& T11K DAILY NKHRASKAN. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Steele, the furrier, 143 So. 12th. A rt " ts v us. & The Co-Op. IM Youiir, rigars. Knt nt Hendry's, 129 N. 1 It.li. Fine furs, Steele, 113 So. 12th. Mtinsmi's lestaurnnt, 1 US O Ht. The HKienie Cafe, 31fi So. 12th Kt. The I'niv. Hook Stoic. 310 No. 11th. Dr. Woodward, ocoullst, Richards block. Don Cameron's lunch counter, 114 So. 11th st. Talk' with LudwiK aliout your ( lothep. 103t! O st. Ceo. Constanccr'8 new live-chair har l)(r shop at 1010 O St. The girls' hasket ball team has re commenced practice. (Jo to Matthews Piano Co. for sheet music and supplies. Kappa Slinga has pledged Harold lloth and Charles Weeks. Claude Davis of Lead City. S. I)., has been pledged to Delta I'psilon. Handkerchief sale at The Famous. STUDFNTS. Muy your kid gloveH and corsets at The Famous, 1029 (). Try Sanderson's. They have the best sho( s on earth foi the money. The 1'nivfrslty IVook Store, 310 No. 11th st. The Scarlet and Cream store. The kind that all the swell dresaeis wear Those new neckties at Fwing's. Hot any and zoology and combination dissecting sets at the I'niv Mook Store. W. S Hawley. "01 Vfc. is employed in 4 the car accountant's office of the Hnr lington in this city. Look around and you'll see that Kwlng's gives the biggest values in clothing Only up to date novelties. .1. I'. Hailey. slate secretary of V M. C. A., will speak next Sunday after noon at 1 o'clock at the men's meet ing in the old chapel Dean Reese will probably icturn to take up his duties in the law school for a week or two. He Is with ills wife who is dangerously ill at Manitou, Col. Chailes H. Gregory (IT. of N. '91) dls coal at 1041 O st. See him. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, 11 and F Streets. All I'niversity books and supplies at the Scarlet and Cream store. Waterman's Fountain Fens, the best. t the I'niversity Book Store. BOOTH football shoes can be pur- based only of Perkins & Sheldon. .1 R. S. Malony was initiated into Alpha Tau Omega Tuesday evening. The ri lends of .1. S. ICIlis., (tl. will be pleased to know that he has re covered from the attack of typhoid fever and is able to resume his studies. The Hi owning course, IOnglish lit erature, is conducted this ear by Miss Whiting, instead of by I)r Sherman. who has hitherto had charge of thto class The Zoology department has a new refrigerator for the use of the class in Lacterlology. This will make the study of the development of bacteria much more satisfactory. Buy a HASTINGS &. BEACH General Physics for Reference Heta Theta Fi gave an informal stag party at their new house last night. The Pioneer Harber Shop at 113 So. 11th st., vher you can get ilrst-class oi k. ICery style. eer si.e. then you pant oiuself in 1'Jwing's Crown trousers. All sizes and widths of University gmnasium shoes, GOc to $1.50. San derson's. Underwear so delicate in texture, not that initable kind, at Swing's, fUc to $2.."U per garment. If j on want the genuine SWEDISH gym. shoe, you can get them only at Pel kins & Sheldon's. The Delian society will give its in augural program Friday evening, Oct. I. in the old chapel. Fay P. Slnnnway of the class of '03, will not he jn the Uni. this year. He Is superintending his father's stock farm near Hastings. FOR STUDENTS Those new $3.00 ovals and $4.00 panels at Bass' Photo graphic Studio, 102(5 O st. The cadets vitlted the exposition at Omaha wearing uniforms made by Palne's Clothing Store. The manage ment sent to Lincoln and had the firm outfit the government guards. Judge Ferguson of the Omaha bar and son of the first chief justice of Ne braska territory and Mr. Slurgess, also of Omaha, will address the senior law class Tuesday afternoon. Miss Edna Wetzel and Lester Mudge were married Tuesday at the home of the bride's parents. Both are old-time students of the I'niversity Miss Wetel is a membei of Kappa Kappa Gamma and Mr Mudge of Phi Gamma Delta. The Junior law class held its first meeting yesterday morning. C. W. Potts was elected temporary chair man and Miss Mildred Anstine tempo ral y secretary. The meeting then ad journed to meet this morning at 930 in the law lecture room. WO0WH00O WOOOOOSHHH-0-fr InTliM I FALL FESTIVITIES AT Kansas City, Mo. $5.75 ROUND TRIP. Tickets on qale October . 1 1 1 to I'Jtli inclusive, return limit October I Itli, l!). GO AND SEE THE MERRY CROWD. Leave Lincoln ::)a. in., arrive Kansas City I 1:10 a. in J Leave Lincoln I :;i." . in., arrive KansaH City H::i. p. in. I i City Ticket Office, Corner 10th and O Streets. Telephone 235. . BnrHngton Depot, 7U1 Street, Bet. P nnd Q. Telephone 35. 5oOO$00X0M0K HX$XHO0OWH0OO 0OOQ4X To Make His Hark A Student should use Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens For Sale by all Dealers, or L. K. WATKIOIAN CO., .V) 1.77 Brondwny. NKW YORK. Largest Fountain Pen Manufacture r In the World Francis Bros' Capital Cafe, I J I North Kleventli Street. OYSTER SOUP 5c a Bowl TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS. in mkaIs oru SPKCIALTY Open All Night, pmonh fio5o. 1 .). OTiara. of the botanical de partment, who represented the I'nlver Hlty during the summer in the work on the western flora of the state is back in school this week. He will conduct some original investigations on "fruit and fruit-tree diseases" for the depart ment this year. - s PERSUING RIFLES ATTENTION. There will be a meeting of the Pershing Rifles in the Armory Thurs day, evening at 7:30. JAMES R. FARNEY, President.' NOTICE. The class in Genetic Psychology will meet hereafter at 5 iy m. on Friday. DR. THADDEUS L. BOLTON. Lost, Found and Want Ads At Special Kates in I The Daily Nebraskan AW ) not confine you to any particular make of pens. We Hell you a Watermai Parker, Wirt, Franklin or College Pen. No Second Hand Pens in Stock. . . WI LSON & HALL, Booksellers and Stationers, 1123 O STREET. K - Second-Hand Books Osborn's Old Book Store 131 North 12th St. J e &s t& Sul)HcrijtioiiH to the Daily Xcbrankan may l. left at : either tin rniversity Hook o more, or 1 lie v. o-tJp. T & s & Fountain Pens WI Advertise in The Daily Nebraskan, For big Returns . mjm&zb. wm -v. tm m mt ih nr J. The Luxury ol a well Appointed 7mjMm? Hnmo 0 o pictov "W,,IU Is what the Union Pacific Provides its Patrons. Fast Time. Best KquipmciiL Pullman and Ordinary Slccpere. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Buffet Smoking and Library Care. Dining CarH,"Mcal a la Carte. BEST OF EVERYTHING. E. 13, SLOSSON, Agent. i I a v I T l r- i i 1 1 i 4 '1 (j1- 1 -; i . a . .$ . n J- ' ' V tiU-m t.U.f: