The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 07, 1901, Page 3, Image 3
PfWwwwwwrwwwgwfPi , I l: t."v' V.I y I va THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. I o J--' 1 '.V "ii l K 4 1 r I ft ;oi TA M Local and Personal. The CoOp. Ed Young. PIPES. Dr. Oaso McMurtry Bl!:. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Square moalR at Francis Bros. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Steele, tho furrier, 143 So. 12th. $1.25 kid gloves 98c at The Famous. 1-3 off on millinery at The Famous. The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th st. Dr. Woodward, occullst, Richards block. Norton Ware was In Nebraska City election day. E. M. rioffnell went to Kails City, Tuesday to vote. Students groups a specialty at Bass' studio, 10215 O Street. Go to Matthews Piano Co., for Sheet music and Supplies. Professor Xobingler will not meet his classes in law this week. Ben Bailey, spent the llrsi of the wecK at his home in Hastings. Ida Kohbin3 or Lincoln has been pledged to Kappa Alpha Theta. Charles B. Gregory (11. of -&. '91) c-lls coal at 1014 O st. See him. See Lindsey's tine line ot pipes. Also first class canes and ciiars. Ewings aro not only up to date but a date ahead see their overcoats. Several or Mio law students served on election boards in the city yester day. Deau-Jieciuv-haH cormutrneed-iccturH i ng in Blackstono before tlin.iimlar. class. For students; those new :i and $ panels at Bass' Studio, 1020 O Street. There are a number of new stu dents onrolled Injthe law school since election. Cold snap takon easily avoided by wearine one of Ewlng's Fashionable ovci coats. Overcoats, overcoats, who's got the overcoats'? Paino! raine lias tho overcoats. Tho best shoos you ever saw for the mouoy. Sanderson's 84. Special swell styles. "We nuiuo it lit" tho coat or suit that matter that leaves our tore must flt. Ewlngs. "Chic" .Fashions that aro deserv ing of your favor, both from stylo aud price standpoint. Ewings Clothes are merits Oi reward. Czolgosz is off' our hands: Sohley lias been vindicated: King E(Jwnra operated upon, and nothing now re mains but tho coming at "Tumble Veeds." iif'r-- ii-y,i " v'i 111 -iiif TiiiifciirfiittiiaMrlMir1ritialttiiiT' Miss PJthol Tukoy," or Omaba, Is spending a row days with her Delta Gamma Bisters. The senior law studonts mado up for time lost Tuesday by a recitation yesterday afternoon from one to three. Tuesday morning tho class in Phar maceutical Botany was dismissed be cause of tho coldness of the lecturo room. Tho Dopartiiiont of Botany has re ceived ton living plants or the -'Wonderful Vennis, Fly Trap" from Wil mington, North Carolina. Uenulno Lehigh Hard CoaJ Is the best and is always to bo had from tho Union Fuel Co., 1011 O street. Its $9. 50 a ton. You aro paying too much to have your underwear laundered unloss you have it done at Yule Bros. Hand uaundry 1f14 () street. Frank Dobson was In Columbus. Saturday and Sunday, measuring stream discharco for the United States'JJeologlcai Survey. A valuable keyHiooe to certain Mexican hycroglyplilcs lias boon re ceived by the librarian. It 1fr a present rrom the Duke of Loubat. Few libraries contain this rare vol u me. The library has made a very ad Aantaglous exchange or duplicates with Doauc College, thereby en abling. It flu put a valuablo historical set. Negotiations aro also being made with Wisconsin along the same line. A wire cage lias been built in tho law library for the convenience of thelibrarian. Quite a few sorority girls aro goirur to attend tho Nebraska Missmirt game at OmaTTa oelng Invited by their in a n y () m a h a friends. A Icttor roentlv received from II nCuJyor.ejL JQwiinweiit to Mie- l'hilinpines in tho summer, J ""t'VV'l t.rrn That IfeTs comfortably settled in a small town about forty miles from Manila and enjoyHig lire In tho East. He says that hemp buying Is not all that It "Is cracked up to be," butlt "beats einht o'clock classes all hollow.'' R ESO L V T I ON S OKU ES I ECT. Tho Engineering society neld a special yesterday morning and adopted the following rnspiiit-.iMrw.l sending them together with a small floral tribute, to tlfc'lFoino' of Mr. Tumor's father: Be It resolved by tho Engineering Society of tho Unlvcrlsty or Nebras ka; Whereas: God in his inflnito wis dom has takon from us our esteemed honorary member ana personul rriend Edmoiju" F. Tumor just us lie was entering a proiosslonal career of success; Resolved: That the society does hereby extend to the bereaved family of which lie was a member, Its' slncero sympathy in tills time of deep sorrow; And that a copy of these resolu tions be spread upon the minutes of the sooioty and likewise a copy bo presentd to his lamily. By tho committee, JJAN GUTLBEN, f. b. nrjNT, m- J.A. (5R1HRN- F Young Ladies: Perkins and Sheldon have some shoes at $3.00 and $3.50 which they will be very glad to show you. Their number is 1 129 O Street. It will be to'your advantage to call. OIMLV $I.IO Omaha ..and.. Return, N O V K M B K R 9 T II Special Train via. The .6 BTJRIIWOTOINJ Nebraska vs. Wisconsin. Go and cheer the boys along and Stand Up for Nebraska. City Ticket Office, Corner lotli nnd O Streets. Telephone 235 "Tumble Weeds" A NHVV BOOK of Poems of Nebraska by 4heuthorlieoriT-Tas5UlTCA-nil TCceTTDurt- -r-o-yv-teleg-antly printed book paper and elegantly bound in a striking cover of Art Linen. Edition de Luxe, num bered and signed by the author, $1.25. Regu lar edition, $1.00. Printed at The Lakeside Press, Chicago. THE UNIVBRSITHUBUSIHWG mr PUBLISHERS, LLN.COLN, - WE SELL KODAKS 117 NORTH nth STREET. D. E. DePUTRON Advertise in The Daily Nebraskan For biff Returns VBlwV "V vfive:" " ' '";r' & gg 9 Burlington Depot, 7th Street, Bet. P and Q. Telephone 35 Have-YtrIIeardA1r(rat" Tnrable Weeds coiicrTJcrmill"lJPTrrielT NEBRASKA. " DAILY NEB It ASK AN STOCK UKAOY. Subscribers to tlio stock in tho Hesperian Publisliing Co., may gob tho same at tho oilico at 134 INorth Elevonth street. YOU HAVE HEARB of Italian, Allegretti, Spcrmacettl and a few other foreign named chocolutes. We don't inaliu tliem. Ours are a genuine American brand, made by American work men, dipped in American choc olate. They are as good as any chocolates on earth. (TW. MAXWELL CO, Makersaftiood ChdcalaUs. O Afreet ahd.20O ahd.20O UouU imj. ljl t, Li -i 10 ': r JM H rrcl " I fjj 1 ! J, J. "S -?l h wil , ; i 'M "m n A 1 V i- - Tf SSrS. B-' J' V .. 1-1