The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1901, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
, VOL. I NO. 35
I s
Nebraska Defeated by the Unusual
Speed of the Badgers Varsity
Puts TJp a Game to
be Proud of
The name Is over. Wlaconsln won
The score was 18 to 0. These figures
suggest a larger difference In the
two tcamB than really did exist.
Three times Nebraska had tno ball
on Wisconsin's fle yard line and
three times the Badgers held the
Cornhuskers. It was a grand game
In which Nebraska was beaten but
not vanquished. Wisconsin was
feared oh, how she was scared ! Her
Interference, thus Tar invincible
proved not 1 bug enigmatical to tne
visitors. Their lamous punting was
more than equalled by big Pill
From a spectator's standpoint the
game it is said was by far the
prettiest ever seen in Milwaukee. In
short it was a mighty closo call for
Pbinng's youngsterErand bo-aamlts
the fact himself. During tho first
half Nobraska outpalyed tho Badgers
at every point. It looked blue for
Wisconsin the first twenty minutes of
play. It wus ail in bur territory and
Nebraska outplaying on every hand.
When tho ball had been worked down
to her 5 yard line Wisconsin took a
brace. She had to. Drain tried a
goal from Held but the wind drew
the oall aside. So It may ho said and
is conceedea that Nebraska won new
laurels even in Ler defeat.
.It is believed tbat the Badgers will
schedule with us again next year.
Minnesota will and thus our en
trance Into tbe big nino will be as
After the game Coach Booth Bala:
'It was a good game and tho best
tenmvon. Nebraska played an ad-
tfwqhlA-gflin.plnri'rl nt, fast 100 Per
cent better than she did against
Minnesota three weeks ago. II aa
our fellows played ana punted at
Minneapolis as they did here this
afternoon tho gophers never would
have scored. Today's contest was an
excellent exhibition of football.
Wisconsin certainly plays n much
better gamo than Minnesota did when
wa.giaiLJifir.and 1 do not.tblnk any
one will dispute my assertion wherTT
say that Nebraska put
up a plucky
Phi King, coach Tor the Wisconsin;
team, said;
--' Weexpected tbatJSraska would
make It Interesting for us, and I
guess everyone who saw tbe gamo
thloks-thoyidia-sa.JQth,8 men put
up a good article of football and are
as plucky a lot of players as anyone
could wish to see. They were not
quitters at any staao of tho game.
Even after Wisconsin bad scored tbey
continued to give us a bird fight for
every yard wo gained. It was no off
a ay for Wisconsin, though our fellows
might have played a different gamo
in some points. Tbey were careless
at times, out tbat was not because
they felt over confident as to tbe out
come It was a rattling good game."
Z Everett Wrenn of Harvard, one "of
tne officials of tbb game, said:
- "It was ono of tho prettiest con
tests I ever have seen in the west.
iL ..
&. .-,. v
It was good foot-ball. Wisconsin
plavs mucn better and faster nail
than Minnesota did three weoks
ago; in fact, I think. Lho best game
lhat is being played anywhere in
the west today. Nobraska put up a
puicKy fight, as is evidenced by tbe
fact that the ball was In Wisconsin's
territory most of the time In the
first half. 1 think that first half
was as good foot-ball as I have ever
seen In the west. And Nebraska
din not lose her nervo even after
Bhe had been scored upon, but mado
the badgers fight for evefv gain
they made."
Wisconsin won the toss, chose tho
east goal with the wind at her bacK
and with this disadvantage Btarlng
bor In the face Netiraksa started a
punting contest. Tobin kicked off
the ball falling Into the arms of
Driver who got off a good return
punt. Drain caught it but was held
bofoio he could aavance It. Wiscon
sin held Nebraska for downb and
Pillsbury punted to tho Badgers 25
yard lino. Kings men now seeing they
wore making littiD on Ihe puntiTTgi
tried a series of lino plays which
netted nothing. Then they tried an
end run but lostTjhe ball on a fumble.
