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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1901)
-- - : MM r. ' - P v V-'.- TV- ... .-. f. .-- " -- T-vU J- t -!l .-r .iK:j r; i tf f -?-a v .1 at iv i- ' . t , i, IK" i r-f" , ; i i :, .3& 'l h -,' r fclr W7 . ft. . - I THE DAILY SEBIIASKAN. THE DAILY NEBRASKA A new pn per dovoted to the intareHt of the Unirornlly of Noltrn hUii. Published at 134 North 11th At., by TIIK HKHPEKIAN 1'UB. CO. (Incorporated.) DIRECTORS: J. W. Crnbtroo, Presidont. fl. L.Towno, Soerotnry-Tronsuror. .1. I. Wyor, T. J. Howott, K. W. Wnshburn. Sterlino fl .McCaw J. A. Masnino OlSOROK I'. HllIDIiRR Manuring Editor Aunt. Mnnntror - Athletic Edito itKPOKTKRS. II. ('. rullnrd, Clifton Tarter, Norrin Humo, H. T Hill, J. R. Knrnoy, Cliff Crook. John A. WIIhoh. Linn M. Huntington liTho subscription price of tlm Daily Nobrax knn in K! for the collojfo yenr with n regular do llyerv boforo chrtpol ouch day. Notices, com munications, andothor matter Intonled for pub lication, mvnt bo handnd In ut the Nohrnskan olllco boforo 7 p. m..or mailed to the editor bo foro .1 p. m., of the day previous to that day on x lifcti they uro cxpoctodto npiioar. BtibicrlptioiiH mny bo loft at tho Nobrnsknn olllco, at tho Co.Op., or with Business Manager. 8nbcrlbors will confer n favor by roportlng promptly at this olllco any failuro to receive the mpor All changes in advertising matter rauat be in the olllco by :i p. m. on tho day previous to that on which thoy uro to appear. AddrosN all communications to the Daily No brnnkan, 1:14 N 11th St., Lincoln, Nnhraxku. Telephone 479. WiYrV.ViVmViW 1 lie Dally jMeiirmkan It being: aent to all ftiihncrlbora on tho old Nebras-kmi-IIuftperlan Hat. Thoae.auhacrlb (in to the NeUroskaa-IIeaperlaut who do not ileal re tlie Ually trill e please notify the umnairor by card as noon na poaalble. Where no notl- S5 flcatlon la received It la uitflcrntoqd 5; ;C that the aubaerlber wishes the pa- 3; ; per to continue. 3; Members of tho Dally Nebrasknn staff nre requested to call at the office 134 No. 11th Bt., between 1 and 2 o'clock each day for assignments. Yesterday's mass meeting shows wht Nebrask". can do wh n she trl -:. The only objection that can bo raiscJ to It Is that it oume too late to be of the giontest value. Students who remain In Lincoln can keep track of the progress of the game by watching tho Daily Nobraskan bul letins. If tho weather is fair they will be posted on a bulletin board outside the main entrance to Univer sity hall. The Daily Iouun says that Nebraska . hasn't a ghost of a show next Satur day and that no one east of the Ma smiii river thlus that sho has. At tho i smc time the article says the Ne iiniHkans have the Gophers scared. If no one cast of the Missouri thinks that Ntlraska has a chance of winning what jut the Gophers afraid of any way? The admonition of the Chancellor yesterday morning that students re frain, from doing anything that would bring dishonor on the name of the Uni versity, ought to be rigidly honored. In the excltemont following a big game students are liable to forget proprieties and rules of conduct. They are apt to do things that they would not do under normal conditions. The student body should remember thnt they are under the surveillance of huudrds of persons, many of whom are hostile to the University and ready on the slightest provocation to pick Haws In anything and everything con nected with the institution. Any small break of law and order which can be .traced to the Btudents will be magni fied and distorted by them into malic ious crimes-. Not only should actual wrong-doing be carefully avoided, but anything that would tend to, lower tho University In the eyes of the people of the state and cduntry Bhould be refr&'ned from. Tho following explanation of the system of rules for the freBhman class recently inaugurated at Yale la taken from the Yale Dally News: A revised system of rules for tho academic freshman class was pub lished yesterday, differing in many re spects from the one now In use. The following explanation of Its most im portant features Is authorized by a member of the faculty: Instead of "making up" omitted ex nnises. absence beyond a fixed limit ("over cuts") for any case except ser ious Illness Increases the number of hours required for obtaining a de gree by more than 60, and no marks arc given for absence from the class room. The student Is left free to use his own discretion about attending recitations except that he Is