, i!nm&&!p-i?imFvr-j iuk, pt v7 rj ..;?;.-, "T.T'rr.- - '--'4 : : ... '-TTTt If v.- IV .. " lai R. I: THE DAILY NKHHASKAN. nt h' fri i. v: -' f fr tf C H liA. h KV.. !&'.. fr THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A new iiiipr ilowitoil to tlio Intornti nf tlio Univomlly uf Nobrn xkn I'nbliBhoo nt KM North Ilth St.. I.y TIIK HKHI'KKIAN WW. CO. ( Incorporatod. ) nutrcTona- J W. Crnbtrno, Prenldont. (J. L.Towno, Bcorotnry-TroiiHiiror. .1 I Wyor, T. .1. Howntt. )!. W. Wnnhbiirn. Kit kmnu i( .M Can .1. . Manmno (ii-mrok P. Hnmi.KR MnnuiiiK Editor st. MniiRKor - Athlotlr Kdlto iIKI'OHTKHS. II. C. PoUunl. Clifton Cnrtor, NdrrUHiiHo H. T Hill, .1. II. Fnrnoy. CHfT Crooks .lolm A. Wilson. Linn M. Huntington I'Tlio mibHcrintioii price of tho Daily Nobros knn ii K! for tho coIIdko your wltli n regular do llTory iKifore olinpl nnch dnv. Notices, com munlcationH, nnd other mnttor Intondod for pub lication, muni bo hnndnd In nt tho Nohrnakan ofllco bef(ro 7 p. m.. or mniled to tho oditor be fore .1 p. in., of the dii provious to that day on uhlch they aro nxpocted to nponr. Subscription may bo left at tho NnbniBknn olllce, nt tho Co. Op., or with BiiiIiiobk Manager. Subicr!ler0 will con for a fntor by reporting promptly at thin ofllco any falluro to recoivo tho prtper All clinngoH in advertising mnttor iniiHt bo in tho ofllco bj .1 p. m. on the day provious to that on which tliny aro to uppoar. Aildren nil communication to the Dally No lrakan, 'M N. Uth St., Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone 479. i StiffltfMMMHMMMWWUWMUMM Tlin Daily Nebraskan t being ftflnt to all aubaorluera on the old Nebrns-kaii-lloftperlmi lint. Those mibtcrlb rr to the Nebruakan-lleaperlaii who iln not ilealrn the Dally will !leanr notify the maunder by card a aoou aa poaalble. Where no noti fication la received It la undnralood that the nubxorlber irlnlien the pa per to UOUtllllK. mfMmMfwmpmwmmwwMfitYte MemborB of the Dally Ncbraskan Htaff are requeated to call nt the ofllco 134 No. 11th Bt., between.. 1 and 2 o'clock each day for assignments. Nebraska does not lack In enthus iasm when she Is once aroused but It Is a hard proposition to got hor arous ed. Any one who saw the campus last . Saturday was very forcibly reminded that Nebraska had gone to Minnesota. It Is useless to blame ourselves now for tho rooting we did not do up there. Minnesota Is not the last one we play this year. Wo are going to play Ames, Missouri and Kansas at Lincoln before Thanksgiving. If we don't get out and root we ought to lose all of these. The Dally advocates tho organiza tion of a rooteis club on a permanent basis There ought to be a regular set of ofllcers, and they ought to be fel lows who are not afraid to go ahead. Nebiaska has plenty of material for such a club, but it wants to be welded Into something effective before Its In fluence will be felt A meeting In the chapel for the formation of such a club on a permanent basis may be looked for within a few days. Let ev ery man who has any regard for Ne braska's name turn out when the call comes. It 1b to bo regretted that there were not ample accommodations to carry all who desired to see the game Sat urday. The ralhoadB cannot be blamed, however. Had the sale of tickets been made some days in ad vance it would have been possible to have known somewhere near the num ber that wore going. Under the con ditions this was not possible. The final rate was not made until the last minute and then all the plans were overthrown Considering everything the excursion wa3 a success from ev ery point of view. ECHOES FROM THE GAME. It is reported that a good deal of practical joking was Indulged In on tho several section of tho excursion train. In one car whore some thieo or four "solid" couples weie traveling tho rost of tho passengers provided themsehos with ilce and administered a shower to the Interested parties. Particularly among University peo ple was observed the pleasure taken In tho beautiful fall scenery in Min nesota The foliage of the trees in all their flaming and brirtized shades on the hill sides in tho fi40t of the sun presented a sight very rar. in Ne braska. A great many ambitious ouob took advantage of stops made and gathered huge bunches of leaves and branches. One car was a veritable bowei of beauty. Considerable comment has been no ticed In regard to the behavior of the crowd which took advantage of the rates. It is only due to tho welfare and good name of the University to say that a large number of people who went up on those trains were parties entirely disinterested as far as tho University was concerned. A great many made tho trip unpleasant to Unlveislty people because of their rowdylsh actions and general bed be havior. It Is a very easy thing for such to bring discredit to tho Univer sity and It Is hoped that It will bo understood that any ungentlemanly conduct observed was not, except per haps in rare Instances, due to students. A large number of students were very much disappointed In that they had bo little or almost no time to visit the Minnesota Unhersity buildings and grounds. Those who Improved their opportunity and went up on Thursday night had time to see a considerable number of places of in terest to students hi St Paul and Minneapolis. Some Nebraska students who were In Minneapolis on Friday had the good fortune to attend chapel nt the University. They report that It was a great meeting and full of life and noise. The time was given up to the "Rooters Club" and they took com plete charge. The large auditorium was completely filled and the windows packed with student.