J V firss; t"" Jf" The Daily Nebraskan ?.) rt. i VOL. I NO. 33 LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1901. THREE CENTS r ; V 'V NOW FOR THE BADGERS Football Squad Will Loavo To-day for Milwaukee Men Hopeful But Silent. Team in Goo 4 Conkition. This afternoon at 1:45 the Nebras ka football squad,- fifteen strong will icavo for Mil waukee where they will meet tho defenders or the cardinal Saturday. Tho partv will be made up as follows: Cortolyou, Captain West over, Brew, Koehlor, Tobln, Stringer, CHShcdd. Drain. Bender, Pillsbury, Crandall, Kingsbury, G. Shedd, Bell and Eager. Coaob Booth, Manager Cowglll, julbrarlan Wver and Dr. Beachley will accompany the team. While the momoors of tho squad arc confident of putting up a good ngnt againBt tne LJaageis tnoy are making nn boasts. Coach Booth is very reticent as to the outcome of the game. The game with Kansas Saturday showed that the are strong on offensive work. waR weak on the defensive thi sract 'the large score Badgers Kansas and in run up against her may be accounted for. The -yk on tho gridiron during the p, week has developed Nebras ka's defense wonaerfully. The scrubs instead of scoring as they did last week have been hold for downs re peatbdlv. Work on the offensive has also been gratifying to tne Nebraksa rooters. Everything considered Ne braska goes to Wisconsin in much better ccindltlon than she went to Minneapolis. Practice at Wisconsin has been secret for tho past week or so. Their time has been devotea mainly to te stopping of mass plays so much used by the Minnesota team. Punting will undoubtedly be a feature of Sat urday's game on both sides. WISCONSINJTRIES MASS PLAT, DTipatorreBto-tbo-6hIoaao Record -Herald lvo tho .following account of practice at Wisconsin: Tho Wisconsin TootDall team -was given another drill in stopping mass plays In tho practice this afteroon and succeeded only indifferently. After about half an hour of punting and signal practice the varsity kicked off to the1 scrubs and the latter using tho mass plays, which are expected from Minnesota, pushed the ball across the field to within five -yards-ot the yarsltygoal. There they were stopped, and, although given eight or nine trials, were unablo to get it over. Then tha ball went to the varsity and the latter carried it -back until Juneau made a long run around tho end for a "touchdown. Af ter the next kick-off tho sorubs again tried tbo mass plays, but this time the varlBty held them, and they wore unable to make material gains. Fogg is still laid up with an injured knee, and Marshall played quarter back, MotTatt was at full back in Driver's placo and Abercrombie at left half in place of Coohoms. Offers of any amount of even money are coming from Minnesota for the badger-gopher game, Nov. 10, but the Wisoonsins backers want odds. MINNESOTA. Tho Minnesota eleven was sent through an hour's hard practice this afternoon by Dr. Williams. Tho ex cessive heat affected tho mon and tho play was lacking In snap, but the offense worked smoothly and the varlsty had a comparatively easy time with tho soruos. Soliaoht and Mueller, each of whom sustained an injury to a shoulder Saturday, will pobably not be lu tho game for several a ays, and nelthor Is llkolv to play Saturday against the Haskell Indians. Thorpe will prob; ably bo played In Hchacht's place .at right tackle, while Ricker or Jonson may bo selected to take Mueller's place at right guard. Boeokman, whoso Injured knee has been bother ing him since Saturday's game, went through the signals with the varlsty. KANSAS AND BELOIT. The game between Belolt and Kan sas University played on Belolt .rounds ended without a score by either team. Twice tho Kansans advanced the ball to the Beloit ten yard line and both times lost it on downs. Tbo Boloit playors succeeded twice in reaching their opponents ten yard line but there they were hold for downs. They also tried for a goal from the field but the plav was block ed and tho ball was given to Kansas. Tho "guards halfback" formation, which was expeoted to sweep th e Beloit players down tbe field before it, had Its greatest success in the first ten minutes of tbe play. Artor that tho Boloit men solved it, and frequently dropped tho runner In his tracks. The teams wero about even ly matched. But had Bo'olt's offense been equal to hor perrect de fense she would have scored several times. Lino bucks were tried through the heavy Kansas lino by Captain Bunge, Merrill, Smith and, Slater but tho gains wero short. McRao and Crane broke through the Kansas ends twice for llfteon-yard runs, but other attempts resulted In no gain -wnri-fiAimrnl Mmflg with pss IOWA'S CAPTAIN BARRED. Iowa's board of athletic" control has unanimously nndorsea tbe action of tbo olegiblilty commlttoe in rul ing Quarter Back Williams out of the recent Iowa-Minnesota football game. It was decided, however, to call a meeting of tbo conference colleges In Chloago for Saturday, Nov. 2, to make a final ruling on Williams' case. Charles uenbam of Lorlmer, tis, D., with WJhgfflJ&UlAJQI wasem ployed as a drug olerk. has made""auT davit that Williams received no com pensation for playing on the Lorimor baseball team and further investiga tion may jot reveal the fact that the disqualification of tho captain Is un justified. Until tbo Conference Colleges re port, Wiliams will bo kept out of tho game. It is feared that the retire ment of Williams will permanently cripple tbe Iowa team as- ho was tho field general and star player for tbe team. Williams Is severely censured by the 8tuoent body at Iowa City for