tmmmmim S !' ri - - -. M a W The Daily Nebraskan 'V ;i s ;i VOL.1. NO. 20. TIIK UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 14, 190J THREE CENTS M n 1$ F Kf O o TS, jpr- v NEBRASKA GETS A GOOSE EGG. m Minnesota Snu'i'H Nineteen. - f si 1"" Y stover .iimI the Bos l'ut ii .1 I'IucUn Fiirlit Airaiimt Ili-ivy Odds. Detail if tin (Jaine. I L T. The lineup of the team was us follows Minnesota, Rotors, L E. Fee Flynn. L G. Pago, ('. Mueller. It G, Evans. Thorpe, It T. Aune. It E, no bio. Q. Allen. L H. LaFans. R H. Nebraska C Shedd, R E, Westover. ('apt . it T Koehler. C. Ringer, L ('.. Strlngei. Vohs. L T. Cortelyou, L T, Dra.n. Q. (', Shedd. Render. - H. Kingsbury. L H. Crandall. L II Pills bury. F B Nebraska won the toss and chose the weRt goal. There was a slight wind fioni the north. At .'1 4(! Knowlton kicked off behind the goal lines. String er kicked out 50 yards. Minnesota got the ball in the middle of the Held LaFans was sent around light end hut to no avail On the next play the Gophers fumbled Nebiaska got the ball Then Pill plugged thro ils?ht tackle for live yards Then again for three Kingbury made nothing aiound left end. Shedd made u ard tin o light tackle Nebraska could gain nothing on the next play, and the pigskin went to the giants. LaFans plugod thio right guam for 2 yards Then Nebraska got the ball on off side play Pill bucked center for three The same thing and no gain. Pill tiled left back but for no gain Minnesota's ball Allen tiled, went thro right side for seven yards Made yards on the same thing again. La Fans went around left end for two yards Knowlton made six yards thro left. All'jll bucked left tackle for three yaids Allen tried the sania thing again but "Dad" Westover broke lino and spoiled the play. Knowlton punted for sixty yards and Diain brought back ten. The ball was then on Nebiaska'a twenty-Hve yaid line Plllsbury made a yard thro cnn tut. Nebraska got ten yaids on Minnesota's off side play Pill tried ilslit tackle but no gain Nebraska got ten yards more on a foul by Min nebota Kingsbury made nothing thro left guard Nebraska failed to make required K gains. Minnesota's ball in center of field. Allen made no gain thro Westover. Knowlton made a yard thro left guard. LaFans went thro right end on a masB play for yaids. Here Knowlton brojte IiIb fin ger. He continued at full. LaFans made two yards around end again. Knowlton Bent thro left tackle for. three yards. LaFans plugged 'center for yards. Allen went thro right tackle for one yard. He tried again, hut nothing .resulted. Knowlton punched thro right guard for yards. Minnesota fumbled but recoveredthe ball. The ball was now on "Nebraska's 10-yard line. It was the third down and four yards to gain. Rodgers, the Carlyle Indian tried a drop kick for goal but missed. Nebraska kicked out for thirty yards. Cortelyou tackled Knowlton on the forty yard line. Min nesota tried WeBtover'B tackle for no gain. Allen hit the line for one yard. He went thro right side for two yards. He plugged the left side for two. LaFans crowded thro the line for yards Made a yard thro right end. LaFftns failed thro left end It was Minnesota's last down on the forty yard line, four yards to gain. The In dian made a pretty trial for goal but failed Stringer punted and the Gophers returned twenty yards It was Minnesota's ball on Nebraska's lS-yard line. Nebraska's backers were fearful Allen bucked thro left guard for one yard. LaFans the Bame place for two ynrds. Aune bucked loft side for a yard. Here Minnesota got ten yards on an off side play. La Fans went thro left side for four yards. Knowlton plugged right side for yards Allen thio the same place for two jaids. Here Nebraska got the ball on a foul by Minnesota Stringer fell back to punt, but the ball was fumbled. Minnesota forced Nebraska to down the ball behind the goal lines, thus scoring a Hafety and two points for the Northerns The bleachers rose and waved their colored tongues, yell ing madly a t the first blood drawn Stilnger kicked from 125-yard line. Kingsbuiy made pietty tackle downing Knowlton in the