The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1901, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL.1. NO. 1
Preparations for tlic Nebraska Jarne
Nearinij Completion lnnl
crs well ( h'tjjiiiizi 1
The (Joplier am.
Minneapolis, Oct. 7. (Special Cor
respondence to the Daily N'ebraskan j
That Minnesota lias easily defeated
every (earn it lias encountered thus
fsj-r Is not looked upon with the elation
which might be expected from the
student body. It is feared that no
opposition worthy the name having
been presented, it will give the men
what is commonly called "big-head."
The effect of these easy victories has
at least been felt by the students who
hiuo had no chance to practice sys
tematic rooting and whatever train
tng KPeured must ctrmr thfs-week.
An enthusiastic mass-meeting was
held In chapel Saturday, the large hall
being crowded to the doors. Plans
were outlined, yell leaders appointed,
speeches made by President Northrop
and other members of the faculty and
yells practiced. This week there will
be daily practices in singing and root
ing on the campus, a mass meeting
will be held Friday morning and a
mammoth bon-flre will light up the
campus that night while two thousand
students improve their .last chances
for preparing for the biggest game on
Noithrop field this year. At the game
a megaphone brigade of a thousand
voices will discourse sweet music from
the center of the east bleachers while
five hundred more on each side will
help swell the melody with voice, tin
horn and horse-fiddle.
As for the team, the fact they have
neen undergoing secret practice the
past week makes it difllcult to say just
t what it is able to do. In the game
with the College of Physicians and
Surgeons they certainly lacked the
snap which characterized their work
last ear. As if to still further de
crease the chances of winning, Muel
ler's parents have forbidden the big
guard to play after the Physicians and
Surgeons game. This will necessitate
the substitution of either Hutchinson
or Tigue, neither of whom is nearly
so heavy or experienced as what
should be used in the position. Aune's
injured foot is again troubling him
and he, too, may be compelled to stay
out of thegame. In case he is not
able to be in the game Minnesota will
lie considerably handicapped in the
;ame October i2.
Minnesota students have at last
awakened to the fact that the game
next Saturday Ib to be the crucial test
of the season and no efforts will be
spared to make the game a success,
not only with victory, but a success
as to Volume of noise produced, as
to the attendance at the game, the
size of the Bcore, and lastly as to cour
teous treatment of the visiting root
era and team.
The probable line-up will he:
Rogers, left end; Fee, left tackle;
Flynn, left guard; Paige or Strathern,
center; Hutchinson, right guard;
Waist or Thorpe, right tackle; Aune
or Carrlgan, right end; Doble, quar
ter; Allen, left half; Ia Fans, right
half; Knowlton, fullback.
Yesterday's practice was a disap
pointment. " Nebraska field whs slip
pery and soggy. The 'Varsity lacked
ginger, although they played at times
with startling formations. Coach
Booth only gave the 'Varsity a few
minutes against the scrubs, but no
score was made although Westover's
men were near the goal line when
called in. A good deal of punting was
done which showed that Nebraska
will be all right on the kicking ques
tion. Plllsbury bucked the line with
customary severity, always making
There will only be a few scrimmages
between 'Varsity and scrubs tonight.
Shedd was on the field, but not in
moleskin His arm is still bothering
him. It is doubtful whether he can
play in Satin day's game. His inabil
ity would cripple Nebraska consider
able as the idea is to play Shedd, Pills
bury and Kingsbury at backs, pound
ing the heavy Northerners to death.
Then put In bender, Roll and Crandall
and skirt the ends. Ringer's leg Is
much better and he may possibly get
into things by Saturday. Koehler
was back at center last evening play
ing his accustomed heady game.
Thnigs are bright for a Nebraska vie-
Athletic I Joan I (Jives out the Fol
lowing OHieial Information
to Those Attemlinjr -'
the ( Jiime
The ROCK ISLAND Route cut the
rate fiom $X to $f when no other load
would do It. To get this rate the ath
letic hoard contracted with the Rock
Island Route guaranteeing '200 tickets
at :. li.'.O at $1. :!2f at $3, etc. The
Noithwestein road has now made n
$;!..")() rate. The Rock Island has met
it promptly and will meet any other
cut from any road as long as It wants
the business.
It Is to the Rock Island Route that
the students owe the good rate now
in force. It is to be the Official Route
to Minneapolis. The team will go via
the Rock Island. So will the rooters,
the band and the fraternity parties.
