' -JW" """na ' ' . ."'- '- 9rsk-'f '' 5T!5S?SflBH m HMIIIIIMM IJHUHMHmBHHHHHMHHHMMMNHHnHBMMMaaiM ' 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKA!. M t. , V, HiJMVVtS I u: K. i' t im ik NV t' K .u- I'. I:'i . r t : r h i V" ! ;:, 'fr THE BASKBTBAL TEAM, BftBkot ball prnctlco has, up to this tlmo, boon takon up vory slowly. The football Bonson interferes In ftrcat part with any rush work and will un til aftor Thanksgiving. Thon more actlvo work wilt be begun. Tho gen oral outlook this year for a strong toam Is" extremely good, with a very goo'u1 field of men to pick from for positions. As yot It Is ontlroly too onrly to stdte anything definite aa regards schodulo of garaos. Manager Morrill has written to Kansas, but has not as yet received an answer regarding a moot. Thoso men who have so far showed up for practice aro Hagenslck, Babson, Thomas, Gilbert, Toblo, Howltt, Dud loy, Magdanz, Mellck, Spafford, HenU Ins, Elliott and Forguson. Gaines and! Rhodes have statod that they would possibly try for positions. Hagenslck, a last year's player on tho Y. M. C. A. toam, will try for forward. Ho has a reputation of being a sure goal throw on Iko Raymond will try for guard. 8omo of tho football men, Cortolyou, last year's captain, Koohlor and Pills bury will also bo on hand after tho football season Is over. They all have good records and will make tho other follows who are trying for posi tions hurry. UNIVERSITY EXPERIMENT PARTY A party of nine men under tho guid ance of Mr. Hiltnor of the chemistry department will leave next Monday for Amos, whore they will be en gaged in testing sugar beets for the Standard Sugar Boot company for tho ensuing week. Tho object of tho investigations will bo to analyze selected boots to deter mine their value for seed production. "Between ten and twelve thousand beets will thus bo tested. For tho culturo of high grade sugar boot soed it is necessary to do tor mine tho sugar contents of individual boots and to select for future planting those beets producing tho higher grades of seed. A now plan for such beet testing which has boon formulated by Mr. Hlltner and Mr. Thatcher, who is at present connected with tho Washing ton exporimont station, will bo put into uso. This is a moro simple and rapid process than any before used, while it yields as good if not better results. During the week a visit to tho sugar factory nt Loavitt 'will bo made. Tho men forming tho party aro: H. B. Slado, C. E. Ballard, L. C. Bennett, C. N. Catlin, A. C. Horn, E. L.. Red fern, C. A. ,Rose, H. C. Searls, Jos. Vavra. COMMUNICATION. Editor Dally Jobraskan: In yester day's Issue of the Dally appeared the ojld 'Varsity song, "Tho Scarlet and Croam." This brings to mind tho lack of one department In University cir cles. Tho 'Varsity gloo club. What has made so many eastern colleges so famous as their glee clubs? Whore Is there a hotter entertainment for the school than tho gleo club? What is so consplclous by Its absence to the new student, especially if he has boon a reader of college stories, as tho gloo club? Years ago wo had ono, which made tho old ohapol walls ring not only with 'Tho Scarlet and Cream,"' but dozens of other college songs and modloyfl. Why can't wo have ond now? There is an abundance of ma terial and a good leader to be had, and thorp Is no reason why jthp, Uni versity of Nebraska should apt have the best gleo olub In the middlo west Iq the club there woujtlla just as m ilfflNwHMm Is not alwrlvs 1 clothes. much enthusiasm as in tho baseball or football team and tho trip of the glee club would contain Just as much if not more of interest than tho trips of either of tho other clubs. STUDENT. Word has been received from Elmer Shinbur, 02, to tho effect that ho reached Havana safely on September 26 and that ho is comfortably located with A. E. Carter, ex. '00. Mr. Shin bur is In the employ of tho government as a draftsman in tho office of chief onglneor, department of survey of for tifications, Havana, Cuba. Ho writes that It will be necessary for him to learn to speak Spanish. This neces sity can be the moro appreciated whon It is considered that tho Spanish la dles think it equally necessary to learn 15 speak English. Tho Springfield gas engine, ordered by tho department of mechanical en gineering during tho summer, has ar rivod and will be set up in the steam laboratory In the west end of tho bollor house. It has a capacity of eight brako horse-power and can bo driven by either gas or gasoline which may bo exploded, at pleasure, by the elec tric spark or tho hot tube method. This ongino will be used exclusively for experimental purposes, all tho nocessary apparatus for making dy namometer, indicator, and hoat-ofllc-ioncy tests having boon procured. In the school of agriculture herds of beef and dairy cattle, Bheep and swine are kept for purposes of instruc tion. A veterinary hospital Is kept for tho Instruction of students. A home dairy course is offered. Special work-rooms and laboratories aro kept for tho use of the boys. The cost has boon brought within tho reach of, all. Information can be had by writing tho University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. & . , j, f The monthly magazine, the Arrow Head, will como out next week. The October number Is a football edition giving a brief of the Nebraska-Minnesota football game. There will bo car toons and drawings by JohnBon, Han son, Powell and Shldler. Short stories by Miss Blanden and George Bartlett. A series of jokes by George Kline. Several poems by MIsb Streotor. A life of President Roosevelt, by Tom Mills, besides squibs from the pen of Garret. Tho sophomoo hop will be held at Walsh hall November 1 unless rates to Milwaukee should threaten 'to cut down the crowd, In which case the date win TTe changed. The commit tee are hard at work and expect to make it one of tho pleasantest func tions of the year. S Mam 1 PH when you see 3K ImMllln III UllvH J X HI lllifc That wil1 m K M nflBr r B look well crroo w& mill iwui JbUjL- Ewing 41 1115 - 1117 O Well Groomed Man ie who spends most money true this is you will only How little Money.. will procure clothes ake any halfdecently built med. SUITS $7.50 to $26.00 OVERCOATS $7.50 to $25.00 Cfbthing Compahy, St. Lincoln, Neb. Special Magazine Offer By special arrangement with abled to make the following offer: The Daily Nebraskan, one semester $1.00 Review of Reviews, (new) one year 2.50 Success, one year 1.00 4.50 We will send the above publications to one or different addresses for $2,75 cacaca Tbioffer is for one week only closing Friday, October 25 Perhaps tho combination does not suit you. If not lot us know what magazines you desire and wo will quote prices. SPECIAL Subscriptions may bo either Now or Renewal, excopt to the Roviow of Reviews. Present subscribers to this Magazine may, how ever, renew their subscription by adding 11.00 to tho combination price named. Sond Subscriptions to The Daily Nebraskan Lincoln, Neb. V mm mm IHEIP5YDUNQM0WII WHO DESIRE TO EX!WBH)TEACHHe- HNt IQUimflTO , EXPENSE REASONABLE AUWiBfiESIfAaPIRaTY WRITE fOROOAUXiUE ANDiOtMNltHRtll LlNC0LHBU5INEbb E iuwnui .NEBRASKA to i for his know man the publishers we are en extraordinary combination nnnncn Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS. Portrait aid Laosdcape Pkotograoker iao South nth Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. OALLBRY ESTABLISHED 1871. Advertise in The Daily Nebraskan, For big Returns .. . L v f tr " C 4 -M) - . V. ,, w . i .--. r rr ....- ip .- ,a u UIHVre mmiirimimm . rVJ T"TfJB