doing anything that would raise the question of his eleglblifty after tak ing the placo as captain oLtbe team. The Y. M. 0. A. at a hare and hound olub. Michigan has WILL PLAY KANSAS. Peters and Shaw Go To Lawrence To-day for the Tennis Match. Tho Local Tournament Arouses Interest. Peters and Shaw winners of tho local tennis tournament are scheduled to leave this morning for Lawronco, Kansas, where they will contest with a team from Kansas University. The games will bo played Friday and Sat urday. The local contest was continued yesterday. In tbo morning Gaines and Hubo plaved two closely contested sets. Uaincs won by a donco set and played Hamilton to see who should enter tho Hnils. Cains won. In tho finals Peters was pitted against Speiser and Shaw against Rcth. Peters won from Speiser and aftcrwardB from Gaines. Shaw won from Roth. This loft bhaw and Peters tho winners of the tourna ment. More than usual interest has been taken In the games. Yesterday a largo crowd filled the space around tho courtB. The prosopots of a trio to Kansas brought out praotlcally all tho gooo tennis players In school. There wero twenty-two entries In all. Sevoral players ho are com paratively new have been developed. The meet with Kansas was mado certain by tho receipt yesterday morning of a telegram from there saying that they would pay the expenses of tho team. The j games will be played under tho au- snlces of the University Association on club grounds. Tho Kansas team is composed of Sharrard and Hlgglos, the latter belnj an instructor in tbo University, bbarrard will be remem bered as one of the men who played in tho Kansas-Nebraska moot last spring. - DEblANPIiOQilAMJJOV. 1. T-ho-Dellan.LItej:ary Jjooietfy will give a special musical prorgam Fri day evening. Tho selections will all bofrom Nevln. The follows: Vocal Solo Tho Necklace of Love Miss Ruth Pyrtle. Instrumental Soto Tho Wator Nymph. Selected Miss Day. Sketch of Novln's life Miss Annie Jones. Vocal Solo The TSIgbtlngalo'r bong B. L. Doano. wTLnstrumentaSolo Ophell. Narcis bus Misff SuWnryoaDe. Vocal Solo Selected Miss Lally. SENIOR ANNUAL BOARD MEETS. - Fred J. KeTley, Editor, Irf Cblefnand; Fred Morrell, Business Manager of the Senior olass book have appointed thojfollowlng associate cdltorsiMlsses Ella Harper. Grace Montgomery, Anetta Sprung, Jennie McGuffy, Bertha McCall. Messrs Carrol Powers S. D, Clinton, Evan Sage. The board met for tbo first time Tuesday morning and discussed mat ters pertaining to the book. Tho board will meet regularly onco a week, probably Tuesday morning. Anyone having mattorlai .which might bo used are requested' to hand it to the board at tnat time. FRESHMEN ELECT A PRESI UBT. Tno freshman class got together yestoroay and olected a Mr. Lowis president, Tbo class then proceeded to tho oleotloo ot a vTco president. The first ballot resulted In no choice and boforo a second could be takon tho time for adjournment had come. The progress of tho registration sohemo sufforcd a sot back ytstorday hy tho ford bio purloining of tbo poll lists by somo members of tho Sophd moro class. Tho lists wero entrusted to a Freshman named Lewis who was overpdwerod and tho lists taken. Whero they ore now no ono but a few Sophomores know. Tho Frcshmon wero forced to carry on tholr meeting without tho poll books. Thoy sufforcd no Inconvonlonoo at their, meeting yesterday from tho upper olassmen. PENNSLYVANIA TO DEBATE WITH CORNELL AND MICHI GAN. Moro interest is being taken each year among tbo oastern colleges and universities In Intor-collegiato and inter-universlty debates. This fall Pennsylvania will again meet Colum bia, and tho students of Michigan next spring. The inter-collegiato debates at Pennsylvania wero inaugurated nine years ago when the llrst debato with Cornell Unlvorslty was held. Tho series consisted of six debates and tho honors-wore divided equally between tho two Universities, With the Mich igan students Pennsylvania has not been so successful, but thoy hope to. redeem themselves next March whon thoy will again meet the Michigan boys in Philadelphia. Last year tho first of the series with Columbia was won by Pennsylvania, which thoy confidently expect to ropeatln Now York next December. Tbo subject submitted by -tho Columbians and which has been ac cepted by Pennsylvania, Is ReBolved, "That any amondmont to the Consti tution "of tho United State providing for a chang&Mrnrtnnnothod of - trea ty-making is undesirabler" The Miohlgan question has not vot been numbors-araas'BoleQtedt.Jbut wlfl be submitted bv Pennsylvania In a few days. Tho Students' Debating Commit tee expects that tho now system of preliminary Inter-society debates, in augurated at Pennsylvania this tali, Will bring out more men and produoo better results than tbo methods em ployed Jo previous years. PERMITS TO GO 70TET HOME TO Students who wish to go home to vQtejnayjiejBjire loavo of absence on application at the executive "bTfTceT Classes will continue as usual in all doplirymTsrjtwiranalectionday Princeton submits tho following question for the Yale-Princeton de bato on December 6, "Resolved, that tbe adoption ofjtho fifteenth amend ment to tbe Constitution of tho United States has been justified." The amendmont: "Tho right of oltizens of tne United States tojpote shall not bo denied or aorldged by the United States or by any States on account of race, color or previous K condition of servitude. " Yalo has tho oholce of sides. Ex. -'f -l f "U n ? vfil V& n t i ,i f ' II n" r! .GA ' f 1 v; V u & :m : Z3? 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