The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 28, 1901, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
p "i im iw wiiiih mm wtwt rfiiw imi imt iniMinn- j-fc imm iTir ii inf itiii iw imi ii i hi i
OL. I NO. :io
Agriculturists Beaten by a De
cisive Score. Nebraska
Plays Picked Team. Sys
tematic Rooting.
TIipy came, they saw. they were
conquered. Iowa Agricultural col
lege proved easy plckinglfnr Nebraska
last Saturday, going ?own by a score
of 17 to 0. The game was playea on
a muddy fioldwith Bender. G.Shcdd,
Westover, Ringer and Strmger..out.of
the game. Ames bad every advan
tage. They would havo won'yesterduv
It ever tboy could. The most ardent
NeDraska supporters were fearful
abouj, the results. Captain Westover's
face was hard set before the jtnino
while Manager Cowglll advised Ne
braska supporters not to be tocsure.
Ames had hold Iowa state down 12-0
only two weeks ago. They claimed
to bo In far better condition now
than when the Iowa game was
played. Their team was husky. Tholr
r.nar.h was hot uutSDoken, but confi
dent. The players said If NebraKsa
scored six points she coula beat Iowa.
But when the smoke of conlliet blew
off the Held Nebraska had won and
that; easily. Eager and Crandail at
halves covered themselves with glory
and tame. Fillsbury at full was the
same old Fill enough said. Coruelyou
got down the Held on punts like a
race horse repeatedly downing the
man in his tracks when catching the
ball. Crotelyou also interfered like
an elephant and helped the halves on
half back plays dragging and pulling
the runner on for a yard Or two extra.
Voss tilled Captain Westover's posi
tion with snap and vigor. Tobin
played as guard for his first time in a
Varsity gamo. 'Tob' filled the place
ho very few Ames men got through.
Acting captain Drain piayed a star
gamo at quarter bhowing rare judg
ment in his choice of plays. Brew
ivjim in old time form tearing through
the Ames line and breaking plays
again and again.
Kniubury stacked up at right
tackle for the first time. He did it
with credit to himseir. Koehlor at
center was a jjtonc wall every time.
Ames didnt' puncture the line there
once. C. Shedd played a hard steady
lelt end. Johnson replaced him far
In the second half while Bell took
Pill's place at full.
Nebraska's play was soul-inspiring.
llvvorked right along. There was a
hole when "tho " backs" WOntcd-Trae-and-
they tore through. At no Btage or
the game was Nebraska's goal In dan
ger. Ames only advanced the ball by
play about forty yards the whole
game. Deshler knocked considerably
for tho '.Farmers, in fnct he did it
regularly every time they got the
Coach Boofth was moro than pleased
with tho result of things. Coach Clin
ton, of the Ames team stated artor
tho game was over that .ho thought
Nebraska couid undoubtedly boat
Iowa as the Cowboys put up a bet
ter and harder article of ball.
One foature on Nebraska field Sat
urday was tbe Touting. It was a thing
not seen by tho university for many
days years it might be added. Four
squadB under the generalship of Bos
coo Found and captained by Sherman
Sh idler, King and Teach maae a
noiso that would have dono credit to
the Board of Trado. Squaas one and
two wore on the west benches, three
and four on tho east side. Tho squads
volled in rotation thus keeping un a
continual fire of howls the game
throuah. Ames menafter the gamo
naid the rooting was a revelation to
Deshler kicked ofT twenty yards to
Drain. On the line up Eager made
seven yards around Ames' right end.
Crandail made three more around the
opposite end. Fillsbury blocked the
line and Crandail trained two more.
Fillsbury followed with a ten yard
gain on a right tackle back'play.
Eager skirted the end for ten more
and Fillsbury punted twenty-live.
Ames got the ball on the ten yard
line and failing on an enorun, at
tempted the tandem back play. One
yard gained. Deshler kicked for
thirty-five yards. Nebraska advanced
the bail to Ames ten yard line
again where it was lost on nowns.
Ames was forced to kick. Drain was
Debating Association Fails
Adopt New Constitution; -Restriction
of Membership
to Men the Cause.
The new constitution which has
been propareo for tho Debating asso
ciation was rejectci at Its meeting
Saturday morning. This action was
due to tho restriction In tho mem
bership clause whereby women are
prevented from becoming membeis
of the tBsoclation. This clause pre
cipitated a warm discussion whloh
took up a large part of tho time.
The action holds the adoption of
tne constitution and tho ratification
of the new plans for tho association
in abeyance until some future meet
Tho association met In the law
recitation room. After a stormy
session In which debate and personal
ities were Indulged Into a dergee,
dangerous to the harmoious action of
Friday Evening, Nov, I.
of the debates.
