r E5S555555 p n?wipr fgjnF0miiiimvtiymivmt: THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. ft V 4. r Local and Personal. The Co-Op. Ed Young, PIPES. Dr. CaBO MoMurbry Blk. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Munson's restaurant, 1418 O at. Steele, the furrier, 143 So. 12th. Buy your millinery at the Famous. $1.25 kid gloves 98c at The Famous. The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th st Dr. Woodward, occ.ulist, Richards block. Swoil up-to-dato $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes handereon's. See Westerfleld for the latest Unl. hair cut. 117 No. 13th st. Charles B. Gregory (U. of N. '91) sells coal at 1044 O Bt. See him. Bass: Potographs, 102(5 O. iNono better. Go to tho Matthews Piano Co., for pianos at honest prices. Oytser S'uip 5c today at Francis Bros. Alpha Tau Omega has initiatea J. .1. Fosslcr, It. V. McGrew, and Hom er Howard. E. M. HolTnoll spent a few days In Friend and Exeter this week. J. O. Berkeley, of Schuyler, was in town this week, visiting the Al pha Tans. The short story seminar did not meet yesteraay, because of the depar ture of Mr. Slicda for Milwaukee. 11. D. Lens, a uraduate of tho law dopartmont, now practicing at Sew urd -u.7ig-iLi..t.hn n n i versl fry jestrdav. J.L. Sheldon of tho botany depart ment has gone to Kearney to study tho alfaira nist disease which is causing considerable trouble there. Sherman A. Whito 'i)8 has been designated by the president to take an examination for appointmont as a lieutenant In tho regular army. Why do you pay more to have your unaorwear washed? Yule Bros., Hand Laundry havo-always nlvon the lowest rates. See them 1514 O sbreot. "ThTrBtident8 of the Univorsl by school of Music uavo a recital last night in tho University Auditorium. Tho program was listened to by a good sized crowd. Paul Plzoy. who has been practic ing law In Omaha has Just been ap pointed an assistant to Judge Sulli van of tho Supreme Court. He will live hereafter at Columbus. Appreciating: tho Importance of good lettering tho a raftsmen in tho engineering department have pro vid eo themselves with Relnhardt's 'Freo-nand xjottorlng." N e x.b Semester a goodly number are expect ing to meet every morning at 7 o'clock In tho drawing room for an hour s practice at plain free-hand printing. Tho Delta Delta Deltas had an Initiation last nlgho at tho nome of Miss Josophine Poynter 27th and L Btreots. Tho lnitiabed woro: Ethel Ulgnoll, Acmes Ca8eboor, Pearl Pow ors of uincoln, Lulu Walkor Rnlom; Edith VVhittior. Tho Initiation was followed by a "feed' and a general hilarious tlrao befitting Hallowe'en in tho attln which was decorated In fantastic stylo and Jont much to tho occasion. Yesterday afternoon tho first year studonts in Domestic Sclonco wero Dually engaged in tho mysteries of cooking cabbago without odor, as well as spinach. Tho reporter did not wait to seo tho highly hoped for success of such an operation. Tho second year class waB engaged lu concocting salads of various kinds, and tho samples offered for his dolectatlon wero ap preciated, although at tho oresent writing ho 1b unmindful of what tho future has in storo. G. W. Bates, '031, returned yes terday from South Dakota whore ho hadcharge of a party of men who wore surveying the old Inidan reser vation. After shaking hands with his friends ho left for the government headquarters at Omaha where ho will be engaged till about Jan. 15th in plotting tho notes obtained In the field during the summer. Ho says that he encountord some extremely heavy worK in the sand hills; hut at tiie same timo It was spiced witli enough variety to make things Interesting. For instance, a nortli and south line, three miles long crossed a meandering river eleven times and ended on tho top of a rocky blulT. Mr. Bates, who is a tall man could wade the river without wetting ills collar, but his short ano chumpy back-tlagman was fairly floating behind him. Mr. Rates ex pects to.be back to school In tho second Semester. GET A SHAVE AT , . . Kohler's , . . Y. M. G. A. BARBER SHOP 13th and P. Sts. .He knows how to do it right. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Pree. Prices Reasonable. 12380 Street, "iSS V V sV tV Jk Jrl w sV tjt ijk J V V v V Jtjtjtjt THE ONLY StJtji DIRECT ROUTE JiJt& BETWEEN t California and the east is the J Union Pacific, "The Over j) land Route." This was the Ji first road to span the contl J nont with bands of steel. It Tpfo J J J J J J made friends in those early days It Is making them now, on account of Its superior ser vice and Buperb equipment and' quick trains. For full Information call on or address, E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. J J afl plKlnilkj H A V jtjtjijtjtji .Xjtjtjtjijijijl "Tumble Weeds" mm A NEW BOOK of Poems of Nebraska by the author of "Corn Tassels," Will Reed Dun roy. Elegantly printed on 120 pound egg shell book paper ana elegantly bound in a striking cover of Art Linen. Edition de Luxe, num bered and signed by the author, $1.25. Regu lar edition, $1.00. Printed at The Lakeside Press, Chicago. THE UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. LINCOLN, -- - NEBRASKA. -'III" m ."1 j,ii"il: ,jFDtB,ffw' TUMBLE Sioux City, Iowa, Oct. 21, 1901. Mr. Dunroy: Are these poems HEAL poetry? Most certainly, for they have come out of the heart of the poet, and the thought is the thought of the people ftnd of the race. All come as a metsam sometimes almost divine, out of the heart only to find a lodgment in the heart. That indefinable something which characterizes all true poetry and all divin ely gifted poets is clearly found in TumbleWe"erfc TUMBLE TTT?tftTt?VfW Are you Going J:o California? Call and get Printed Matter that will give you full information as to its Olimaje, Resources and the best way to get there. City Ticket Office, Bnrllngton Depot, Corper 1 oth and O Streets. 7th Street, Bet P and Q. Telephone 335. Telephone 35. Have You Heard About 9 Tumble Weeds SIDLES Exclusive Sporting Goods House Agents for Spalding, Vio tor and D. fe M. Goods. . 5rffiS 1304 0 ST. WEEDS. Kindly yours, WILLIS MARSHALL. WEEDS. f "t&l Ji &( 0 .,-LJxiAi'tin;4-iMbm(, .Slaifriw