The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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itTotil Inilod from I'nun I -
the right hIiIo hut for no gain. Rogers
iniitlf tin p ynrrtfi around right pnd
l,nFiu.s niiielo yardH thro loft stele
Anne was pushed thro for 1. .r. :i.
f yardH In quick Hucession. Thou
Rog is made tf ahd .' LaFana bucked
the left Hide for five Rogers made
fom thio right enl Allen made three
hy line buck on left Hide LnFiins
Inured Cross and netted two more
yard.-. Minnesota got ten yarda on
off aide play LiiFiins nuide two yarda.
Anne loht half yard on attempted end
run It was Minnesota's last down
and four yarda to Rain. The Indian
tilr.d a diop kick hut missed Roal
Drain rctuiued five yuiels. Then
"Stubby" made an old time run oi
twpnty yard. 1111 hijeked for one
yuid Htuh lost two on attempted end
run. Nebraska Rot ten aida on off
side, pln.v OrandulKmude two yarda
thin left lelo H lepcnteil the thiiiR
on i lht side Nebiaska punted thlity
flvc vjimI.h LaFans then made ten
yanls aiound ilRht side Anne jlung
(d iiiouri light side foi a yaid Re
.o"ated foi vhiiIh Allen bucked rlRht
aide for yard Rogers made alx yarda
aiound light nnd Allen made one
aiound lett end Allen netted two
yaids thio rlRht tackle. It waa Ne
grasl:'s ball on downs on the next
pla. Then Stringer went out and
Vohh came In at tackle LaFans made
twoy aids thio left side. Allen netted
two yaidri on a line punch Knowlton
pluiiRid thio the line for elRht yards
the ball was on Nebraska's six yard
llpe and the weaiers of the scarlet and
ci earn made a mlRhty stand Flp
ynids weie Riven Minnesota on an
oIT side play The bal ivvaa on Ne
braska's one yard line Minnesota
sent LaFans aRiilnst Westover but to
no avail The plucky captain, altho
out of his head, ditched the formation.
Allen went aRainst Shedd but no Rain.
It was the last down, could Nebraska
hold"' It was too small a distance.
Fee inn do ten yaids on the next play
and scored the third and last touch--Uavv-u.
KnuvUton klckod goalr -kvoi-u,
1! to 0.
Nebraska's men were clearly tired
and out of condition while the hlR
Noi thorns wore apparently as fresh
when startliiR play Bender kicked 1
off for foity yiuds Minnosot a re
turned l.". LaFans made two around
right end. Allen plunged thio right
Riiaid for two yards Anno made l
yarda thro left end. Rogers netted
one yard on cud play. He lepeated,
but made no gain It was Nebraska's
Ijall. Then begun a Uni. march that
brought a vision of what might have
been C'randall licked off six yards
aiound the right end. Pill plugged
thro the right side for ten Then made
one yard thio left. Render knocked
off six more around left end. Then
punted. Knowlton fumbled. Nebras
ka downed the. ball. Pill couldn't gain
thio the right side. Crandall made one
yard and then play was called. The
gnnie had ended on Minnesota's 20
yard line. Score. 19 to 0.