center of the field Alien tried right side for three yards Repeated for one LaFans made yards on left side Here Hrew letlred from the game Shedd went into guard and Render came to right half Hrew had been sick all moinlng and entered the game under protest from Coach Booth and I)r Buckley Minnesota punted fifty yards Drain returned five yards. Kingsbuiy made two yards around right end Render made one around left end. Minnesota got the ball on downs Allen tried center. LaFans plugged thio loft side for 3 yads Knowlton wont thro left side for yards. Minnesota made yards again in a fake to other side Allon made no gain thro the line. It was third down and four yards to gain on Nebraska's five yard line. The bleachers thundered encouragement on one side, discouragement from Nebras kas Westover's men held the Goph ers and It was Nebraska's ball on their two yard Rue Nebraska got ten yaids on off-side play by Minnesota. Kingsbury made three yards around right end. Ne braska fumbled again. Bender punted thirty yards. Cortelyou tackled Knowlton as he caught the ball. Minnesota got twenty yards for inter fering with free catch. Allen made one yard LaFan3 two thro left side, ent around left end for yards. Aune made one yard thro left side. La Fa n b tried it again but no gain. Allen made two yards thro right side. Allen tried a play around right end for seven yards. Minnesota got two yards on off side play. This brot the Northerners to Nobraskas 4 yard line. Allen tried the line for no gain. He tried center but only got a yard It was the third down and two yards to gain. Nebraska got the ball on a fumble and kicked twenty yards: Minnesota got the ball on trie twenty-five yard line. Allon made two yard thro right side. Rogers made yard around right end. LaFans buck ed left side for four yards, again for yards. Aune for four yards. Allen made no gain around right. I-ee cai rled the ball over for a touch down on the next play Knowlton missed goal, score 7 to 0 There remained but two minutes to play Stringer kicked oft for forty-five yards Minnesota returned tn yards Allon made no gain thio right side Minnesota fumbled. Then punted Drain fumbled but downed the ball Kingsbury went around rl?ht end for three ynrds. On a fake quarter back play Nebraska fumbled Half over at 3-18 with the ball on Nebraska's thirty-five yard ljne Score. 7 to 0. During halves the Mlnpesota cornet band marched and played about the gridiron to the pleasure and enjoy ment of the happy giants. Some chap waved a Minesota flag over by the ar mory and pandomlnium reigned. SECOND HALF. Nebraska kicked off 35 yards. Rog ciH skirted Nebraska's left end for twenty-five yards. Drain made a pretty tackle shutting off a clear field. LaFans made two yards thro left end. Anno made yards. Aune plugged left tackle for two yards. Then Minnesota began a mnich down the field, slow but bine, dreadful to Nebraska. Westover was hurt Minesota made no gain on fake center play LaFans bicked left side for one yard Minnesota fumbled. Nebraska got ball on forty five yard lino Kingsbury lost four yard on an end run, Render made two yards aiound left end Stringer kicked to Minnesota's fifty yard line LaFuns made two yards thro center. Allen made a pietty ten yard spurt aiound Shedds' end. Fumbled. Knowlton ton made three yards thro center. La Fans made yards thro left side. Again four. Aune mado yards. Rogers made three yards thro right side. Allen made yards around right end. Klngs buiywas hurt and retired in favor of Crandall Minnesota made three yards in aultlng the line. Aune made yards on an end run Rogers made three around right end. LaFans bucked center for nothing. It was Nebraska's ball on their twenty-five yard line. Plllsbury made eight yards thro cen ter. Crandall loBt one yard on end urn. It was third down and 4 1-2 to gain. Stringer kicked fifty yards Drain got down the field but Inter fered with Knowlton on a fair catch and Nebraska lost thirty yards. Evans went out of the game here and Thorpe came in. It was Minnesota's ball on Nebraska's forty-five yard line. Rog ers made three