' J- -"-" u.iHfftaymi .lii i .l..ll lll il ,rll .HMfc .1 (!' S f " !.. "-V. h WM,.nfvJ, T'JT THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. v U H' r, . , h Lf i I r V ft lV , 1 7 I'' l!. I: t, u hi v- v t ! Vr THE DAILY NEBRASKAN newspaper devotod'io tlio Interoiis of th,o UnivMtlty of Nabm ilea. Publlilietl nt 134 North 11th St., by THE HESPERIAN PUB. CO. (Incorporated.) DIRECTORS: J. W. Crnbtruo, Presldont. O. L.Town8,8ecrotary.TroAurnr. J. I. Wyor, T. J. Hewott. K. W. Wnhbum. Btkrliko II .McCaw J. A. Maknino Ouoboe P. HniDLEK Mannfflng Editor AiRt. Manager - Athletic Editor ilKPORTERS. n. P. Pollard. Clifton Cartor, NorrlH Huno, H. T. Hill, .Ml. Fnrnoj. Clltruroolci. LlnnM. Huntington John A. Wilson. The iiibtcrlpllou price of the Dally Nebrn kail l for tno college year witu n reauiar io llvnrv berora olinnel each unv. Notices, com- muniontloni. nndothor matter Intended for nub lleatlon, mimt bo handed In at the Nebrankan ofilco before 7 p. in., or mailed to tho editor be fore 3 p. m of the day previous to that day on which they uro oxiwcted to appear. Bubicrlptlons may bo left at tho Nobrasban ofilco, at the Co.Op., or with Bunlnog Manager. Subscribers will confor a favor by reporting promptly at thU oillco any failure to rocolvo tho paper. All changes In advortUlug matter must lo In tho oillco by -tt p. in. on tho day previous to that on wlilob they aro to appear. Addrosn all communications to the Dally No braskan, i:tl N. 11th 8t Lincoln, Ntbrnnkn. Telephone 479. 1 ... -... r..l t. t.l S AilfAniij nuunuHuii 11 living nniii to nil aubnorlburs 011 tho old Nebrut- j knn-llcnperlnn lUt. TIioho aubanrlb era to the NobruakanIIeaperlnii who do not tloilrn tho Dally will pleuno notify the mntinifer by card lii noou nn jxiaalblo. AVhoro no notl lluutlou U received It In xiudnrvtood that the aubfcurlber u-lahon iho pa per to continue. lWWWWW,.WMW7I.M.WM.WWM.,f An Important step towards the or ganization of a rooters' club on a per manent baslB has been taken in tho calling of a meeting of representatives from tho different University organi zations, at the Alpha Theta Chl house tonight. Without a doubt the only practical way to Interest a very large body of students In tho movoment Is through their organization. Tho Benlor class mado n very laudable beginning by tho nppolntmont of a loader for a senior rooters' club, but tho movoment ought to extend farther than any one class. It should include ovory loyal Btudent In tho institution. The movoment to bo Inaugurated tonight ought to bo very effective. Tho organization can be completed and mado effective by a small body of rep resentatives. It can thon bo extended to cover the whole student body. Every fraternity and society should boo to It that nt least two of its mem bers attend tho meeting tonight. Kldors of bicycles should exercise a great deal of care whllo riding on tho campus sidewalks. Tho other day, during tho intorval between classes when tho walks were crowded a rider attempted to uso one of tho sldowalks for a cyclo path and tho result was that a pedestrian 'was quite severely bruised. Tho tacit permission which tho University authorities give to cy clists to use tho walks ought not, to bo abused. Tho walks aro primarily for pedestrians and tho uso of thorn by that class should not be mado dan gerous. Minnesota has como to tho conclu sion that Iowa Is bluffing, and that af ter all tho latter has a good team and Is propared to put jip a strong fight a week from Saturday. With this Idea in mind the Gophers have taken double precautions and aro redoubling their efforts to put tholr team in tho prime of .condition. Tho contest will bo a battlo royal and Nebraska will watch it from afar with a great deal pf in terest. Tho secret wish ol every Ne brnskan is that Minnesota may treat Iowa to.tho.saraoJUnd oJLa game tho did ub, 6nly worse. , In their doslro to do something bod sntlonnl, tlio Chicago nnd Omnha pa pers decided to kill Captain Wostover. Tho reports sent out from Omaha to the effect that the Nebraska cfcief was on tho verge of eternity aro as rldlc- ulous as thoy aro false. Tho Nebras ka team was ready to play tho Omaha Medics and tho gamo would have como off had not the latter team disbanded. Tho reports wore evidently sent out to shield tho Omaha team and throw tho responsibility for breaking the sche dule on tho University. COLLEGE NOTES. At Stanford university (Cal.) they have decided to hire, If possiblo, an opera house on November 9. The play will probably bo "Tho Man From Mex ico," nnd the proceeds of tho evening will go into the athletic board treasury. Harvard haB tho largest freshman closs In Its history this year. The number Is 533. The class of '04 of Ann Arbor went In a body to the Northwestern-Michigan game. Tho program of the bicentennial celebration at Yale has recently been published. Tho