lt") n.TT- . .... P ' ' iMWIWll IMaWUlJWJti'J 'Mi j.iw.nyy m,. ,,,, ,.. . i , ... .u, "m , j'-i J . " "" 1 1 if ii wi m .,- .i .; in QMwi.uin-r'"W'n ti'ix " " ' ll II I , ' V " ' ' -- -Vl -v THK DAILY NKHRASKAN. . , - , . -- ll s - r -j. " i, . - T r t ;j 1 ih u k THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A newMiiipqr ilnsotnl to the iulorctn of tlio Unlvnrrilly of Nnbrn mWii. l'ubllRliml nt 154 North lltli t.. hy Mtt IIKSI'KKIAN 1MB. CO. ( Incorporated. ) DIHKCTOHB: J. W. Crnbtrco, 1'reniiloiit. (J. L. Townn, Hoorotnry-TroiiMiror. .1. I. Wyor, T. .. Ilrwrtt. K. W. Wnnlibuni. Srum.iNo H .M Can J. A. (iKObok 1". Siiidlkr MnmiffiiiK Editor Aswt. Ma mi cor - Atlilrtlr Elltc itKI'OHTTlHS. It. C. Pollnnl. Clifton Cnrtor, NorriH Hu-o. It. T Hill, .1. It. Fnrncy. Dill Crooks .lulin A. WiUoii. LiiinM HiintiiiKlon Tho milmcriiilion price of tlm Daily Nobm knn l" f- fer tlio colli'KO your with a rnulnr de llvorv before clinpel oncli dny. Notice, rum iniiniriitioiiR, nnd other mutter Intended for pub lication, mint bo handed in at tho Nobruiknn nlllco lieforo 7 p. m.. or mailed to the editor be fore H p in , of the day prioiiH to that day on Inch they are expected to appear Subicription may bo left nt tho Nelirimknii olllce, at tho Co. Op., or with HuiiiH MnmiKor. Sub-crilorn will confer a favor by reporting promptly at this olllco any failure to reecho the paper All chatiROH In ntlvertMiiR mntter must bo in Hie otllen by :i p. tn. on the dny piouous to thnt on which they are to appear. ddrosH all cominnnicntioiiH to the Daily No lini-Uitii, l.U N 11th St.. Lincoln, NebrniUn. Telephone 479- ;vM.iViViVV'.VVV'iViV'.VV'i'.V,i'.'irririrM.irrV. lilt- WHIIJi .irilUI-tHUII l"l lll-lllfe Will lo nil nultn'rll'i-n on I be old Nelrn- 2- kuii-llenperluo lit). Those mtltrH-i-lli- ein to Hie NeliiUHUnn-llenperlan 3- rw-i. .. 11.. x:.rr...-l, .. I. .l.v-ionTr" i wlio do not dexlre the Dally will 'C plrane notify tlio iiiiimhki' by rnril S ih mioiuiH iiimnllilF. Wlicii' imuhiII- -g Ili'Mtlon In received It la iiiili-rMooil -S t ll i 1 the mibiierlbt'i- w Ixliei the pu- ; per to continue. 'AWWVn'ffW.W.aWffW'.W.Wffr Members of the Dally Nelrinkun KtafT aro requested to call at the ofllce KM No. 11th Ht4, between 1 and 2 o'clock each dny for assignments. From the MlnnoHotn letter which appears on another page It Is evident that the students of that itiHtltutloyi are rapidly getting Into sHnpe for the Nebraska came. One thing has been accomplished which Nebraska lias yet to do and that Is a good working organization of rooters. Nebraska rooters have met from day to dny for the past week. They have mnde a few spasmodic attempts at rooting. It Is now four days from the day of the game and practically nothing has been accomplished in the way of looting yet. If anything Is to be done it must be done at once. The meeting to be held this morning In chapel will be a starter. F10111 now until Filday dally rallies ought to be the older. IN THK COLLEGE WORLD. It is time for Stanford to enlarge her,, range of intercollegiate contests. The opportunities are at hand. Ne braska asks for debale, Washington Is. anxious for a football game, Michi gan's eleven may come to the coast tilts winter, nnd an effort Ih being made to bring Princeton. We must overcome tills tendency toward self satisfied provincialism, which is in dicated by the habit of looking upon nothing outside of a meet with Cali