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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1901)
j' - SK5SK 7- -- - .VJ tt- j j. n r ' V '9i 1 . t Y . i - " ' ,rl - - -v .2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. -w l?i " Vrf- 1 ' ta f ft !1, V y 3 IJJ ' r A V c ft km pfc jjR Itf. 3 V i-' fer , $ IS yl 1. r ' : .1 c. .. r., Sffea MI l! r ' . v R f.f &t THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A newBpnpor dorotad to ilio Interests of the Unlvorally of Nbr skn. Published nt 134 North 11th St., by THE HESPERIAN PUB. CO. (Incorporntfld.) DIRECTORB: J. W. Crnbtroo, President. Q. L.Towno, Bocrotnry-Trensuror. J. I. Wyor, T. J. Howott, K. W. Washbti rn. Stkrlino H .McCaw J. A. Mannino GkOKOH P. HllIDLl'.R MniinRliiR Editor Asat. Mnnngor - Athlotlo Edlto itEPORTKHS. R. C. Pollnrd. Clifton Carter, NorrlH Huso, K. T. Hill. J. R. Fnrnoy, CHIT Crooks. John A. Wilson, Linn M. Huntlnffton ' Tho subscription price of tho Dnlljr Nebras Van is 82 for tho ooIIoro yonr with n roffular lo llTOry boforo chnpol onch dny. Notlcos, com munications, nndotlior matter lntondod for pub lication, muftt bo hnndnd In nt tho Nobraskan ofllco boforo 7 p. m.. or mnllod to tho oditor bo foro 8 p. m., of tho dny provious to that dny on hloh thoy nro oxpoctoa to appear. Subicrlptlons may bo loft at tho Nobrnsknn ofllco, nt tho Co.Op., or with Business MnnnKor. Subscribers will confer a fnror by reporting promptly nt this ofllco any falluro to rocolvo tho All chanoB In nilvortislnsr matter muRt be In tho olllco by U p. in. on tho dny provlouB to that on which thoy am to nppenr. AddroRR all comniunlcntlonB to tho Dnlly No braBkan, 1J N Utli St., Lincoln. Nebrnskn. Telephone 479. tUUMMttiMIMWIMMIfflMMy. Tho Dully Nolmvslcnn bolnR sent 5 to all subscriber on the oll Nebras- 5; Unn-IInprlnti 1UU TIioro subscrlb- 5; rs to the NolruUnii-II)"!orlnii 2; who do not deitlri) tho Dnlly will 3- plousc notify the miinmfor by curd 4$ 11 noon 11 h poBHlblo. Wlioro no nott- limit Ion In received It l understood 3; that the subscriber wishes tin) pu- 3; -C per 10 utiiiiiuii". m. Members of tho Dnlly Nebraskan staff are requested to call at tho office 134 No. 11th st between 1 and 2 o'clock each day for assignments. An eftBtern trip for the track team as suggested by Captain McComb would do more to create interest in that phase of athletics than almost anything that could be proposed. It seemB almost a necessity to keep the team on a par with the other athletic teams. The movement for an alumni game which is now being made ought to ro Bult in the establishment of tho game as a permanent feature In Nebraska 5fhlrjfrclB7fffiTrm Nebraska teams could bo indncod to como back for a few days in tho fall and train "for the line-up against tho 'Varsity, they could presont a team of exceptional Btrongth. Last year's game Bhowed the strength that could be developed by the alumni. A little training would have put them in con dition to present aB formidable a team as any in tho weBt. The valup of such a game does not lie entirely in the practice it gives the first-team. It also Induces among the alumni an Interest in (he game and in tho team which no other contest could do. The Dally believes that steps ought to be taken at once to make the alumni gamo an annual feature. have a hard proposition on their hands. In a matter which is as easily concealed as secret pledging regula tion scorns to bo almost if not quite impossible. After all the fraternities thomselveB tho ones most interested and if they insist on a course detrimental to themselves they are the ones to suf fei , except in a few instances. COLLEGE NOTES. Soth Low has resigned as prosidont of Columbia university in ordor to mako the race for mayor of New YorTc on tho anti-Tammany ticket. Professor White, dean of the faculty of Cornoll university, has resigned to accept a professorship at Harvard. He is a specialist in middle high German and modern German literature. Ho had boon connected with tho Cornell faculty since 1876. Leland Stanford has compiled a tablo showing tho age, height and weight of hor varsity candidates. Tho aver ago age is 21 2-3 years; height, 5:09 2-3 foot; weight, 175 pounds. The maxi mums and mintmums are as follows: Age, 26 and 20 years; height, 6 feet 2 IncheB and 5 foet; wciit, 190 and 15!) pound h. Professor Jeremiah Jenks, head of tho department of political economy at Cornoll university, is being discussed for tho presidency of the University of Wisconsin to succeed Dr. Charles Kendall Adams, who recently resigned. Professor Jenks is now doing econ omic work In Europe. There is a collection of birds in tho museum of Indiana university that were caught, mounted and labeled by Prosidont Roosevelt. Tho collection was formerly In the national museum at Washington and was sent to Ind iana in 1888, after fire had destroyed the university museum. Wisconsin university gives a char ity ball every year as a part of tho regular social features 6f tho Institu tion. It is given under the auspices of tho Attic Angels and tho proceeds go to the city hospitals. Last year tho sum-of $li000 wae-oleared. Yale