .IIcCaw dEOUOlTp. SniDLRR MnnnffltiR Editor Aunt. Malinger - Athletic Editor IMPORTERS. R. C. Pollard, SJ'tPhmi '' J. R. FafDBj, OHff Crook. John A. WiUon. Linn M. Huntington ' The snbscrlptlon price of the Dally Nabrni ken Is E for the college year with n regular cle llTery before chnpel each day. Notices, oom nVunfcatlon. and other matter Intended for pub noation. not be handed In at the Nebrn.Wau ofllce before 7 p. m.. or mailed to the oditor be fore 8 p.m., of tiie day previous to that day on hlch they are expected to PP- m-u.-.i.... Bnbicriptions may bo left at the Nflbraikan ofllce, nt the Co.Op., or with Business Mnaar. Hubawlber will confer a favor by I" pramptly at this ottlco any failure to receive the "changes In ftdTBTtlsing matter "uitljaln the oflloe by a p. m. on the day previous to that on which they are to nppoar. Address aU communications to the Dally Ne braskan, 134 N. 11th 8t Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone 479. o- tinteml nt tlio postoflli'V nt Lincoln. Neb. as Hocond clous mail nmtUT .The. wclconie--W.ulah.DL And rows lias recolved at Brown University shows his popularity in tho cast. ITo is the sort of man who will help to make our University famous. The recent basket hall name be tweon tho young ladles of Nebraska and Missouri seems to nave attracted considerable attention over tho coun try. Colloao papers contain numer ous comments on the lnnovaton. COLLEGE NOTES. Wisconsin is In the midst of a series of monster football mootlngs in pre paration for the Minnesota game. It is estimated that tho students of Michigan University spend $l,r00, 000 annually. Fivo Filipinos will attend Colum bia University. They will bo recom mended by tho government, and tuition will be Riven free. Members of Knox athletic toams. tho glee club as well as tho editorial boards have special privileges. A capacity of 20, 000 Is estimated for the new stand which is being erected on Franklin Field at ilm University or Pennsylvania. Rush medical coilcgo lias finally decided to admit women to the first two years of tho course. William C. YYhitnev gave $25,000 to t he Yalo bl-centennial fund. Cornoll's basketball squad consists of twenty-five candidates. A pedestrian club Is the latest co-eo organization. One has just been formed by the young ladles of the University of Wisconsin. Cornell and Princeton are. tho football teams that have not scored against this year. only been The recent organization of a bogus Traternlty has caused sonic little trouble at Liawronco University. Tho name or tho organization was Phi Tappa Kog. Tho names of the prime movers have been oxposed. Tho Minnesota basket ball team ox pootR to play a R&mo with Yale tins year. Ninety-two candidates tried for places on the Harvard Rico club. Of thCHC eleven were retained. COLLEGES STUDENTS AS AOTORS. Tho students In many ot tho largo colleges and unlvorlsties havo dra matic societies. One or tho ost successful of thoso is tho "Mask and Wic Club" of tho University of Pennsylvania, which has produced u play annually since 1881) and arrago ments aro now being made for Its fourteenth production, which will bo given during Easter week. The "Circle Franciso" Is another orgnlzatlon at Tenn which anually produces a play in French. Tho selec tion of the play will soon bo an nouncer! and a cast chosen, lo familiarize tho studonts with the French language, lectures in French will bo delivered during tno winter months by promlnont men. M. II. Lcroux being the principle foreign lecturer. German plavs are also nro duccd occasionally by University stu dents. The "Mask and Wig Club" Is with out a rival as far as success goes. Arrangements have Just -been com pleted for tho rental of tho Chestnut Street Opera House during Easter wceic for the next live years. The club usually plavs one weeK in Phila delphia and throe or four nights In some of the eastern cities. l) A I L Y NEBRASKAN STOCK READY. Subscribers to tho stock in tho Hesperian Publishing Co.. may get tho samo at ho ofllce at 131 TSorth Eleventh street. Ilontlug h Cheat. In Central Africa the only currency Is tho native one. consisting f cowry shells. Each piece of this money Is worth about the one hundred and twentieth part of an English penny When Dr. C. H. Robinson was travel ing through Africa a few yeard ago, Otto of the local klng.spnt him, among other things, a present of a hundred thousand cowries. On rocolving them, the doctor says, I was told what I sub sequently ascertained to be correct, that it was customary to glve tho bisar or of tho present ton thousand cow