itfJ . I r'i , .,, jffyr - ...... K.,n,M. Jjri'-k'V'K . . f t"4T ,T-,,., ,,j., V "1 '' - - J--J-I...X. -l.w- 1 '' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. iS-"' V"' !:.' : LI Jw- L- TTTT" ... i - r r KT h u 0 ."ST I-- - Lr t ? 1 1' ' "" f' S &7 ft. ,0 J ' l- ' ,. t ANNOUNCEMENTS. NOTICE TO SENIORS IN INDUS TRIAL COLLEGE. I wish to cpnfor with overy Benlor witti roforonco to his University cred its. Ploaso brlDf? your 'dredlt books" to tbo Dean's Office, Room 104, University Hall, and see mo If possible botwoen 11:30 and 12 o'clock any inornlna within the next week. In caso. you cannot come at tbls hour, leave your "credit book" with tbo Kecordor. CHARLES E. BESSEY, Dean. Y. M. C. A. LUNIICEON. Tbo members of the Y. M. C. A. who are tbls year engaged In Bible Study will have luncheon togothor Friday evening at 0 o'clock In the association rooms. There aro some 70 men who aro interested In this work and the attendance will proo ably be all that can bo handled. To those who read tbls, this will bo both a notice and an Item of inter ests . - The Daily Nebraskan's Clubbing Offer's LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. SENIOR CLASb MEETING. Tbo Senior classljwiil meet.Thursday Oct. 31 at 4 pm., In the old chapel. The committees on "caps and gowns," and "caps ana canes" will report. YJERNOM C. BATIE, Prcsldont. J ' Y. M. C. A. STUDENT DIRECTORY. Those who have not reported their city addresses to the registrar should do so at once. Any change in the ad dress which has not been reported should be made at once. The Y. M. C. A. directory will bo Issued soon and it Is important that addresses should be correct. -ADVANCED CREDITS. All students whoso credits have not been satisfactorily adjusted or who may have advanced credit from high schools and academies should consult the University examiner as Boon as convenient. Office hours, 11:30 to 12:30, in Dean's room, U. 104. JASTTTEEEST" LOWEST EXISTING PRICES. The Daily Nebraskan . Cosmopolitan . . . Success .... Frank Leslies Popular Monthly ALL FOUR ONE $ Y bAK (New or Renewal) Personal Checks Accepted. Publications In any Club sent to one or different addresses as desired. . THE DAIL1T NEBRASKAN,.. $2.00 SUCCESS 1 00 LESLIE'S WEEKLY . 4.00 ) Total OUR CLUB $6 l,rico4 THE DAILY NEHRASKAN SUCCESS REVIEW OF REVIEWS Inev) Now EnRland Journal of Eaucutlon or Curront Literature (now) may bo substituted. .82 00 1.00 2. SO 3.00 TOTAL $ 6,oo Our Club Price S .oo 4 THE DAILY SUCCESS.... NEBRASKAN $2. ,... 1 New England Journal of Education. Iiovluw of RoyIowb, new, or Current Literature, now, may be substituted. i 00 00 50 00 TOTAL OO Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly J1.00 The Designer, Cosmopolitan, or Housohold may bo subatltuted, THE DAILY NEBRASKAN J2.00 1 SUCCESS 1.00 REVIEW OF UEViE.YS, (new)....... o50 Now England Magazine, or Current f -i no litoratura. now, njaj bo substituted. 0,u" Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly 1.00 Tbo Designer, Good Housokooplug, or Household may bo substituted. COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, (new),.. .100 The Deslgnor, Good Housekeeping, or Household may bo substituted. 7' Dur Ch Price $4 Our Club Price 1TOTAL Our Club Price '5- Christmas Presents lent Xmas nrcsunts. belnc a pleasant reminder of tbo doner every wook or overy uontb tbrouguout tho your. One club will mako seven presents. Tho publica tions offered mako excel Additional of fers may be made up from the following tables, which tor convenience are marked Class Q, and Class H. THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN $2.00 SUCCESS i.oo REVIEW OF REVIEWS, (new),... Now England Journal of Education or any two of tho dollar magazines In class G, In top right hand column, may bo substituted CURRENT LITERATURE, (new), .. Now England Journal of Educallon or any two of thoso dollar magazines la r.lim.q O muv h siihaMtntorl NORTH AMERICAN REV'lEW,(r.ew) cosmos weekly may Do substituted. 2.50 ;3.oo .3.Cp 5.00 TOTAL 14- Our Club Prlco $.oo HegulurPrlco Club Price") I ne uauy ixeDraskan Success and any magazine In Clbss O The Dally Nebraskan Success and any two magazines In Class U The Dally Nebraskan Success and any three magazines In Class G 5-oo 6.oo $3.50 4.00 4.50 CLASS a. Tho Cosmo Dolltan fl.oo Frank Leslie's? Pop.Monthly l.oo Tho Deslgnor l.oo Good House keeping l.oo Tho House hold l.oo The Dally Nebraskan Haccoss and any two magazines In Class II Tho Dally Nebraskan Snccoss and ail thrco magazines in Class H 9.00 5.00 11.00 6.00 CLASS H. Tho Review of $?.