jEBtaegfygg :,y v j ' " - .j - .jf tt- .- . iM o t THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. !rtfi- t r i r r ia ' V i I? M m t t f a, ( 1 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A ntwpnpor dorotod to tUo intoresti of the UnlYomlljr of Nobrn ka. Publlshod at 184 North lltli St., by THE HESPERIAN PUB. CO. (Incorporated.) DIRECTORS: J. W. Crnbtroo, President. Q. L.Towno. Soorotarjr.Troaiiuror. J. I. Wyor, T. J. Howott, K. W. Wnihburn. Hthhmho fl ,M( Caw J. A. Mannino Qkokob P. 8ii idler Managing Editor Amt. Manager - Athletic Edito HEPORTER8. R. C. Pollnrd, Clifton Carter, NorrU Huno. R. T Hill, J. R. Farnoy, Cliff Crookt John A. WUhod. Linn M Huntington ' The mbicrlptlon price of the Daily Nebras Van U 82 for the college year with a regular do ll yery before ohapel each day. Noticed, com munication!, and other mutter intended for pub lication, mutt be handed In at tho NebranXan ofllco before 7 p. m., or mailed to the editorbn fore S p. m., of the day previous to that day on vthlch they are ozpecteu to appoar. BubicrlptlonH may be left at the Nebraskan office, at the Co. Op., or with Builnetn Manager. Subscribers will confer a favor by roportlng promptly at this office any failure to rocolro the paper. All changes in advertising matter must be in the office by M p. m. on the day previous to that on which thoy are to nppenr. Address all communications to the Dally No braskan, 134 N. 11th St., Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone 479. The Dally Ncbrnakati 1 being: sent to nil suliHorlbnrs on the old Nebras-kan-llesperlnn list. Those mibsorij era to thn NebrimUnn-lIeslorlttii who do not tlealre the )nlly will please notify the manngor by oard as soon ns possible. Whom no noti fication Is received It Is understood that the subscriber wishes the pa per to continue. WtfWmWWWWNWM1IWWWMWMM& Members of the Daily Nobraskan staff are requested to call at the office 134 No. 11th St., between 1 and 2 o'clock each day for assignments. The University of Nebraska needs a Glee club. It ought to have and could have a good one If the students would give It reasonable support. Tho club would bo a valuable adjunct to all forniB of University enterprises. Above all It would tend to Increase college spirit which Is one thing needed In Ne braska. No effort should bo spared to make the pioposed club a success. Some students at Columbia, Mo., caught a freshman, spanked him, re moved his clothing and then turned him loose. Tho freshman submlttod to It all under tho Impression that ho was being Initiated Into a fraternity. When he discovered that he had been duped he complained to the faculty with the lesult that twenty-nine young seekers after knowledge were suspended fipm the UnlYorsity. The faculty drew a nico distinction In this cam. If tho Bpanklng had been done at a fraternity Initiation as the deluded freshman supposed it was. nothing would probably have been said about It. Tho faculty seem to have very distinct Ideas as to tho dif ference between the two. Sdmo per sons might have somo difficulty In making a distinction. At no time during tho history of tho University have debating prospectB been bo bright as at present. Tho old factional fights which broke tho asso ciation up Into factions last year are now things of tho past. New and Im proved plans for holding the prelim inaries and choosing debaters are now being considered alid will prob ably be put In force within a short time. Debutes with new institutions are being considered. The great Obstacle to successful de bating in the University has been the endless wranglings which have pre vented proper attention to prepara tion and concord of feeling. This ob stacle bids fair to be removed by the adoption of a hotter method of choos ing contestants. If this is done No braska ought to bo In a position to win some of tho dobates this year. It is now lncumbont upon everyone who can donate to go into active training for tho contests that aro coming. COLLEGE NOTES. Harvard conferred 1,053 degrees at Its last commencement. A chair of Gaelic has been estab lished at Notro Dame. Prejudice against tho game and re sulting lack of financial support has caused the abandonment of football In Western College ot Toledo, O. A now system of registration' has Just been put Intq force at Cornell uni versity. Coupons for both BemcBterB are (Bsued at tho beginning of tho year and at the opening of tho second semester tho student has only to havo his certificate for that semester stamped by the proper official. This scheme greatly facilitates tho mid winter registration. A syBtem of uniform entrance ex aminations has been inaugurated by tho principal colleges of tho middle LstateB. Tho examinations aro con ducted under tho supervision of a college examination board. Tho re sult of the first