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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1901)
" Ituftlu.. r ' wanwKidaw tmnm m j i'if mj i (' -,w'-',; 1 "' --V 1. -Cl 'INK DAILY NKHHASKAX. h i Tk. f i. -' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A ncw4)nior (lovotfd to tli IntnrcRtM of tlio I'lilvcrally of Nolirx xka. PubllHlinii nt i:U North lltli St., Iy I'lIK IIKSPKKIAN IT 15. CO. ( Incorporated t DIKKCTOHB- J W. C'rnbtrro, I'renldont. 0. L.Towno. Hocrolnry-TrooMiror. .). I. Wyor. T. .1. Howott. K. W. Wnidibiirii J A MlNNINd (Jl'.OROr. I KlIIDI.KR MnniiKiiiK Kdllor A'Ht Mnnngn Atlilotlr Kditor r ifKI'OHTKHS. H. P. Ptillnril. Clifton Cnrtor, NorrtH Huso K T Hill, J, II. Fnrno). ClifT Crook John A. WiUon Linn M HuntiiiKton flTbe Mihfccrtntlon nrlro of tlin Pnlly Nobr Knn l fU. for tlio colloffo year with n regular do lirory bnforo clinpnl oacli dny. Notico. com itinnlcntionn, nndotbnr ninttor intnndod for pub lication, must bo bnndnd In at tlio NebrnHknn itfllcn before 7 p. m., or mnllod to tlin editor bo foro 3 p. m., of tbo dny provloim to that day on which thov nro xiectol to npponr BubicrlptioiiR may bo left nt tlio Nohrntiknn olllco, nt tlio Co. Op., or with HuhIhohm Mnnnuor. SubHorllwrR will confor a fmor by riix)rtiiiff promptly nt till ofllro any fnilurn to rnci-ivo tho paper All rlinncoB in mhertitiiiK mnltor munt bn in tlio olllco li I p. in on tho dny proviou totlint on which thoy aro to appoar. ddroH nil comiiiunicatliiiiM to tlio Daily No bnixkun, I.M N. lltli HL. Lincoln, Nhtuku. Telephone 479. :$NMMiNWNMMrttiMrM1MtiMtW I Tlic I)hII Ncli iiiUiui Is lining mii t lo nil niiIinci llii'in on tlio old Neluiift-Unn-II oxporliiii 1h. TIiom hiiIiim'I IIi im lo tlm Nolii hkIiiiii-lloxpiTluu ulio tin not iIohIit tbo 1 1 1 1 will plonso notify tlio iiihiiiiki'i' bv i'nrl in noon iih poHHlblo. Whoro no noli II rut Inn In im'I uil II Ik nndi'i ntood tliMt tlio MihiM'i'lliet m Mir the pu pil' to continue. aAi,.i.v..,.r,,,.,,rv,n,,,rv,A,,r,,rv,.,; Members or the Dally NebinHknn stntT aro requested to call at the of lice l.'U No 11th st, between I and 2 o'clock each day for assignments. Klrksvllle beat Missouri Satin day by a scene of 22 to .". If 1 omparatlve scoioh amount to anything, it will be Interesting to speculate on what will happen when Nebraska and Mlssoutl meet. The Mil ions class organizations aie getting leady to organize class foot ball teams. The senlois meet this morning The sophomoios will get together tomoriow to see what can be done toward making up a team. Tbo junior class is also getting leady to" show what It can do on the gild Iron. This Is the Bort of class spirit that ought to be encouraged. Class games are sure to Induce an interest In the 'Varsity team. Eery young man in the University who is strong enough and heavy enough ought to Join one of the football teams. THE UNIVERSITY IN THE HIGH I SCHOOLS. The files in the ofllce of the re corder show that 1.102 graduates were reported by the 75 accredited schools which sent In reports of the senior classes last year. 219 graduates pre sented certificates for entrance to the Uiilveralty this ialL It Jn-lutereatingJ to note that over 160 of these are from the classes of 1901, and that 126 "of fered -28 or more preparatory credits Despite the fact that the plun to ac credit rural and vllluge schools to the School of Agriculture was not gener ally understood last yoar, and the inspector was not able to give hiB personal attention to the work, over thirty counties and a number of vil lage schools were accredited. Four teen accredited counties held eighth grade examinations and reported 410 pupils as entitled to the University certificate admitting them to the School of Agriculture without exam ination. These certificates are ac cepted also by the Schools of Mechanic Arts and Domestic Science. The coun ties reported, as follows: Cass. Til. Dixon, 5. Hodge. 