The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 18, 1901, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. I NO. 2
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Practice in Kicking Given
Special Attention by
Coach Booth. Ka&vr
at TrsihiiiiK- Tabic.
Captain Westover was out in his mole
skins last night for the first time
since the Minnesota Rame. He did not
line up in scrirnmage practice. howc
er. hut followed the team over the
field giving instructions to men who
arc not so well versed in the tricks
of the game as hlmseir. He will not
he in the Ames game next Saturday
hut will rest another week and he in
fine shape for the Wisconsin game
Coach Booth is training Geo Hhedd
for the place at left guard left vacant
hy Dean Ringer who will he unuhie
to play any more this season.
Eager has been showing up so well
in practice that he was sent to the
training table by the coach.
This means that Eager will he
counted as one of the regular 'Varsity
eleven. The defensive play of the
"Varsity was especially fast and strong
last nUht. One of the features was the
tackling by C. Shedd. Several times
he followed a play around and tackl
ed the man from behind before the
other end could get to him.
On the offensive also the the team
was exceptionally good and seemed to
have no trouble whatever in Bkirt
ing the scrubs ends or tearing their
line to pieces and going through foi
gocyl gains whenever they chose.
.Most of the 'Varsity's work, how
over was a practice in kicking. Pills
bury sent tjie pig skin whirling
through the air in a way that looks
bad for Wisconsin.
The new tandem formation of the
scrubs -was sent against the 'Varsity
line again and again and always with
the same result. They were always
met by Pillsbury. Brew and tohin
and piled up in a heap.
The formation got in Drain's way e with the result that the ball
was set back several feet from where
it started.
Three touchdowns weie scored
against the scrubs in about 25 m lu
ll tea. With a few more practices like
last night's the Badgers will have to
do some fast playing to get fat
Nebraska corn.
The Record-Herald dispatches give
tho following stories rosy and other
wise of tho various western teams:
Dr. Williams will take tho Minne
sota football squad loLakoMlnnoton
ka tomorrow evening to polish oft the
iirst team for tho game with Iowa
on Saturday. The Minnesota man
agement Is taking no chances in
splto of tho reports of Iowa's weak
ness and on Saturday tho gophers
will be in Judtas good form ah it is
possible to cot them.
Tho praotlco tonight was spirited.
Dr. Williams drovo tho Hist team
hard Tor twenty minutes of sorim
mago work agalnBt the scrubs.
Boeokman and Allon were both In
tho' gamo for part of tho rushes.
Knowltoo has not yet been played In
tho scrimmages and will probably be
saved until Saturday, as Ins broken
linger is still In a cast. Iloyt lias
boon i von a trial at IcTt hair this
week, but up to date has shown no
great .superloiitv to tho other backs
that hae been tried. lie may be
given a chance in Saturday's name.
This will probably be the only
chance in the line-up. as Schncht ap
pears to have cinched his title to
rlulit tackle tor tho time being.
Foot nail practice at Wisconsin was
secret again this nftorurjoTrhnd will
be all the week. MolTatt, who has
been play inn sub half hack, made his
first trial at full back, taking Driv
er's place fr a short time and
showed up well.
Schrclber was In the practice for
the first time since the Iieloit came,
but his knee is still in bad shape
and he stayed but a lew minutes.
Juneau is the latest addition to the
list of cripples and Daum and Thorn
played the enas. In half an hour's
scrimmage work tho first eleven
scored twice on the scrubs.
Jerry Rlordan was out with the
team and cave King some assistance
in coaching, hut is not here to stay,
Id Is said. "Koither Is "Lon" Cham
berlain, who Is clvinc a little assis
tance in drilling the tackles.
Yost haa eery corner of the re
gents' field gridiron busy with play
ers today, and ho jumped from one
place to another to see that everybody
kept moving. Shorts practiced kick
ing olT. Sweeley bunted spirals for
an hour ana the men took turns
catching the high flyers. The tack
ling dummy came in for great atten
tion and sharp signal practice was
indulged in.
In the scrimmage practice he built
up a team around the men, who have
just been promoted from the scrubs
to tho Varsity. The regulars lined up
as follows; Center, Dickie; guards,
Forest ana South worth; tackles,
Mclriicln and llorgan; ends, Reddon
and Ilornsteln: back Hold, Weeks,
Ilcstnn, Reclner and Shaw. It took
thirty minutes of play beforo the
varsity team as made up could get a
touchdown, lioth sides got through
and blocked well.
The questions for debate and the
speakers for next Saturday night are
as follows:
Resolved, That the English cabi
net system is oetter adapted for a
nopular form or government than the
American. ,
A III rma'tlv c-Taylor, Melick,
Thomas. Negiitive--Risselbacli, Cron
in, Kins.
The subject for parliamentary drill
will bo pages 40 to 50 of Roberts
Rules of Order. Question; Resolved,
That Cuba should be annexed and or
ganized as a state.
Affirmatives Huntar, Harbor,
Negative, rierco. Hohi.
Resolves, That the United States
should own and control a large sys
tem or irrigation works In the west.
Affirmative, Morrow, Johnson, Sar
gent. Negative, Berkey, Golden, Har
ter. Discussion on the motion to lay on
the table py Edgertyn
A "Hooters Club" sin lOstab-
lishetl Fact. Plans for
Future. "Rooters'
Chorus1' to Bein .
