The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Local and Personal.
The Co-Op.
fid Young. PIPES.
Dr. Case McMurtry Bit.
Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th.
Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th.
Steele, tho furrier, 143 So. 12th.
Square Meals at Francis Bros.
$1 25 hid gloves 98c at The Famous.
1-3 off on millinery at The Famous.
The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th at.
Dr. Woodward, occullst, Richards
The law library will be closed today.
Oyster soup 5c
today at Francis
Rooert Fuller Is visiting uis home
at Crete.
Miss Hazo Haro of MoGoolc and Mrs
Eva Laurio or Aurca Imvo registered
Id tho school of music.
"WemaKO It fit" tbo coat or suit
for that mattor that loaves our
storo must fit. Ewlngs.
It Is hoped a large number of thoso
in tho Unlvorsity interested in or
chestral practlco will bo present.
The llrsb rocular mooting of the
University orchestra will tako placo
Wednesday evening at Soven thirty.
Frank E. Watson who waB an as
sistant in Zoology last year is taking
work for his doctor's dorcoo at
Harvard this yoar.
President btreng of the Unlvorsity
of Oregon visited the Unlvorsity yos
terday. Ho was on his way homo
from an eastern trip.
"Chic" Fashions that aro deserv
ing or your favor, both from style
and pnoe standpoint. Ewlngs
Clothes aro merits oi reward.
Sccrotary Barnard of tho state
horticultural sooioty has supplied
the department of botany with a sot
of tho sooiotys' reports for tho uso
of students.
Subscribers to tho stock Id the
Hesperian Publishing. Co.roay Kpt
tho same at tho oflloo at 134 jn
Elcvonth strcofc.
H. Herpolsheimer Co.
1 Prepare for the Cold Waves by Baying
! good warm Underwear.
Miss Vera Loman SDent'Sunday in
Sweil up-to-dato
Shoes Sanderson's.
&1.00 and $3.50
The junior law olass will tako up
Blackstone this week.
Tho Junior laws take ud tho study
of agency this woek.
Students groups a specialty at Bass'
studio, 1020 O Streot.
The law library was closed on tho
night of tho thirty-Qrst.
Go to tho Matthews Piano Co.,
sheet music and Supplies.
Cal Crano spont Friday and Satur
day at his homo in Ashland.
J. L. Sheldon, of the Department
of Botany, went to Kearney yester
day to examine corialn plant dis
eases reported from thoic.
The registrar wishes it to be im
pressed noon tho seniors that no ono
having incomplete work at the end "of
tills semistorcan graduate.
You can have tho domestic linish
put on your laundry t Yule Bros.
Hand Laundry if you proTer. It
costs no more than tho ordinary.
jf Ladies' Underwear.
Ladies' Fleecclincd Vesta or
PnutH per garment, 50 and. . .iJ5c
Ladies' Union Suits at 1.60, 1.25,
1,00, 75c, )9c, 50c .ind 2ic
Ladies' "II II" I'nion Suitb, per
fect fitting g-ormentB, open
ncross shoulder, made elastic
over the shoulder with patent
shoulder seams, adjustable
nreoss the bust, in all wool,
wool and cotton, and all cot
ton. Prices rantfo 82.50, 2.00.
1 25, 80c and 50c
Men's Underwear, Etc.
Men's Camera Hair Under
wear, shirts or drawers at
1.00, 75c, 40c and JMIcgf
Men's Fine Wool Underwear ;
shirts or druwers, 1.50, L25v Sj
1.00, and 75c cp
Men's Fancy Dress Shirts, &
eoft or stiff fronts, new g;
(lUllCIIIN lib JI.UU, lUC, UUtI 9JG
Men's Collars, Cuffs, Ties, gj
Hose, Handkerchief?, Moves, 'c?I
Mention "Nebraskan."
H. Herpolsheimer Co., Lincoln.
CV.oIgosz is off our hands: Schley
has been ' vindicated: Klngl Edward
operated upon, and nothing now re
mains but the coming or "Tumb'o
"Tumble Weeds"
Professor Bessey has received a
copy of an interest! ncr book on the
grasses of Iowa. Tho book is written
bv Piofeseor Pommel of Ames
Charles B. Gregory (U. of N. '01)
sells coal at 1044 O st. Seo him.
EwinRS aro not only up to date hut
a date aueadBeo tlioir overcoats:
Miss May Jeary, of Lincoln,
pledged to Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Cold suap taken easily avoided by
wearinc one of Ewing's Fashionable
Call on tho Union Fuel Co., 1014 O
St. For best bargains in coal, coW
and wood.
law thismorning to-the-
Junior olass.
Tho Junior class. took tlioir prelim
inary examination in Contraots Sat
urday morning. "
Miss Myrtlo Beck, or Boatrico
spont Sunday at the school of music,
visiting friends.
fr '. G. Hawxby visited the Univer
sity Saturday. lip is the Fuslon'cnn
didatO'for Bcgont.
John Niies, of Hastings, visited
his brother, Arthur J. Nlles of tho
University yesterday.
II. B. Noyes '08 was tiflltlng with
his Delta Upsilon brothers and other
friends over Sunday.
Clarence Pearson, manual training
instructor in tho Heatrioe High
School, attended tbo Palladian party
Friday night and stayed over Satur
day with friends.
Mrs. Thayer of Charlton, Iowa,
vilsted Mr. Wilson on hor return
from San Francisco where sho has
been in attendance at the Episcopal
National Convention.
Tho band is at present practicing
some Lf Professor Willson's own coiii
niiRir.ioiiR Ho nns recently written
two very oeautiful marches, The Sor
coror and The Sunset Oun.
TJiig meeting of Mio botanical"
seminar Friday was well attonded oy
advancca studentB. Dr. Pound read
a Daper oo the need of laws in bot
any. He drew many Illustrations
rrom tho'need of law in tho com
munity. Aftzr tho paper was read
tho discussion was led bv Dr.
Bessov, Dr. Wolcott ano Dr. Clements.
Tlio basemeht for tba college settle
ment building is almost completed.
The work of excavation has been
very alsagrcoaolo t the laborers bo
cause of the rains. Last Friday
evening tho catch basin was nearly
blocked up and a! larjo amount of
water ran into tho basement and had
to bo continued. The rain Wednes
day, night onused a repetition of tho
ianJo work,
Have You Heard About 0
Tumble Weeds
A NEW BOOK of Poems of Nebraska by
the author of "Corn Tassels," Will Reed Dun
roy. Elegantly printed on 120 pound egg shell
book paper ana elegantly bound ip a striking
cover of Art Linen. Edition de Luxe, num
bered and signed by the author, Sr.25. Regu
lar edition, 1.00. Printed at The Lakeside
Press, Chicago.
Are you Going to
Call and get Printed Matter that will give you,
J full information as to its Climate, KesoDrces and
the best way to get there.
City Ticket Officej BnrNngton DejHft,
Corner 10th and O Streets. 7th Street, Bet. P Wl Q,
Telephone 335. TlekoM. as '
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