The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 17, 1901, Page 3, Image 3
FP ; V i . 4 s ' St THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tumble Weeds. II y if ' - til I H The Co-jOp. Who's Ludwig? Ed. Young, News. Colors at Tho Co-Op. Pennants at Tho Co-Op. Megaphones at Tho Co-Op. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Football buttons at Tho Co-Op. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Munson's restaurant, 1418 O Bt. Steele, tho furrier, 143 So. 12th. Tho Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th st. Tho Univ. Book Store, 340 No. 11th. Dr. Woodward, occulist, Richards block. Don Cameron's lunch counter, 114 So. 11th st. Full line of Regent $3.50 shoes, Sandersons. $3.00 will buy a first class shoo at Sandersons. Students' groups a sneclalty at Bass' Studio, 1026 O st. Guy Cowglll Is entertaining his mother this week. Geo. Constancer's now flvo-chalr bar ber Bhop at 101Q O st. Soo Wosterfleld for the latest Unl. hair cut. 117 No. 13th at. Mr. Slmms of Hastings Is visiting his Beta Theta PI brothers. Ewlng Clothing Co. for clothes that vsult you financially and mentally. t Sweaters of every kind from 50c to 50 line at Ewing's. All colors. Do you want to rent a piano? Qo Matthews Piano Co., 1120 O st. ft Dr. Henry of Omaha is visiting with 3 Sigma Alpha Epstlon fraternity. Miss Flora Malno, School of Music Is doing graduate work under Mr. .Auins. V Chas. Mann visited a few days with his Phi Gamma Delta brothers tho first of the week. Miss Margery Kimball Is spending a few days at Beatrice visiting with J Miss Florence Flsk. All University boys who have tho pm, price wear "Walk-Over" shoes. For -'i . a h is n iiinnnrVM w .m r rrnna y'rWUlO Uilljr Ub yvwuoloi tx, uugcio. mhri nnmM rt "Kmv XfanlrAi nn1 TW?. mi JiUO uauiuo ui mui; uuu m. . iLlndorman have been proposed for tynemborship in the Dellan society. 'J I $T5cIvise our readers to place their LLxers for coal or 'wood, with tho vVon Fuel Co., 1014 O st. They aro snx.." Buy your sIiocb at Sandersons. Square meals at Francis Bros. Handkorchiof sale at Tho FamouB. Tho regular Saturday redtalB bo gin this week. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, 11 and P Streets. UNDERWEAR, UNDERWEAR any kind, any grade at Ewing's. Try Sanderson's. They havo tho best shocB on earth for tho money. Charles B. Gregory (U. of N. 91) sells coal at 1044 O st. See him. STUDENTS. Buy your kid gloves and corsets at Tho Famous, 1029 O. kou pay too much to have your un- ,.wear washed. Try Yule Bros. Hand itundry. They don t tear clothes k?her. 1617 0 at. B. & T. havo got some "kids" that you would appreciate. $1 per pair. The University B'ook Store, 340 No. 11th st. The Scarlet and Cream store. "Sorosls" shoes for University girls aro the best( For sale only at Web ster & Rogers. Don't forget Ewlng has a full lino of Way's mufflerB. TJiey aro nice for cold weather. ' Pants. The celebrated "Crown" pan taloon at Ewing's. They fit. They wear and give you only tho beBt satisfaction. Miss Jessica Morgan, '01, of Hebron has left her homo for an extended eastern trip. She will adopt tho lite rary profession on hor return. C. C. Northrop of McCook arrived In Lincoln Monday, Oct. 14, and will visit his University friends for a few days. He is on his way to St. Louis. C. T. Shear, '97, now of tho division of agrostology, in Washington, D. 0., has Just published a largo report on the work done by his division since its organization, about ten years ago. It Is in tho form of a profusely illus trated, pamphlet. Professor Bessoy would very much like to find a stenographer enough ac quainted with botany as to bo able to take dictation involving scientific termB. 'TnuB far the professor has failed to "find that person, hence is his own typewriter. MacMillan & Co. are soon to publish a book on Shakespeare, written by Dr. L. A. Sherman. Dr. Sherman is an acknowledged authority on Shake speare interpretation and this book will undoubtedly prove a valuable con tributlon to Shakespearian literature. Students! Decorate Your Rooms! AN ARTISTIC POSTER FREE. Send us your name on a postal card and we will mail to you free a new brilliantly colored Washburn poster (size 12x18 inches). This poster is the creation of the Viking's Head Studio, and' has btert pronounced exceedingly bright and clever. It represents a pastoral scene, a rabbit enamored of the music of n mandolin. Write today, this offer may not appear "again. LYON & HEALY, 17 Adams St., Chicago. Makers ol the World-Famoui-Washburn Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos and Zithers. SIDLES Exclusive SPORTING GOODS HOUSE Agents for Spalding, Victor and D. & M. goods. Largo Stock, Low Pricos. Soo Sidles tho Sporting Goods Man, H. E. SIDLES CYCLE CO., 1304 0 ST. To Make His Hark A Student should use Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens For Sale by all Dealers, or L. E. WATERMAN CO., 55 157 Broadway, NEW YORK. Largost Fountain Pen Manufacturers In tho World HMO00HWO WTWttTTVtTtTTTT MSI i FALL FESTIVITIES AT Kansas City, Mo. $5.75 ROUND TRIP. Tickets on sale October 5th to 12th inclusive, return limit October 14th, 1001. GO AND SEE THE MERRY CROWD. Leave Lincoln .r: 10 ft. m., arrive Kanaan City 11:40 a. in. Leave Lincoln l:3f p. in., arrive Kansas City 8:35 p. m. City Ticket Office, Corner ioth and O Streets. Telephone 235. Bnrllngton Depot, 7th Street, BetLP And Q. Telephone 35. 0040fr Lost, r Found and Want Ads At Special Rates in The Daily Nebraskan ffiTrir r f.f.Mir Ydemenluiowand IheMntffavtn Union says- lh question of iuW , world to ftv a rum1 solved by S-NGS Or ALL THE C0LLE0FS which is alike suitable for the collegUn of for tho boy or fir. ) with hopes: also for the ,K muslc-loyinir sister sod a fellow's best girl " V 'AN the nhw , all tk u tox,, T, And ins lattrt aAui,w sit tt it -tt . "UxkontteUt any homo any uhr JlJO-DOOK STOBC8. UUSIU DKALEBd. $1M HINDS & MOBIiE. PubUahero. l-6-ft-12-13-ll Cooper Institute. Nuw Yokk oeaooiooou oi ur jmbiubcr at ouo (toi ii u & & 2& SubscriptionH to the Daily Jebraskan may be left at either tho University Book Store, or The Co-Op. eio 5f eP X X Second-Hand Books Osborn's Old Book Store s 131 North 12th St. Take Your Shoe Repairing to JOSEPH KOLBACH, . 1P26 O STREET. ALL WORK GUARAOTEED 3 ) rl .jV 1 1 . r1 .J Iri I " 'I 4 '," i X ;1 ,xt - .,l.l J r t 7 Jv '- f -Crffl i .. ' r j - -M i ,- H ' j X li T. 51 k ( i : l ,'t j i v . u j .-, ' '"3- ' ' t Pr. v I i" -'J ' " ' .--. .,v.t. Als"'Jr, - j l' ic. I'.r?'.. s . . r- . -iV -""if"" Jii rlA?l&jl o " - 1" , Ywmv.m .,-4 '-