M i K liw A. Urn ,j r && THE DAILY NKBRASKAN. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A newfier ilnvntrtl to Uio Ititornxlo of tho rnlvnmity of Nohfii xkn Publinlinil nt 1 II North lltli St . tiy TIFKllKSl'KHIAN ITU. CO. ( Incorpnriitntl J MHKCTOHB J. W Crnlitrrn, I'rnnidMit. O. L.Townn, Hf,rctnry-Tro.Hnror. .1. I. Wj.t, T .1. Unwntt. l'. W Wii.lihiirn Stbrlini) II M Caw J A. Mann i no (tl.linOR 1 HlllDI.KR MnnaiiiK Kditor Attit Mnmiffn - Athletic Klitor HKl'OHTKHH. It. ('. Pollnrd. Clifton Cnrtpr, N.irrU Hu-n K. T Hill. .1. H Fnrnry, CHIT Crooks John WiIhoii. Linn M HuntliiKtou ho mihsrription priro of tho Dnily Nehru knn i t2 for thn coIIcko year with n roulnr do Itvorv hoforo chiipcl ouch dnv. Notlrow, com miinicntionR, nnilothor miittor liitondod for pul. lirntlon. must bo hiindml In nt tho NohrnHLnn olllco hoforo 7 p. m .or mnllod to thn editor ho foro 3 p. m., of tho day provloun to that day on which thoy tiro i-xpoctod to npponr Siibicrlptlon may bo loft nt tho Nnbrnsknn olllco, tit tho Co.O., or with HiminoRH Mnnatfor SnbHi-ribors will confor a fnvor by roiMirtiiiR promptly at thm olllco any fniluro to rocelvo tho paper All I'lintiROR In ndiortiiinff mnttor mutt bo in llio oIUn by lp in on thn liny provioui to tint on which thy aro to appnar. XililroH all communications to tho Daily No lirii-knu. 114 N I lth St., Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone 479. ;,vvvv;vv;vvvvv.v.v;iVi.i'Vi'iiVV-,-.v-.v-rV'rV The Dully Nt'ln iiiktin N lielnsr, Mint 5; to nil tmlincrllM-rd on tli old Nebrim- 3 kiiii-ltcnpi'i-lnn 1 Int. TIiom Kiilmcilb- 5 I'm to tho NobiiiHluni-IlcBpt-rlan " who do not ditlro the Dully illl 5- plcilM notify Mm iiininKr by rnrtl f tin noon iih ponolhle. Wliurc no not I- Jfc Mention n rocoUt'd It U nndi't-ntnod J; that the miIimtIIioi- h Hhn tho pit- 5; per to conl liilli'. 3 The effect of a little judleioiiH root i uk on a team was noticeable In yes toiday'H game with the Medics Al though nothing hut a piactice game, tlu encouragement offered ly the ciowd at one or two points caused the team to "brace up" vvonilei fullj . A lit tle more of the same thing is all that is needed. The rapid progress of the band dur ing the last few days is of hopeful portent. Nebraska oirht to be able to take a purely Univeisity band with her on the Minnesota- trip. It looks now as though she would he able to do this. Some provision ought to be made for paying the expense of the players A popular subscription among the students ought to be taken If no other provision can be made It has been said that the game without the baud would be like a battle without guns. Nehiaska must make a good show ing. In a leci-iit letter, () 1' Mi Klinei-l, a former Lincoln boy who Is at piesi-nt nianagei of the Minnesota Daily, says "Allow me to congratulate the nian agei s and dliectors of the Dally Ne7 biaskan upon the Hist appearance of a daily newspaper in the rniversity of Ni braska. It was my good fortune at a foi mer time to live in Lincoln and to know much of Nebraska I'nivei T?ny Trim T r.imo very warmly to nrt miie the piogressive spii It character istic of the faculty and students of that really gieat institution. The fact ot the establishment of a daily papei is pioof h,it the same spirit still exists We most heaitlly welcome the N biaskan to our exchange tabic and shall be pleased to welcome the entile I'niveisity ot Nebraska, faculty, alumni and students, to Minneapolis on Octo ber 12." The attendance at the looting l ally last night is encouraging, but it might easily be improved on. If Nebraska is to win a week from Saturday the side lines must do their share. Min nesota will huve thousands of parti sans on the bleachers all ready and willing to cheer their team on to vic tory. Nebraska must counteract the effect this will have on the outcome of the game. In this one point Ne hinnkn may win or loose the game. Students should realize that this Is an impoitant matter Nebiaska's position In western athletics will depend on her showing at Minneapolis Her showing theie will depend to a reat extent on the work done by her rooters. This fact ought to be Indelibly impressed on the mind of evei y student. If you have any college spirit, if vim have any interest In the outcome of the game. If the position your I'ni veiHlty Is to occupy among the univer sities of the west, get out. this after noon and do what jtm honestly owe your alma mater to do, help win the Minnesota game. COACH YOST'S RECORD. Michigan Is evidently pleased with the work done by Coach Yost. Mr Yost's year at the I'niveisity was one of the most successful years of Ne hiaska football The Michigan Dally News speaks as follows of Mi Yost's i ecoi d 'It is a significant fact that the teams coached by Mr Yost have scored In all l,12hl points upon opposing teams, and have had Hit points scored against them, and that of the last thii ty-four games played, teams under his coach