.r' . ) i THE DAILY NKBRASKAN. r J- fc -Y V H h ( k j t i - ir - r. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN k nawipaper davoted to the Interests of the Unlvarilly of Nabra akn. Published at 134 North lltli St., by TIIE HESPERIAN PUB. CO. (Incorporated.) DIRECTORS: J. W. Grabtrea, Praildant. 0. L. Tnwne,8ecrUry.Treaurer. J. I. Wyer, T. J. Hewett, K W. Waihbnrn. Hthlims H .McCaw J. A. MANNina QBOKQl P. SniDLXR Managing Editor Ait. Manager Athletic Elitor HEPORTERB. R. C. Pollard, Clifton Carter, Norrln Hnse, u. i . nwi, Cliff Urooki. Linn M. Huntington. J. R. Karney. John A. Wilton, ' The inbioriptlon price of the Daily Nebran Van la tl for tbo college yaar with n rtilar de livery before ohapel eaca day. Notlcad. com rounfcatlona, and other matter Intended for pub lication, mutt be handed In at the Nebratkan office befora 7 p. m., or mailed to the editor be fore 8 p. m., of the day prerlout to that day on blob they are expected to appear. Bubtcrlptiont may be left at the NebratWan office, at the Co.Op., or with Business Manager. Subscribers will confer a favor by reporting promptly at this offlce any failure to receive the paper. All changes in advertising mailer mutt be in the office by :i p. m. on the day previous to that on which they are to appear. Addrett all communication to the Dally Ne bratkan, i:U N. Utk Bt., Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone 479. ( all aubaorlbera on the old Nebrni- Itan-Heaperlaii Hat. Those siibsorlb- $ ra to the Nebratkan- Hesperian 3; who do not desire the Unlly will t please notify the innamgor by card as soon as possible. Where no tiotl- S floatlon Is received It Is understood that the subscriber wishes the pit- J wwmmmfwmmwmmrm?mytNm Now for ttio Arnoe game. If hIdb provo true this morning will mark tbo bepinninj of roal rootiDg in tbo University. The eucoees o tbo pro liminary organization offers much on couragoment to tboBo who aro leading the project. Evory studont should be out to tbo chapol meeting this morning and to tbo game tomorrow. THE WORLD S STUDENT CHRIS TIAN FEDERATION. Just at tins ti mo whon tlioro Is sotiio extended aiglatlon regarding M10 lack of organized etTort for the systematic development of tlio religi ous life or sLudontJ in colleges and universities, It Is opportune to olVset tins mistaken and more or less harm ful idea by an exposition of tho alms and oxtont of 'the largest and most ofllelont in Its results, of any student organization fo- any purpose what ever; viz, tho World's Student Chrls . tlan Federation. Up to tho time of Its Inception there had been no organized national efforts along religious lines In col leges, though vary efllelent work had boon dono Jn the colleges and univer sities of different countries by their national studeM Christian Organisa tions. Tlioy had detormlncd that if it wcro highly desirable to band to gothor tho various christian organiza tions or any one country in order t mako them moro helpful to each oth or In all their activities and to enable thorn to make an Impress upon the national Ufo, it would bo most avan tagoous to unito in a great federa tion tho national ioter-colleglate movements of tho whole world. Accordingly tho proper arrange ments woro made and In Auugst 189," thoro was held within tho walls of tho Ancient Swedish castio of Vad steua, on the shores of Lake Wettern. a gathering or stuaonts which is des tined to occupy us Important a place in the history of tiio Christian ohunh as the famous havstacic pray er meeting at Williams College. This conference in Scandinavia was com posed of representatives or the flvo great intorcolleglato movemonts tbon in existence tho American Intorcol leglato Young Men'B Christian As sociation, tho British College Chris tian Union, tno Gorman Christian Student's Alllanco, the Scandinavian University Christian movemont and tho Christian Movomcnt in Mission Lands. It has since beon entered by live others, tho Intcr-colleglato Young Mon's Christian Association of India and Ceylon, tho Australian btudent Christian Union, tho Stu dent Christian Union or South Afri ca, tho College Young Men's Chris tian Association of China and the Student Young Men's Christian As sociation Union or Japan. Commit teemen have aiso been appointed for countries which havo not yet beon admitted to tho Fodoration. It Is plain to bo seen that tho Fed oratlon is already world-wide In Its purpose and extent. It is distinctive ly a student enterprise. It is not a merging or consolidation or old organ izations, but a union of student movements, each of which preserves Its Independence and individuality. Tho Federation has mado possible a thorough investigation of tho moral and religious condition of students of all lands; tills" investigation has rovcalcd some of M10 greatest oppor tunities Dresonted in this generation. It has been 'a new strength to stu dent organizations In evory country. When some larger vision or richer ex perience has been given to some movement more, than to others, the federation alTords an opportunity t o make that experience hclp ful to t h"e entiro world. Ry its means tho dilTerent national movements will act and react upon each other. Its unifying power is great. is itunitlng m effort and lit spirit as never before the students of tho world. It Is helping to unite the nations by stronget