celebration will ex tend for four days from October 20. Wisconsin found Itself In the tolls of a rush a few days ago. It Is said to be the largest one In tho univer sity's history. The frcHhmen were victorious. Ann Arbor had a fancy dress party last week in tho University armory. Tho amusement was dancing. About two hundred were present. Indiana university Is having troublo in rnlBlng money to meet tho athlotlc expenses. That not enough assess ments are paid .Is tho principal trou ble. Ex. The University of Wlscousln has in creased from 481 students In 1879 to nearly 3,000 students this year. Ex. At a dinner of the Harvard club in San Francisco, Harvard graduates from the early fifties until the present year were represented. Ex. The University authorities are tak ing very rigid measures respecting military drill. It is said that no one will be graduated who has not conir pletod the two years' drill. Physical disability and conscientious scruples are the only excuses that will be ac cepted. .Mnnngcr Ciirter of tho senior foot ball toam is arranging a gamo with Ashland high school. Omaha high school will play Min neapolis central high school eleven lnte In Novembor. She will have a chauco to retrieve tho defeat of the 'Varsity. Tho game will be played In Omaha. Three football elevens aro practic ing on Nebraska field dally, at tho chapel hour. Tho freshman, sopho more and sonlor teams aro all show ing up well. The Juniors have not put a team In the field so far this year. Carl Shinier of Denver has been pledged to Phi Ifappa Psl. Ovor at tho groen-houso tho chrya anthemums aro coming Into ljibom. Thero aro 'about thlrty-flvodiflferont varieties, nmong whlchnrG'thoTIm othy Eaton and Colonel Appleton, re ceived this year. Thoy 'ha vo been im ported at grent expense and wore the two most popular flowers In the enst last year. We stated In the last (bsuc that wo wroto these ads. for business. You may or may not read them" for tho same purpose. But it won't matter much If you will remember the point which is this: Wo make chocolates, good chocolates. Just as good as are made by any one. We are at your service. R. W. MAXWELL CO. Maker of Oood Chocolates. 141G O Stroot and 206 South 11th Street I1R I II nil AY Twenty years cxper lllli 1 Oi rnunfllf iencr. Hns made over nantiet S.ORCtsof teeth. A good act of UIIIIIOl) teeth, J5 00. 32-K Gold crown fs I 0 I A f1 Qtraar Silver fillings 50 cents and llf U Ollfll) up. Gold fillinL's Jt.oo and I INPfll N l'P' 'Iect" extracted without pain UPRRAQIf A RKMBMBKR THE 1'I.ACE nLUnnOrXAi 12140 Street. GET A SHAVE AT 1 . . Kohlir's . . , Y. M. G. A. BARBER SHOP 13th and P. Sts. He knows how to do it right WATCH REPAIRING Speciul rates to students. Deloss T.Smith, 1 1 40 O Street. Dancing Academy PSOF. HOLMES, of Chicago Offices and Studio ' 325 SOUTH 12th. Dancing Academy WnMh ITnll ovor Rock Island Ticket Ofilco, 11th and O 8 to. Capital Novelty Works NEW and SECOND HAND Bicycles BICYCLE SUNDRIES, REPAIRING OP ALL KINDS. TEL L-995. 317 South 11th St. J. S. DeVore, 317 S. nth St. DR, J J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes examined Free. Prices Reasonable. 1238 O Street, "S Ask to see the- Deadlock Fountain Pen. A pen that . cannot leak O'NEILL'S JEWELRY STORE Corner 12th and O. Vi- nntuirmnnr, rtnrt run re nnarsnr.funnnn UUMIUUDaeueak2'illZLll!rQaCaUk!li tar' '-' " ? UCi Kaizuecuuuuyikycutfykucjirafcyeu ' ZSt-4 JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Offlce 1100 O Stroot, Rooms 212-213-214 Rich ards Block, Tolophono 535. Rosidonco, 1310 G 8treot, Tolophono L981. OLIVER JOHNSON, D. D. S. Den tal Ofilco, Cor. Uth and O Stroots, Ovor Harloy'g Drug Store, Tolophono LOU. DBi BENJ. V. BAILEY; Dr. May Louiso Flanatran: Offlco. 141 South 12th Stroot. Tolophono 618. i? o ,? c ? h i y v ) iM o &&& t & sJJJ THE ONLY JJXJ& DIRECT ROUTE . i&jtjt BETWEEN Jt Jt California and the east is the ,. Union Pacific, "The Over- & land Route." This was the J & first road to span the conti- J nent with bands of steel. It Jt PTO .4 J made friends in those early days it Is making thom now, on account of its superior ser vice and superb -equipment and quick tralhs. For full Information call on or address. R. B SLOSSON. Agent. St J J it K s & Kji ,M J & J & & J Advertise in The Daily Nebraskan For big Returns Second-Hand Books Osborn's Old Book Store 131 North 12th St. The New Century 1123 N STREET Is the place to get your Printing Their work speaks for itself. Unequaled in i;he city . . -. . .-r-r-s-r-i- PHONE 365 R. A. M'CARTNEY, Proprietor Clothing; Cleaned or Dyed At MAHH'S, I322 0 Street Or1 vr Jf THE Y, M. G. A. BARBER SHOP J. L. KOHLER, Prop. CityY. M. C. A 13th and P Sts. A place of the first class. f PROFESSIONAL' 0 99dj$3 i, L it1 rS ' A m tf -I.-.' ' LTOMW "..,,."7 sii'V"".- it-- '1 ' ' ' "' ' " ""'", V"1" '" i..., 1. . 1 'f, . ".- -. !j