vT i: ,l: -"' . ,v - . - -.. a THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. A v. hL V 7 i ' s i tor l . 1 h. i"' V :, ,,T THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A ntwipaper deroted to tbo lotoresti of tha Unlrenltr of Nobra aWa. Pnbllahed at 134 North 11th St., by THE HESPERIAN PUB. CO. (Incorporated.) DIRECTORS: J. W. Crabtree, Praitdanl. 0. LTowna,8eoretanr'Traaarer. J. I. Wjrer, T. J. Hewett, K. W. Wathbarn. Btxilino fl .McGaw Managing Editor Asit. Manager - Athletic Editor QeOKOB r. SniDLKK 11EP0RTER8. B. C. Pollard, Clifton Carter, Norria Hum, It. T. Hill, J. H. Faroe, Cliff Crooka. John A. Wilson, LInu M. Huntington. ' The anbscrlption price of the Dully Nebrai kan la t2 for the coll ego year with a regnlar de llyory before chapel each dar. Notices, com mnnfcationa, and other matter intended for pub lication, munt be handed in at the Nebraakan office before 7 p. m., or mailed to the editor be fore 3 p. m., of the day prerlotiB to that day on hioh they ara expected to appear. Bnbicrlptlons may be left at the Nebrsskan office, at tho Co.Op., or with Buslneaa Manager. Subscriber! will confer a faTor by roportlng promptly at this office any failure to recelre the AH change in advertising matter muat be in the office by 3 p. m. on the day prorloua to that -an which they are to iippaar Addren all communications to the Daily Ne feraakan, 134 N. 11th St., Lincoln, Nebraaka. Telephone 470. Ea to rod ut tho post oflloo at Lincoln. N'b. as second class mail mutter Whotbor tbo action of tiio clobatinp assooiation cxoludlim women fitu--donts Irom Its raonibcrablp roll was wise or not it oubt to put an cna to tbo fifihl tbat lniK been oln on in tbo association for tho last few woaks. It is time tbat some definite policy bo formulated for tbo dobal.os. A number of tbo faculty bavo Klven muoh'valablc time to the now scheme and it is only Justice t" thorn tbat their work bo given a clianco to oper ate. As far as prantlcal results are concerned it makes little dUTeronco whotbor or not women arc admitted to tho dobates. At most only ono or two women would take advantauo of tbo privilege of ontorlng tbo do bates in anyone year, so tho effects of oxolusion will probably not be felt. Thoro is a principle involved which many deem unjust, but under pros ont circumstances it would scorn the part of whdom to sacrifice principle for tho welfaro of tbo assooiation. Torn time at least. After tho now constitution has beon put Into force and-tho now scheme of choosrng-d eq uators has been rendered oporatlvo thoro may bo time to wrangle vor minor details. Every student ought to do some thing toward the progress of the University more than Is involved in liis class duties. It would bo com paratively easv for each one to write a letter to his home paper in tho In terests of tbo University. Such a letter might treat briefly of tho diff erent departments, calling special attention to manual training and tho agricultural courses. Thus through thoir local uapers people would learn of tho University who nevor see a Unlveristy calendar or a University paper. It may Boom incredible, but it is a fact, nevertheless, that thoro aro persons who know absolutely nothing about tbo University, moro than tbat it exists. It now remains to show Kansas how it feols to buck a lino of sturdy cornhuskore. COLLEGE NOTES. Michigan '03 has a smoker tills year to rouso class enthusiasm. Yale has beon having difficulty in suporesslrg smoking in University Hall, also to tbo cxtont of forbidding tho lighting of cigars, pipes or cigar ettes. Uinvcrsity Hall is ono of the popular dining hails at that college Yale's foot-ball field is worth S7f, 000 and free from dobt. According to Minnesota, thoy have tho best collego band In the country. Tho Freshtnan class at California University bavo a debating club. The Yalo Engineering club recent ly had an Illustrated lecture on "Tbo2 Development of Stenograph. Projection." Stanford University is taking a stop in the direction or the custom as it exists in Eastern colleges of having a largo boarding club.' Such an elfort. has had support bv Mrs. Stanford and what is known as the "Inn" will bo used as a large ball. Tbo business propositions in rogard to tho new project will como beforo a certain club of students in a few days. The Sophomores at Stan lord have adopted a white duck fiat with a scariot band. " Leland-Stanford has recently put on sale a song book containing six teen of that college's songB and the yells. Arrangements have boon under way for some time looking towards a mooting of tho Herkloy and Prince ton teams in California on Christmas day. and also tim meeting or Michi gan and Leland-StanTord on New Year's day. Stanrord is having a revival hi tonnls this fall, looking toward tbo spring opening of atblotlcs. The Yale faculty has recently pro vidod that every