yards thro right sido. Aune yards thro left side. Rogers two around right side. Aune five thro left. Rogers two thro right side. Allen two thro right side. LaFans went thro left side yards. Here Nebraska got the ball on off side play. Minne sota recovered the hall on the noxt play for the same offense. Then Min nesota began her march for a second touchdown. Rogers went around right for yards. Aune thro left for yardB. Rogers around right for yardB. Then the Indian skirted the line from Nebraska's two yard line for a touch down. Knowlton kicked goal. Score 13 to 0. Stringer kicked off for fifty- yards. Doble returned twenty. LaFans tried (Continued on Page 4.) SECRETARY GOLTON CONFERS With the V. M. ('. A. Plans Out lined for Ililde and MiHHion Stud. Sunday Talk to Men. E. T. Colton, International College Secretary for the West, arrived at the University Saturday morning for a two day'B visit with the Association here. - At first it seemed unfortunate that he should have been scheduled here at it time when the Interests of our young men were so much centered In the Minnesota-Nebraska game, but notwithstanding this, he found Secre tary Hubhell nnd several of the Cabl net members here and preparations were at once made for committee meetings and private Interviews. The rorenoon was largely taken up by Interviews with the Cabinet and points of Interest relative to our Association were discussed. At 1:30 Mr. Colton met the Bible Study Com mittee, which, thro the efforts of the chairman, had been already doing vory efficient work. One hour was spent In this very interesting confer ence, and the Committee, which was well represented, will be able to still further systemalzo and carry out their important duties. Mr Colton Is constantly visiting th largest universities and colleges from the Pnclflc Coast east to Illinois and Michigan, with the express pur pose of getting the best plans of As sociation work and then giving them out again to other associations. As a result, he Is well posted on Associa tion work In general and committee plans as well and his suggestions are very valuable. At 2:30, the Missionary Committee met Mr. Colton to plan with him Its lino of work for the present year and also to decide on the nature of the Sunday meeting. The Committee .expects to equip a reading table in the rooms with the curont missionary magazines and in- terestlng and instructive books on missions to the reading of which all men nro welcome. From 3 30 to 4:30, Mr. Colton, who is an ex-football man, was in the chapel and read with Interest the bulletins of the game In the north. Yesterday was "Mission Study" Sunday and at 4 p. m. about forty men gathered at the rooms and listened to one of the most earnest and emphatic addresses that has been given before the Association Jor some time. Mr. Colton spoke on "A Catf to Missionary ntelllgence." He began by remark ing that altho the Nebraskans had seemingly nearly all gone to Minne sota they had evidently forgotten to take touchdowns and the weather with thorn. Mr. Colton said that nearly the en tire student body of our country do cldo upon their life work with prac tically no knowledge either of the at tainments or the needs of twenty sixths of the world's population. He asked for a wider view point on the part of students. He showed that a mon'Jndtead of wasting his life If he enters foreign work, no matter In what vocation, Is much more apt to waste It ox a,t ledst to have his influence for good, dwarfed in this country where every position is soiglit after by scores of men. Flnnlly he showed that the call to missionary activity was nO greater upon such men as Paton, Pitkin and Brockmajx than it is upon other men. and the larger life which it led them to seek and know -ought to energize all men to intelligently seek the place of largest Influenco and power In the salvation of the- world. i i '.: Ml ts J C 4 tl VI I ! y 3 I . s - i 't r 1 t .'i .1 ,S ' '2 '- & A vi & A 'i -if r ' 1 r1 JL i T-Sf 4-J f 5 "' ' ' J ' "".Jr:ij';3"l.v '''JJ U.".'1.' '-iti 'A!!iJU.UJtt'gg i. jK. tt i .. I hi.' I '.ttl