t- -'j , ". -v-l . j-' ; . i" The Daily Nebraskan ! y & aij '-V V VOL. I NO. 42 LINCOLN, NEB., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1901. THREE CENTS r-.v A v-' ll b " ! ON THE GRIDIRON. Practice For the Kansas Game Big Orowd Expected Governor Bavago to Attend. Great Interest Manifested. Tho football practice last evening waB not of the best sort. Several of the first team stand-bys wero sent in early and kept out of scrimmage. Stringer on account or ins eye, Kingsbury with bis wounded knee wore chased around Lbo fence twice and dismissed. Both of theso bovs will bo needed Saturday in tho mix with tho Javbawkers. These South erners are Nebraska's natural ene mies on the border. It has always given a Neoraska team untold pleas ure to send a pack of Kansas men home defeated. Thus It is that Coach Booth is so zealous in the caro of his students. The 'Varsity completely smothered tho Scrubs, but In the doing of the need thore was lacking that quick, -snappy play usuallv seen on -Nebraska field, those nights. It was unques tionably nuo in part to the novelty of somo of tho defensivo tactics to bo given Kansas and which good Coach Booth saw fit to practice a few times. Boll filled up Kingsbury's stab for the work-out. while Cuff and Cran dall aided tho mighty Pill to koop Drain quite in. the back held. After all it was almost tho usual crowd that scampered over the field. Speaking about tho Jayhawkers. they are coming up in a bunch to support their heroes, both with money and enthusiasm. They can claim somo of Nebraska's honor in tho lights made against Minnesota and Wisconsin if the Scarlet and Cream go down before their prow ne8S. Then besides this, there is that ancient hunger for Nebraska's scalp. Nebraska won last year. They havo that to avenge. But when they get bore Saturday they will find abroad something they havo never seen be foro Nobraska Spirit. It is the crea tion of ono short year but of Hercu lean power and strength. And baoK ot this will be the football team. They will find the new bleachers and that -ixray-nrro-T;oTHirreF: Mmragur Cowglll has arranged to put seats on sale both down town and at tho Uni versity, Thursday, Friday and Satur day. From presont outlooks it seems that a largo out-of-town crowd will bo bore. William J. Bryan, Governor Savage and Staff and other notables will bo in Tjoxes to witness 1TI6 Mnrile sons of Nebraska fall with tender acts on tho representatives of their Sistor commonwealth. Every loyal son of Nebraska must go to tno game Saturday. There must bo present that Spirit vwhlch can overcome all .obstacles and do anything. Tho assuranoo that Governor Sav age and staff wT no present will aud something to jho dignity of the occasion. A careful readjustment of tho rooters will oe made beforo Sat urday so that moro effective work along those linos can bo dnne. A meeting of tho squad loaders with Dr. Cloments, was hold yesteraay and It was dotormined to hold mass meetings In chapel ono or two morn lnus this week. Tho old songs will bo rehearsed and somo now ones triea. The effectiveness of ttfo rooting will bo Increased by tho oresonco of Ilagenow's band. The University band will Msc bo on tho Hold If terms can be mado with them. The irarao promises to arouse the onthusiasm and bring out tho spirit of the stu dents as it did several years ago. A delegation of rooters irom Kansas Is also looked for. SMITH TO STUDENTS. CaDET WILL RE- At least be con- OFFICEHS SIGN. Dissatisfaction is abroad among tho recently applonted caaet olllcers. H-indlcatlons are correct, resigna tions will bo handed in today by a largo number of the officers and non commissioned officers. It was rum ored about tho cam pus last night that tho list would include men of every rank. Tho greatest complaint comes from the serceants and it Is likely that tho bulk of tho resigna tions will come from them, two officers are also Baia to templating taking the step. The reason for tho step is said to bo tho disregard of former rafik and the appiontment of serveal men ovor the hcaos ot men abo according to the custom usually followed would out rank them. 'The malcontents claim that the recommendations of last years officers were disregarded, and men appointed to positions which they did dot deserve. The climax will come tonight at drill. Tt is thought that most of those who TntohcTto resign wOT have done so by that time. MISSUURI FEELS BAD. The defeat of tho Tlcere last Sat uraay'was a sore disappointment to Note'' Y. M. 0. A. Workor Advises Young People to Sook Roligion First-Will at the Aud itorium To-night. . Fred B. Smith, of Now York City, a prominent figuro in the national work of tho Y. M. C. A. spoke to tho students yesterday morning at tho convocation hour. After being introduced by Dean Sherman he expressed his ploasuro at having the opportunity of spoak Inc to such a representative body of poople. Mr. Smith has had a wonderful exporlenco In the last few years In his association with tho Y. M. C. A. work In tho army, having labored during tho Spanish-Amcrcan war on tho advance lino of tho troops. He Bpoko of his experiences In Cuba aud of tho difficulty of holding an audi ence of army men on duty, ano of what a relief it was to speak in Sing -Slog prison whoro the mcn-couldnoL get away. Ho then went on to llkon college chapol to prison and congrat ulated himselr on his position before the studonts in chapel. Mr. Smith after reading a few scriptural verses, gave out as tho sub ject of his remarks, "What Think ye of Ch-i8t?" He continued by saying: There aro many problems in life, and every day wo sottlo a