21, Hall, 21. Harlan, 18, Keith, 10; Nuckolls, 21. Otoe, 48. Sarpy. 1; Saunders, 3.r. Sewanl. 2, Thayer, 17, Washington, 2(), York, 107. Not counting superintendents and principals, there aro more than one hundred graduates of the Unhorsity teaching In the acci edited high schools of the state. Some members of the class of 1901 are located as follows Edith Abbott, high school, Lincoln; Oiatu' Andrews, high school, Auburn, James E linker, assistant piinclpal, Meicur. Utah, .Josephine Hnlsley, high school. Spokane. Wash.. Josephine Hutlei. assistant principal high school. Superior. Rena J Chnppell, primary. St Paul. Margaret Davis, high school, Faiimont. Susan Dinsmore. high school. Madison; Susan Field, public schools. Lincoln; Nathaniel M. Gra ham, piinclpal high school. South Omaha. Walter C Green, principal of schools, Coznd, Callle Giegoiy, high school. Nelson. Margaret Hall, high school. West Point. Wlnford L. Hall, piinclpal high school, Hlair; Florence Hallow ell, high school. Reaver City; Dals N Hanson, scholar, University of Nebiaska, Stella Hartzell. high hIiooI, Plattsmoutli; Pearl Hensel, Rcholai University of Nebraska; Rosa lind Hess, high school, Valentino. Oimii L Hull, high school. Hastings, Walter J. Hunting. piinclpal of schools Ohlow.i, Aithur C. Leo, high school, Rentrice. Flotenee MeGahey. high school, Haitiugton, Catherine McLaughlin public schools, Lincoln, Blanche Mickey, public schools, Lin coln, Emma Neldhait. higlr school, LiiMats la , Nettie Smith. public schools, Heitrand, Alva II. Staley. supei inteudent of schools, Fiiend, Samuel II Thompson Principal high school. St. Paul. Louise Van Damp, high school, vontial City. Elmer G. Woodruff. Worthlngton Military Acad emv. Keniney MICHIGAN'S METHOD OF RAISING ATHLETIC FUNDS One ol ile lon."-standlng fealuies of the opening dus of college has died a natuial death. The annual athletic mass meeting in the Waterman gym nasium will be dispensed with this yeai, at the request of President An ;oll Tho cause of this move on the president's pait is a fear that in the rush between the freshmen and bopho more classes, which invariably follows the gym. meeting, that someone will be seriously hurt on account of the debris and building material lying al)out the site of the new medical Tmlldlng. It was at first intended to hold an open air assembly on RegentB' field. This plan, however, lias been tabooed, and, instead the usual sub scilptious toward the maintenance of ulhletlcs will be tuken by individual solicitors who will circulate subscrip tion sheets among the student body. -tlmo-Umit-Xor-Uia payment oL thcae subscriptions will be placed, nd as fast as the money Is paid In, the don or's name will be published In the Dally News, the Chicago and Detroit papers, and be posted In a conspicuous place near the campus. It is now up to the fraternities, who give an nuully a large dhare of the subscrip tion, to see that the absence of the cus-( tomary publicity when the various representatives pledge their annual subscription in open meeting, does not cause their generosity to lag. It Is expected the Individual sub scriptions and those given by busi ness firms about the city will be equal to those of last year, If not greater. The soliciting committees will be an nounced later in the pages of the Daily News. Michigan Dally News. Clothing Cleaned or Dyed At MANN'S, 1322 0 Street dr:. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN P.yen Examined Free. Prices Reasonable. i2380StreetSN' Students If you want the Best, place your Orders for Dance and Society Pro grams with The New Century PHO.NE365 1123 N Street Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATHS TO STUDENTS. Porlrait and Lansdcape Photographer 3Q Soutb ntli Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. OALLERY nSTAHLI5HbD 1871. Pure Wool Pants. (Medium or Henvy Woight.) Made to Your 00 ftfl Measure tPUiUU ELI AS BAKER PANTS CO., 118 S. 10th Street. lllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll T DR. T. O'CONNOR cutps CANCERS, SS TUMORS, WENS nml FISTULA ,r without the uku of knife, chloroform oor Ktner r FFICi: IDiOS; LINCOLN, NEH! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiriH Second-Hand Books Osborn's Old Book Store 131 North 12th St. Take Your Shoe Repairing to JOSEPH KOLBACH, 1325 O STREET A. WORK GUARANTEED 4 TV- iNg i STOP DAT A PUSItlN' UAR DUIIINIi I u in a moke from l.ooxeeann, An" rah tVla's i brick u ciowj' , Mill liuuey'j Maty Ann. An' ah Join care who knows. Ildlu'. -jv. yen ougnt lun see us r fAii iKuiin'. arT 1'lldln'. A upon our bikes a iClIn', Ychi, a ildtn', both a rklln I NVees' give den copsdeuck, Utien Ihuli win' U at our back ! () stopdat a pushin' dar behlne I tilUKUS TgiViiuutdttHiMlitttMM stop dat puthln' dar behlne I O stoidat puUiln' dai behlne t An' ef alnybod) knowi Happy nlKKuhs I Dceze are doie I U stop dat a pushln' dar behlne I y w i ne aiwie. ana many other Nw SONGS, all the col fT'Ck'c a lorlles. and popular OLD rAMlLIAH TUNIS In i CtwUkt. Price, tjo, foittaid. m 1 "INDS NfJSEEjPSlTiS; RTw Ywk City. iuiuuiuuhi oi an Miuiisneri at onetorc fc5--fP- Tl j I ii J n r? I nnimnnrinnrinnrin PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY P3 t'JL'iil. -Ji. Ji. JL JL Ji. JL. JU JjI AWUii.J T R. HA(J(JARI), M. f). OnieQ 1100 ') . () Street, Rooms 212 2V 'ill Rich nrdrt Hlock, Telephone 7W). Rosidence, KH0 (i Stfoet, Telephone L981. - - OLIVRR .JOHNSON, D. D. S. Den lal Oflico, Cor. 11th nnd O Stroots, Over IFnrley'n )rup Store, Telophono L1I. Kvery now Student calls on James Hearn 237 So. nth street And has his measure taken for tho Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, Manufacture! by Zht TyendtrsoIuJImes Co. Kalamazoo, llllch. IntcrcoIIegeate Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 17 2-178 Ilrftiitltfny Yllmiiy, Mm Aorit Makers of the Caps.Gowns and Hoods To llu1 AimM'H'iiii Colleges ;uil rnivjM'Hilics. lllustnUod Munua, siiniplc prices, cte., on request, (rtiwiis for the pulpit siml hench. H HfcylH i Dn jt n mt I'ni s.nF x. The Luxury of a well Appointed iwrTK numc Is what the Union Pacific Provides its Patrons. Fast Time. ISest Equipment. Pullman and Ordinary Sleepeis. Free Reclining Chair CarH. BufTet Smoking and Library Cars. Dining Cars, Meals a la Carte. BEST OF EVERYTHING. E. R. SLOSSON, Agent. 7 o e & a SubHi-riptibiih to tlie Daily NehraHkan may ha left at either the CniveiHity Rook Stnrfr"r-rPhp-tarr:f)y: f e t Capital Novelty Works Bicycles NEW and SECOND HAND BICYCLE SUNDRIES, REPAIRING TEL L-JI95. 317 South 11th St. J. S. DeVore, 317 S. nth St. $) I r - ' I r- CO ' Vte s k.1 1 .-