Shortly afterwards Nebraska juggled
a Blgnal and lost the ball. Tbe
Badgers tried end plays again but
were forced Co kick. Driver kicked
out of bounds on Nebraska forty-fivo
vard lino. Thon Nebraska began a
march which brought fear to Wis
consin hearts. Kingsbury was sent
over twice for bve vard gains. West
over went through for four mor.
iVinding they were in easy kicking
aistance of Wisconsin's goal Drain
tried a place kick. The wind dislo
catea the aim and it failed.
Shortly after the Cocbons the star
running back of Wisconsin it ado tbe
first and one of the longest runs of
tho gamo, skirting Nebraska's left
ena for twenty yards Then old
-liCfiriJ' pot on n. ta.njhrnm and when
Nebraska got the ball, on a double
pass be gofj Into tbe clear and ran
thirty yards to Wisconsin's ten yard
lino beforo he was downed by Coch
oms Then Kingsbury went through
for five yards. It was one of Nebras
ka's chances but Wisconsin bold for
downs. Tho light Beomed to have
done Wisconsin gooa for sl.o played
.Steadier ball from this on.
a t no stage did Nebraska lose her
nerve. Her men plavod like heroes
jand-atubpornly contested every yard
which the opponent made; Four
minutes before tha end of tho first
hall WJ8Q0jijJnjshed Larson over
for a touch down. Juneau" kicked
a,ha.wQtQUcUdi!JMojthjt eooDd
half were made in the same manner
and wore Just as stubbornly fought as
tbe first one. The game was a whole
was the mostenjoyablo exhibitions of
foot-ball ever BBon In Milwaukee.
There was the usual amount of fum
bling, and there was aiso some penal
ising for offside play. However, Wis
consin suffered most of this.
C. Sbedd, 1. e Juneau, r, e.
Kingsbury, t. t Curtis, r. t
Tobin, 1. g Sehreiber, r. g.
Kpehler, o . . . k ..Show, e,
tirew, r. g Lcrum, 1. g.
(Continued on fourth page.)
High School Gamo Playod in Driving
Rain- Lincoln Team Shows
Superior Work Rain
Spoils the Play
Omaha high school sent 200 rooters
to Lincoln Saturday to see tholr team
team nefeated by a scoro of 17 to 0.
In spite of the rain which began
railing about one o'clock and lasted
all through the game tho play was
fust and vigorous throughout.
Before tho first half was over tho
field was covered with mud and water
was nearly ankle deep and tbe players
were wet to the skin.
Lesh klcKed out of bounds for Lin
coln on the first trial to Nearson on
the socona who returned three yards.
After holding Omaha for downs the
High School took the ball and by
line bucks and and snappv end runs,
pushed the ball over for the first
touchdown in about two minutes.
Haegir failed a vory difficult goal.
"Score HoU
In tbe latter part of tbe first half
Omaha worked tho ball to Lincoln's
two yard line whore they were held
for downs. The Lincoln boys then
worked tho ball back about fifteen
yaids and and were hold for downs.
Omaha again pusbd tbe pig skin
dangerously close to Lincoln's goal
but on account of Lincoln's excellent
derense they were unable to scoro.
Tlmo was called with the Ball In
Lincoln's possession on their three
yard line. Lincoln had the stormy
north wind at thoir backs in tho
second half and by steady lino buck
ing and a brilliant ond run oy Haw
lav she was enablod to score two more
touch downs. The playing of
both teams was exceptionally lino
both on offensive and defensive. The
deforiso wcrk of Boocrtson, Stand
oven nnd Falrbrothor for Omaha was
something seldom seen on a High
School team and tho oircnsivcoT E.