required to report "eveiy absence of a day or more on an official form; and It is also stated that "Irregularity of atten dance will be considered a cause for removal from college equally with poor scholarship." Beyond his official report of absence no 'tppllcatlon foi excuse is called for or accepted from any student in deed, since no marks are given for ab sence from class and omitted work is not made up, there is nothing left to excuse except marks for absence from Battell chapel, which are cancelled if the official form f,or report of absence Is promptly presented and the rea sons stated are sufficient. To eiicourage regularity, the faculty offers to open a credit as well as a debit account of attendance, to run from year to year, so that exceptional regularity ornttendance may diminish the number of hours for a degree from 60 to G7 or 58. This might provo a valuable help to students Intending to take the course In three years. For scholarship above 2.50, ten ex tra ruts per year are allowed. Two reasons are given for the revision first, to make tho rules for attendance harmonize with tho scholarship re quirements adopted Inst winter; sec ond, to cure the excuse habit. Ganoung's Pharmacy (Successor to H. O. Hannu.) Drugs, Druggist's Sundries and Stationery. 1400 O Street. LINCOLN, NEB Every new Student calls on James Hearn 237 So. nth street And has his measure taken for the Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, manufactured by Zh fyendersonJinics Co. Kalamazoo, mieb. Allegretti and Lowney's Chocolates at Rector's. Clothing: Cleaned or Dyed A! MANN'S, 1322 0 Street DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eye Examined Free. Prlcca Reasonable. 1338 O Street, "Je Students If you want the Best, place your Orders for Dance and Society Pro grams with The New Century PHONE 365 1123 N Street Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS. Portrait aid Laisdcape Pkotograpker 139 South nth Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. QALLERY ESTABLISHED 1871. Pure Wool Pants. (Medium or Heavy Weight.) Made to Your Measure ELI AS BAKER PANTS CO., 118 5. 10th Street. $3.00 piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii DR. T. O 'CONNOR cures CANCER8.SS: ES TUMORS, WENS and FISTULAaEE p withou t tho ute of knife, chloroform SZ or Ether. ST SS FFIGEUJSOSt., LINCOLN. NEB miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi Get Your Canes flegaphones U of N Pennants For Minnesota Game at WILSON & HALL'S HookHi'llcrtj iiiwl tftjitioiu'i's 1123 o Street. . ituuaL'UL.ytiijL.'jt'Juyizuu'jfciauij II PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY i Dcin?innrir?inrir;.inriTir:nrinir; JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Ofllco 1100 O Street, Rooru-J 212 213-214 Rich ards Block, Tolophono 535. Rosidonce, l.'JIO U Street, Telephone L084. i - 1 OLIVER JOHNSON, D. D. S. Don tal Office, Cor. 11th and O Strootfl, Over Hnrloy's Drug Store, Telephone Lflll. R. BEN.I. F. BAILEY; Dr. May J Louise Flanagan; Ofllco, 141 South 12th Street. Tolophono G18. Dancing Academy PROF. HOLMES, of Chicago School for Dancing and Deportment Beginners' Class. Tuosdny Evenings. Advanced Class, Friday Evenings. Children' Class, Saturday 2:30 p. m. Saturday Night is Club Night. STRICTLY SELECT Oflicos and Studio 325 SOUTH 12th. Dancing Academy WaUh Hall over Rock Island Ticket Oflice, 11th and O Sta. Capital Novelty Works NEW and SECOND HAND Bicycles BICYCLE SUNDRIES, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. TEL L-U93. 317 South 11th St. J. S. DeVore, 317 S. nth St. "The Overland Limited" RUNS EVERY DAY IN THE liHFIWV VFAP Vp5v VIA THE UNION PACIFIC The Established Route Across the Continent This celebrated train has perhaps tho Hnest equipped cars in tho world. There are double drawing-room Paluce Sloep'rs wide Vorttibuleu Can?, Buffet Smokinir and Library Cars, Dining Cars, Pintsch Gas und Steam Heat,-&u. None Better in the World-Few as Good For full information call on or address K. 15. SLOSSON, Agent. To Make His Hark A Student should use Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens For Sale by all Dealers, or 4 L. K. WATERMAN CO., ioa 157 Broadway, NEW YORK. Largest Fountain Pen Manufacturers In the World PHOTO BUHONSfr O 1 2 Photos and a Button 25c. Gray Bros. '2' 0 St. , r o - ll H ,t A o &- SISotY.lSiJu f. ,uhaNffili. - 1oi.',. vj.' . JrrL.JU . 1. '74J t-jfr pjuji J. .ft ' .JM i V""i,'rsrraaia.vPK3y-'yig rff ?. ' rfi- psse k jAWMmwMnts&iniMtmmfa 1 1 ! III ' - ...nai