fornia as worth our while. We wish to, measure strength with the institu tions of the east; we must cultivate the good will of our sister institu tlons on the coast, which will grow to be formidable rivals. Shall we Im prove our opportunities? -I'alo Alto Daily. A new octopus in the shape of a boarding house tnnjt threatens the equanimity of the student body. Just whether it is desired to raise the price of board, or reduce the quality to a fixed dally potion, a la rote, does not appear. Verily, that man may count himself thrice blessed who can write, Ht the close of his college career, Venl, Vldi. Vici. Ann Arbor Hoarding Houpc Hash'- Michigan Dnlly News. Deep gloom prevail in the ranks of the co-eds in Illinois colleges. From Champaign, (lalesburg, Jacksonville, Chicago and Northwestern comes nn indignant wail of protest. One of the college customs most sacred In the eyes of the college girl is the wearing over her breast of a jeweled emblem of a college sPcret society, presented by the young man of her favor and esteem. Now. the new law which linn just received Oov. Yates' signature, prohibits persons from wealing the buttons, badges nnd emblems of secret societies nnd orders of which they are not members. The Daily Califor-nian. Lelaud Stanford celebrated her tenth birthday last Tuesday. The ceremonies were conducted with con siderable pomp. One feature of tht program was the reading of speeches delivered on opening day by Senator Stanford, Dr. Jordan and others. The old NebraKkan-Hesperian lias been discontinued, and in its place is published the Daily Nebraska!!, a four- column, four-page paper, which pre- iieul iiutaa very creditable abearance. -Die Wooster Voice. jv V Tli A wild imitation of the annual fresh soph 1 usli was given last night on the campus and, later, down town. Not withstanding the abatement of the athletic meeting in the gym. notices were posted early yesterday morning stating that the usual rush would oc cur at 8 o'clock near the cannon in fiont of the library building. From 8 until 10 the campus was filled with disorganized bands of fieshmen and sophomores. The Hist year men greatly outnumbered their opponents and had everything- their own way. Two charge's were made on the can non, and in both easels the freshmen were victorious. Tht? second-year men put up a good fight, hut only a small number were out, and '"05" was Lrl umphant. Michigan Daily News. Hl'LLETlNS FROM THE GAME. The Dally Nebraskan lias arranged to send frequent bulletins to Lincoln during the progress of the game Sat urday. They will be displayed uptown in the show window of Ewing's Cloth ing Store and duplicate copies will be sent to the University campus where they will be announced and posted as lapidly as received. FOOTHALL SONG. The following addition to the list of football songs is presented today: Tune: Coo-Coo Eyes. A Minnesota man in a football game was playing 'round right end, A Nebraska girl in the rooters' row with plenty o' good looks to spore Looked down at him, with a silly stare. He started to hike around Cort's end. Ran into the Lincoln man, Who threw him back for 25 yards, across Minnesota's line And then our crowd began to howl. Chorus Just because she made that silly stare He thought he was a bloated billion n i re ; She was the best kvhut Is, but beat him in the biz Just because shemade that silly stare Dr. Hessey addressed the First Con