, ; . p , o i M .? The Daily Nebraskan VOL. I. NO. in. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, OCTOBER :i, 1901 THREE CENTS A ( y -4 41 rV-a MEDICS EASY VICTIMS, Iim-nlii Doctors Kaaily I ofi'iit'! in a Thirty Minute Contest IMllsbury Again in (he (ijimc. Then1 was a game yesterday aftcr noon on Nebraska field. Thr Lincoln Medics with their grips and scalpels trotted onto the gridiron about 4 o'clock. Thirty minutes later they disappeared through the gate, beaten by a score of 18 to 0. Nebraska had scored three times. Stringer kicking as many goals. Quito a smattering of stu dents decorated the south and west bleachers. Cheering was rife and the Varsitj yell was actually given sev eral times. The Medics' put up a keen article of football and deserve mention. Their line was heavy and speedy. At one time they punched through the 'Varsity for gain agter gain over thirty-five yaids. Then the 'Varsity braced and got the ball. A touch-down followed a moment later The Doctors were ut terly unable to defend their goal The way Nebiaska Interference linked aiound the ends was wonderful. The Medics on the other hand could not gain a .ml on end plays Shedd or Coitelyou stopped end plays befoie they fonned Another noticeable thing was the a Nebraska's ends got down the field on punts They downed the catcher as soon as the ball was in his hands C.eoige Shedd litnbeied out .it full tonight and the students were joy ful. He is In old foi in and plays both Indhldual and mass football In bucking the line Nebraska hasjiever had bis superior. In interfei ence he is alwas there Pillsbuiy Is out. too. Minnesota will hae to face her hoo doo, "i ill" donned the moleskins yr,terda He plays as fine as ever, lle punts long and hard "Pill" neer was much on the kick before and his punting abilities came as a joyful sui pri.se to the. rooters. Considerable time was devoted to "Baby" Hickle of Ashland. He is be ing worked up for u sub center. He weighs consldeiable over the two hun dred notch and is light on his feet for his avordupois. Tobin was given a trial on the 'Varsity at guard. He put up a steady, heady play. Kingsbury played full in his usual good form, al ternating vlth Shedd. Ryan was not out In uniform owing to his shoulder. Bell did not apoar on the Held. Nebraska Is becoming more confi dent of a star team as every day goes by. If Coach Williams' husky north erners win from Coach Booth's boys It will be because they play phenome nal ball twice better than the season past. Here are some of the men who will go to Minnesota weurlng the Hcarlet and cream: Koehler, Captain West over. Shedd, George Shedd, Drain, Ryan, Stringer, Ringer, Brew, Cortel you, Crandall, Eager, Bender, Mulli gan, Kingsbury, Pillshury, Maloney, Bell, Johnson and Hickle. Doane College plays against the 'Varsity Suturday. There will be a rooters' section, reserved. Every man should get some kind of a megaphone ami prepare for events. Tonight on Nebiaska field the rooting club roots again. Come out and be somebody. Help the t'niversity beat Minnesota. Line-up of yesterday's game Nebraska MedlcR. Shedd L. K Campbell West over I. T . . Unlng Brew . . .1,. (1. . .. McCreedy Koehlei . . .(' . Spealnian Maloney. Tobin R. 0 ... Smith Kingsbury. Stringer R. T Stiff Cortelyou . R. 10. . .. Ilenton Drain Q Latta Bender, Mulligan R. H. Carr Crandall L H Cressman (1 Shedd. Kingsbury V ... Stewart Y. M. G. A, BUDGET. Kxpi'UHOH for the Year Kniimcralnl How the Money Will he Spent New Series of Kntertainnientrf. SOPHOMORE ELECTION. The Sophomore class met yesterday morning at 10 o'clock in the old chapel and elected ofllcers for the first semes ter The following is the ticket elected R. A. McNown. piesident. I. C Bald win, vice president; Miss Jeter, secre tary, Miss Edholm. treasurer, and Charles R. Weeks, sergeant-at-arms The largest number of sophomores The cabinet mem be: s of the Y M C. A and three of the boa id of dliectors. Dr. H. B Ward. Dr. A. Ross Hill and I)r B. L Paine, gathered at the city Y. M. C A building last eening and lunched together, previous to taking up important matters In regard to the finances and annual budget of the as sociation. The social feature of the luncheon was planned In honor of Mr Hubble, the new association secre tary The budget for this year as finally made up is as follows Salary of general secretary. . .