student shall be al lowed to take thirty cuts yoar without ponaltv. It also decided that exceptional regularity in at tendance at recitations may diminish tho number of recitation hours a year in a course from sixty to hlty-elght. This arrangement will allow candid ates for the athlotio teams to take a large number of cuts to make up the deficiency after tho close of the athletic soason, As the advocatos or tbo Darwinian tbeorv aro oxporloncing difficulty in findlngthe connecting 'link between tno ape and man. wo should suggest that the students who crawl upon the fenco to watch a foot-ball game be considered for tho position. Ex. A movement has been started at Indiana to'glvo a student's fair to raise fundB for a now women's building- , 4 1 The foot-ball team of Stanford Univorsity was recently entertained at a banquet by an active collogo fraternity. c tCtMrf:ff (?&. UNIVERSITY MEN who appreciate first- nlnCU illlMlir y n Un!n garments should keep J us in mind. Our prices arft not. "wfi.v rmf rf 2 sight." Let us iiguro on your winter suit. Nebr. Pant and Suit Co., 143 North Thirteenth. t i)1); Ms Right to Study But you should exercise a Iso, Dumb Bells, Indian Clubs, Boxing Gloves, Striking Bags, Foot Ball and Basket Ball Goods. We are Agents for the D. & M. Line of Sporting Goods. Wilson & Hail, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 1.3 3 O STREET. Capital Novelty Works NEW and SECOND HAND Bicycles BICYCLE SUNDRIES, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. TEL L-995. 317 South 11th St. J. S. DeVore, 317 S. nth St. Dancing Academy PROF. HOLMES, of Chicago Officos and Studio 325 SOUTH 12th. Dancing Academy Walsh Hall orer Book Inland Ticket OOlco, 11th and O 8ta. riD I Q UnMAY Twenty yeara exper Urli Ji Oi mulfnlf iencr. Han made ovev riantief 5.000 acts of tcttlw. A rood act of UlnilSll teeth, J5 00 ai-K Gold crown I5 1014 ll Ofrnnt Hiher fillinip 30 cents and IZIf U OtlDVIf up. Oold fillings $1.00 and I lUPhl II "P- Teeth extruded without palu LinuULrll 35 cents. UCDDICIri REMEMBER THE rXACE NlDiiAOIAi 1214 O Street. m -DEE. P iff 9. A new Co-cil !ui alMited In toon, U pi ilcc. U-)IkIm ! 1 11 an up lo-l.itet tailor malr ijown.U pi c-l ila I Die boys are wild, jiul pre 1. too, ou neer saw Such a liulla ba too CIIOKUS - U pl-dcc I dec 1-iU t et Ittr oIce fc eleir a oarlnc larfi, Anrtr tt tniiriiTSelfSTlJyarriiiarirf- ben 'trosi. a muddy Urcet slie (Ills. If tt It 1 ne oojs an nac conniption his ! yft Xilc uxn P1 Tjietlimpf lirr br.i.llnr,.- r,ll 1 liore s always a strife in sit In lirr iwi. n ciiouii 10 make n parson ilrunk, To heur lier slm; old 10 la-che-lunk ' Pie alorr. and three oilier NUW crct to I) I'l 1)1 I , anil NHW w olios, utcli). u-to date, to (mny wjlicra of the popular OLIi 1'AUILIAH TUNICS) lx sld in ii rAvnhlTKi. and also many nk vjm.s S0H08 OF ALL THE C0LLBOB8. Oow'tM. m Price, rjo, postpaid. ixj. HINDS k NOBLCjPnbUtacra. New Yark City. Sckoolbooks of all fuNisJUrs at out stare. P. P. 0! U-PI- Arc you Going to California? Call and get Printed Matter that will give you full information as to its Climate; Resources and the beat way to get there. ?lty Ticket Offlc, Corner loth and O Streets. Telephone 335. A'MY-Ti . ' 1 W mmmmmmmmmmmm.m.m.a.mm.m.m..M.m.mmmmm.m.m.M. SannnnBnBHnniiinnnoj aauaacaBaaaQaQao! g PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY I nn an DP ntanacaEynanacanaSacuaanaDl JR. HAGGARD, M. D. OfJlco 1100 O Streot, Rooms 212 21&-214 Rich ards Block, Telephone 635. Residonce, 1310 G 8troot, Telophono L984. DR. BENJ. P. BAILEY; Dr. Mt Loulflo Flanagan; OfQco, 141 South 12th Stroot. Tolophorie 618. Subscribe for The Daily Nebraskan The New Century 1123 N STREET 0. Is the place to get your Printing.. Their work speaks for itself. Unequaled in the city PHONE 366 R. A. M'CARTNEY, Propria tut Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital. Special attention given to disease of womaa ana all nurfrical-diRanim. -X-ray oxasilaatioa with no discomfort or injury to patient. Ev erything as homelike as poisibla. Hoard ad room reasonable. 1117 L ST. LlNCOfcH. P. O. Box 051. ' Telephone Me J J J J J Jf Ji jX J JtJljijtjtJtjM'jt Jt ill Jt M J i ja j j JJ THE ONiLY Ji&Jtjt. DIRECT ROUTE vM J Jt jl BETWEEN California and tho east Is Tho Union Pacific, "The Over land Route" Thli was tho first road to span tho conti nent with bandB of steel. It STpSroK -Ot made friende In those-arlT Jl j uays it is maKing them now, JH v on account of Its superior ser- jm vice and superb equipment; j' J and quick trains. jt Ot For full information call oh JM Jt or addles, " 31 E. B. SLOSSON. -JI Agent. " J J jt ji Jt jt ji ji ,H jt jx jt ji jt jt j j j Bnrllngton Depot 7th Street, Bet P antt Q. Telephone 25. Mnnrj ODD 1 H WVYaal IQH S,- ' "T Zf wnil'i'"iimHUW K-' ri, rtyn 1 m! ' J"11.." .-N .. I mf-k.m. 4-p. pnf-4 '!t s ' ' ' ' " "'"" " ' - "fclllHHT