gregational church a week ago last f Sunday on the subject "A scientific man's understanding of creation," and laBt Sunday he repeated 1t before the Second Congregational church on the request of the pastor. Clothing Cleaned or Dyed At MANN'S, I322 0 Street DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Rye Examined Free. Prices Reasonable. i2380Street,LSN' Students If you want the Best, place your Orders for Dance and Society Pro grams with The New Century PHONE 365 1123 N Street Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS. Portrait and Lansdcape Photographer lag South nth Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. C1A1.LRRY ESTABLISHED 1871. J Pure Wool Pants. (Medium or Heavy Woigtit.) Made to Your 00 HH Measure. OOiUU ELI AS BAKER PANTS CO., 118 S. 10th Street. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll DR. T. O'CONNOH cures CANCEHS, Tl!MOHS, WKNS and FISTULA ca wilhou t t lie umj of knife, chloroform SS Z Oor Ktlier. FFici: i n;o St., Lincoln. neiiB1 alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllln: Second-Hand Books Osborn's Old Book Store 131 N6Kh 12th St. Take Your Shoe Repairing to JOSEPH KQLBAGH, 1326 O STREET A. WORK (U'AKANTKKI) :::: STOP DAT A I'USUIN' DAK I1WIINI-. I Ijji Ah'm a moke from l.ooirtann An' mih jkln's lirack ii now' Mali honey's Mary Ann. An' ah doan care who knows. Sw, yeh ouiHit lull &ee us HUll'i', An clldln . an' a I'ildfn', A uion our bikes a rldln'. Hi ehs, a rldln , IkiIi a rldln' t e es" L'le dth ioos de sai L. When (hull lri Is at our lack I O stop dat a pusliln' Ur belilne I CIIOKUS.-Tl lU tux it U. Hit! I Ik. Wa,i. O slop dat Kililii' dar beldne I O stop dat pushln dar bchinc I An' ef ainylKxty knows Happy iiIkuIis I Deezc are doie I O stop dat a-pushin' dar belilne I J li The above, and many other NEW sonos, all the col Jfrleite favorites, and popular OLD FAUlLIAHTUNEsIn SOW08 OF ALL THE COLLEGES. 0rlkt. , Prict, $JO, fioUaiJ. m lJ9. H1ND3 ft NOfiLfJ. i'ui.ll.hcr,, RTw V.rk City. viiuoiuuoks 01 an puuiisiicrt at one slnrc mmm rnnrnrv -innnnrtnnrni UJIwULlU U -Ji. JL JL JLL'UL JU JL' J n n ? PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A U'HL JX. . L JL JL JLJL. JL JL Jk. JL JL ii JR.IIA(!(i.RI),M. I). Office ll(K) . O Street, liooms 212 'Jl.'J '21 1 Rich J nrds Hloek, Telephone .").'IT. Residence, l.'MO (J Street, Telephone L98J. OL1VHR .JOHNSON, D. D. S. Den tal Office, Cor. 11th and O Streets. Over Hnrley'.s Drug Store, Telephone LM1. Kvery new Student alls on James Hearn 237 So. nth street And has his measure taken for tho Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, lUiitiufacturtd by the fjendersort'Jlntes Co. Kalamazoo, Mich. Jntercolegeate Bureau. C0TTELL & LEONARD 472-478 IIrontlTity Albuny, Nn York Makers of the Caps,Gowns and Hoods To the American Colleges and I'liiverHiticH. Illustrated Manual, sample prices, etc., on request, (towns, for the pulpit and bench. & $ .J T Subscriptions to the Daily Ncbraskan may be left at L : cither the I'liiversity Hook a. Store, or I he Co-Op. i i Capital Novelty Works S'- Bicycles BICYCLE SUNDRIES. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. TEL L-UO.K 317 South 11th St. J. S. DeVore, 317 c. inn t. v KJ y HElPSYDUNfi PEOPLE WHO DESIRE TO SUCCEED EXPtPIB0TFAaiH6- RNE IQUIFHENT3 EXPENSES REASONABLE ALLATA6E50fACAfWLCfTY WRITE rORCATALDCUE ANDiOUYENlR-FRn mNCOIrNfflUSINE&J) C( iumMAhmwi V ( x j 1 &. j f s