Between fifty and sixty rcpresenta
lives of lraternitles literary societies
and other Interested parties met last
night at the Alpa Tlieta f)hl house
and made permanent an organization
of University "Rooters."
Dr. Clements opened and had
charge of the meeting temporarily.
He expressed his opinions on the for
mation of a "Rooters club." lie said
that the university had come to the
place where such an organization was
essential to its best interests.
He emphasized the fact that nothing
can be done without organized and
combined effort.
Dr. Pound, the University oracle on
nil matters of rooting, or otherwise, ex
pressed decided opinions that euch an
organization should be formod. He
pointed particularly to tho difference
between eastern and westorn college
spirit und attributed the lack of it in
part to the abBcnco of organized root
ing and combinod effort. 'To win,
boys," ho Eald, "wo will have to get
into the spirit of things to make them
n eucceEB." He also advanced the idea
that squad leaders bhould bo elected
and squads of men bo formed, compris
ing at least forty men each who were
pledgod to root and root loud and at
the right time.
Professor Wyer seconded the remarks
of Drs. Clements and Pound and drew
object lessors from Minnesota's rooting
as seen in tho last gamo. Ho thought
a division of rooters into squads should
bo offected as soon as possiblo and tho
first attempt at such rooting be made
at tho Ames gamo on Saturday to get
into line for tho rost of tlio season and
for the ) ears to come.
Tue general opinion of all present wob
according to tho above oxpressed senti
ments and it was decided that tho or
ganization should be made permanent
to bo handed down from jear to year as
a "tradition" and eomething worthy of
all the Btudonts' support and ardent en
thusiasm. Squad leaders were then appointed
who made up lists of names of all men
present into four parts, each man as-'
suming responsibility tor tho increase
of tho squad. The idea is, for the pres
ent, to form four squads of not less
tbnu fifty men each. To oncournge
competition Dr. Pound offers a reward
of a large megaphone to tho squad do
ing the boat combined effort in organ!
zaiion and finally rooting.
Permanent officers for tho club with
Dr. Clemente as Presidont and Dr.
Pound bb "Head Rooter." Three yeils
were doclarod tho official yells of tho
Rooters and wero numbered as follows:
I UjN-Unl, etc.; 2 Hoo-rah-rah, hoo-rah-rah,
qtc-; 3 Tho now yell,
Ilipita, mlnnle, go, hownio, go, soc.
Boom de la, Nebraska, Nebraska, Ne
braska. Tho point was a'so brought up that
the habit of some students of yelling
yells belonging to other institutions
was one unworthy of the University.
It is not right that Nebraska should
trespass on others' rights, but should
use that which belongs to the Univers
ity only.
There was a suggestion advanced that
tho old Uni. yell should bo changed, In
that instead of it being vor-vcr-vor-sl tl,
it Bhculd bo varvnr-var-sl-tl. Tto roa
son put forth was that it produced a
tuoro c fjo :tlvo rpeult, besides boing
eus'er i n tho throat.
Steps wero thon taken toward tho or
ganizatic n of a rooters chorue. Tui
wus placed undor tho leadership of Dr.
Clements who will push it to a euccess.
Tho chorus will nurabor about twenty
four men who will do tl o lending in
collego songs. Tho chorus will moot
this evening at tho Alpha Tbita Chi
houso at 7:H0 for prnctice. Tho chapel
will b3 obtajnod if possiblo on Friday
morning and tho chorus will lead tto
singing. Organ'zution will be far
enough ad van cod by that time that the
bquads and loaders will bo present for
business. The largest chupel meeting
over held in tho now ball Ib looked for
with enthuslafm to- astonish tho Uni
Iowa defeated Coo Tuesday by a
score or 11 to 0. The Iowa team In
cluded several substitutes who wero
played for tlio purposo of bringing
them out for the Minnesota game.
Tho halTCB wero only 15 minutes
wnlch prevented a high score. The
chief features of the game wero a lor
ty-llve yard run around the end by
one of Coo's half backs, a twonty yarJ
run and a brilliant tackle which pre
vented Coo from scoring.
Iowa fumbled tlio ball a number of
times and lost it In the Second hair
by 'a hoid by quarter back. The
Hawkeyo team used the tackcl over
play successfully. "'
Manager Farnsworth of the tennis
association has lust received a totter
from Kansas university in regard t'j
a tennis game negotiations for which
have been going on for somo time.
The letter says that owing to Impos
sibility of arousing interest In the
subject there, tho gumo as a univer
sity affair will have to bo caljed off.
A proposition was made, however,
by a proressor and a graduate student
In tho university for a gamo to be
played on club grounds at uawrence.
The expenses of tho visiting team
wero guaranteed but as the meet
could not be mado a university affair,
tho athletic board will probably re
ject the offer. ,
A meeting of tho Debating Associ
ation Is called for Saturday Oct. 2(5
at 2 o'clock. As questions of vital
importance are to be settled a full
attendance Is deslrea. The proposed
new constitution will be considered
In detail, and that portion relating
to tho establishment or a board will
receive special attention.
A gamo of football has been sched
uled between the Senior class and
the Jul nor lWs to bo played Satur
day November. The game will be
called at 0:30 am.
All who have registered for Mission
study in any course aro requested to
meet in Y. M. O. A. rooms. Satur
day at 1:30 pm. for organization of
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