-. It was noticed at the Minnesota game that they have about as many people In the neighboring trees and on fences and housetops as we have here. Thoie was no way to tell hqw many of them were possibly studonts, but we can only hope that they were not. Public student sentiment should be such that any student would be asham ed to look another fellow student In the face after doing such a thing. Tho Alpha Phi house at the Univers ity of Wisconsin was badly burned a few days ago. The fire was caused by an over-heated furnace. Much damage was done to the young ladies' belong ings In getting them out. and the per sonal loss will be considerable. The loss on the building was fully covered by Insurance The sorority property was uninsured and the loss thereon consists chiefly in the damage to fur nituie by smoke and water. The girls who were living In the building at the time will for the present live at the Gamma Phi house. $ THE $ Y. M. G. A. BARBER SHOP $ J. L. KOHLER, Prop. $ City Y. M. C. A 13th and PSts. $ vj A place of the lirst class. n Pure Wool Pants. (Medium or Heavy Weight.) Made to Your CO (in Measure OOiUU ELI AS BAKER PANTS CO., 118 5. 10th Street. piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SS DR. T. O'CONNOR currn CANCERS.ES E5 TUMORS, WKN8 ami FISTULA cn--- SS w itliout the U"-o of knlfo, chloroform SSS E2Z or Ether. SS FFICKl.KWOSt., LINCOLN, NEB- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHrl PHOTO BUTTONSjfr 1 2 Photos and a Button 25c, Gray Bros. 16 0 St. Dancing Academy PROF. HOLMES, ef Chicago School for Dancing and Deportment Beginnem' Clnns. Tueiday Evenings. Advanced Clnsc, Friday Evenings. Children's Clasi, Sntutdnv 2:30 p. ju. Haturday Night is Club Night. STRICTLY SELECT Oflices and Studio 325 SOUTH 12th. Dancing Academy Walsh Hall over Rock Island Ticket Office, Uth and O Sta. Capital Novelty Works Bicycles NEW and SECOND HANI) BICYCLE SUNDRIES, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. TEL L-i)95. 317 South 11th St., J. S. DeVore, 317 S. nth St. I IwSiSjyjyu irtfiP! r "The Overland Limited" RUNS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 0VpSv VIA THE UNION PACIFIC The Established Route Across the Continent This celebrated train hns rerhups the finest equippod cars in tho world. There are double drawing-room Paluce Sloep'rs wido Vestibuleu Cars, Bullet Smoking and Library Cars, Dining Cars, Pintsch Gas and Steam Heat, &c. None Better in the World-Few as Good For full information call on or address K. B. SLOSrfON, Agent. LUWJLJLAJl.JtJtJLJL;ULAJUJ M PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY U U.2L JL.1LJI JLJW JL JU JL jl JU JUJ JR. HAGGARD, M. I). Office 1100 O Streot, Rooms 212 21.'l 211 Ricli ards BloeU, Telephone .".T. Residence, 1310 G Stroot, Telophono L081. OLIVER JOHNSON, D. D. S. Den tal Oflice, Cor. 11th and O Streets, Over Harley's Drug Store, Telephone L911. R. BEN.I. F. BAILEY: Dr. May f Louise, Flanagan; Ofllco, HI South Pith Street. Telophono 018. Students If you want the Best, place your Orders for Dance and Society Pro grams with The New Century PHONE 366 1123 N Street Monroe History Paper, Bent grade .08 History Cover JO Eternal City liy Hall Caine 1.23 ALL $1.50 FICTION Kor 1.2r EXCLUSIVE AGENTS For 1) iVr M Athletic (Jnolw Headquarter for Spalding Foot Balls. New Line Gymnasium Suits just received. WILSON & BALL'S Booksellers and Stationers 1128 O Street. . . Kvery now Student calls on James Hearn 237 So. nth street And hns his measure taken for the Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, manufacture by Zht F)cndtrsonJJitie3 Co. Kalamazoo, Wicb. 'fnttrcollegeate Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 412-178 Ilroiitlwiiy Albany, Now York Makers of the Caps,Gowns and Hoods To the American Colleges and lnivoi'HitiuH. Illustrated Alanual, sample prices, etc., on request. Gowns for the pulpit and bench. GanoutiQ's Pharmacy (Succeshor to II. O. llannu.) Drugs, Druggist's Sundries and Stationery. UOO O Street. LINCOLN, NEB Clothing Cleaned or Dyed At MANN'S, 1322 0 Street DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Gyes Examined Free. Prlcea Reasonable. 1 238 0 Street, L!SN Subscribe for The Daily Nebraskan ( to. (i r 7. &. t tt ' f- i - -w - ,.-