tlon waa pei feet. Thoy did not acore
iih high as last year, but Nobrnska
failed to run up, it may be stated,
solely because of the condition of hoi
pliiyois Nebiaska may well be proud
of the defeat To an onlooker the
KrtnfS the tired men put up against
the giants was startling Wo are dis
appointed but pi oud of Nebiaska
Owing to the lack of training In co
operation with the rooters the two
Nebiaska bands that wore on the field
could do little effective vvoi k The
entire Minnesota tooting foice on the
other hand, was thoioughly organiz
ed nnd drilled. The results of the
game allowed the absolute- necessity
foi bettei rooting If Nebraska Is to
bo successful in football
Tire game wir, a disappointment to
the Nebraska rooters Th umii.1
standaid of team work not main
tained The Nebraska line was too
light to stop the heavy GopIrs'
plunges and the back field was too
light to pierce the beefy line of the
Minnesotans The lootjng done by
the Nebiaska delegation was especial
ly disappointing The iooters were
widely scattered over both aides of the
grand stand Most of the Nebraskans
were located on the north side of the
field and under the direction of Loadei
Touch made spasmodic attempts at
giving the rniverslty m No at
tempts wore made at anything ex
cept the ipgular I'niveisity yells and
no encouragement In tile way of sing
ing was given There Is little doubt
but this had an effect on the team
vvoi k The Minnesotans weie well or
ganized and added vim and enthus
iasm to thou supeib method and train
ing The megaphone corps occupied
a large section of the south bleaclieis
and made the giidiion i Ing with theii
yells and songs
The Nebraska rooters arived In Min
neapolis on two special Northwestern
trains Friday and four Saturday. In
addition to these tlie Burlington car
l'k'vl .av.YBr.aLhimdml uil a. special jnade
up to accomodate those who could not
get tickets over the Northwestern. The
Northwestern tiains came in at close
Intervals but not closely enough to got
the entire Nebraska delegation to
gether for an effective parade. The
band followed by a few looteia. march;,
ed up to the hotel where the team
made its headquarters The crowd
scattered so quickly that no concerted
action could be taken
The .trip from Lincoln was some
thing of haidshlp to all who were
not fortunate enough to secure berth
In the sleeping cars -The ciowd so
far exceeded all estimates that it was
Impossible to provide good accommoda
tions for all. Many were forced to
stand during the entire trip The va
cant floor space In some of the cars
was utilized as bunks by a great many
and they were crowded with sleeping
Tlmy Orlgliinlnl In MIEiiu. ItM.v. I'mltr
( it r!l ml llurroniro.
Hundav nr h ill o. .4 natcd i-i Milan.
Italy. 1I111I i (ho diie-tlon of ('."dlnil
Borromeo. in l .".- Bv his aid and i.i
fluoiKe nuinotO's sehooh for the dis
semination of theological information
of a 1 i.dfmentai v charaitei we o es
tablished Ah.iut the middle of the
ner eentuiy Nov Jos. ph Allelne In
augurated Sundav schools In London,
and between 1 7H(l -nd 1 70.'? a number
ef Sundav schools woie stui'd in var
ious paiN of Engl mil anel Si.Mh.nd 'iy
Rev .David Bl-iu and Rev Theophilm
4JnelF"y Robert Ra'Kos ef CJlou osier
It nl v.ilnalilo .iid in c-t'thlishing S 111
dav mI'ooIs hi the vicinity eif his home,
wheic ho wa-, the t lbli.s'nc ejf the
(Iloin-f sto.- Journal In 1 7H . he paid
rent for suitable' moms anel halls, .md
in thorn Installed poor women as In
sti ue tens, tei whom hn paiil a shilling
a nay ei h for teaching poor children
a fundamental knowledge' of Chris
Ihinitv His e-ffoits had g Ml lnflu
enee' eithei piiil'int hropists lollowed
h.s xample. anel -0011 Sunday .k nool , te spring up in mo.-d of tlu
laigei (owns of Englnnel. 'i lie fLst
Sund.iv school in Anirrh.i was started
in Mnnover e-ountv, Viigima in 17X0,
unelei the- leadership )( B ,hop A.S
bii: ' New N 01 k Wee. y ('imMii I n lnrlt.iMr I -rUut
The real renaou why p-oi) find
more exe-usea for their own th .lights
than for the thought:; of the', n la
bors is that they know all ahoii th.s
one, and. by no moans, all abo it the
other, and that, therefore, wb n hu
inanity knows, even as it is known,
theie will bo no moiv seven' judg
me'iits. no more spiteful cr licisnu,
but pei feet knejwleilge will insure p. r
fee t charitv IClb'n Thornyci of, ImiwI-eir.
Noh'o 1" Siii-inr Ollicrt.
It is quite certain tint, ol all the
things that minister to the w, Rare and
ge)od or man. ot all that make the
world varied and fruitful, of all that
make soeletj soliel anel Interesting, et
all that make life beautiful and glad
anel worthy, by far the larger pan has
reached us thiough the activities of
the sliuggle for the life of others.