bonds than arbi tration treaties, 'because it is train ing in Christ's way. tho students who aro to be tiie nations' leaders. This federation is striving to realize In the most practical maonor: "There is one body ana ono spirit, even as also yo were called in ono liopo of your cal ling; one Loro, one faith, oue bap tism, ono Cod and Father or all who is over all, and through all, and in all." TjiQ roliowlug stirring testimony lroni the pen of the now deceased ex- president of the United States, Gen eral Henjamin llarrsion, shows how potent Is this great student move ment In tho eyes of tho great seers of this age: The World's Student Christian Federation and tho lntercolloglate Christian Association aro Institu tions that do not need to be buttres sed by oertitlcates or propped by ar guments. It is not essential that wo should havo statistics of 'achievement Tho greatness, tho wisdom, and tho uscfulnesss of these societlos and tho appeal to tho hearts ot Christian mon and women, are all unfolded whon tho names are spoken. We soo tho stalwart vouths of our country, or of tho old world, Dealing out tho armor they aro to wear and forging tho swords they aro to wield. The armor will be tough and strong and tho ssvords bright and keen; arid these eager young soldiers will read Just boundaries. Recruiting must bo ac tive. The first blow establishes a fealty that Is not easily detachod. Give them leaders chosen from their ovn ranks and their own corps badge and out of this cadot corps will tho great captains who will fight It out on tho lines of truth until tho world's rebellion against God has been put odwn and the vanquished aro given an unstinted share In the heritage of tho vicLors Tho churches havo long realized the importance of religious Instruction In the school,, as tho many Christian colleges and acadomles attest. Rut now in many, norhaps In most of tho great universities and colleges the students aro dependent upon volun tecr agencies for such Instruction In tho Word of God as they receive. Thoro is no agency so efficient, none so free in its action, as the College Christian Association. It Is within it is not an Intruder; it unites all, or every name. Inferior Printing Stamps Inferiority upon the user. Our work is executed by the most experienced work mcn.and every order, large or umall, receives our careful superviBlon. Wc print invita tions, programs, cards, etc., in style and to your liking at right prices. THE IVY PRESs 12; ELMER E. PRANK L. -127 N. 12th St. Phone 832 I-ESH. LEMON. Lincoln, Nob. FRUIT That's what wc put in our high grade chocolates. No extracts, no oils, but the genuine Dulp straw berry, pineapple, currant and a host of others. R. W. MAXWELL CO. MakersofOaad Chocolates. 1410 O Street and 200 South 11th Street UHl Ji Ui mCNATf iriux Ila-t made ove. flnntlot s 000 vets of tctll. A Kood hit of UBniloll teeth, $5 00. ji K (.oUl crown t 1014 fl Otrnnt Silver fillniii M cents und I L I fr U OllBBlj up. (.old filTinus $1 00 and I llinni U "1' Teeth extruded w It liout imm LIHUULNl SCcnH. NEBRASKA. tt?!,,5KS,T,,,lJ,,'lh- Clothing Cleaned or Dyed At MANN'S, 1322 0 Street Write Riht... Yon should have n good Fountain Pen Writejlight. We have t several kinds Water man's Ideal, Parker's, Franklin A college pen for 73c. A $2.00 Paul E. Wirt for $1.25 none Letter WILSON & HALL, Bookseller and Stationers, 1133 O STREET. 8IBIBOS no gcnDnnnnnnn BaauEBBBBa laaii DQDI DU DDnccceinuii nmcpTnoY u on i nui Looiunni. uiiiluiuiii hq aa go BQBQBQBUDIEiBClBSlBDBBlBmBEIIsUBa JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Offlco 1100 O Street, Rooms 212-2U-?H Rich ardu Blouk, Telephone 535. Residence, 1310 G 8treet, Telephone L984. OLIVER JOHNSON, D. D. 8. Den tal Offlce, Cor. 11th and O Street, Over Harley's Drug Store, Telephone L911. DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. May Louise Flanagan; Offlco, 141 South 12th Street. Telephone 018. Spalding's Foot" Ball Shoes. On all our Foot Ball Shoes we are now putting the new style cleats ajs shown in cut. After a thorough test last season by a few of the leading play ers, they unanimousty declare therti the best cleats ever put on a shoe. Insist upon having- them for your shoes. Everything for football Head harness, ankle brace, shin guards. Handsome il lustrated Catalogae free. A. G. Spalding & Bros. Incorporated New York Chicago Denver Spalding's Official Football Cuide for 1901, edited by Walter Camp, price lt'c fjlH Capital Novelty Works NEW and SECOND HAND Bicycles BICYCLE SUNDRIES, REPAIRING: OF ALL KINDS. TEL L-U93. 317 South 11th St. J. S. DeVore, 317 S. nth St. Kvery new Student calls on James Hearn 237 So. nth street And has his ineiuiuro taken for the Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, Mamifac1urd by Zhc I)tndtrsonJJtnea Co. Kalamazoo, Ttllcb Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital. Sueciul attention Ktvon to (ltson;es of wo 10 en unci all Musical (liaciibe. X-ray examination with no discomfort or injury to patient. Ev erything n homelike as iKtssible. Board unit room reasonable. 1117 l.ST. LINCOLN. P. O. DoxOJl. Telephone ftto Dancing Academy PROF. HOLMES, of Chicago Oillces and Studio 325 SOUTH 12th. Dancing Academy Walsh Hall over Book Island Ticket Ofllce, 11th and O BU. c XJ ' .1 r- . " SI MvyT W -''J- "H-r ...-.. MT' f .... ... ! - ( nm'nH r