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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1901)
liv i .0 fsr - 'I r h V - .: ' - v . r 1 . . T rt r - - -'"- '.','Vswwar.fyT? fef V TUP: DAILY NEBRASKA. 5 T,J K ': IW .. i.. r 1 H I' ! !T t THE UNIVERSITY LITERARY SO CIETIES. It is said by Bomo who havo grad uated from tho Unlvoralty, and who havo boon members of eomo lltorary socloty, that thoy havo rocolvod as much good from tho society as from ton hours of University work. Those who aro active momborB of a lltorary society get an actlvo training In pub lic speaking which thoy would other wise not got. It Is cortaln that thoy bocomo acquainted with moro people, and lead a moro ploasant social life, i than thoso who belong to no organi zation whatever. There aro at present throo lltorary soclotlos In tho University of Nebras ka, with tholr adjunct dobatlng clubs. Tho Palladlan will soon colobrato Its thirtieth birthday. Tho Dollan and Union societies aro younger, but Just as active, and do much good for tholr members. Tho Palladlans and Unions havo halls of tholr own, nicoly fur nished and spacious. Tho Dollans moot In tho old chapel, but 'expect to havo a hall of tholr own when a largo appropriation Is mado by tho next legislature. Tho Palladlans havo a piano, posting sovoral hundred dollars, which 1b all paid. This piano is a result of the ef forts of former Palladlans who saw tho need of music In tho course of tho pro gram. Tho Unions also havo a piano, and its use is a noticeable feature In tholr programs. When these societies were first In stituted membership was limited to boys and tho girls camo only to look on. In a few years girls were given membership and tho time-honored cus tom of scratching tho slate began. This Is for tho purpose of getting the male members of tho society distri buted properly among tho girls. It provonts tho boys from asking tho same girl for her company. Upon Investigation It will be found that many prominent professional and business men of today owe a part of tholr success in life to tho training thoy received in theso societies. There aro members of the faculty of tho Unlvrslty wllOM names aro upon tho old records of tho societies. It is true that not all of them havo belonged to tho literary society proper, but they havo belonged to tho dobatlng club connected with It. There aro tho Palladlan, Dellan and Union Boys' debating clubs, which meet every Sat urday night and discuss tho questions of tho hour. Hero Is where many young men got their only opportunity for training in parliamentary UBagos. Tho literary societies meet on Fri day evening of each week and carry out a program consisting of essays, recitations Talks, and music. Some times a short play is given. Visitors aro invited and aro mado to fool at homo. Their acquaintance Is cultivated by members of tho Bocloty, for each socloty wants new members of the proper kind. THE WASHBURN BOOK ABOUT MANDOLINS AND GUITARS. Any one Interested in tho subject Of mandolin and guitars can obtain a beautiful book about them free by writing lo Lyon & Healy, Chicago. It contains portraits of over 100 leading artists, together with frank expres sions of their opinions of tho new mo del Washburn Instruments. Descrip tions and prices of all grades of Wash burns, from tho cheapest ($15.00) up wards, are given, together with a succinct account of the points of ex cellence which every music lover should see that his mandolin or gui tar possesses. Lyon & Healy, J.7 Adams st., Chicago. X uuk rvjuu UKcninu v bPE Hi1' 2 fiPil if" it t I ANNOUNCEMENTS. Y. M. C. A. STUDENT DIRECTORY. Thoso who have not reported their city addresses to tho registrar should do so at once. Any change in tho ad dress which has not been reported should bo made at once. Tho Y. M. C. A. directory will bo issued soon and it Is Important that addresses should bo correct. ADVANCED CREDITS. ' All students whoso credit- have not boon satisfactorily adjusted or who may havo advanced credit from high schools and academies should consult the University bxamlner as soon as convenient. Office hours, 11:30 to 12:30, in Dean's room, U. 104. JAS. T. LEES. CANDIDATES FOR TRACK MAN AGER. All persons desiring to have their names considered for election as man ager of the track team should submit them to tho athletic board at once. The board will hold a meeting next Monday at Which tho election will be made. MANDOLIN CLUB. The Mandolin and Guitar club will meet for practice Thursday evening at 7:30 at the School of Music. That all the people may inspect our new and ca pacious store rooms we have planned an informal open ing for Thursday evening of be sold but we want the general public to inspect our up-to-date 20th Century Clothing House. Ilagenow's Orchestra will play throughout the evening. All Ilni- versity men and women are cordially invited. To add J to the pleasure and profit of the occasion a- $150 col- X lection of fine silverware will be distiibuted among those present. Come and ing house in ail Nebraska. uAt Home" Thursday FRESHMEN CLASS MEETING. There will bo a meeting of the fresh man class in tho old chapel Friday at 10- a. m. All members are urged to attend as officers aro to bo elected. COMMITTEE. AMERICAN HISTORY NOTE BOOKS. All note books left at tho American history ofllcg by last year's class or former classes should bo called for at once. Otrerwlso tho department will not bo responsible for them. EIGHTH ARMY CORPS. Tho eighth army corps will hold a mooting in tho law room Friday ovon lng. All students who Berved In tho Philippines aro invited to be present. Phi Kappa Psl will give a house warming party Friday evening, Oct. 18. A largo attondanco Is expected and a splendid time looked for. ThlB is to bo one of tho social events of tho season. Professor Bolton mado a speech be fore the Btato board of charities yes terday In behalf of the scientific treat ment of cases In the different Institu tions of the Btate. The matter was refrered to a committee. Ueber Land and Moor Is proving a very entertaining magazine among the German students. As this week. No goods will t see the finest Shoe and cloth- Eve. Everybody Welcome. CORRECTION. Fred William "Brown" has published in several papers as a i uate of the University. i " biiuiuuu u iiumo is r reu iam "Bronn," and not "Brown ELLEN SMITH, RogiB Tho basket ball chTSfrpTomlsoE volop some phenomenal men class is limited to about twent. the most promising material Is ad-- mltted by Mnnaeor Morrfl Tii oia meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at flvec Commandant Eager will return by ( November 1. The romafnder of tho 1 cadet appointments will bo made at that time on tho recommendation of tho company officers. '. '4' Tho cards are out announcing th marriage of Miss Laura B. Anthony 01, to Mr. Robblns, an ex-Univorsltj student. Both of them are well kno In the city and University society oil cles. The class in philosophy 7 or m! psychology Is contemnlatlne trim the various Institutions of the ror insane and feeble minded for purpose of studying the various phi of the subject from real life,, Dan Horrlgan Is visiting In Utxi this week. W?-7T7'7 i.; .vr- i .i .--.