ries for himself. They are, as a rule delivered In hags containing twentj thousand each. Noticing that the man who waj responsible for their safe car riage had brought que hag that was obviously under weight some two thousand cowries having been ex tracted from it. I asked him If he was certain that this particular bap contained the proper amount. On re ceiving his assurance that he wan, I told him to sit down and count from this bag the ten thousand cowrfas which, according to native custom I owed him. He did as ho was hidden with great alacrity thinking, no doubt, that the white man was sadly lacking in sagacity to allow a creditor to count his own money unchecked. I noticed that ho took full advantage o his privilege and, so far as 1 could judge, the sum which he countoj ex ceeded by at least two thousand cow ries tho sum to which he was pntitlod. His task completed, I asked him again IT ho was suro that the bag, as deliver ed by him, had originally contained twenty thousand cowries. On his re plying In the affirmative, 1 suggested that, tnls being so, the amount which remained over must thoroforo be ten thousand. On his assuring me that my calculation was correct, I told him to leave with mo the ten thousand which ho had just counted and to take tha rest bb his due. Youth's Companion DECORATE Your rooms with selec tions from our line of Pictures fan simile of Water Colors for 10 cts. Copper Print Photo gravures for 15 cts. Our line of Pictures is the best. We do Picture Framing. Wilson & Hall, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 1133 0 STREET. Spalding's Foot Ball Shoes. On all our Foot Ball Shoes we are now putting the new style cleats as shown in cut. After last season a thorough test by a few ofie leading play ors, they unanimously declare them the best cleats ever put on a shoe. Insist upon hav ing them for your shoes. Everything for football Head harness, ankle brace, shin guards. flandsome il lustrated Catalogae free. A Q. Spalding & Bros. Incorporated New York Chicago Denver Spalding's Official Football (Juide for 1901, edited by Walter Camp, price 10c ir..z; ""--"------fii !! Translations Literal, 50c. Interlinear, $1.50. 147 vols. Dictionaries German, ITrnchIlallaji..Srianish, Latin, Greek, $2.00, and fi.oo. Completely Parsed Caesar, Book I. lIasonrr( page, interlinear translation, literal translation, and every word completely parsed. $1.50. Completely Scanned" and Parsed Ae- neid; Book I. $1.50. Ready August, iqoo. , HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers, 11 " t" " " 11 4-5-6-13-13-14 Cooper Institute, N.Y. City Schoolboots 0 all publisher! at one store. III uc OOOOOO0-0OOOM Arc you Going to California? Call and get Printed Matter that will give jou full information as to its Climate, Resources and the best way to get there. City Ticket Office, o Bnrllngton Depot, Corner 10th and O Streets. 7U1 Street, Bet PanflQ. Telephone 235. Telephone 25. o00o00tvaXo&a0wa4 caEMnnrijianaGsnncncarannnnnGio QQQDCciizBQEiBaaacacQuacataacm Gun nn Da En PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY S3 n cannon DQCaQO QaDUBUlZUiTrJISCiUUISaBail! JR. HAGOARD, M. D. OITlce 1100 O Stroot, Rooms 212 213 214 Rich ards Block, Telephone. 585. Residence, 1310 0 8treot, Telophono L98L Dt BEN.I. F. BAILEY: Dr. Mar Louise Flanagan; Ofllco, 141 South 12th Stroot. Tolophono G18. UHi Ji ui nlCrlAT) iencr. Has made over flnnvlnt 5,000 acta of teeth. A Rood act of Uailllol 1 teeth, $5 00 ai-K Gold crown Js 1 1 1 A fl Otrnnt Silver fillings 50 cents and 114 U Oil BBIj up. Gold ClTlnK $1 00 and I lUPni U UP- 'feet" extracted without paiu LlnuULni 25 cent. UCDDlClTM RKMEMBRR THH n.A-CE-ICOnAONrti ijkO Street. The New Century 1123 N STREET Is the place to get your Printing Their -work speaks for itseiL Unequaled in the city EHONEL36B r, A. M'CARTNEY, JL'roprletat- Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital. Special attention RiTen to disease of woman andall aurRical dUrase. X-ray examination with no discomfort or iujury to patient. Kt rjthln aabomellVo as possible. Board am room reasonable. 1117 LST. LINCOLN. P. O. Box 951. Telephone ttb i- I 0'f TTotV "- rICTUT' ONLY TWO NIGHTS After Leaving Tho Missouri River Hofore You Reach.... SAN FRANCISCO. "The Overland Limited," Runs Every Day in the Year. ALL I'OMPKTITORS DISTANCK1). For full information call on or address E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. KXX,40 Urn biSw1 ""Iko H Id i m wrw' ovB m m nr- r)0m -. um U md " X - f r-td I Yh i . HywTCr?Tn.uT,sggLTE I '.1JL ' " "" 1 ??' nwvVaVWflpIBBVJBVpSHMSKS