The athletic board feels that the Uni
versity students and faculty owe It to
them to see that their guarantee to
the ROCK ISLAND is made good. The
lower the rate goes the more people
must go with the Official train to do
Football Rally
This Morning 10 O'clock
Everyone Come Out
tory, so blrght In fact that everybody
should go to Minnesota.
OLIS. It was reported last night that the
Northwestern had cut their rate of
$3.50 made in the afternoon to $3 and
that it had been promptly met by the
Rock Island.
Yesterday morning Manager Cow
gill and Agent McGinnls of the North
western went to Omaha to confor with
the officials there regarding rates. At
noon the telephone message came that
the rate hall been cut to $4. This was
met by the Rock Island and Another
cut was made to $3.50. Late In the
afternoon the Northwestern cut to
$3 and the Rock Island promptly fol
lowed suit.
It is impossible to foretell what to
day may bring forth, but it looks as
though a still further reduction would
be made before the light ends.
The old Phi Kappa Psl 'house at
1630 G St., now occupied by the Betas,
has been fixed up materially on the
inside. The two front rooms now have
hard wood floors, the smoking room
refitted, all of the rooms repapered
and the porches rebuilt.
Everybody wanting reserved seats
for the Minnesota game should secure
them at the University library or the
Rock Island city ticket office before
Thursday noon. All reserved seat
tickets must be returned to Minneap
olis on Thursday as they report a big
demand for them which will far ex
ceed supply. If you do not get seats
before leaving you will probably be
unable to get reserved seats after
reaching Minneapolis but must take
"bleacher" seats.
Professors Conway, Macmillan and
E, E. Nicholson of the Minnesota fac
ulty will entertain viBiting members
of the Nebraska faculty at luncheon
at the Commercial club in Minneap
olis on Saturday at 12:30 p. m. All
members of the Nebraska faculty who
expect to avail themselves of this
courtesy will please notify Mr. Wyer at
the library during Wednesday.
Mass meetings will be held in chapel
on Wednesday and Thursday morn
ings. Announcements will be made of
the details of Minnesota game and
there will be talks on athletic topics.
Everybody should attend and give the
team a rousing send-off.
All girls wishing to attend the Min
nesota game please meet In the gym
nasium at 10 h. in. Thursday to ar
range to go In a body.
Chancellor Andrews delivered the
second of his addresses to students at
chapel yesterday morning. HIb topic
was. "Some non-Intellectual ends of
education." He spoke of those things
the student should give his attention
to. not simply to fill his mind with
The Chancellor first spoke of bodily
health as one of the ends of education.
Strength of body, he said. Is very im
portant to the student. Nenrly every
one In the University could become
physically strong. He urged students'
to take every possible means of be
coming physically strong and length
ening life.
A second end of education should be
the development of the esthetic side of
the Intellect. This Is frequently neg
lected. Many persons go through the
world without any Idea of the beauty
It contains. The Chancellor declared
that no person Is educated If this
side of his nature Is neglected.
The third point dwelt on and one
which Dr. Andrews Bald was fre
quently neglected, was the regard one
should pay to his personal appear
ance. This effects a young person In
respect to his associates, his influ
ence and personal comfort. True edu
cation will direct one's attention to
this point.
Morality, the Chancellor said, should
be one of the chief ends of education.
This Is very important, but Is fre
quently neglected. One who does not
develop his character does not secure
the full privileges of his opportuni
ties. One of the most Important of the
more ratellectual ends of education was
declared to be the development of the
will, and the power to do a great many
different things. He spoke of the im
portance of learning to do little things
about the house that one usually has
done for him.
The power of initiative which so
few posBeBB was also spoken of as of
great Importance. This Is what
makes civilization advance. Also the
power of maintaining one's equili
brium under all circumstances. One
should learn nt to be distressed by
death, accident or other untoward cir
cumstances. This should receive
some attentipn from the student.
Tn closing the Chancellor spoke of
what he called the power of long
winded endeavor, the ability to do well
for a long time. Often In strenuous
life one is called on to do double
work. Students should prepare them
selves for this while in college. It
cannot be done without thought and
discipline and qareful cultivation.
Hlpta ralnnle ga hownle ga soc.
Boom da la Nebraska.
This yell was submitiod by one of Ne
braska's co-ed rooters who says it
has been found to work, well In small
summer-vacation parties oB Nebraska
students. With strong accent on first,
third, sixth and last syllables It goes
wit ha first-rate swing and vigor.
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