is organizing a fencing club. Last year was the first Beason for the organization. This year a challengo has been received from Harvard and preparation for it is already beginning. would bo burned down. Tho streets are a model for many Amorlcan towns clean and well drained. If a pig, pony, or caribou is soon Ioobo, it la confiscated. Tho commander of tho t6wn ordered the people of tho town to build a school house and do It quick or thoro would bo 'mucho trlbulaclan,' and 'mucho querra' In tho town. Ho frightened the ffatlveB so that thoy turned out tho next morning 1,600 strong to build a school house In which to toach tho American Ideas of liberty. The natives don't 'sabo those things yet, but I think they will soon learn to appreciato them. "Tho children are very bright and pick up English readily. As far as learning a foreign language is con corned, thoy conld shame many Amer ican children. Tho educational pros pect is very bright, Indeed. If things keep moving as thoy are at present, there will bo a great change in a con plo of years. English will bo tho business language of the towns, and it will bo spoken more throughout the islands than Spanish over was." Pure Wool Pants. (Mfcfliuni or Heavy Weight) Ma(e to Your Measure ELI AS BAKER PANTS CO., 118 S. 10th Street. S3.00 Pllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllljl DR. T. O'CONNOR euros CANCER8.SS wUMORS, WENS and FISTDLA(g SZ ithout tho ubo of knlfo, chloroform SS? n; or Ethor FFICE 1800 O St., LINCOLN, NEB iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirF. Dancing Academy PROF. HOLMES, of Chicago Oflicos and Studio 325SJUTH 12th. Dancing Acndotny Walsh Hnll ovor Rock Island Ticket Ofllco, 11th and O 8ts. Capital Novelty Works Bicycles A book containing a collection of all the college songs has been distributed among the students of the University of California for tho use of the root ers' club. NEW and "SETJONTT" HAND BICYCLE SUNDRIES, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. TEL L-W95. 317 South 11th St. J. S. QeVore, 317 S. nth St. SS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY EE Dnnannnanannnnninwnnnnnnian cacaiauDtauiaEac!au:tJ'JC'Jt3tJii!rJca JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Ofllco 1100 O Stroot, Rooms 212 213 214 Rich ards Block, Tolophono 535. Residonco, 1310 G Stroot, Tolophono L981. DR. BENJ. P. BAILEY; Dr. May Louiso Flanagan; Ofilco, 111 South 12th Stroot. Tolophono G18. We are having big run on those Cadet Panels, better call. Gray Bros.,1216 O st Students If you want the Best, place your Orders for Dance and Society Pro grams with The New Century PHONE 365 1123 N Street Monroe History Pajxer, Best grade .08 History Covers .10 Eternal City Kv Hall Caine $1.25 ALL $1.50 FICTION V r 1.25 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS For D & M Athletic GoobH Thoy are having considerable trou ble at tho University of Minnesota ovor tho regulations respecting the "rush ing" of freshmen by fraternities. It has been a widely known secret for some time that these regulations do not regulate any but tho moro conser vative of the fraternal organizations. Pledging is carried on even in the high schools. It Is reported that representatives of tho fraternities have been summoned before the presldnt of tho university to confer as to methods foj- making the regulations more efficient. The Min nesota authorities will find that they EDUCATION IN THE PHILIPPINES. R. 8. McLeod, an alumnus of Le land Stanford, now working In the Philippines, has written to the edu cational department of that University a description of educational work In the islands. In part he says: "Tho 'gogoeB' were 'taking in tho procession from all Bides with no friendly faces. It did really look as though wo were establishing schools In the enemy's country. Wo soon ar rived in Pila and I was Yery much pleased to find it a great Improvement on Santa Cruz. American ways had been forced on the people by an ener getic cdmmander. Everything is done there on tho quick plan. AM rickety fences wore boloed down and tho owner ordered to put up another quick". If a house was not in good shape, the owner was told to fix it up, and make it presentable or It DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Ffec. IPrlcca RcaMfiablc. 1238 O Street, "W- Headquarters for Spalding Foot Balls. New Line Gymnasium Suits just received. WILSON & HALL- Booksellers and Stationers 1123 O Street . . . Ask to see the' Deadlock Fountain Pen. A pen that cannot leak O'NEILL'S JEWELRY STORE Corner 12th and O. Subscribe for The Daily Nebraskan Every now Student calls on James Hearn 237 So. nth street And has his measure taken for the Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, Itlanutaclurid by Zbe t)ftidtr3onJlma Co. Kalamazoo, Itllch. Clothing Cleaned or Dyed At MANN'S, 1322 0 Street V OLIVER JOHNSON, D. D. S. Don- WL tal Offlco, Cor. 11th and O Streets, Ovor Harloy'a Drug Storo, Tolophono L911. THE $ Y, M. G. A, BARBER SHOP I J. L. KOHLER.Prop. CltyY. M.C. A 13th and PSta. A place of the firm class. j $ dddddddd9 M ' o ! M '11 Mi I .'0. w r '1 i i: eaiMLtiaiL