question which has an influence In our life. Especially In college llfo where every one is so busy thoughts come so rapidly that wo nave not time to give them ail consideration "but there is one thing we should not neglect, and that is the question: "What think yo of Christ?" If wo do not acknowledge it now we will havo to somotime." God, ho said, has a purpose in every human life, and llfo will be narrow and small unless one gives it freedom, t IslHrportaut to havtrtbo best collego training and other good influences, but it is more imporbant to settle one's relations with God. Mr. Smith then In closing extondod ao Invitation to all tho young men of tho University to attend tho meet Saxton was In command of tho com pany during this your and was tho originator of this plan. -'ince the llrst organization tho company has made a far roading name for itself, and still maintains tho high standard of oxcelloncy which was set for it by its foundors. Among tho captains who havo hart command and who havo mado the company what It has benn, aro W. II. (Jury who Is now colonel in tho regular army, Chas. Schwartz. C. W. Weeks now llrst lleutonant in the Philippines and A. L. Brown captain for two years. At proscnt A. M. Hull Is Captain and 11. C. Pollard Is first sorgeant. Captain Hull Is a veteran of the SDanlsh-American war and a bravo soldier. Sergoant Pollard who was tho unaulmous cholco of tho com pany for first sergeant is a brother of E. M. Pollard tho first sorgeant of tho original company. Under its presont commander tho company will undoubtedly stand in tho front rank of military oragnlza tioos. MnnynTcrtiTO traalttnnB-nnd-ploa ant memories clustored around this organization, aud Its old members aro always lined with enthusiasm when speaking of ll. Among Its oustoms adherod to is that of giving an annual ball. This ball is ono of the most orominont affairs of tho sea son. Sorgeant Pollard chairman of tho committee on arrangements Is making olaborato plans for tho suc cess of this year's ball which will bo hold at tho Lincoln hotel December 0. THE KANSAS GAME. A ono fare rate Into Llncoln for tbo Kansas game next Saturday is a probability. Manager Cowglll, after cousnltlng with local tiokot agonts went to Omaha yesterday to talk the matter oyer with the officials there. This rate if mado will Insure the largest crowd that has assembled en tho camous this season. The fact that it is an interstate game renders it of moro than UBual interest. score down to a reasonable figure The Kansas City Star salo yesterday: "Tho Tigers' supporters wore greatly disappointed at their showing with. Nooraska Saturday, and the Missouri team is again back in tho ruck and looked upon as easy prey for any of UbiTBmall colleges.- By-tyingr Ottawa Coach Murphy's eleven gave tho im pression that thoy hadat last round ed to, but it was all ovidently a false alarm, Judging by the score of Satur day. A 20 or 25 to 0 scoro was ex pected, but 51 to 0 was too much. And all the vvhllo tho Kansans wero playing great ball against Haksell." that team. While they did not ex- Uolr--!-tlHUaJ hear him sneak on tHo subject, "A Strong Man." Word oomes from Elmer Shlnber, ex '02, who Is located at Havana. Cuba, to the effect that great Inter est is being manifested in the 'Var sity football team by tho former stu dents who uro living in Havana. In company with 0 other representatives from the Engineering Department he had made arrangements to have tbo results of tho "Northwestern" gamo cabled In case that game had been scheduled. 2RHHINU K1FLKS. Tho Pershing Rifles which is today In all probably tho best drilled and must olliclontly officered company in the State of Nobraska. was first or ganized in 1803 when Lieutenant Pershing picked a company from the University batallion to go to Omaha to take part in the international competitive drill where they won 81, 500 and tho oup whlcn is now so striven for by tbo companies of tho Battalion. Geo. L. Sheldon was captain and E. M. Pollard "first sergeant of this company. During the following year a medal was offered for the best grilled man in tho company. This medal was to be won three conscc- utlve times before becoming tbo property of the Individual. This sys tem still continues. Joel Stobblns and Jeromo Langer are the only men who have succeed edln winning the requisite number of times. Captain FRESHMEN EuEOT OFFICERS. Tbo Fresnman Class, after several Ineffectual attempts at organiazton, succeeded in filling out tho balance of the offices yesterday forenoon. Mr. uefler was elected vice presi dent. Hunter and Dumont wero the othor nominees for vlco president. Mju -Dumont withdraw in favor of Hunter Tbo voto on final ballot Stood Lefior 45; Hunter 18. Messrs Frank Beers and Mr. Barks were nominated for treasurer. Frank Boors was elected. Miss Ruth Bryan was unanimously L. M. Turnor Sereeantmt) arms. Burdotto Lewis was chosen presi dent at a previous meeting of tbo class. were ap- a yoll Messrs Bruce ano BTlloy pointed a committee to select for the class. in THE WEATHER. Forecast, for xjlncoln and violnity: Wednesday fair; slight change tomperature. Weather report for 24 hours ending 7 pm. Tuesday. HI chest temperature 58 degrees, fie curing at 3:30 pm. Lowest tomperature, 27 degrees, occurlng at 7:15 pm. Mean temperature 42 degrees, wbloh Is 3 degrees above the normal. No Precipitation. G. A. LOVELAND, Section Director. FOR SALE. First-Glass kerosene Oil Heater for sale. Address, box 10, Station A, Lincoln. H fa 1 3K vf J i i j-5 t -4 ,1 i 1 'I I S I I -R . L .'- K.y 3H3 Jf"tTT' rtipf7xz!r"''f"'.zt'f . . -r ? . fc.C-i 43iMW '1 ii V