A motion to rccons dor tho clauso
on membership was lost. Association
failod on final adoption of tho constil
tutlon as read. Tho constitution is
still open for amendments and will
corao up for final adoption again next
TJpjr,iB danger at present or, a
factional fight over tho adoption or
tho constitution. All tho students
and professors who nro interested In
donating aro anxlouB that tho matter
may bo settled amicably and that
we may havo a strong harmonious de
bating association this year.
ArtVIL Section 2-"It shall bo
tho duty of the unlveristy debating,
board to draft all needful rules and
regulations for conducting the pre
liminary debates" was amended by
tho following proviso, "providing
that no plan be adopted Buch as will
deprive any momber or tho associa
tion from participating in the pre
liminary debates."
A motion to rcconsldor tho clause
rolativo to membership failed.
Tho constitution as revised was
then proposed for adoption but failod.
The vote stood ten to n I no in favor
of adoption. As tho now constitu
tion Is virtually an amendment to
the old one a two-thiras vote Is required.
There Is danger at present of a fac
tional fight over tho matter or tho
membership clauso. A petition cal
ling for a meeting Tuesday evening
at 7:30 o'clock was circulated Satur
day and received sufficient names to
insuro a meeting then. The matter
of adopting a now constitution will
be considered again at that time.
not playinc far enough back. The
ball went over him and rolled down
the field for a fifty-five yard punt.
Nebraska carried the ball back to tho
twenty yard line by constant applica
tion to line bucking. Nebraska got
ten yaros on off side play. With
splendid assistance Eager made nine
yards and on tho next linejup was
pushed over for tho tlrst touch down.
Drain kicked goai. Score 0-0.
Deshler kicked off a second time
ano Nebraska went about her busi
ness in tho same old way.
The hair closed with tho ball in
Ames' twenty-five yard line.
The second half was a repetition of
the first except that Nebraska played
-barder..baUl .and made larger gains.
Nebraska hamrnered'the line. EighT
minutes after the play started, Fills
bury was forced over for a touch
down. Drain failed tc kick goal. The
last touch down was mado ono
minuto before time was called. Cran
dail was pushed over. Drain kioked
goal making a total of 17 points
scored. Thus ended the game, Ames
had not scored.
Minnesota 10, Iowa 0.
Fennsylvania 11, ChleagoO.
Northwestern 17, Illinois 1J.
Wisconsin 50, Kansas 0.
Yale 10,,Columoia 5.
Uarvard 29, Carlisle 0.
Michigan. 128, Tjni of Butlalo 0.
Cornell 29, Oberlin 0.
Princeton 0, Lafayette 0.
Notre Dame 5, Beloit 0.
Liie association as a whole, the meet
ing adjourned to meet next Saturday.
The matter or the Leland Stanford
deoatc was brought up and discussed.
Definite action Is withheld ponding
the adoption ot thoconstltutlon.
The constitution ana by-lawn were
then considered carorully section by
section. An attempt was made to
"strikeout" tho word "male" which
had neen inserted in the committee's
report last week in article II Section
1 on membership by tho association.
The clause reads as follows: "Any
duly matriculated male student of
the university shall bo eligible to
membership." Tho motion to strike
out thoword male was lost by a vote
of 15 to 8.
The membership fee was reduced to
$1. It was recommeTracd"tjy-tbc-com-mitteo
as $1.25. This was practically
thasame as tlio Jees have been hero-
The following oxorcises will be held
this afternoon, October 28. at 2:30 in
Memorial Hall In Commemoration
of the millennial of the death of Al
fred the Great:
Address -Tho Political Work of
Alfred Professor Jones.
Address AlTred in Legal History
Dr. Found.
Address Alfred's Influence on Ed
ucation Prof essorLuckoy.
Address Alfred's Culture and Rank
in Literature Dean Sherman.
There will bo a half holiday this
afternoon in the univeulty and all
are cordially invited to the above cx-
tofore for persons who went into tliel
debates, but the fees for membership
aiono were In former years only 25
cents. Tho fee or 81 will also admit
tho member to tho debates without
further payment of registration fees.
.It is hoped that the. higher rate of
membership fee will make tho mem
bership a more stablo numerical
According to the constitution as
proposed the steward of university will
have charge of tho association
moneys. These are to be paid out
only on the written order of the pres
ident and secrQtary-treasurer.
Tho name of, the dean of the law
school was added to the boaid of pro
fessors who will have general charge
Missourl-NebraBka gamo has -
been shifted from Nebraska Field to
Omaha. November 9th.
Rourke and Harry Tukoy came
down from the Metropolis and closed
the deal- Mr. Tukey.guarnteed $800
and a glorious crowd of rooters. Ho
argues that Omabans have support
ed Nebraska loyally and should bo
given a chance to see a gamo in that
city. Manager Cowgill has made ar
rangements whereby anyone holding
season tickets will bo admitted to
tne game In Omaha . or have their
fifty-cents refunded on applicatln to
himself or Llbarlan Wyer.
Wisconsin will have a now agricul
tural building costing $143,179.,
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