.. yr-"fr--:'--S .'. " t V . .jh, V "t srnsr ,4' 8fr "A I VI K & TIIK DAILY NKHHAKKAN. Bt? For the Minnesota Game Mf you call at THE CO-OP. before leaving- for Minneapolis and get A Football Button A "U of N" or "Nebraska" Pennant A Cane with Colors CyA Pennant Stick Pin"TJ of N" A Streamer of Scarlet and Cream and A Great Big MEGAPHONE You will help win the Game for Nebraska . . TfE CO-OP. PENNANTS MEGAPHONES FOOTBALLLPINS COLORS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE 340 North Elcnenth Street THE SCARLET AND CREAM STORE LOCAL AIVD PERSONAL The Co-Op. I'll. Young, Nowfi. Colors at The Co-Op. ' nnants at The Co-Op. Megaphones at The Co-Op. i:at at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. r.iothall buttons at The Co-Op. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Munson's restaurant, HIS O st. Tumble Weeds. Handkerchief sale at The Famous. II II I I m r1 4O4O0Q4 1 I Why not take your hath at Chris' bath house, 11 and P Streets. All 1'niverslty hooks and supplies at the Scarlet and Creum store. Waterman's Fountain Tens, the best. At the I'niversity Hook Store. Try Sanderson's. They have the best shoes on earth for the money. Charles H. Gregory (U. of N. '91) sells coal at 104 1 O st. See him. teele, the furrier, 1-13 So. 12th. Square meals at Fiancis Bros. Pot Roast Day at Francis Bros. TV Hygienic Cafe. Slfi So. 12th st. The I'niv. Book Store, 310 No. 11th. Dr. Woodward, occulist, Richards block. Don Cameron's lunch counter, 114 So. 11th ht. ilega phones and pennants at the Univ. Book Store. F Const jA op at Constancer's new live-chair bar- 1010 O st. STUDENTS?' Buy your kid gloves and corsets at The FamoiiB, 1029 O. B. & T. have got some "kids" that you would appreciate. $1 per pair. "The Unlursity Book Store, 310 No. 11th st. The Scarlet and Cream store. FALL FESTIVITIES AT Kansas City, Mo. $5.75 ROUND TRIP. Tickets on sale October ." ! ti to I'Jtli inclusive, return limit October 1 Itli, 11)01. GO AND SEE THE MERRY CROWD. Leave Lincoln .": 1 0 a. m., arrive Kansas City I 1:40 a. m Leave Lincoln 1:3.") . m., arrive Kansas City 8::)o p. m. The IMoneer Baibcr Shop at 113 So. 11th st., where you can get first-class work. All sizes and widths of University gymnasium Bhoes, 00c to $ 1 .GO. Sanderson's. The senior class will meet Wednes day, October if), to consider the Sen ior Class Book. For students -Those liew $3 ovals and $4 panels at Bass' Photographic Studio, 1026 O st. Buy a Hastings and Beach Ceneral Physics for reference. Spe Westerfleld for the latest Uni. jj 'alr cut. 117 No. 13th st. 'k 10 the Matthews Piano Co. for sheet music and -supplies. IJ The seniors had 15 men out for football practice yesterday morning. i All Juniors who can play football aft meet on campus field Wednesday at RV chapel time. . r . .in 1..11 ..1 TT.il ,,..lt ., ..(..In 7" DOIOH1S JSIIUUB 1JI UUIYUIOU fell 10 iStare the best. For sale only at Web ster & Rogers. You'll need an overcoat if you see the foothull game up north. Ewlng bus the latest. See them. E. B. Dunaway of Overton, Neb., is visiting his brother, E. M. Dunaway, '02, for a few clays. Dress up and wear scarlet and cream. It's U. of N. Be proud of it. In the meantime see Swing's for a nice suit. Don't forget Ewing Clothing Co. for furnishing goods before you go to Minneapolis. We have the novelties. Sophomores Football men are re quested to meet Manager D'eard at chapel time Wednesday for organiza tion. Meet on football field. : I I t t ! t 0000400HM0H4H0H04g(M!0000HH4 City Ticket Office, Burlington Depot, Corner 10th and O Streets. 7th Street, Bet. P and Q. T6lephonc 235. Telephone 25. To Make His Hark A Student should use Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens For Sale by all Dealers, or L. K. WATKRMAN CO., l.V) 1.77 Broadway, NEW YORK. Largest Fountain Pen Manufacturers " In the World Manager Morlll of the basket ball team has opened a correspondence with Kansas for an interstate game. There is no need of your being cold when you can get fuel so cheap from the Union Fuel Co., 1014 O st. We can give you domestic work the kind you get on new goods. Yule Bros. Laundry, '1514 O st. All University boys who have the price wear "Walkover" Bhpes. For sale only at Webster & Rogers. Mr. Prevey's class in statistics are helping the city charity organization compile sortie statistics on the de pendent classes of Lincoln. This ma terial will be used in the annual- re port soon to be Issued. Schuyler W." Miller, on leave of ab sence for the present year, was In town last week for a few days. Mr. Miller intends to visit England in the near future. Dean Reese made a short talk in the law school yesterday morning. He will not take up his classes for some time, owing to his wife's illness frn Colorado. C. W. McMlchael, scholar in Eng- j lish literature, has charge of courses "A" in English language. The course is for Hiose who have not completed the resuired preparatory English. The senior class football team Is rapidly getting the men into shape. Many are out for regular Veiling prac tice and they think the prospects for ' . I AHAl1A a1.MM.mIaH 'i .. A .M . 4 . - -. A . n vMiiumm -uiiawinuii t7wfM tYrrw Troff A H n 01 M -l M -1 IT " . '41 L I s "4 :. . M - 'X "4 -i f r ''A A I M i w - . -tr --' ' S-' nj .. I.", II ,T :?