RST'J'rWfilvSB "V fiWSfV' r' 'W4k -X 0 J "'? "v -4 the daily ira&RASKAH. fefc ?Jt ft CUv. ' u t. J, V.'' t .in II. t r r C' i r 5pi' sr ; s f r ft '. S" 1 .J k'V fr or I'M- ' f.' IV h'Yd - THE WEATHER. Forooast for Lincoln and vicinity: Tuesday, partly col ud v. Slowly rising temperature Weather roport for. 24 hours ending 7 pm. Mondav. Hluliest tempora turo Tft degrees, ocouring aL 7 pra. Hunra. Lowest tornperaturo 21 degrees, occourln,; at 7:110 am. Moan tomporaturo 28 degrees, wliloli Is l.r;dcgrcc8 below the normal. Z Precipitation Tor this past twenty four hours, Trace. (J. A iOVKLANI).. Section Director. Arrangements have beep made by Professor Kimball to organize a Uni versity Symphony Orchestra. It was tolmvc met Wednesday evening for the first time but the storm prevent ed the meeting " , i , I, -n -pi ' PDon't Bother Me. - . . - Shoe Fly ? Of Course WALK OVER SHOES $3.50 and $4.00 Are the best they fit perfectly, are very stylish and durable, and every body wears them who has the price. Webster & Rogers IO43 O St. Lincoln, Nob. F.p4f Miss Virginia Athcn left fnr Wy oming last Saturday. Miss Athen's .lister who was teaching there had suddenly been taken sick and sent ror MIhh Athcn to take charge of her school during lior Illness. The class in German la, yyhi.'h has been preparing their lessons without a dictionary, had an examination this- morning which will show whether tills method is profitable or not. Cijdo H. Barnard, formerly a stu dent at the University, now secre tary ot tlc state horticultural . so ciety, called at tho department of botany to consult with Mr. O'Gara who Is studying diseases of fruit A reefi. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Demand nigh-Cla AMUSEMENTS Our Billiard Pnrlor is up-to-tlnte and absolutely free from immoral influence. Phone 586. POWELL'S, 146 N. nth WATCHES and JEWELRY ...REPAIRED.... MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOUNTAIN PENS. Delos T. Smith, 1140 O. Street. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY" IMEBRASKAN THE Y. M.C.A. BARBERSHOP is prepared to Shave you or Cut your hair. 13TH AND- P STREETS. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Gzamlned Tree. Prices Rcas6nable. 1238 O Street, The st.utlcutK in Systematic Hutany Hurl tluit tliore are thirty three nln'oront kinds of trees now growing on the campus. They are to be dis tinctly labeled as son as the Depart ment of Horticulture can secured proper labels. The Klcvctith Hour club met Sat urday evening with Misses liessic lirown and uura llucannau. lie frcRiinionts weio sorved Including roasted marsh mallow. Miss llucan nau rendered several violin solos, which were highly appreciated. Miss The Daily Nebraskan's Clubbing Offers LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. LOWKST "KXISTINGi PRICKS. The Daily Nebraskan . Cosmopolitan Success .... Frank Leslies Popular Monthly A Y L FOUR ONE A R (Ncv or Renew, al) Personal Checks Accepted. Publications In any Club sent to one or illltercnt addresses is desired. !4 Hrruvn t.nlii 1.1m vouri'. ladles' fortunes and a ery Dleasant evening was hpent. The club adjourned about 1 1 : :. T11K DAILY NEHKASKAN, S-J.on . Total SUt'CKSS 1 00 ' J LRSLIti'S WEKKI.Y 4 .Hi) oi'U CI. I'll l't ll'C i .75 4-21 Till': MAII.V VKIIIMSKAN . ;.' w 0HC 3000 000 H1 I a vTr)nMr:ir.ATKTrrs HOXi0ftfrftfrHfr0j , OAtMMMMSOO SCCCHSS Hi; VI 10W OF 11KVIKWK (ne v) New Eiiulimd Juurnul of Kducitlon 01 Uurrcnt Llturuluru (uuvr) inuy bu hub- MtlltllDtl. 1.00 '.'..r,0 :i.oo "$ 6.uu Our Olnb I'rlro $ .OO 4D Additional oilers may be made up from the follow Ing tables, w lilch ior Loncniencc arc niarKcu class u, una class 11. rni5 DAILY nki'.uaskan ... i SUCCESS N'fw Imr tirtrl tit Il nrn 1 ii 111 itt ' -,. 11, AAJ lf t W HI 11111 -Uh. JiMU!M-. y .'