Homy Druninionel
llniin Hucdi Uli Irani.
Cn'iuian papers relate that Cap'aln
Baron lecently coven d a dls-tane-.e
of llfteieui Uileuneteu s (irn- anil
a qu.irttM- mile.-) em horsehai k In
twenty-live minutes His hois- had
beeji e'spoclally trained teir t!i" rlelo,
having been fed em a prepaiel food,
Insteail of oats, for we'e'ks The- rieli
was accomplished without estiaoidi
nary exertion, and the hoiv.' was fit
for more work at the PMsh.
In Aid of ( lilltlren'it I o no.
The (looige Junior republic eil New
York has been v. Lied all the) lands and
buildings In Wlnsted. C't , belonging to
the late Miss Mary T. liuel, t gether
with ?r,000 In cash. The will requests
that the association use tho teal es
tate as a hoie for the children under
its eare.
Portrait and Lansdcape Photographer
120 5outli 1 ltd Street,
Pure Wool Pants.
(Medium er Heavy Weight.)
Made to Your
118 S. 10th Street
$3.00 &
- williou I tlio 11 -i' of knife, rlilorofoi 111 .
1 2 Photos and a Button 25c,
Gray Bros. 1216 0 St.
PROF. HOLMES, of Chicago
School for Dancing and Deportment
Hckuiimt- CliihH. TunRd.iy Konui-.
Advanced Cln Krielny KvcninKS
( liildrcn - Clic-i Sut tiriluj 'l-'M p in
Suttinl.iv Nik'lil ih Clul) NikIiL
Oflices nnel Studiei
325 SOUTH 12th.
Dancing Academy WnUli Hall over HooL
Idluiifl Ticket Onico. lltli anel () Sta
NEW nnd
Capital Novelty. Works
TJL L-i).-.
IU7 South lltli St.
J. S. DeVore,
317 S. nth St.
Altho the result was' it surprise to
mnuy. a disappointment to all, yet it
Is hardly to wondered at. Minnesota
was In the prime of condition, play
ing on their home grounds be 'ore their
own people. Their men have been in
the game every day since mid-August.
Nebraska, on the other hand, played
Shedd. Ringer and Koehler , who
have been out only a couple of weeks,
the latter two having been out of the
gnnie for ten days up to the Minnesota
game. The Minuesotau were the-' same
glantn they ever were. Their condl-
Juern MwralMtrllH Court.
Queen Margheiitn will hod her
court entirely separate freim the Qulr
inal. and the Marchesa de Vtlla
marlna will remain her laely of bono-.
Sig. Hossman de Roma will bj ap
pointed private secretary.
Anotliiir N01110 Ktiih Kxpjctcd.
How many will go to Cap Nemio In
the spring to search ror gold is tho
question troubling Seattle. Wash., out
fitters. The first wild rush is over,
but It is expected that, in tplto or
this, between 6,000 and 8,000 will bo
on their way to the gold fields when
the season begins.
"The Overland Limited"
Mutt Not IIuul Cotton at Night.
Danger of fire from pipes, cigarettes
and other means caused the mayor of
New Orleuns to Issue an order prohib
iting the presence of cotton on drays
In the streets of that city at night.
The University B'ook Store, 340 No.
11th st. "The Scarlet and Cream store.
Itntreut for Men of Letter.
Mine. Sanson, a grandelaughter of
the composer. Boieldleu, has be
queathed her country estate and 1)00,
000 franca to establish a retreat for
musicians and men of letters.
Fact or It I.oio In Full lug Market.
Eight factories In Muhlliausen and
that neighborhood have losl 16,000,
000 marke (J3.308.000) thiough the re
duction of the price of wool
The Established Route Across the
Tins celebrated train has perhaps the
finest eeminnod .nr ;., i u mi
, -,., v.M10 ,,, tllo wuriu. xuere
nr6 double drawing room Palace Sleop'rs
wide Veatibuleu Cars, Bullet Smoking
uaa and Steam Heat, Ax
None Better in the World-Few as Good
For full information call on or address
K. B. SLOSSOX, Agent.
V '
-1 JL
;.f.-iii thi
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