Follmer, Lesh, Haegy and nawley
was equatlr-good for Lincoln. T-ho-
teams lined up as follows:
Fuirbrollier It. E. It. Follmer
Grifflith R. T Kimmel
Thompson IL G Hall
Robertson C , Johnson
Sterricker L. G Lesh
Mullen tL. T. , . . , Fields
Standeven L. E Mason
Shields 0 Harwich
Igntgomei y . . . . . JL. H. , , , . , Er-FoHmer-
Coryell L. H Hawley
DAY. Prospects are good for a record
breaking crowd from Lincoln to at
tend tho Omaha gamo Saturday.
Favorable rates aro assured nv the
Rurllngton pre vldod a sulllclei t num
ber of tlokots can be promised In ad
vance Missouri will probably send
a largo delegation of rooters (torn
The showing the Nebraska team
made Saturday Insures an especially
strong gamo against tho Tigers. An
excursion train will undoubtedly bo
run. In order to InBuro good accomo
dations and rates every ono who ex
pects to go should leave his namo at
the oxecutive offico oi with Professor
Wyer at tho llbrarv at onco.
TURNS. Tho foot-ball contingent returned
yesterday evening at Blx o'clock over
the Northwestern. Tboy express
themselves as well pleased ovor the
showing made at Milwaukee Satur
day. Plllsbury's punting was especi
ally tho subject of much enthusiastic
fcoramBoferAt-one-time herfient-thc
ball whirling down the field from Ne
braska's ten yard lino to within ten
varos of Wisconsin's goal. II 1b work
throughout tne gamo was of a vory
high order. Tho play put up by
Wisconsin was exceptionally fast.
The ball was in play almost before
tbe Nebraska players could regain
their feet. It is tho unanimous
opinion tbat Nebraska out up by far
the best game of tho season.
As a result of tbe gamo a contest
with WIsoonsin for noxt year ls2l
roady assured and Minnesota has
given a verbal promise to schedule a
game next soasnn. Tbo Wisconsin
gamo will bo played some time aftor
tbe third week In October. There Is
also talk of games with Micnigan and
Iowa but nothing definite has been
dene regarding them yet.
" ' aRtDPRON-
"draw their natrnrinoro nlmnsr, mrnhiR.
EDieiQ,r?t'-V.,,'P- & -HeageykVQlv frQm ,.(h,B BtQtB and w0 mtax
Offlclals-EUiottr-referee; -Pearee,
umpire; Philipott, Lebmer, tlo okeeper.
Beforo tbe High School game tbo
Lincoln High School boruba lined up
against)" tuo University Sopomores.
The University boys were too much
for tbo high school players and went
through them for a touch down In
one short half. The little boys were
out weighed by the University men
but played a plucky defensive game
all through.
Subscribers to the stock in tbe
Hosporian Publishing Co., may get
tbe same at tbo office at 134 North
Eleventh street.
juocal schools say tbat tbo control of
the nntimrnlt.y fnnf.-Snll oamniis is
unfair. The management of the
Lincoln Medical College Ifl-speoialj
wrought up over It. 'This college
has taken great Interest In athletics
recently and claim that tbey could
secure several big games If tbey had
access to a field.
Last night Dr. uarr announced his
Intention of petitioning the regents
for permission to use tbo fiejd, ,
Tha iooal -schools? bo-saict:
?,-.. t'Cfo 'Efiv WS iK-r ,
. JtJijt-
saM ft x.h .'" t,t. . -tb&Lj&sj,
payors supporting as we do,the states
institution, should have some privi
leges to the field."
SON. Tbe Nebraska foot-ball team has
accepted tbe Invitation of Mr. Sher
man Brown of tbe Davidson Theatre,
tosoccupy boxes and loges on Satur
day evening to witness tbe produc
tion "Are Yon a Mason?" and have
a good time. Tbe courtesies of the
theatre have also been extended to
the vyisconsln team for that evening
but the Invitation or Mr. Uart Rud
dle of the Aoaoamy was brevloulsv
accepted and the team will witne&f,
Beauty and, tbe tieaatlV, atthat
place. Wisconsin Cardinal '
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