ing have lost but one. Thin must not lead Michigan to expect too much of him The element of material upon which to woi k must be considered The element of the lighting qualities of the men is also important. If the men who aie out for the team combine weight and willingness there Is every reason to expect that Mr. Yost's lecoid will not suffei dining the Miihigan football season " HARVARD CANE Rl'SU The cane l ush between the freshmen and sophomore classes took place the othei day at Haivard. The following giaphic descilption was sent to one of the Chicago papers- "Bloody noses, swollen eyes, and white faces were all seen at Haivatd tonight. "It was "bloody Monday,' and the 1,000 or more students who took pait In it were caieful to make it one of the bloodiest that have oceuried in the histoiy of Haivard For two hours under the elms of llollls and Stough ton the waving, seething, boiling mass of men btaggeied to :uid lio, lighting it out along the lines theii fathers fought, and beaiing blow and shock without a whimper or a groan ' White faces weie seen in the fi out Links, wheie the two foiccn came to gethei like two solid walls of i ot k Aims and legs and feet weie all tan gled in a confused mass at the bottom while- ci ies of anger, cries foi help and cues for the two classes helped to add to the wildness of the scene "The sophomores were fewer in number than the freshmen, but they used their heads to better advantage " THN COMMANDMENTS FOR FRESHMEN. SophoiuoieH at Columbia University posted the following ten command ments for the incoming freshman class- 1 No pipes. 2. No canes. ;i. No girls. 1 No golf trouseis. i. " No piep-school Insignia. f Keep off. the grass. 7 Keep off the library steps. X. (leneral respects to sophomores. J. Loud-mouthed freshmen not tol erated. 10. No nurses allowed on the cam pus. No freshmen were on hand to resent the Insults, but trouble is expected luter. Wisconsin Cardinal. Clothing Cleaned or Dyed At MANN'S, 1322 0 Street DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN I!ye Cxamlned Free. IVIcen Reasonable. 1238 O Street S Students If you want the Best, place your Orders for Dance and Society Pro grams with The New Century PHONE 365 1123 N Street Legislative Gallery. BEST OP RATES TO STUDENTS. Portrait and Lansdcape Photographer 120 5outli nth Street. LINCOLN, . . NEBRASKA. GALLRRY LSTABLISHIII) 1K71. Capital Novelty Works NKW and SECOND HAND Bicycles B1CYCLK SUNDRIES, RHPAIUINtJ OF ALL KINDS. TEL L-jio.-i. 317 South 11th Sit. J. S. DeVore, 317 S. nth St. Pure Wool Pants. (Medium or Heavy Weight. Made to Your .Q nfl Measure OOiUU ELI AS BAKER PANTS CO., 118 5. 10th Street. g 1R T. O'CONNOHcnr.-sCVNCEHS, j Tl'MOHH. WKNS n.l FISTULV E J3; without thu mo of knifo, chloroform SZS nn or Ethor : OKFICK I Km O St., LINCOLN, NKIJ llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Subscribe for The Daily Nebraskan 1 :d STol- DA.r A PUS1I1N DAK III MINI " " 1 niuke Ircim 1 ipnrcaiiii. An iii-ih iUIn s as bu.k ai nov.1 . Man honey Maiy Ann, ( An' ah Juan care vh kmi y yeh iimjht lull ice uskII.1i.i-. An a tjll.lln . an a lHI.IIii , As uiHin our l.llcs a lidln eh. a rldin . hoih a il.lln I ,.Ae' t.'ivi: llcl' "I'i 'le i' k. "hen ihuh ln , at our la. k " l''plu a pushln dai Uhim CIIUHL'H -To lk, ,u, a tl mA ,, A ,,,1,, Jluiilat I'u-vhlii lai Ulililr O lop ,at piikhhi dai Ixrhlnc ' An' cf .iIii)IkxI) Lmmi llapjiy nlk.,ulis I I)ccr are ih.r II Stl.fl ilt . ...ivlii.. .1.. t.-l.l . Mk ai- I I f - - .M. ...I. U.I IIIIIIC i J 1 1 he jilMt ami many other NKW soni.s, all the wl " " "" Hulf (If-lirAMILIAK rilNKSIn 80NG8 OP ALL THR rni.i.RORS cwh,k Price $fj0i stpaiJ 1M. HINDS 4 NOBTt. Publishers. Mew YoTkiij. ffi 1-1 ii i I -.-. m an iuuiiiicu ai one More xr J 1 1 J I nn.trinrnnririnnnnin UjUI'UL. Jl. JL JL.iL .XJLJU'JLJWJLJ r i r i j DDnccpoinuAi niDCPTfinv lj n iiui LooiuiiML uiiiluiuiii n L JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL J T H. HAddAKD, M. I). Omco 1KX) f) . O Street, Rooms 212 21. 21 1 Rich anii Block, Telephone IVl"). Residence, l.'liqX! .Street, Telephone LH81. 'Ji OLIVER .JOHNSON. D. I). S. Den tal Ofliee, Cor 11th mid O Streets, Over Hnrlev's Drug Store, Telephone Lllll. James Hearn 237 So. nth street And hns- his measure taken for the Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, Mamifac1urd by Zh f)ndrsonJlmes Co. Kalamazoo, Ftllcl). Jntcrcollegeate Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 42-178 IIrnlw:iv Alliin, Noh lurk Makers of the Caps,0owns and Hoods Tu llie Ainericiui Colleges :unl I'liiveiHities. Illustrated Manual, sample ric('H, etc., on request, (low 11s ltii- tin' pulpit aiwl bench. The Daily Nebraskan Wants Solicitors. g HELP5 YOUNG PEOPLE WHO DESIRE TO JCCEE EXPiPlBKEOlEAQIEflS- HNE QUIPHENT5 KPEN5E5REA50NABIE ALLAMNTA&EiOfACAPIRCITY VRITE FOROIAUXiUE ANDOUVtNlR-fRU UNC0LNU5INEb& CQLbSe UNCDLN.iOi A&liNi:BRAblvA m 1 r 0 t" K V s r"-,,. kv,..., .,-. I Vt . w