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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1901)
" .... '' --" y- s r TpS'Z '. .,' ' " " . . i "$ l . y i THE DAILY NKHRASKAN. 1 ( LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tumble Weeds. i mm TTi TTrrm n Handkerchief sale at The Famous. The Go-Op. vt, Alpha Tau Omega has pledged John Pussier. Two hundred and nitiely have reg istered for drill. Mr. C V. Engle was an Ouiaha vis itor last Saturday. STUDENTS. Buy your kid gloves and corsets at The Famous, 1029 O. Ed. Youiir. Npwh. PENNANTS Colors at The Co-Op-. -I'mnants at The Co-Op. MEGAPHONES V Megaphones at The Co-Op. - Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. ltth. rootlmll buttons at The Co-Op. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. , Mnnson's restanrant, 11 IS O 8t. Steele, the furrier, 143 So. 12th. The Hygienic Cafe, 31C So. 12th st. The I'niv. Hook Store, .140 No. 11th. Mass" Studio. 102U O st. None better. Dr. Woodward, occulist, Richards block. Don Cameron's lunch counter, 114 So. 11th st. Square meals at Francis" hVos, 121 No. 11th st. Megaphones and pennants at the I'niv. Hook Store. E. C. Flnlay. class '01. has opened a butcher shop at Greenwood, Neb. H. &. T. have got some "kids" that you would appreciate. $1 per pair. The senior football team will or ganize this morning at chapel time. The University Nook Store, .140 No. 11th st. The Scarlet and Cream store. Austin Collett. '!)!. was a visitor at the Phi Kappa Psi house over Sunday. The kind that all the swell dressers wear. Those new neckties at Fwlng's. Miss Grace' Bridge, "!ir, :ind Miss Edith Abbott. "01. ,rc tea -h'ng in the Lincoln high school. Miss Wilson has been chosen secre tary of the Delian society in the place of Chas. Hoge, resigned. Chas. Hummel visited the University Saturday. Geo. Constancer's new live-chair bar ber shop ai 1010 O st. Huy a Hastings and Heauh General Physics for reference. Students' groups a specialty at llass' Studio, 102G O st. See Westerfield for the latest Uni. hair cut. 117 No. 13th st. Do you use coal, qiwood? We keep the best coals for 'the least money. Union Fuel Co., 1014 O st. 'C' Charles H. Gregory (U. of N. '91) sells coal at 1044 O st. See him. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, 11 and P Streets. All University books and supplies at tha Scarlet and Cream Btore. Waterman's Fountain Pens, the best. At the University "Book StOi'C. ' First class pionas at honest prices at the Matthews Piano Co, 1120 O st. Try Sanderson's. They have the best shoes on earth for the money. The Pioneer-Barber-Shop at HMto. fc-Uth st., where you can get first-class ( Vrk. Every style, every size, then you pantj yourself in Swing's Crown trtfUBers. All sizes and widths qf University cvmnnsium shoes. 60c to $1.50. San- jjlerson's. Underwear so delicate In texture, not that Irritable kind, at Ewlng's, 50c to $2.50 per garment. Your Hhlrts and collars will be done up by hand at Yule Bros.' Laundry. No acids used. Tel. 754. 1417 O st Look around and you'll Bee that Ewlng's gives the biggest values In clothing. Only up to date novelties. Students' reception at Grace M. E. church, 27th and It sts , Friday even ing, Oct. 1. Everybody welcome. M. II. Finlay. catcher of the '01 base ball team, is in California for his health. He will not be in school this year. Willis H. Warner. '01. has a positfon in the chemical laboratory of the Re public Iron and Steel company of Youngstown. O. Jeremiah Rebman, '98, has just re turned from the Big Horn mountains, where he has been collecting botanical specimens for the forestry department. Your shirts and cuffs will not fade so If you'll let Yule Bros.' Hand Laun dry do them. No acids used. Tel. 754. 1517 O st. FOOTBALLLPINS COLORS UNIVERSITY B06K STORE 340 North Elcncnlh Street THE SCARLET AND CREAM STORE T LM k I M I FALL FESTIVITIES AT Kansas City, Mo. $5.75 ROUND TRIP. Tickets 011 sale October ." 1 1 1 to ltli inclusive, return limit October 1 Jtli, 1 W)l. GO AND SEE THE MERRY CROWD. Leave Lincoln .": 1 0 a. 111., arrive K:ii)m:in City I 1:40 a. m Leave Lincoln 1 :;." p. in., arrive City B:3. ). m. ; I I City Ticket Office, Corner 10th and O Streets. Telephone 235. Bnrlington Depot, 7th Street, Bet. P and Q. Telephone 25. AI Hoagland. '99. has Just returned from his work at Toluca, Mont. He bus been running track centers on the Toluca-Cody branch of the Burling ton. About a. dozen men are registered for athletics. "CapTaFnMcComb spealcs encouragingly of the efforts of some of the new men, but feels the need of more material. Mr. Green of the civil engineering department has Just returned from New Mexico, where he has been at work with 11 surveying party during the summer. John Ha8tie, '99, was In the city over Sunday. Ho waB on his way from Wyoming to New York city, where he will continue his medical studies in Columbia university. Harry McClenaghan is attending Princeton this year. He has a place on the second football team and hopes to make the first before the season ends. J. A. Barrett of the State Historical society is completing a map of Ne braska which will be used in the de partment of American history. This map will be the first one of its kind and will be valuable to all schools and colleges In the state. rfrOHHHOHW0OOO0fr'40frfr iBkkkkL To Make His Hark A Student should use Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens For Sale by all Dealers, or L. E. WATERMAN CO., '55 157 Broadway, NEW YORK. Largest Fountain Pen Manufacturers. ' In the World r. ...v Get Your r Canes riegaphones U of N Pennants For Minnesota flame at WILSON & HAIL'S Booksellers ami Stationers 1128 O Street. . . laost; Found and Want Ads At Special Kates i The Daily Nebraskan Subscribe for The Daily Nebraska! . K '. ,1 M m c 1 jj v v. ' P Tl f 1 I a ,-j u 1,-M V. ,1 4 11 C - 'i 1A u 4 vsi 0f fi . m i t . 1 .--.- 1. ? : m . '"J-ML"..! v.