$300 00 Improvement of rooms 7f 00 Telephone rental 3G 00 COMMANDANT EAOER TO WED. Commandant F. D. Eager leaves to day for Western. Neb., where he will he married Friday morning to Miss Bertha Donzella Sawyer. After the ceiemony the bridal pair will leave for an extended trip thidugh the south and oarit They will go first to New Orleans and from there will take a boat to Cuba. After visiting points of interest on the Island they will sail for New York and return homeby way of BufTalo and Washington. The entire trip will occupy about a month. The bride Is a young lady of rare accomplishments and popularity. She Is a graduate of Doane College. During Commandant Eagcr's ab sence the cadet battalion will be In charge of Captain Wilson of Lincoln. i Printing ')0 00 Salary of janitor 22 00 International committee 4f 00 State committee 20 00 ! Foreign missions 00 Football RaUy This Afternoon at 4:30 ON T1IK - UNIVERSITY CAMPUS. Come and Bring a Tlegaphone. that has yet been assembled, turned out to the meeting yesteiday. The. west section of seats was filled with gills and the large hall presented something of its old time appearance. The piincipal featuie of the business was the election of a president Mr. McNown and Mr. Weeks were the can didates The meeting was called to order by Vice President Weeks, but President Chambers arrived later and took the chair. A motion for an informal ballot on president was voted down. Then Mr. Buckner nominated McNown and L. M. Huntington placed before the class the name ot C. R. Weeks. The ballot resulted, McNown, 120; Weeks, 17. I. C. Baldwin was the only candi date for vice president, and wub elected unanimously. Miss Elizabeth Jeter was elected unanimously for secretary. Several candidates were put up for class treas urer. Miss Edholm was elected. For sergeant-at-arms, C. R. Weeks was elected unanimously, he being the re tiring vice president. The new president has not yet an nounced any appointments. The Sophomore hop committee will be the first, and Is quite important, as this is one of the most popular dancing par ties of the year. So iul woik 40 00 Office and incidental expenses 25 00 City missions Kl 00 Toi onto conference 15 00 Outstanding obligations 150 00 Total $81G 00 It might be stated that there is on hand In cash and pledges a sum amounting to about one hundred and twenty dollars which will partly de fray the Bmall obligations of the asso ciation. The members of the cabinet are very enthusiastic Id regard to the prospect for this year's work and great expec tations are Repressed for the near fu ture. Mr. Hubble lends considerable force and energy to the work and his strength in association work is now being shown. There will be a speclul effort made this year for the general Improvement of the rooms and It is hoped to make them the most popular and pleasant gathering places on the campus. Rumors are afloat in regard to some unique social feature being planned to occur some time about the holi days thut will be a credit to the University. THE LAW SCHOOL. Registration In the law school num bers about the same this year afl It did this time last year. If anything, there is a slight increase in the enrollment. Last night theie were 119 on the roll. Owing to the Increase In the require ments for entrance to advanced stand ing, the number entering the senior class Is somewhat reduced this year. Those who have studied in law ofllces aie required to present certificates fiom the firm under whom they studied showing what work was done In the office and in addition take the Junior examinations. This has had the effect of leduclug the number of applicants for advanced standing from twenty to tluee. One of the three who took the ex-iflnination failed to qualify and was not allowed to enter as a senior. Another effect of this rule hu been to even up the two classes. Last year the aenloi ( lasd was almost one-third laier than the Junior class. This goes to show that a large number do not take the Junior work In college, but entei the laBt year In order to be ad mitted to tho bar by means of their certificate. This year the two classes aie about evenly divided. This the au thorities say is as ft should be and shows a more healthful state of af fairs than existed formerly. The college has taken a very decided stand this year against correspondent aad night schools. Neither of these cfasses are recognized although a large number of certificates from them are presented every year. Under normal conditions it is thought that registration would be much larger this year than ever before. TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS FROM MINNESOTA. The Dally Nebraskan has arranged for special telegraphic reports from the big game at Minneapolis a week from Saturday, Bulletins will bo sent direct from the, gridiron every few minutes during the play. They will be announced from some convenient place on the campus and posted on a bulletin board. DAILY NEBRASKAN STAFF. All members of the Dally Nebraskan staff are requested to call at the office, 134 No. 11th st.. between 1 and 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. Those who desire to join the Btaff are also asked to call. Frank Mansfield of Omaha visited the University this Aveek. 1 mr :h u. . 4 i ' - i i r . y ' 'J rl A e 1 'm 'til '"AI l TPl Wf I ttti m f ; a .'. , . ''" '. - t. . 'Wjii w!'ii?5i,-ti.(:ijfcJ5S:ilj, 1 -4 . -53 A, i- , r i . -iv.? limimmmm i wmp n mi ii BiiftJC M