The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 22, 1901, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL.1. NO. 2(5.
Football Squad now Kats at an 'Of
ficial" Table Team (Jetting
into Shape Again Scrubs
Cross the, (ioal.
As a result of the wealthy condi
tion of the athletic treasury, Man
ager Cowglll has established a train
ing table at the Lincoln. The follow
ing men are eating there: Cortolyou,
Bender, Westover, Brew, Kingsbury,
Koehler, Stringer, Ringer, Pillsbury,
Crandall, Shedd. Geo. Shedd. Bell.
The 'Varsity lined up last evening
for the first time since tho Minnesota
game. Cap tain -Wcstove?, and Drain
-were not id moleskins, but followed
the plays over the gridiron. Coach
Booth was not out, being' In Fairbury
coaching a high school team. The
playing was good considering that the
men have not played for a -week. Pills
bury and Stringer did some encourag
ing foot-work, kicking with accur
acy and precision.
The 'Varsity and scrubs lined up
yesterday. The 'Varsity scored in four
minutes after pretty team work. Strin
ger kicked goal. Bender played quar
ter, Crandall and Eager halves.
The scrubs scored about Ave min
utes later on a fumble at the kick-off.
They succeeded in getting the ball on
Nebraska's twenty-five-yanl line and
steadily pushing It over for a touch
down. MacDonald kicked, goal.
The 'Varsity scored again about ten
minutes later. Bender kicked goal.
Y. W. C. A. NOTES.
A slight change has been made In
the regular Wednesday meetings of
the Y. W. C. A. Henceforth they will
be led by some one of the members In
stead of an outside speaker. They will
be held as hitherto in the association
rooms on Wednesdays from 1:15 to
lt-16 p. in.
Considerable disappointment is ex
pressed by the young ladies at the
news from Miss Sophia B. Lyons that
she cannot come to the University as
secretary of the association. Othor du
ties" which shrr could not give up will
prevent her acceptance of the offer.
Miss Lyons was considered an ideal
person for the place. At present the
young ladies have no one In view, bnt
It Is hoped that a suitable person may
be procured before long.
. The books for study In the mission
classes have arrived and will be put
Into use at once.
Miss Mary Miller, who has been at
the Sanitarium at College View" for
her health, has returned to school
much improved.
MoseB T. Barlow, a student in the
early nineties, was galling on his old
university friends Saturday. He on
llsted In a company of volunteers In
18P8 and has served two yearB and a
half In the Blxteonth regiment U. S.
Infantry. He was first made a Sergeant
and at the time of his discharge was
Quartermaster Sergeant. He is now
second Lieutenant In charge of a com
pany of Philippine) scoutB. He says
he likes the service very much and
would not leave the army for the sake
of coming (o the states, though he
would prefr being in the BtatcB.
rie pnyn what he learned in
the university battalion has been very
serviceable in his army life and the
French he learned hero was of great
value to him In learning Spanish
which he has to use entirely In his
wo;k no
Rev. William II. Mauss. who is well
known to the greaior p:ut of the stu
dent body, has rj3l.juel the unstoiate
of the first Congregational elm-ch
and, It Is reported, will leave Lincoln.
It is thought that his resignation will
not be accepted. Rev. Mr. Mauss has
always taken a deep interest in mat
ters pertaining to the university and
has rendered much valuable assist
ance in coaching the football team.
It could not be ascertained what his
plans for the future are.
In a recent letter to a University
friend Professor Morgan Brooks
spoaks as follows about the equipment
and conditions at the University of
In regard to the mall service at the
University of Illinois we have one ad
vantage over Nebraska in that the
carrier from the Urbana ofllce delivers
mail ull through the college buildings
to the various departments. This in
a large measure makes up for thojab
sence of a branch P. O. as you now
have, although thnt has its advant
ages, too.
We have electric light and power
service continuously, with an occa
sional shut-down on Sunday during
the day. As the agricultural depart
ment depends upon electricity for In
cubator service you will see that It Is
Important to havo the service contin
uous,. We are jibout to double the
size of the plant, having $0,000 to spend
iiqw, and will probably get more ror
details later .the above sum covering
merely the machinery at the power
house. We shall extend on practically
the same as before, the plant being a
strictly modern one, apd the need for
extension being due to the many new
buildings olng up. You know that
the last legislature added $900,000 to
the permanont Improvement fund.
The one part of the plant not quite
up-to-date Is the arc lighting appara
tus, and that is far ahead of Nebras
ka's. The necessity for 'a now plant
there seems over, "more urgent to- me
now that I am In different surround
ings. The only colleges In the country that
support ' dally papers are Harvard,
Yale, Brown, Pennsylvania, Princeton,
Cornell, Michigan, Ipwa, Wlscosln.Ne
braska, Stanford, California and In
diana, r
True, Nebraska did not win from
Minnesota but tho number that accom
panied the team evinces a loyal spirit
which is good to contemplate. The
Dally Iowa.
