--- - x rtr 1 ' ""? e;j -c &$&$ THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. u ! , r-f v - -Ti - 8 The University School of Music, Just South of the Campus. You Can Enter at Any Time. 'S, !' M 1 t If- !u ft I? I , It !' . K v Tigers Vanquished on Two Fields (Continued from flrsl page) ushers. The members of tlio various teams which played durlDR the evon Idk nnd tho manuRers, Miss Ilarr and Miss Pound., say they would like to TncprosfTtimmmi tire coHjutitr r tile Nebraskan, their appreciation of the lielp rendered thorn from the various quarters. Interviewed on the point by a ne portor, Miss Ilarr said she did npt icnow yet about the financial side of the game. It had not been expccte that expenses would uo met, sine tho opposing team haa boen broucht had boon elianrcd. Nor would It have mattered since there is plenty of money In the basket-ball treasury. Things look, she said, as If not ottlv had all expenses been met, but a (K)d mud left over and above to holp tojward the annual tournament for the challenno trophy, In February, or a possible game with Minnesota next your. Thi, Pafronesses for the evening were: Mpsaames E. li. And rows, W. J. Uryan, L. E. Ressey, . H. llorton, J. T. Lees, S. R. Pouno, C. R. Rlcli ards, A. S. Tlhbets, II. II. Wilson and I. P. S. Weeks. Many promin ent people, rrom the University or tho nlt. woro noticed among the spectators. Rasket ball at the Uni versity draws the best class of people in tho city for its patrons, and seems to hold high place in pouplarit. Tho line-up for the Missourl-Ne- brns'ta match was as follows: Forwards Missouri, Maud Mont gomery, Caroline S Conor. Nebraska, Eleanor Mlllor, Minnie Jansa. Centers Missouri, Rlanche Enyart, Logan Norvoll. Nebraska, riannah Pillbsury (captain). Gertrude Ma comber. Guards Missouri, Lake Rrower, Anna Newell. Nebraska., JELva. Sly, ond touchdown. Haeaio kicked goal. In the second half the Iowa boys took a brace and played bull. Thoy worked the ball steally down the Held and Into Lincoln's territory but did not threaten the goal. Ttiey vero lioaliy Stoppers and licld. Then the Lincoln boys necran a procession hich netted tnem another touch down. Haegio fulled goal, hcore 17 to 0. Aftor sovoral wrangles as to whom the ball belonged to time was called with tho ball in Red Oak's possession in tho cencr of the filed. LINE UP. Red Oak J. Houghton r e, Epps r fi. Prvnr r a. Mnson p. Csmav I a Hoat ftpdjio smjiil an jidmlBMuii IeuiRnbcrts , fr( PnirontnrrlTr( clnTlr Ty H. Houghton (captain,) r h, Dillon, 1 h, Koods f o. Lincoln Mason r e. Klmracl r t, Hall r g, Johnson c, Lesh 1 g. Field 1 t, R.Follmer 1 e, Rurwlck q. E. Fohl- mer, (captain), r h, Iiawlev 1 h, Hacglo f b. The High School Scrubs wero de feated by a ploked team of Univer sity on-by-a-scorc-of- U-to-Or Only- ouo half wns played. A- touchdown was made on a fumble and McDonald macio a drop kick. THE WEATHER. Weather roport Tor 24 hours ending 7 Dm. Sunday. Hlehe8t temperature Uo negroes, oc curlne at 4 pm. Lowest temperature, .'17 degrees, occurlng at 1 pm. Mean temperature. 51 degrees, which is 12 degrees above the normal Precipitation for the past twenty four hours, trace. G. A. LOVELAND, Section Director. Our Chocolates are good BECAUSE we use only first class ma terials, because we employ only first class workmen, and because we personally oversee their manufacture in every detail. Don't for get this. tfrWr 1AXWELL CO. MakersofGood Chocolates, inn O fltreot and 20G South 11th Stroot SMITH TUKS1JAY MORNTNG. Fred R. Smith will address the students In chapel Tuesday mornlnc, ibBtcad of Mondav, as noticed last Friday. This change in time is necessary as Mr. Smith cannot reaoii the city in time to got to tho Uni versity Monday morning. Students should note the chamrc and hear Smith Tuesday at chapel. Subscribe for The Daily Nebraskan NOT1GETO VIOLIN PbAYRH. Mr. Wilson will meet all students who desire to Join the violin section or the Unlveristy orchestra on Mon day and Tuesday afternoons at the School of Music. JUNIORS. The samples for Junior caps have been sent for and tho class will be -notitlcd-orrthelrTrrrivTih D. E. HANSEN, S. E. BLACK, Committee. The Daily Nebraskan's Clubbing Offers LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. LOWEST EXISTING PRICES. The Daily Nebraskan . Cosmopolitan I Success . . . . Frank Leslies Popular Monthly ALL FOUR ONE YEAR (New or Rencwol) Personal Checks Accepted. Publications In any Club sent to one or dlflcrent addresses as desired. '4 iura Shields. Substitutes Edith Duncan. Sopluci liodonhelmer (Missouri). Margaret McCutcheon (Nebraska. ) For tno second team mixed toam Kamo: Forwards Pearl Archibald, Epna Klnu, Edith Hlggins (captain) Amy Congor, Alice Towne, Margaret Honeywell. Guards Ida Taylor, Clara Fowler, Carolina Cook, Ruth Bryan. THE DAILV NEMIASKAN, .