.00 1.00 una or of tlio (loll.'ir imy two or tho (loll.'ir nniL'aliH-s class tl, may bo substituted TTTT TTtfT rrorr 3.00 TOTAL J THE DAIIA NKHUASKAN $2.00 SUCCESS 1.00 INOT1CK TO SENIORS IN INDUS TRIAL COLETSGKT I wisTi to confer with every fionlor 'with roferonee to his University cred its, l'lease bring your "credit books" to tho Dean's Onicc, ltoom 104. University Hall, and seo mo if possiblo betwqon ll:30xiiirl 12 o'clock any morning within tho next week. In ease you cannot come at this hour, leave your "credit book" with tho Kecordcr. CMIARLES E. TiESSEY, Dean. 50 :i.oo New England Journal of Education Kovlow of Kcvlews ih'w, or Current Ill tent burtN itWr uay-btv,ulkUtuUd. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly $1.00 Tho Designer. Cosmopolitan, or Household may bo substituted, '1 OTA I, $ rr.oo Our Club l'rleu 3.00 THE DAILY NEURASKAN . ," 82 00 SUCCESS r. .TV. .". 1.00" REVIEW OF REVIEWS, (new) Now KntfUnd Magaxlno, or Ourreut Literature, now, muy bo substituted. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly I 00 Tho Deslanor. Good Housekeeping, or Household may baBiibsiltuled. COSMOPOLITAN MAOAZINE 100 Tho Designer, Good Housekeeping, or Household muy bo substituted. 4J2 TOTAL G00 Our Club Price (TRUKNT LITKI5ATI UK. (new), . No.v Knglan ' Jour ual of Ediit'utiou.oi any two of those dollai niagazlui-s In clnHs U limy bo sntwtlluted. NORTH AMERICAN KIVJI:V,(cei4 T..00 Leslie's Weekly may b substituted. OurOlub Price S-v.oo 1 Kcgulur Trior The Dally Nebraskan Success and any magazine in CUssC The Dally Nebraskan Success and any two in iguzlncs In Class (i The Dally Nebraskan Success and any three magazines In Oinss G f4.oo 5.00 6.00 Club Price $3.50 4.00 4.50 CLASS G. The Cosmo polltnn Sl.oo Frank Leslie's Pop.Montnly l.oo Tho Designer l.oo Good House keeping l.oo The House hold J.00 5 5 00 ADVANCED CREDITS. All students whoso credits have not been satisfactorily adjusted or who may have advanced credit from high schools and academies Bhould consult the University examiner as soon as convenient. Ofllco hours, 11:30 to 12:80, in Dean's room, U. 104. JAS. T. LEES. The publica tions olTorod uuito excel- Christmas Presents 11111. j j a j v . IUI1V AUIU 1JTI.-SUUI.S, ireill(i U IJIUIUIIIIX muiiiiuvi v.. .i..v uv... . j weok or every aonth througuout the year. One club will muku soveal presents. The Dolly Nebraskan B access and any two inugU7.1nes ln,01uss II The Dally Nebraskan Success and all three magazines In Class II 9.00 5.00 1 1.50 6.00 CLASS If. ThO EovlO'ar ot Uovlow8,nowt.,.50 C urront Liter ature, (now) 3.00 Now England Muga.lno 3.C0 Tho Dally Nebraskan. Huccoss, Ue view of Reviews, now, or Current Literature, new, and any two In Oluss ( Tho Dully Nebraskan, Success, Rovlow of Unvlows, now,orOurroiitLlteratnre,now. and Leslie's Weekly Tlie Dally Nebraskan, Success and any one In Class O. and any one In Uluts II Tno Dallv Nebraskan. Success, and any one lu Class G and any two in Class H Tho Dally Nobruskun, Success, and any one In Class H and any two in Cluss G Tho Dally Nobrnskan, Success and any one In Class G, and Leslie's Weekly Re. Club Price Price $3.oo $5oo I0.00 5.73 7.oo 4.3o I0.00 5.5o P,oo &.00 8.00 5. 23 Tho periodicals In any combination will bo sent to onp ordlfferon addresses. Join with your friends Tho subscriptions m-y bo now or renewals oxcopt whoro otherwise stated. RonowaU to Review of Reviews or Current Literature may bo Included for Sl.oo additional to the p 1100 quoted for the club. TO PAID 'SUBSCRIBERS If you have already paid your subscription to the Daily Nebraskan, subtract 82.00 from ' Our Club Price" for the remaining niaguzines in any combination. Agenta wanted to take orders forourClubOlfors Liberal Commission I A (ldres all orders to THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, 134 North uth St. Lincoln Neb. ft. is m xj i; i .v ' jfa&&tmmla&biauu.w ..x-. Su'. '1.. .. kSEC