An Kxperienecd Kleven Out to De
fend the Class Honor The
Players who will Make
up the Team.
The senior lineup yesterday morning
shows an unusual number of fast and
strong men on the field. There were
many veterans of the class games of
former years on the field. Captain
Dierks will have his men out overy
morning UiIh week, and ho hopes by
Saturday to have the team working in l
machine-like order. The team will
havo to work hard to sustain Its re
putation of former years. The cUibb
has bad the championship team for
the last three years. With the show
ing made yesterday Captain Carter ex
pressed himself as confident that the
team will conduct Itself creditably
again this season. The team will be
heavy, averaging about 180 pounds.
The back field is strong and snappy..
The personel of the team Is as follows:
Dasenbeck the big center, 1b an ex
perienced player. He has played on
tho scrubs three years and on the var
sity In several games. He played
left guard against Minnesota last
Thanksgiving. He wolghs 195
Campbell, at left guard, is a strong
and heavy man. He tips the beam at
190 pounds. He played three years on
the Hastings high school team as cen
ter, and two years aa tackle on the
University second team.
Burr, last year's scrub end bun play
ed footbal In the high school and uni
versity. He breaks up interference
well. He is the lightest man on the
Garrett has played two years as full
back on the VarBity. He had three
years experience on the Pawnee City
high school team before coming here.
He 1b an aggressive player and has a
thorough knowledge of the game.
Captain Dierks had some experience
at Midland college Kansas. He has
pIayedtwo years on the scrubs at half
and tackle since coming here. He
puntH well and will probably do tho
punting for the team.
Batie has played on high school
teams before entering the university.
He has never played here but has had
three weeks hard practice this fall
with tho high school of his home
Dudloy was guard on the Hastings
team two years and on tho University
scrubs last year. He unOerstands tho
game well and Is good on defensive
work. He played guard on last year's
"team. i
Bullard, quarterback, Is a Bnappy,
fast player. He played on tho Pawnee
City high school team. Ho puts up a
sure game at quarter.
Clinton has played on tho scrubs
for three years aa half and tacklo. He
Is good at smashing interference and
carrying the ball. He will probably
play light half.
Kellogg, right end, Is an experienc
ed njan with the pigskin. He has
played on tho-scrubs' for three years,
and is at present playing end with
them. He understands his position and
Is a sure tackier.
NIelson, half back, has hod three
yoaia' training with Omaha high
Bchool and three years with the scrubs".
He haB played half for tho varsity. He
W(ii;h3 180 pounds.
Sw.-T'ow puts up a good game at
half back. He has had training on
both high Bchool and university toams.
Ho Is a fast man. Ho Is playing half
on the snubs at present.
8enger Is n big muscular lad from
Ashland. He hafl playod tackle on
the scrubs and is a good punter. Ho
was one of the best ground gainers
on lfiM year's team.
The University of NobraHka school
of agriculture opens Nov. 11 and closes
for the year April 25. The Instruction
covers the whole fiold of agriculture.
In live stock the students are given
work In Judging, feeding, and ihe
principles of breeding. Tho future
breeders of Improved live stock should
prepare for their important work by
making themselves familiar with
those laws concerning animal repro
duction which are oBsontial to success
in this work. Students of tho Bchool
of agriculture are given one term on
the study of various breeds and the
principles of animal breeding. The
instruction is such as will be of value
to any young man. who may In the
future bo engaged in tho rearing of
farm animals, whether common or
registered, stock.
The live stock Interests of Nebraska
are such as to warrant the State Uni
versity In giving Its students In tho
school of agriculture thorough train
ing In the care and management of
farm animals. One feature of this
work which is being emphasized more
than ever bofore Is stock Judging.
During the coming season each Btudont
will receive instruction which will
enable him to discriminate with pre
cision betwecen good and Inferior anl
mnls of all classes.
The Instructions in the school of
agriculture are men who have had
practical experience on the farm and
technical training In the sclenco of
feeding. It is their purpose to give to
them such Instruction on tho relative
value of food stuffs, qpmpoundlng of
rations and methods of feeding farm
animals as will enable them to per
form their work with greater intelli
gence In the future.
A large majority of the farmers of
Nebraska aro engaged In feeding live
stock for tho markets. The. chief aim
of those engaged in this Industry Is the
production of meat with tho greatest
economy. Through tho efforts of ex
periment stations and from the re
sults of the most successful feeders,
the student of agriculture now has at
his command much Information which
will bo of service to him In feeding
farm animals,
A party of about twenty-five senior
mechanical 'and electrical engineers of
the University of Wisconsin leaves foi
Chicago October 22, where they will
charter a special train and make -tho
trip to Buffalo, Niagara Falls' and
Pittsburg. In those places they will
view things of Interest and study en
gineering features. This is the long
est trip ever contemplated in Wiscon
sin. They will lie gone about a week.
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