$2.00) SUCCESS .- 100) LESLIE'S WEEKLY 4.00 ) Total '7 oru cm'ii I'rlco- Additional offers may be made up from the following tables, which tor convenience are marked Class Q, and Class If. 422 THE DAILV SUCCESS NEURASKAN S2.00 1.00 REVIEW OI" REVIEWS tWOT . 7. . Nw England .Journal of Education or Current Literature (new) may bo substituted. i 50 00 ) TOTAL I $ 6.00 L-Qur Club I'rlco I 4- THE HIGH SCHOOL GAME. Red Oak high school was defeated by the Lincoln high school on tho campus by a score) of 17 to 0. Tho Iowa boys woro clearly out-classed at all stages of tho gamo especially on their defensive play. Only onco did they hold tho LInoln boys for downs. Lincoln played In her. usual form and there were no stars, every roan was in his placo and tho line opened tip holes in tho opposing lino through which tho Lincoln backs had no dilll ouity in going. Red Oak kicked off to Burwick, who returned liftcon yards. On tLp second down Haegle was sent through loft tnckle for 60 yards and tho llrst toucimown. Haegle kicked goal. Score 6 to 0. After a few more downs E. Foil mor wonc around the end Into a clear hold for about 50 yards nut was downed on Red Oak's thrco yard line. On the next down Lincoln pushed tho pig skin over for tho 1 THE DAILY NEHUASKAN $2.00 SUCCESS 1.00 New England Journal of Educatiou.. ) o 5q Review of Reviews, now, or Current f 3 00 Literature, new, may be substituted. ' Frank Leslie's Pnpular Monthlv $1.00 The Designer. Cosmopolltuu, or llousohold may bo s ..b.-altutod, ) 2.."0 11 ) .).uu TOTAL .00 7 )ur CI l'rlc '4-J2 Our Club l'rlce THE DAILY NEBRASKAN $2.00 SUCCESS 1.00 REVIEW OF REVIEW'S, (new) i 3.50 New EiiKlund Magazine, or Current f a 00 Literature, new, may be substituted. ' Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly 1.00 Tuo Doalwner. -flood flonstskeppliiff, or Household may bo substituted. COSMOPOLITAN MAOAZINE 100 Tho Destpner, Good Housekeeping, or Household may bo substituted. TOTAL 9 Q.oo Our Olub I'rlco THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 82.00 -SUGGB8tr-r-. .-t-tttttt-.- hW REVIEW Olf REVIEWS, (new).. New England .Journal of Education o any two or the dollar magazines class Uma be (jubstHUba, CURRENT LITERATURE, (new), ...;). 00 New Engliiii-' Journal of Education i any two of those dollar magazines la class O may be substituted. NORTH AMERICAN ItEVIEV,(r.cw) 5.00 Leslie's Weekly may be substituted. TOT A L 14- OurQlub 1'ilce The Dally Nebraskan success and any magazine lu CUssO Tho Dally Nebraskan Success and any two magazines lu Class Q Regular I'rlco Club I'rlco .00 5.00 Tho Dally Nebraskan Success and an ythreO fr rr magazines In Class O U.UU $3.50 4.00 4.50 CLASS O. The Cosmo i polltan Sl.oo Frank Leslie's U l'op.Montnly l.oo j The Deslguer l.oo JtO'SPh'B oo The House hold l.oo Christmas Presents Tho publica tions offered mabo oxool- lent Xrnnt presents, being ploasnnt reminder of tho donor every week or evury u,onth througuout the year. Ono club will make suveal presents. The Dally Nebrukan Success and any two . C flfl magazines In Class II 9-UU O.UU The Dally Nebraskan Succcsfc and all three T T rn R flfl magazines In Class H 1 A ..Du u-uu CLASS II. The Review jt Uevlews.nowf .50 turront Liter ature, (new) 3.oo Now England Maguzlnu XC0 Tho Dally Nobraskan, success, uoviewoi noriows, Keir. now, or Current Literature, new, and any two In Prfce Price SOfi. ., ti).oo 5oo rno uuuy iNeorasKan, ducchu, jwhow vji wdhuitb, now, or Ourrout Lltorature.now. and Leslle'sWeoldy lo.oo NODr.isKao, success aim unyuuuiu lioss 5.75 4.5o 5.5o Tho f)nllv G, ana any one In Ulass u .oo Tno Dallv Nebraslian. Success, aHd any ono In Class G and anytwo In Class II lo.oo Tho Dallv Nebraskan, Success, and any one lu Class H and any two In Class G fi.w-a.Q(i Tl,.i litillv Nntirnnlrnn. HiKVTRfiH and Iinv one In CliLAu G, and Leslie's Weekly b.qq 5, Tho perlSulcals In any combination will bo sent to ono or d I lie rem addresses. Join with your friends. The subscriptions may be now Or renefrats except where otherwise stated. Renewals to Knvlow of Rovlews or Current LtteratUro may bo Included for $l.oo additional to the price quoted for the club. TO PAID SUBSCRIBERS If you have already paid your su"b8criptipo to the Daily Nebraskan, subtract 82.00 from "Our Ulub Price" for the remaining magazines in any combination. Agents wanted to tujio orders forourClubOffors. tlherul Commission I Address all orders to THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, 134 North uth St. M.flcolp, Neb. Co "P $ I M L - y . . y i.k 1 A-X-fj lN' 'f r