$;) Curronl Liter ature, (new) 3.00 Kow England Journal of Education 2 50 Tho Dally Nobraskan, Success, Kovlowof Rovlows now, or Curront Literature, now, .ind any two In' Class G Tho Dally Nebraskan, 8uccpss, Itovlow of Unvlows now, or Current and Leslie's Weekly Tho Dally Nebraskan, Success and any wnoln Class U. and any one In Class II Tlio Dnllv Nebraskan. Success, and any ono In Chios G and any two In Class II Tho Dally Nebraskan, Success, and any ono In Class 11 and any two In (Muss O Tho Dally Nobraskan, Success and any ono In Class G, and Isllu'a Weekly Mr. Price Price lo.oo 5.75 7.oo 4.5o lo.oo 5.5o 8.oo 5.oo 8.00 5. a 5 Tho porlodlcrls In any combination will bo sent to ono or different addresses. Join with your friends. Tho Address all orders to TO PAID SUBSCRIBERS If you have already paid your subscription to the Daily Nebraskan, subtract S'i.OO from ' Our Club Price" for tho remaining magazines in any combination. Agonts wanted to take ordefs for our Club OlTors. Liberal Commission THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, 134 North nth St. Lincoln, Neb. subscriptions may bo new or renewals except whore Current Literature may belncludod for fI.6o additional othorwlso stated Renewals to Kovlew of Rovlows or Current Literature may be Inclt to tho price quoted foo tho clud. strument can be dispelled. If only the ability to Integrate could bo aa- ' - SOPHOMORE FOOTBALL. Sophomores will meet upon tho urldlrOn as usuai for practice Wed nesday, everybody is requested to report. Urgent matters are to be discussed. CHAPEL ASSIGNMENTS. Professor Swezey will have charge or ohapoi exercises today and tomor row. Next week Professor Wara will Tea27 CONCERNING SLIDE RULES. Tho popularity of the slido rulo is growing at such a rapid rato among cho engineers that tho mun who continues to solve the long and labor ious equations' ocourlng In mechanics and other engineering studies, in tho old fashioned Way will soon be con sidered very far behind the times. Even the Freshmen are providing themselves with "sticks" as fast as their fears as to the supernatural, or possibly infernal, qualities of the In- ded-fce-tho numjlCIiess uros-nr-tlTrj-f "Stick"a decided step would bo gain ed towards the realization of the pro verbial "Royal Road". UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Demand High-Qiaos AMUSEMENTS Our Billiard Parlor D is up-to-date and absolutely free from Immoral Influence. Phone 586. ''yOWBLVS, 146 N. nth The Y. W. C. A. haa a devotional mooting yesterday from 12-v20toU20. Get.... Musical Instruments AND SUPPLIES OF Delos T. Smith, Il4d TrrStTeet. A nice lido of Popular Shoot Music at 15c per copy. LjLi Tntereolfogeate Bureau. OTTELt & LEONARD 472-478 Ilraailwny Albany, Now Yorti Makers of the Caps,Gawns and Hoods To the American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated Manual, sample prices, etc on request. Gowns for the pulpit and bench. jftTf'lr r J.j.Ji'J'r Yale men knowand the Nrw Havtn Unbn 7 : J1?6 Quetion of xvJkat in tkt world U ftv a fritnJXs solved bf S0NQS OF ALL THE COLLEGES which it alike suitable for the collegian of the past, for the student of the present, and for the boy (orrirl) with hopes I also for the muslc-loying sister and a fellow' a best girl." "All tk NBW timet, all tki olo tongt, and tht lontif ovular at all t A eolltftt a tmltomi rift tn any kumt any whtrtr I1.JO BOOK 8XOBB3. MU810 DUUU.-U0 KINDS NOBLE, PubUahers. HHMJ-IJ-H Cooper Institute. Naw VoK Bchoolbooks of all poUltr at ono itor fl The New Century 1123 N STREET Is the place to get your Printing Their work speaks for itsejf. Unequaled in the city PHONE365 R, A. M'CARTNEY, Proprietor As to see the' Deadlock Fountain Pen. A pen that cannot leak O'NEILL'S JEWELRY STORE Corner 12th and O. Cut Iftates... Have you noticed our 1.50 Album size cabinets. Best platino finish. After you have looked elsewhere Try GRAY BROS., PHOTOGRAPHERS One doz. photos and a button 25c. mm HLOKYDUNGKOHI WHO DESIRE TO SUCCEED EXPBIBKtDTE&QiERS- FINE LQUIMENB EXPENSES REASONABLE AaAMMOfACArWCnT WRITE FOR (AWLMUE AND SOUVENlR-fRHl UNCOLNUSINEbb iF .lJNCDm7ffeNEBRA5KA k f rjii ,i -' ll i . t Jl'- r ..XM 'r , x.i ,1' .Si- v, ' - ;' r-4- '".. 1 1