trial leads the com mittee to bellevo that the scheme will be a complete success and It will probably be extended. Decatur, 111., 1b to have a new col lege. It will be founded by James Milllken, a millionaire banker, who will give more than $500,000 to tho In stitution. The new school will bo combined with Lincoln university and will bo named after its benefactor. It will be completed by September, 1902, and will start with Pror. S. R. Taylor, late president of the KansaB state nor mal, at its head. A series of chess games will bo played at Harvard this year. Tho most important one will be with Yale and will be played the evening before the Harvard-Yalo football match. A telegraphic game with California uni versity will also be played. The tiustees of Washington and Leo university havo elected Dr. Georgo H. Denny, now acting president and piofessor of Latin, president of tho uniwMslty to fill tho vacancy caused by the death of William L. Wilson, last October. Dr. Denny Is not yet 31 yeaiB of age and Is a native of Virginia Daily Cardinal. A new literary society, the Olympla, has boon started at the University of Wisconsin. It's excuse for starting lies In the fact that tho old societies could not provide training for all tho men who desired It, without becoming so large as to be unwieldy and prevent Individual work. The new organiza tion planB for a membership of about fifty. A fencing club Is being organized at Michigan university. One of tho most important events of the year at Michigan university was the laying of the corner stonq of the new medical building last Tuesday. Elaborate ceYOraonlea cfiVerlngThe en- I tire day were conducted. M Michigan and Northwestern are hav ing trouble over arrangements for the game which is to be played next Sat urday. Coach Hoollster of tho North- western team demands that tho samo charge bo made for admission to the grounds when his team plays as whon tho Badgers meet Chicago. Ho re fuses to play unless this is done. Tho sentiment at Michigan seems to bo against him, but It Jb not likely that tho squabble will result In declaring tho game off. Wm. Shock teturncd yesterday from a five days' visit at his home In Falls City. - SrTfdsr "M"nnAt7' NJsl SXnT - J tiyaJZo- WK,U,U' Gained Omaha to Salt Lake City 10 hours quicker than any other route Omaha to San Francisco 13 hours quicker than any other route Omaha to Portland 14 hours quickoi than anjyr other route For full information call on or addro&s ty 1$. SLOSSON, Agent. Plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll rs DR.T. O'CONNOR cures CANCE RS. wUMORS, WKNS and FI8TU Lr jj ithout the uo of knifo, chloroform SZ S: or Ether E FFICE l.KW O St , LINCOLN, NKR IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHl Dancing Academy PROF. HOLMES, of Chicago Offices and Studio 325 SOUTH 12th. Duncing Academy WuIhIi Hnll ovor Rock Island TIckot Oillce, 11th nnd O Sts. Capital Novelty Works Bicycles NEW and SECOND HANI) BICYCLE SUNDRIES, REPAIRl NCI OF ALL KINDS. TEL L-)9:. 317 South 11th St. J. S. DeVore, 317 Snth St. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Free. Prices Reasonable. 1238 O Street, $$? Ask to see the Deadlock Fountain Pen. A pen that cannot leak O'NEILL'S JEWELRY STORE Corner 12th and O, Subscribe for The Daily Nebraskan tfTTfUW. Time 3jThHTP Saved fyMgJk i8 Vm H lkV7X7SCMA IftSB o. 0 oannnnnnnrir'irijinangnnnnnnBn EUQauauuiziGJEGJsaiaEaBaQtaEauaiau on UULl eta on aa gg PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY nannncu EOQEQEIBI 'rtcanarannPinnnnnBiEiEi U D a U U li! U U U U U U U U OJ u u JR. HAGOARD, M. D. Ofllco 1100 O Street, Rooms 212 213 214 Rich ards Block, Tolophono 535. Roaidonco,. 1310 G Stroot, Tolophono L984. OLIVER JOHNSON, D. D. S. Don tal Onico, Cor. 11th and O Stroote, Ovor Harloy'fl Drug Storo, Tolophono L911. i R. BEN.T. P. BAILEY; Dr. May JlJ Louise Flanagan; Ofllco, 111 South 12th Stroot. Tolophono 018. We are having big run on those Cadet Panels, better call. Gray Bros.,1216 O st Students If you want the Best, place your Orders for Dance and Society Pro grams with The New Century PHONE 365 1123 N Street Monroe History Paper,. Bout grade .08 History Covers .10 Eternal City By Hall Caino l.." ALL $1.50 FICTION ' " I.2."i EXCLUSIVE AGENTS For I) & M Athletic Goolw Headquarters for Spalding Foot Balls. New Line Gymnasium: Suits just received. ' WILSON & HALL" Booksellers and Statioiieis 1128 o Street. . . Evory now Student calls on James Hearn 237 So. nth street And has liis measure taken, for tho Tamous Kalamazoo h Uniforms, Ttlanufactund by the fiendersoifJImes Co. v Kalamazoo, ttlich. Clothing Cleaned or Dyed At MANN'S, 1322 0 Street r : THE Y. M. C, A. BARBER SHOP t JJ J; L. KOHLER, Prop. l CltyY. M.C. A 13th and P St. V A place of the first class. a h i a - J, V - V ' 1-.-. & ' t L rS.:,Aj mn